East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 11, 1903, Image 1

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    ..i tiirinii
t vntir rBiUloncc
Eastern Oregon Weather
Tniilalit and Wednesday 'air
Hi MlnV by carrier tt
'--'xziKssiV3as3 :Hra:mEKZs2aBK
jeral Situation Greatly
Jcatcd by Murder of
ItnliU Are Being Reinforced
tl,e Northern Provinces Con-
Lie Is in a Turmoil, With
;ls Cf Arresis, anu an iruoi-
System of Espionage In
nlliionlc, Alls. It. Tho uiur-
the Ilusslnn conHiil, Rostko-
us caused intcnso excitement
id j the solo topic of convor-
I the streets, cafes and public
The general belief Is that tlio
l bound to consiacramy ag-
die already Morions situation
lonla, and It Is folt that It will
idly encourage uio iiiugnrians
trt the Insurrectionary move-
hlch la Spreading rapidly, not
the southward of Monastlr.
ding to mall ndvlces from Mori-
ted August o. tno insurgents,
ecenlly occupied tho little
H Krushevo, 23 miles north of
r numbered U00. They Killed
crs In the garrison, dynamited
ned the government hcauquar
J hoisted on a hill a red Hag.
one sldo a Hon with the
Sou, "Death or Llborty," and
ither side thu words, "Courage
ktbels were still In possession
Iwn wlien the lottors t wore
ally the whole country north
air ta In revolt. The Turkish
reports state that fresh bands
I'nMnnarv forces In conshlorn-
fbers have crossed tho frontier
ilgarla during tho last few
leading Bulgarian officials,
, deny tills, and declare that
ttest watch Is holug kept along
Armies In the Field,
pica, Aug. 11. Furthor lighting
near Sorovltch yesterday,
prklsh troops coming into col-
; the village of Kailar with a
Insurgent band. Twenty-four
h battailous have been ordorod
wed to the revolutionary ins-
Macedonia from Anatolia,
isha passed through Sulonica
;th two battalions on his way
Insurgent Reinforcements.
K Aug. 11. A dispatch to the
fress from Constantinople says
licedonlan revolutionary com-
1 m Sofia last night dispatched
( to reinforce tho Insurgents
Mstlr, and 3,500 more will fol-
I Inn Turkish population at
p, Vilayet of Monuistlr Is ro-
to bo attacking insurgents.
Affairs at Constantinople.
Aug. 11. A dlsiiatch from
psunopio to the Tagoblatt says
iKveral hundred olllcors, state
N and prominent citizens have
pested, having been denounced
!nai enemies as revolutionists.
nago Is now Intolerable,
"'Werlng Establishment of a
prmanent Defense Fund.
'Nngton, Aug. 11. Tho printers
are considering a permanent
fent of G per ceut for a do
M4. Such an assessment has
ln foico since tho commence-
tho light against tho Los An
ilines, u amounts to $2,600 a
avorably upon tho plnn.
Bailed the flyer.
WW and Ditched Fast Train,
Wins Thr. D-r ..
k .. , - ru.abnji.il,
IdmnH0" AK- 11. Spreading
I if,. 1110 nyor on tho aus
' Zf' & Tt""8 railway, 17
I'tj-on nor ftt """"'K"1'
f,(3 Passengers wore Injured,
Mayor HarrltorTMe. crusade on
Unlicensed Saloons
tcntlon Is that clubs having bars
should pay a license. Included In ti e
lot nro the Hamilton Co.mlv Demo,
cratlc Club, the Union LoaSuoTnd
Cnlcngo Athletic Club, Steam Engln
eors Club, Columbia Yacht Club Mar
Club "lln0'S Swt',llsh dee
Mayor Harrison has ordered the po
lice to arrest tho officers of the clubs
named and If resistance Is shown to
hnul them l0 the police stations in
patrol wagons.
lalii . v lale oi iviaua,
On the
e 'thtUB- H. Two heavy earth-
ige - "urning did consldoranio
Least Favorable Reports Come From
Washington, Aug. 11. Tho weekly
crop bulletin says tho harvesting or
spring wheat Is now general through,
out the Middle West. In Southern
Minnesota the crop Is late and the
grain la seriously affected by rust and
chinch hugs.
Weather conditions on the Pacific
Coast are favorable, especially for
harvesting In Oregon nnd Washing
ton, The corn and oats report lor
the Middle West is fuvorable.
Great Storm and Destruction
in the Islands of the Carib
bean Sea,
The Storm Swept the Volcano-Burned
Area of Last Year and Is Approach
ing the Coast of the United States
and Cuba Much Shipping Was Destroyed.
Ferryboat Run Down.
Norfolk, Aug. 11. The government
steamer Daisy, used as a ferryboat
between Norfolk nnd the navy yard,
was today run down and cut In two
by the fishing steamer Pocomoke. The
crew was rescued.
Railroad Companies and Citizens Are
Fighting Flames Town of Caliente
in Great Danger Special Train of
Fire Fighters Sent Out,
Ilakersfleld, Cat,, Aug. 11. A large
fire, which started two days ago, Is
sweeping over the mountains south of
Caliente, 30 miles south of Iiakers
fiold. Tho biazo has already swept
over thousands of acres of land, de
stroying tho grass on tho ranges and
large fields of grain ond forests.
Today tho flro destroyed a large
quantity of grain and crops on tho
ranch of W. H. Rankin, near Caliente,
nnd from there it has spread to tho
property of the Kern County Land
Companv, and tonight tho fields and
trees are blazing; the flames shooting
upward and forming a magnificent
spectacle, plainly seen from the rail
road and town of Caliente. A specinl
train left Kern City, carrying n large
force of men sent by the land company
to protect Its property and arrest the
progress of the all-devouring flames,
which have leaped across roads and
ditches nnd are now in the land com
pany's grain fields.
omo fear Is expressed for tne
safety of ranch houses In the moun
tains, and there Is a small hut im
portant station on the Southern Pa
cific & Santa Fo, where freight Is un
loaded for tho great Hunting ou-IIo l
man power plant at Kernvllle. The
railroad company has Its section crew
on watch there nnd Is preparing to
ward off tho blazo should it approach
the town or its property.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commls
sion ComPany-B. E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager.
Chicago, Aug. ll.-Consldering the
bearish onslaughts, the markets act
ell yet. numors of Impending fall
re" ad to the nervousness and ap
fchens on which have done so much
0 nsottlo confidence, but conserva
Wo obse vers believe that a change
or the better Is now not far off. Im
nartlnf critics look for a heavy attack
1 ti,l cranner stock on account of
reVortedreductlon of tho wheat and
ThoTaMes show an advance of one
pelny In Liverpool wheat since the
n vpc over Its usual tone by Tuesday.
Int This is an Increase of 1
III "nt, a? heretofore the annua.
u Ujendjias been Mt
Wheat ' s0
Sept 0i? su
Dec. B";8
Corn ,01- 50 ,fe
Minneapolis, Aug. 11.- gfl
Sept n
DeC' "" Chicago Wheat.
Chicago, Aug. H- "cnCd a'
80; closed at SO.
Washington, Aug. 11. Consul Jew
j ell, at Fort do lTance, Martinique,
I caiuos tho state department under
, yesterday's date, tho following:
I "A terrific cyclone visited the Island
'at midnight Saturday. Great dnmago
I was done to crops and fruits. Scores
! of houses In Fort de Franco weio de
molished, Trees two feet thick were
uprooted. One person was killed. Tho
I consulate Is Intact.
I Seven persons were killed nt Trilate
and many houses destroyed. The new
villages of Trlvoll, Taheye, Furnlols
and Reclus.ee were destroyed, ren
dering 5 000 victims of last year's ca
tastrophe again homeless. Reports
from the Interior of the Island are In
definite. There Is great discourage
ment." Hold Onto Your Hats.
Washington, Aug. 11. The weather
bureau this morning sent out the fol
lowing f
The hurricane that appeared in the
Rarbadocs August 8. Is approaching
Cuba from the Caribbean sea, and
will probably recurve northward over
Florida. Dangerous storms nro due
In 4S hours In the Gulf, South Atlan
i tic and Cuban waters.
I Damage to Shipping.
I Paris, Aug. 11. A cablegram from
I Fort de France says the cyclone, in
1 addition to damaging many villages
and destroying others, swept many
vessels ashore.
Hurricane Strikes Cuba.
Havana, Aug. 11. Tho hurricane
which has prevailed In tho West In
dies for tho last few days, struck San
tiago last night, causing considerable
damage. The storm is now moving
townul Havana. All wires Into the
eastern portion of Cuba are down.
'1 uc last message received from that
locality was at 11 this morning.
Coal Miners' Differences Being Con
sidered. Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 11. The
board of arbitration to adjust tho coal
miners' differences, began Its session
today, Justice Gray presiding. The
operators have a large array of legal
talent, including former Secretary of
tho Navy Tracy.
Brake Broke on the Way Into Thun
der Mountain.
Rolse Idaho, Aug. 11. U. S. Den
nett, a prominent broker of Wall
street, was killed In a runaway acci
dent at Sweet, on his way to Thun
der Mountain. Dr. Cramer had two
ribs broken. A brake broke while go
ing down hill.
Boy Tried to Dump Five Hundred Ex
cursionists. Salt Lake, Aug. 11. Walter Edgar,
aged IB yeais, this morning confess
ed to an attempt to wreck the bait
air beach excursion train Saturday.
Edgar was put off the train, and in
sevenge wedged holts In a frog, u
was discoveied a few minutes before
a train loaded with 500 excursionists
was due.
Ninety Persons Killed by Fire
and Asphyxiation and Scores
More Injured.
Caused By a Burning Passenger Car
Running Into a Tunnel Filled With
Inflammable Gas, Dust and Smoke
Ventilation of the Subway Was Im
perfect and Insufficient.
Paris. Aug. 11. Not until 7 this
morning wore men able to penetrate
the tunnels at Menllmontnnt. nenrest
station to the sceno of last night's
On the stairs were seven corpses of
persons who smothered while buying
tickets. Further on wns the body of
the agent near tho wicket door of the
ticket booth. The fumes at this point
were so denso tho firemen were un
able to penetrate farther. At Couron
ness station corpses were strewn at
every step.
Ninety Persons Dead.
At T this morning 45 bodies had
been removed to the surface nnd
within the next hour 37 more, making
a total of SO. The victims lino left
tho train, evidently trying to rench
the open ulr when asphyxiated. The
bodies were convulsed, ninny holding
handkerchiefs to their mouths. Facet,
were swollen nnd distorted and in
many caht'H the skin was ncclod off.
The victims were equally divided
between men. women nnd children.
Rome were handsomely dressed and
evidently prominent, but few Identi
fications hnve as yet been mnde.
Tho terrible mortality wns caused
by gas nnd smoke having no means
of egress except through stnlrways.
Warned Eighteen Months Ago.
Eighteen montliB ago the Paris fire
department warned the officials of
the Metropolitan railway to put In air
holes the entire distance of the tunnel
In order to allow the fumes to escnpo.
The order was Ignored.
As the forenoon advanced bodies
recovered from the tunnel entrance
were temporarily laid in a long line
awaiting liearses and ambulances An
Immeiit.o crowd surrounded tho
morgue. Thirteen bodies hnve been
Identified, but 20 were burned beyond
Tho exploration of the tunnel pro
gresses slowly and with extreme pre
caution, as a collapse of a portion of
the street Is feared. Hero and thoro
In tho tunnel large pools of blood re
veal a fearful struggle for life be
tween paulc'-strlcken fugitives. Tim
prominent artist, Sandillon, was found
uinong tho dead.
Started From a Burning Car.
Official inquiry Is proceeding, Tho
most vivid and consistent version Is
by Stntion Master Dldler. of tho Cour
ronnes section. He suld;
"Train 43, disabled before reaching
Uarbes. was emptied, tho passengers
walking to tin stntion, whero another
train was coupled oil to tho disabled
one to clear tho track. It ran by four
stations rapidly. At Couronnes, flames
were seen Issuing from tho floors and
Mdes of tho car. I motioned desper
ately, crying, 'Stop, you can't reach
the terminus.' Tho mechanics In
charge shouted, 'Leave us alone We
; can do it.'
I "The train swept Into the tunnel.
I Menllmontant was almost reached
1 whim n violent explosion was heard,
instantly eight cars were aflame,
leaving tho employes barely time to
Jump and run for their lives. Tho
flames, rising to tho top of the tun
nel, melted the electric wires, throw
Ing tho tunnel In darkness savo for
tho lurid glaro of the conflagration.
Trulu 48 arrived Just then filled
witli passengers and stopped 300
yards from tho fire. A panic followed,
Somo tried to run to Belleville sta
tion others Tor Couronnes. Some es
caped while others fell asphyxiated."
Scenes of Horror.
Another witness, a passenger nam
ed Oliver, said tho passengers fougiu
desperately, Jumped to tho track nnd
started to lleo. Woman and children
were trampled under foot nnd strick
en down.
lie says had the mob turned toward
llollevllle Instead ot Cuuronnos, ninny
move would have been saved. It was
ooryono for himself. Ho admitted
that he ran over prostrate persons,
and said if he had had 30 feet farther
to go ho could not have saved his
own life.
Coolness and Heroism.
One Instance of heroism and cool
ness was the station agent nt Hollo
vlllo, who tried to reassure the panic
stricken people and implored calm
ness. Thoy did not heed, but contin
ued screaming and lighting and Jump
ing over one another.
lie was ably assisted by n passen
ger named Iterno, who personally les
cued 10, the last one being the sta
tion master himself, who refused to
leave his post until ho fell nsphyxl- J
ated, after which time the stilling
,.,r.l-n.,l,..l 4 ft li.it ...w,t-ll,lt, '
Into the tunnel.
Swooned This Morning While
Holding Mess and Was He
moved From Room.
Principal Contest Is Between the
Schmltz and Antl-SchmlU Fac
tions. San Francisco, Aug, 11. Primary
elections nro being held In tho city
and county today, tho principal con
test being between tho Schniltr. nnd
nntl-Schmlt!'. factions of tho Union
Labor party. The prospects are for
Schmltz's defeat.
. . i .,.! win k.m'Iii rnnnlllL' about
Portland Aug. 11. -It .. - " Vacant fict con
given out hero by an agent of Harri n.ti,d wUh tll0 mattor Is that j.arrl
man, that a Portland-Asiutlc steam-1 mfln ow ,.ntera lnt0 0oii competition
ship Hue will augment tho service ; wlth Jim Hill and his propositions
with a now mer. name not yet j Harrlman will Improve all his dock
given out. The steamer win uu cum-
Great Damage Was Done to Property,
But There Were No Fatalities The
Cause of the Explosion is Unknown
Supposed Hobo Origin.
Wilmington, Del., Aug. 11. An Is
olated packing house, belonging to the
Dnpont Powder Company, exploded
with terrific force this morning. Tho
accident occurred at an hour when
no one was supposed to he In tho
building, although at nn hour later 11
would have been filled with workmen.
There Is somo reason to believe that
someone wns In the building at tho
time, as tiny shreds of llesh and faint
sprinklings of blood hnve been found
at a long distance, which must have
belonged to a person either In or
close by tho structure. Tho most
phiiiBlblo theory Is that tho explosion
was caused by some hobo lighting his
pipe or attempting to start n flro
without knowing tho character of tno
stiucture he wus cither In or adjacent
The building ws made of sheet
slcel, fragmentH of which weio em
bedded In wnlls and embankments n
mile nway. Other pieces were shot
through walls as though fired from a
cuntion, Owing to tho peculiar con
struction of tho building, tho walls
and roof merely attached by gravita
tion, not being bolted, tho dnmago to
tho building was Inconsiderable
though 30 tons of xmiler exploded
and burned. As In the case with ull
Dupout warehouses, tho walls and
i oof will need comparatively little re
pairing, being for the most part Intact
although widely separated nfter the
Permanent Successor to P. M. Arthur
Is Elected.
rievKlinid Aue. II W. O. Stone.
of Hldon, la., was today elected grnnd
chief of tho motherhood of locomo
tive Engineers.
Mr. Htono was not an aspirutu tor
the chlcfshlp. Immediately after be
ing elected ho unnounced there would
bo no radical change In tho policy of
the brotherhood. Ho advised ex
treme conservation and said his motto
would he, "Come, lot us reuson to
gether," and tho golden rulo. Ho Is
43 years old, has a striking personal
ity and Is a strong man.
Convicts Are Getting Away.
1 1. Tho Amador
gang of convicts eluded both posses
through the uorriu puss uno i '
In tho Devil's Basin country. Dlsson
i,.., imv.. nrlitfii between the Ainu-
dor and Eldorado possos and I hoy ore
working separately,
A native Hnwallau was recently
beaten to death with n Bible by u
native "medicine man," who thought
tho patient possibly possessed tho
devil and considered tho Bible tho
best weaiion to drive the duvl! away
Vanutelll Has Been Appointed Secre
tary of State Cardinal Gibbons,
Who Is Too III to Start Home, Has
Slightly Improved In Health While
In the Country.
Home. Aug. II. -The Vovc Delhi
Verltn today confirms the tepott that
Austria defeated Itnmpollu for pope
In tho recent rourhno. It ndds that
measures will be taken to Kiinmtiloo
Austria Independence In future con
claves. The pope hwooned while lelehrnt
Ing mass this morning, rousing grcnt
excitement. He was removed to his
bedroom. Ills Illness Is the result of
the recent great eicltement.
Heart Disease In Advanced Stage.
The doctors for the first time In
the life of the pope today nnd a
chance to examine him, as heretofore
ho has avoided physicians. It Is
stated they round his hollncsrt suf
feilng Iroin heart dlsenw In n well
advanced stage, and told him his lllo
Is I'lidangeied It ho continues wiir
with such ardor They leconimeud
ed Immediate remiiMil to the summer
residence In the Vatican gardens, and
total lotlronient for a brief period at
Pope Appoints Secretary of State.
London, Aug. II. A Cathoilc Her
ald special from Home says Vanutelll
has been appointed seoit'liuy of Hlato
by the pope to succeed llampolltt
Cardinal Gibbons' Health.
Rome, Aug. 11. Cardinal Gibbons
Is jet too III to start on his return to
Ameilca. Ho has gone to the country
to temporarily reside nt n private
villa, and his health Is Improving.
Pacific Coast Crook Arrested In New
York City.
New York. Aug. 11. A thief ur
rested In Herald Square Hotel last
night was today Identified as "lied"
I !, one of tho most expert hotel
thieves In America. Ho Is wanted In
iio.ii ly every large city on the Pacific
Const for operations there.
Head Crushed by Piano.
Haker City, Aug, 11. While help
ing move a piano at his home, Men
duy, llruco IluwkliiB, u farmer living
a few miles from this city, wat prob
ably fatally Injured. Tho heavy In
strument toppled over, as It was be
ing loaded on a wagon, omening
klus under It, crushing his shoulders
and fracturing his skull. He cannot
Fatal Bridge Collapse.
St. Paul, Aug. 11 James Pender
gnst was killed, and Oeorgo Hloltzor
ami John Allen fatally hurt by thu col
luimo of a bridge they were louring
down this morning,
Market Place Riots.
,.!,,,,.. An,- ii - forty were In
jured by tho police in quelling riot
... v..u IllurhCl inure i.iuu
seizure of Impure food.
Robbery at Salt Lake,
Halt Lake Aug. 11. Tho Rio Grande
Cafe was held up early this morning
by two masked nu n. Tho robbers no
cured ?300 from the cmhIi register and
three patrons,
Portland Man Suicides.
Chicago, A uk. II. -John Hickman,
itccnily of Portland. Or., shot him
self toduy as the result ot family
Lunched With the President.
Oyster Bay. Aug. ll-At(orney-General
Knox took luncheon with
tho proslilent. The forenoon was de
voted to a rovlow of depart mental
Klluuea, the famous Hawaiian vol
cano. Is now entirely quiescent,
tho first time of which there Is any
record. Neither smoke, steam nor
lava are being ejected from