DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST B, 1903. Good Shoes Cheap Our stock of shoes is the largest and best in the city and wo enn fit all who arc in need of good footwear. We want your trade and will give you the best values that' can be bought. Call and examine our stock before making a purchase Dindmge, Wil son & Company 'Phone, Main ii.Si GOOD SHOES CHEAP. GOMMERCiAL BRIEF SKETCH OF PENDLE TON'S ORGANIZATION, ' Inst year, but owing to tlio stress oC public ami privuto unsinesa, was temporarily abandoned. I'lntts for n magnificent building have been drawn I and (ho matter or building It will bo I definitely settled In tho near future. OFFENSIVE SEWAGE, Launched With 31 Members In Spring of 1893 Laid Out Some of the Principal Roads In Umatilla Coun ty Was Instrumental In Abolish-1 ground routed inn Fee System. Chinese Gardener Receives Attention From City Authorities, The residents In tho west end of the rlty nro complaining of tho IrrI nation ditch waterliiR tho natch of by a Chinaman who has a truck garden nt that piano. Tho Intake of the ditch Is bolow In the spriitK of 1S93 Pendleton ' the outlet of tho sower and tho how- was a bustling city, more so than nt ; ape runs Into It aad spreading ncross BOQUETS FROZEN IN ICE. Novel Curios From Ross Ice and Cold Storage Plant. All the stores dealing In cooling summer drinks had curios on exhi bition today In the shape of ice blocks frozen by the Hoss Ico & Cold Storage Company of this city. Each block lias In the center a flower frozen In tho Ico which makes a very pretty picture. When tho cans were filled at the freezing tank the boquets were sus pended In the center and frozen In tho middle of tho 300-pound cakes. Flowers and fruits were displayed In tne different windows. Mr. Schmidt will have tho champion curio Mon day, for at that time ho will have a large block, In the center of which Is a cluster of fruit and llowers. while the top is hollowed out in the from of a punch bowl, from which punch will be served. Umatilla County Lumber. The mountain sawmill industry east of Weston is active and flourish ing this year. Hesldes tho large en terprise of the Fletcher Lumber Co., there aro three smaller mills, those of Smith & Johnson on Weston mountain, and Ollinger on Llnkton mountain. Their combined output, about 50,000 feet daily, commands ready sale at Increased prices over last year's market. Weston Leader. General Gillespie, chief of engin eers, will be designated president of me noaru or ordnance and fortiflca tlon on the retirement of General Miles. 4 I 1 1 I I I H I ! H fHW I I I 1 I II ! HIGH GRADE SPiGES Wo have just received a full lino of Gilpin, Langdon & Co.'s pure, high grade Spices. A few of tho varieties aro Cloves, English Mustard, Red Pepper, Black Pepper, White Pepper, Turmurlc, Cinnamon, Mixed Spices, Etc. These are all guaranteed pure spices of tho very best T make. Put up In convenient J sealed packages. When you want spices that X are right, come to us. j- TALLMAN & CO, iveimiiiK imintjiMih j. present. In a way. for then tho peo- plo uf the city all wuro striving to make their fortunes by the enlarg nient and upbuilding of tho city and lu the nuiist of this high stage of activity the Pendleton Commercial Association had Its birth. The association was formed by the chief men of the town and Its pur pose was to foster the best interests of the city and the state. At Its meetings, problems tending to up build the city and bencllt tho inhabi tants of Pendleton and the county were discussed and most of the in novations In tho government of tho city and the county and most of tho .mprovements In and around hero can bo traced to the door of nils or organization. ilio tlrst meeting of tho assocla- ff un was neiti in tne rooms that it n now occupies, and at that meeting -M.'Jl of the nrinrlnnl Imslnosisi mwt nr... fessional men of tho city wore pres ent. Plans of organization were dis cussed and tho constitution and by laws were drawn up and signed by those who had attended tho first meeting. Tho charter members of tho club were: T. F. Hourke, T. C. Taylor, It. H. lieatlc, Leon Cohen, Jesse Fail ing, j. II. Hoblnson, C. S. Jackson, J. V. Tallman, It. Alexander, T. Hoth child, E. I. Boyd, It. G. Cox. F. W. Vincent, diaries II. Carter, H. L. Hexter, James II. Howard, S O. Gould, II. Shuithls, J. It. Dickson, Robert P. Forster, Frank Frazier, James F. Johnson, Edward K. Ash, F. F. Wamsley, It, G. Thompson (J. A. Hartnian, George Ash, H. E. nick ers, W. P. Lathrop, J. A. Ilorio and W. II. Carmine. One of tho first things that the now association took under their care was the question of tho county roads. At mat time tho roads of tho countv were either not on the map or they were in such a condition as to shut tho city off from tho surrounding country uuring the winter months, and tho association undertook to bet ter the matter. A committee con sisting of s. P. Sturgis, James A. Fee and C. S. Jackson was appointed and they surveyed tho present coun ty roads leading to Adams and Long Creek and having made tho survey, carried tho project through until tho roads wero opened. Another thing that tho association did was to appoint a committee which went over the books of tho county of ficials and compiled data showing tho vast waste to the tax-payers from tho old fee system. Through tho exer tions of this committee and tho as sociation tho matter was taken bo fore the legislature and tho present law was passed, abolishing the old plan for the now. Most of the business enterprises of the city were brought hero as the result of the association, though it did not interest Itself primarily in such ventures. It confined Its atten tion more strictly to tho larger mat ters that wero for the good of the people of tho county and through them to tho city. Those parts of tho city and county government wnicii wore out of ad Justmont and needed repairs, those public projects which wero for tho good of the community at largo wero tne things that demanded tho atten tlon and effort of tho association and when those things had been put to rights tho conditions of this part of tne stato iiecamo more conservative and settled It has secured and Installed In Its rooms a largo and varied library and pleasant furnishings and is the only chid in tho city. At present tho as sociation has about "0 actlvo mem bers, though tho list of library mem bers and non-residents would swell tho total to many times that num ber One of .ho public the Holds and along the sides of tho ditch, soon become very offensive when acted upon by tho sun. Fish and eels get Into tho ditch and dlo along the whole length of It, and as they mitrlfy lend their odor to tho air. The street commissioner has no tilled the Chinaman that ho will have to clean up tho ditch and put In a screen In the Intake. Tho mayor will vlow tho plauo this afternoon and will doubtless make some suggestion governing tho mattor at tho noxt meeting of tho council. in enterprises It has In view for the coming winter Is tho erection of a splendid club building, Tho mntter was discussed NOT GOOD, NOT HERE They Lead the Procession Tho popularity of Swift's products among all classes Is very largely duo to tho absolutely clean and hygienic conditions un der which each carcass Is dressed, and the meat and tho food pro ducts prepared and inspected. This is particularly true of Swift's Premium Ham and Ilacon. From tho sleek, corn-fed hogs In tho pens, tho carefully selected hams and bacon In tho smokehouse, tho final expert inspection by the U. S. government, and, lastly, tho dainty wrapping in parchment paper, each stop In tho evolu tion of these nutritious and appetizing products is a guarantoo that they will always please. L. Cummlngs, of Vinson, was town for a few hours yesterday. (leorgo Church, or Milton, paid Pendleton n short visit yesterday. .Mrs. H. Holts and family, of Pilot Hock, aro in the city the guests of friends. M. M. Johns, of Athena, was in tho city yesterday on a short busi ness trip. W. J. McDonald, of the O. H. &. N.. left this morning for Lexington on business for the company. T. L. Hakor will leave In tho morn ing for llinghani, whoro he will spend a week In tho cool of tho mountains. L. E. Thorkolsen was a visitor m Adams this morning, where ho went in the interests of his piano house, .Miss Eva Holts lias returned to the city trom a visit at Milton and will bo the guest of Pendleton friends for a time. t". A. Hennett returned this morn lug from Long Heaeh, where ho has iK'cn spending his vacation for the past 10 days, John Halluy, Jr., will leave in tho morning for Meacham, where ho will join his family for an outing of a week or two. .Miss Hazel Hamblen has returned irom a visit at Lehman Springs whoro she has been tho guest of .Mrs w. a. ttoiiiilns. C. C. Horkeloy and Charles J. For guson will leavo in the morning for Hinghani, where they will spend tho uay minting grouso. Mr. and .Mrs. W. Nr. Froy havo re turned from a visit at Lehman bprtngs. where they havo been for tne past two weeks. Miss iNelllo HIiiko. accomnanlod In ker friend, Miss Lena DoLong. of La Grande, is in tho city tho guest of ner urotnor, ur. R. E. Hingo. .Mrs. W. I). Smith, of Nortli Yaki ma, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Glndys Smith, was the guest of menus in tho city yesterday. a. i). btlllmau lias returned from I'ortianii, wiiero ho went to attend the meeting of the board of manag ers 01 mo women or woodcraft. Fred Nolf. of tho Nolf Ilnnlt sinm loft this morning for Yanulna itnv' where h0 will Join Ills family for a visit of a couple of weeks by tho sea, Ed Ebon, of tho Peonies Wnn. house, has gono to Taconia, whero ho win join nis ramiiy and spend his vacation. Ho will bo gono about 10 days. Fred Lampkln, business managor of the East Oregonlan, will leavo to night for a fow days' outing on tho coast, Ho will attend tho Astoria re gatta. -Mrs. J. H. Ferguson, Miss Hona Ferguson and Miss Nolllo McMulIln will leavo In tho mornlnc for tho mountains, where thoy will siwnd tho remainder or tlio summer. Mrs. Carrlo Van Orsdall will ro- turn in tlio morning from Portland, wnore she has been attending the meeting of tho board of managers of the Women of Woodcraft. (J. A. Hartman. Jr. will leavo th, ovenlng for Portland and tho coar wnero ho will spend a couplo t weeks by tho sea. Whllo iiwhv lm win attend tlio Astoria regatta. WILL CELEBRATE LABOR DAY TO DE FITTINGLY ODSERVED, Federated Trades Appoint Commit tecs and Begin Arrangements fo the Program Will Do Fully Adver tised. Tho labor unions of the city have decided to havo a celebration lion: on Labor Day, and at tho meeting o: tho Federation nlghl before Inst plans wero discussed and committees ap pointed for tho work of gottlng tho mattor In hand. 11 Is tho Intention of those at tho head of tlio work to havo ono of tho best celebrations that has been in tho city for somo tlino and thoy aro going ahead on that plan. Tho pro gram will bo printed nnd tho colobra Hon will bo advertised all over tlio surrounding country so that on that day all of tho people will como In from tho larms and tho ranches uf the vicinity to help make tho day a success. Special rates will bo secured from the railroads If posslblo ami the towns of tho county will bo nsknd to como and celebrate with tho unions of the city. .Music and speaking will bo secur ed and In fact It is oxneclod and hoped that all of the dotails from the speech of tho day to the amusements on the streets and tho games will be enjoyed by all. Tho following committees wore up pointed to have charge of tho vari ous parts of tho work and thoy nro now making their plans for the open ing of the campaign: Too general committee Is composed of nil of the delegates to tho Iabor Council; the ways ami means, V. Sullivan, Cal Wlnslow, Ed Eben, Mollrll, A. Foi led ami Doe Hudd; speaking' auu dancing, Ferguson, Itudd, Eben, Sul Uvan, Hoach, MeAtco. Zoolliior and -Marsh; music, Zoollncr. McGlnnis and Sullivan; amusement, Forgtison, Hodder, Eben, Sullivan, iMasy, Mc Hrldo and Hoach; printing, Tram pleasure. Sullivan and Hodder. LOCATING AT WESTON. W, T. Sellers Disposes of Interest In Drurj Store nt Pilot Rock. W, T. Hollers, who has boon hbso- ciaieu wan i' w. Hcnmidt In tho drug huslnoss nt Pilot Hock, Blm;0i mm rum-wiry; nns hoiu out to Mr Schmidt and Is locating pormnnuntly lu Weston, whoro ho will take ail vnutngo of tho oxcullont school to bo found there. Mr. Sellers has boon a" resident of Unintllla rounty for 13 years, living until last Fobrunry at Uklah, nu whllo ho Is desirous of finding as near a perfect country as possible ho reels that It Is not necessary to leavo this county to 'accomplish that purpose, antl consequently settles in tho host wheat holt In tho West, and will horenftor ho found at Weston Ho has ninny frlomlj who nro glad to know tuat In nil his fiuum-m moves, he still remains win Jn tho borders of Unintllla county, t R PI Mil. Tho brnnU i.... i . - ""-HI Iin f!A. . cast-iron con; "u ' I ,l0," 'loe8nh4tl( Sl- l"'is World's ra;r n Installment, lidu (III Medal Shoot Tomorrow. Tho niemhors of tho Pendleton Sportsmen's Association will glvo a modnl shoot at tho range of tho club tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. OWL 4k.j.2 j : ST. JOE ST0R ni-mii i i in...... ..TTTT - -SliSI TEH Wo must A REGULAR WHIRLWIND OF LOWpMcpiTi fo lmvti more goods than we want IIiIh Hvium. ,,n I unload. Come help us, w season of the jear, v, SUMMER DRESS GOODS AT YOUR OWNI'RICF Men's good tinderMilrlH at 25c M..,,'- i.. ' . ILt Men's exiru Hiilbriguun undershirts 60c Tw ' "s,11";aU5c. tlio above Krade. Men's "Hest In Town" Work idli'r'u i " 11 Men's cheaper work shirts If jo,i want hem IImJ 'i0 suspenders, lots of then,, and clwopcr a vm. c, where. If good goods nt low prices will " I we uV fr get your business, as low prices proval a 1 1? store. Yours for business. "..p.irliiienL.of , LYONS MERC. CO, j 1 i i i 1 - - . t . ........ , - - - - VT- 4.4..X.A. Was Not Fred Kemper. Tho telegraphic news of Thursday contained tho account of n man nam ed Kemper, having robbed a woman of 15(1 In Portland. It was reported that tho man committing this crime was Fred Kemper, of this city. i.ir. Kcmpur wishes to correct tho report. Ho Is employed by the O. H. & N. at Qulnn's, ami was In no way connected with the affair and knows nothing of Stock of Goods Ordered. Chnrles Hond and J. W. Sullivan havo returned from a trip to Port land, where they went to buy stock tor their now store, which thoy will opon In tho room now occunled bv Hilly Krasslg's barber shou. As Knnn us tho harbor shop Is moved out, tho now firm will move In and will put In one of tho neatest and most comploto lines of gents furnishings in tlio city. Wonderful Radish, Postmaster Ferguson brouirht In tho prize radish or tho season. It has thrco well-dovoloped bulbs, tho miner good for early spring, tho second for lato spring, while tho lower one Is Just now In Its prime. There scorns to havo boon a fourth forml nrr Inr early winter, but was cut short by luuig pniieu up. no calls It an all-round-year radish. Adams Advance. The Best !!' ' CA n f . r. Ever Made is the automatic blue fiamti cnouor, it is a boon to tie lot Keeper in hot weather, audi Doll, bako or roast like a i It bums only a gallon of tnreo days, and is tie Bimplcst, cleanest and most i mimical Btovo over made Prices Reduced to Closet VT . ). JLAKIVII 61 kaO. 2ii Court Str fcAAA AA AAAA AAAAAAAAjMrt T. Nelson Has Tvnhold. Nelson, the blacksmith T, torn iNcison. tlio b ac hamuli i confined to his bed with nn attack of lypuum lover. Ho lias been sick but a day or two. and Is ns Is usual In tho first stages or tho malady. Visiting at Home. C. L. Adams, son of Wniinr Adams, ngont of the W & n i i this city, is visiting his father for a short time. .Mr. Adams Is thn m.nr. ator for tho O. H. & N. at lilmrhnm Springs, hnvinc been forred to that placo from Huron. Outing at Meacham. H. B. Collier has retumnrl fmm n fow days spent on tho Peebles ranch near Meacham. On Timsd Mrs. Collier will leavo for tho samo ihucu, wnoro tnoy win spend a week m iwu m tno mountains. 1 Outlna at Priest Lake. John Harlow and mother, of Lnav- enworth, Kan., who havo been vlslt- nig Hd Harlow, of this city, left this morning lor 1'riest Lake, Idnb. , whero thoy will camp for a time. i Harlow will Join thorn noxt week f -I thcro thoy will meot another brot , -from Leavenworth, and will havo a family reunion. Thoy will camn nt ( the lako for about n month before returning to Pendleton. F. S. YOUNGER & SON KOT GOOD, NOT HERE Died of Pneumonia. Tho n-year-old daughter of Charles Manning, who lives on Stowart nreolf. i about flvo mllos east of Pilot Hock, j died yostonlay afternoon nftor an ill ness of two months of pneumonia. Tho remains wero brought to this city i today and servlcos wero hold by Hoy. G. W, Hlgby. Tho Interment was had In tho Olney comotory. : v i New Office Rooms. C. C. Horkeloy is having tho uppor floor of tho Despaln building remodel- kk, mill win nnvo somo or tho most convenient ofilco rooms In tho city when ho has complotcd his plans. There will bo 10 now office sultos nflnr ho has finished tho work THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE In comparing Oraln-Onnil cofTeo remember thai, whllo tho tnsto is tho samo Oraln-0 gi.'M health and strength whllo coffee shatters tho neryouH system ami breeds dUwso of tho illgrstivo organs. Tliinl.inf peoplo prefer Graui-0 nud its ben' efits. TRY IT TO-DAY. Atgroctro everywhere j ir!. uail 26c. icr paclaga Boston Store We liavo received an advance shipment ol men's fine clothing and overcoats. These wc have plactd on our tables lor exhibition and await your pleasure. Call when you have time and inspect the hest men's suits that is offered in this part of the country We sell a TAILOR MADE SUIT at a hand-me-down price. Just think of it, a fine suit of clothes at from t5-& lo S30.C0 and overcoats to $.o oo. The Boston Store Biggf st Clothing Store in Eastern Ore. on 1