East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 06, 1903, Image 6

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6. 'U
He will tell you
That barley -malt is a
half-digested food, as good
as food can be.
That hops are an ex
cellent tonic.
That the little alcohol in
beer only 3j4 per cent
is an aid to digestion.
But Purity
is Essential
But he will tell vou that
beer must be protected ,
from germs, and brewed I
in absolute cleanliness.
He'll say, too, that age!
is important, for age brings I
perfect fermentation.
Without it, beer ferments
on the stomach, causing
Schlitz beer is brewed with all
precautions. It is the recog
nized standard all the world
over, because of its purity.
Alkjerthe Brcxrry Boitlin?.
I'hone 51 Main,
H. Koplttke.
507 Main St., Pendleton !
THERE is a big
Canned fruits and vegetables
that taste like mother's
has all the fresh ripe flavor of
the fruit or vegetable- -nothing
but the most select stock
goes into a MONOPOLE can.
Every bit is packed fresh,
sweet and delicious, with
painstaking care and yon can
not find an equal anywhere to
Standard Grocery
Monnio Orocor
Conrt Btret
4 I I I III I I If
Conrad Platzoeder
X All kinds of Fresh f
J Meats always on t
j; hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
Prices as low as the lowest
t 1
4444 l HimiHIl it
near this in mind when you
need poultry and stock supplies
and ask for the International
Poultry and Stock Food. Use
Kow Kure for your cow trou
C. F. Colesworthy
127-129 East Alta St
Agent for Lee's Lice Killer
Suffered Eight Months
I can heartily recommend Acker's
Tablets for dyspepsia and stomach
troubles. I havo been suffering for
eight month and tried many reme
dies without relief, until I got Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets, which I used only
a Hhort timo and am now perfectly
woll Thanking you for tho speedy
recovory, I aro gratefully yours, Fran
cis I. Gannor. Vancouver, Vash. Send
to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffato. N.
Y., for a free trial package. (Nothing
Uko them.) F. W. Schmidt G Co.,
Statement of the Organization's Basic
Principles: Freedom of Contract,
Opposition to Sympathy Strikes, No
1 Limitation of Output, Enforcement
i of Law.
New York. Aug. l! No effort Is bc
.ui; made to disguise the activity with
1 whirh plans nro being completed for
tlio lornintlon. with headquarters In
York, ot n national employers'
association, whose purpose will he to
,ii(itoit the Interests of employers,
-real ami small, against suffering
ihroitRlt the unreasonable demands of
(irsc.r.iort labor. The nssociation will,
v dm rounded out. Include nil tho
Mm ninufucturors of the country,
the railroads, great retnll Interests
the majority of hanking iustltu
uui.s N'enrly nil existing orgnnlza
i 'ii- local in scop? hut with the
;-..nii object In view, will be nfllllnted
' itU the national body.
The recent meotlng of a few em
ployers nt Indianapolis was a mov
in the direction of a national associa
tion, although It did not furnish the
directing power. The proposed or
ganization will represent the Ideas of
no individual, hut the conservative
beliefs of employers throughout the
United States. The movement may
he said to have had Its inception with
the National Manufacturers' Associa
tion, but in tho new organization the
manufacturers' association will be
but a Bmall part of the whole.
It has practically been decided that
the national association shall work
on these basic principles:
Freedom ot contrnct; that Is. no
dictation by labor unions.
No sympathy strikes to be tolerat
ed. No limitation of output.
Enforcement of law.
To Protect Business Interests.
Those who nre directing the move
ment in Its early stages say that ex
perience has shown the above plat
form the only one on which the em
ployers can profitably do business.
The purpose of the association will
not be to fight organized labor, hut
solely to protect business Interests.
Arbitration will not be opposed,
neither will It be an integral factor
in the workings of the national body.
Monument to the Irish Poet, Orator,
Patriot and Hero.
Dublin, Aug. C. A handsome monui
ment erected In memory of John Boyle
OTteilly, the gifted Irish patriot and
writer, who was as well known in
America as in his native land, has
Just been unveiled with interesting
ceremonies in a quiet little church
yard near Drogheda, the scene of his
birth and early life.
The monument, which stands some
14 feet high, takes the form of a beau
tiful Celtic cross with a marble bust.
On either side of the bust are sym
bolical figures, one representing
Erin and the other America. The In
scription, which is In Irish charac
ters, reads thus: "John Doyle O'Reil
ly, hero, poet, orator, faithful to
freedom and to Ireland. Ho bore op
pression's doom in prison and in ex
ile with noble fortitude; a banished
man, his heart was here amidst the
woods and vales of his youth. Here
in this spot he hoped he should rest
at last in the land he loved. O God,
grant rest eternal to his soul, for he
served Ireland." On the base of the
monument It is recorded that he was
born at Douth, June 2S, 18-14, and that
he died at Hull, near Boston, Mass.,
on August 10, 1890.
International Association of Workers
is In Session,
Winona Lake, Ind., Aug. C. The
ever-growing enthusiasm that is man
ifest in Sunday school work through
out the country at the present time
Is evidenced by tho extraordinarily
large attendance at tho annual meet
ing begun hero today by the execu
tive committee of the International
Sunday School Association.
In nddltion to the mombers of the
committee and those directly inter
ested in its work there nre present
hundreds of active Sunday school
workers, drawn hither by the expect
ation of hearing addrosses by the
most noted leaders In the country,
among them Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman,
Marlon Lawrenco and Rev. Dr. John
The sessions which were opened
this morning with devotional exer
cises and a survey of tho field and Its
needs will continue, through tho re
mainder of the week. LessonB for
tho ensuing year, ways and means
for raising a largo fund for extending
the work of tho association, tho ad
visability of Incorporating tho asso
ciation, and tho relations of tho theo
logical seminary to tho Sunday school
movement are some of tho topics to
bo discussed.
Getting French Exhibit Ready.
Now York. Aug. C M. Jules Boon
fvo, chancellor of the French em
bassy at Washington, and recently
appointed assistant commissioner
general of tho French republic to tho
Louisiana Purchaso Exposition, sailed
for Franco today on tho steamship
j Totirnlnc. He goes to ParlB to
moot M La Grave, commissioner gen
nrnl with whom ho will talk ovor the
I plans for tho French exhibit M.
Uoeufvo will return to America late
In September and will go direct to
; St l.ouls, where ho will remain
' throughout tho exposition,
Balance of Martinique Fund Sent to
the Philippines.
Washington Aug. r. Twenty-five
thousand dollars loft over from the j
Martinique fund, which, nt Ilooso-;
velt's suggestion was sent to Clover-,
nor Taft for use In individual enses
of distress in the Philippines, will bo
used principally In emergency enses.
Clovornor Tnft. replying to tho mcs-j
snce sont by Cornelius Bliss notify-1
lug him that the money l"d been
sont. thnnks the committee on behalf
of the Philippine people.
Young People's Alliance.
Waterloo, Iowa. Aug. D. Tho quad
rennial convention of the Young Peo
ple's Alliance of tho Evangelical
church opened today at Cedar River
park with n largo attendance of dele
gates from nearly every state as weil
as from Canada, Germany, Switzer
land nud Japan. Although one of
the youngest ot young people's socie
ties, tho Alliance has several thous
and branches and ncnrly 200.000 mem
bers. The convention, which will be
in session four days. Is presided over
bv Rev. S. P. Spreng, of Cleveland,
Maine Veterans on Way to 'Frisco.
Portland, Me.. Aug, C Despite its
great dlstanco Maine is to bo well
represented at the coming national
encampment of the G. A. It. in San
Francisco. A speciat train of Pull
man cars left this city today en route
to the Pacific coast carrying several
hundred veterans n?nt their friends,
the party being headed by Depart
ment Commander Joshua L. Chamber
lain. Stops will he made en routo at
N'lagnra FallB, Chicago. Kansas City,
Aulmqucrqtic. Los Angeles and other
points of Interest.
Reunion at Durant.
Durant. I. T.. Aug. . The Indian
Territory Confederate Veternns re
union, which o)!oned hero today,
promises to surpass in brillinncy any
thing of the kind over hem before in
tho territory. Arriving trains have
brought scores of veternns, their rel
atives and friends and in attendance
alone the nffair eclipses all previous
reunions. General Gentry and Gen
eral Cabell are two of the many nota
bles who are to take conspicuous
parts in the reunion. A three days'
program has been mapped out.
Great Flood In China.
Berlin, Aug. 3. Advices from
Choo Foo, China, report that 700 peo
ple were drowned In the Hood of
July 2", and that 2,000 are homeless.
Trlb can bo taken privately and
never interfere with nny man's busi
ness. Price per treatment. $12.50. For
sale by all druggists.
Lodging House for Sale.
Best In the city: 20 complete furn
Ished rooms. A lease for eight years !
and nine months. It is subject to 1
mortgage and can be bought for cash '
only. Enquire nt this office. I
Ex-Mayor Byrne, of Spokane, has 1
declined to become a candidate for
governor of Washington. I
One Single Seated Top Bugg
One DouhleSet of Harness
One iet Steel WaRon Wheels
One 22 Shoe Grain Drill
Also Five Young Cattle
Call on or Address
H. W. Potter
Cole's Addition
Pendleton, Ore
Do You Enjoy a
Good Smoke
We keep La Intcglrdnd,
Leland Stanford, La Mia
and all standard brands of
cigars. Try tho Duke of
York cigarette. All the lead
ing brands of tobaccos.
Retail Tobacco Dealers.
of suffering from Indigestion If yoii
eat what you want, or of starving
yourself to avoid such distress
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken i"
eating will digest your food perfect!'
and free you from all tho dlsagrefH'ii
symptoms of Indigestion and Dymx'
sla. Eat what you llko at anv tlm
nnd tnko an Acker Tablet aftorwam
Positively guaranteed. Your mm"
will always he refunded If vo
aro not satisfied. Wrlto to us fn
freo sample. W, H, Hooker & Co
Buffalo. N. Y.
National Association to Flfjht Sugar
and Other Trusts.
Cleveland. O., Aug. C Ways nnd
means of combating more effectually
the alleged oppression of the manu
facturers nnd ot the vnrloim tniHts
with which they have to deal nro to
be discussed at the annual convention
of tho National Jobbing Confection
ers' Association, which began a three
dnvs' session In Cleveland today
i.v,V,.v,i nimiif m vonrs nuo lor the
r lirlnclnir confectioners
throughout tho country Into closer
. 1 ... yn...l 1w... t.nittlnt urn.
Union, ami 10 uiiomi mum ..." i-
tection, the association lias rapidly
Increased in membership nnd Infill
.... ,,,,,1 ... im.imVs lrndlnc mem
bers of the trade In Pittsburg. Hull-,
anapolls, Atlanta, Chicago, umnnii,
Kansns City, Boston, Philadelphia nnd
numerous other cities. The presi
dent of the convention which began
todav is George W. Fritz, of Newark.
Iowa Editors Meet.
Mann City. Iowa. Aug. C Mason
Cltv is j'iBt now the rendezvous for
the' men who work with pen nnd brain
all the venr round to keep the people
of tho llnwkeyo state well informed
on the hnpponlngs or tho day They
are the members ot the Upper Des
Moines nnd Northeastern Iowa Press
Associations, which began a joint
mating hero today. The gathering
was formally opened this afternoon
with a session devoted to shop talk.
The principal topic was legislation
that should he passed by the next
loffiRhimre. Tonight the editors will
have a banquet with tho usual speech
making and tomorrow the day will
be enjoyed at Clear Lake
For Governor of Mississippi.
Jackson, Miss. Aug. C A stnto
primary election Is bolng held In Mis
sissippi today and the result Is await
ed with keen interest on all sides
owing to its bearing on tho race for
the United States senntorshlp, Sen
ator Money, tho present incumbent
ana Governor Longino. are candi
dates We Can Mend It
We have purchased tho Withec
Bicycle and Repair Shop and
are prepared to make quick re
pairs and guarantee our work.
We repair bicycles, Bowing nin.
chines and other light machin
ery, do brazing and other re
pairing. We are ngei.ts for
three makes of wheels that
have met the test and proven
their worth. They aro
If you ure going to buy a
wheel, come around nnd look
at our wheels lieforc you pur
chuse your wheel.
Gordan & Edmisten
A Cool Place
Is Robinson's Amusement Par
lorB, nnderithe W.& C. Depot
Just the plnco to while away
leisure time. First-class
bowling alley, splendid pool
and billiard tables; ii-to-date
shooting gallery Tem
perance refreshments and
Free Musical Entortainment
Every Evening
The new high grade roof
ing for low coit work. On
iheili, factories, wirchouiet,
barns, depots, wharves. All
buildings of Urge roof sur
face that require protection
from the elements. A better
roofing at the same price has
never been produced.
Sen4 for boaklrt. 4
The Paraffine Paint Co.
SXtkt. 5tAil Fr.vnMti-n lll
Portland, Los Angeles
and Denver, Colorado.
T. C. TAYLOR, Agent
Where to Stop at North BCj
Tho Breakors Hotel Is co mlticted to attrnM ...
atu is n summer hotel that is unsurpassed .iT W
north of tho fnmous California bench resorts 1
The building hna an ocean front of inn r, ,
four stories high, or 73 feet from the ground nbort1
observatory. "r toetojt
It line tinnrlsnmnlv fitrnlolm.l .
guests, each room being carpeted. ' nc c or Witt, J
Tho House is iigntou by electricity with GeeMl, ,, .
trie call bolls In every room, and these llBhls hi
most brilliant beacons on tho entire coast "0S!
'! 1 . 1 . .. ,1 1 .. Ax '
1 uu uukuu iunui Hum ib inruwn onon In lk
beautifully enrpoted, tho spacious reception m, . 'iV-l.
halls always form
favorite Catherine nln.. f .."u R
nnd pool room is nlso quite populnr for morrv T1
1 " ' w KUl'SU. TV.v.
An Aoollnn nnu Pianola In the commodloiT.
delightful music at all times, nnd musicals are w .fa
during the ontlro season. Vm& .
The Ilrenkcrs has n regular orchestra whirl, ,.,.,
ior iiuormui ounces ana nans, aim tho large dlnlnE ton
smooth, hard lloor, makos nn Ideal hall for remi!, ?'
. , . . .......u lUIIM,... ,
An abundance of fresh and salt water fish clams tm 'I
and other sea food is always on our menu: our mi, rSM
milk, butter nnd cream comes from our own herd of w.
and poultry nnd oggs nro supplied from the hotel farov!
the grounds
Thoro aro hot and cold, fresh and salt wator k..i.., I
house, with private bnths nnd toilets, 15
Tho waves or tho ocean at high tide rpll within 200 lew
hotel, and tho beach In front 1- superb for surf bathing
On tho grounds aro bowling alleys, golf links, tennijetn
croquet sets; on tho lakes, just hack of the hotel Is a wi
...1 -nn,linnl,, nnrl Ctmnlii'n lni T),. . ' . ., l'-
uuu u.fw.fco, u juot fast OI tH6 Ut
Kimuiiuu mum;, iui jui mjD ui imiiui jiiuu, picniCKerS Or Cti
Mrni (lin ti'nrm uti1l.t-n tnp ltntliltir- n M.n ,,Mt.tl . ..
I'lUltl mu ,1....., uv.. KUV iUUiUllUg 01 U6 H
All trams siop ai mo raiiroau station in the hotel p
no crowding Into hotol omnibuses or walking In sand Is
Hlnco tho hotel ground Is n perfect velvety lawn, where
aro practically mnuou ai me uotei uoor.
Tho Breakers Hotol is located at Breakers Station i
ticket offlco, where all trains stop. It Is one and a half mh
of Long Bench Station.
In purchasing tickets see that they read to Breakers
and hnvo baggage checked through to that point.
Telegraph and telephone connections In the hotel.
Clip out this Coupon
Write the name of the lady clerk you wish sent bv tita
Orkcionian to the Hotel Breakers, on two weeks vicjkI
blank space below.
I vote for
Employed at
Series E
All Coupons of 'Series K" must bet
y p. m Saturday Augusts, Ilriug the Coi
to the Hast Oregoninu OMice
4.. 4.-4... - '
"Cold--Ptire Preservative
The following is an extract from a scientific article on U
Ject of Impure Ice. . , .
"Pure ice can be produced only from water : tree i from st
art Ice for domestic and surgical purposes should nerer
ii.ofi fmm ,,nmlH or Htrenms that contain animal m
refuse, or stagnant and muddy material. fmm.itetl
There Is no possibility of you getting Ice frozen from
talnlng any of the nbove bad (piaimes u ni w
Manufactured and Sold by tie KOSS ICE 4 CO
STORAGE CU. nisu.c
Only Distilled
Water Ice
Sold in the city
Phone MAIN 1781
Mineral Rubber
l &uf I . fc - , -
: .-.iii!T I
YIH' MAY IN l'EM) UUtULM?u . A,.E A WOu-v
iirtlti'l It iiMeiiiy to HKi Cll
tLM I till I C erand 1
Tnmnnrr fnr All nllmntos. Ileasonablo la 10-
toed. It will pay to ask for prlccsand 'UI""tt' ' c0,
Worcester Building.
ommnillniio ,