DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1903. iess iaras and Societies oftSSIONS AND TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. ; INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS "unt.B. Omen IN JUDD 1 HaRTMaN ABSTRACT rnLw. . - ltiriM" ertv. -; ..r"" ra CUT aUl farm . cs and "makes tfM.l, bu"'" raystax. "TTn. nRSPAIN ULOCK. i correct eye troubles, calar- lion-' ".. ' J"', -frarl .7 rtiy "', v,, T"nixao, offict. over " i.fnn Itnnk. Telephone Repbon? main 301. liriBLP. M, I)., HOMEOPATHIC I Vid surgeon, unice id Juaa b t(L niri. Mark 7.1: rea. rocpuuuc, . rucPACIjt. I!OOM, 17 ASOUIA ncvnnitso.N'. physician i Office In Savings Hank bulla a-A. HARTMAS-Vrlce'-PL11"1 SK:' JOHN HA1LKY. Jit . n c , - tnlssloner-SnerlaiVr -S ' .....i . . - i-.iij uiaue or idni filing - , nqi - i prow : innt-flnia n """' Telepuone u..u ..o. , . Hcc ,n d. b-,j,-; suiiecuont. Of. t l-VUi 1U, BOARD AND LODGING. oSce rhone Main Hit, re,. Main MRS. It. I llVsnsanmnMiT( ri.LAKi:si.Kn. chronic . to e bnK BED :... diseases and diteaats or rjjdd building, corner Main and , H0Ti:i, nunc i ::s 21 : ret- Mill atreet. ' n.Vi"t" week Uood Lb, "'R, e ug I W1IUN VOL' GO TO pilot nwr civ.. nJ.',"? li . Ood meals audi ST!? r."18- S.pwU1 tentlon given t,eD..lI0rte;?ick.,oarle,m' Mr,L C" U 111 "l AI,l,lEN'-i,U?rF-I"LEAl,I!ifl HOTEL IX THE pfofrctnT ' " t0 1'"d"- 11 ALbr..' I3 14 303, IIOONi:. OSTKOPATH Tbompnon street. House and onice pnune iiiaca PHVSIMAN AND S"R. Judd Bullilltifc lioom 15, office m t.11. KelUtUi.v . uuno .uaiu it. lOltpn. OENTISTS. i If TRANSPORTATION LINES. HE HOTELS. SHK I'Kl.lKX Kll l.V WOMAN S ltltSUTS. ir. r'-irrled we'1 1 be itne. Lr.mA.v, nr.NTiST, office in l.iv IHATIST. OFFICE IN AS- li black, over Scbmldt's new drue "'ll'.'tit YSFR. .PL'?,INESS TAKES YOD TO I nd good rvlc-. B. Jl. Richard., proprietor DRY AND COOL WEEK MISCELLANEOUS. HsKS AND BROKERS. ATIO.VAI. HANK OF ATUILSA, I Capital, f 5(),UU0 ; mirplus and I t JWM SL P"l?'?. '-.Gov . ouuu? (lilClM CU UEI in Rll Ilrt, I iwrimcnu. uood Urics Hapld I'rumotioni. , wAnuiiuDiii'iigrviIl. illrLl ill I lira Krw Inter-Siate Cor. Init., Cedar UapWi, la ALL HAY CROPS ARE LIGHT THROUGHOUT THE STATE. Interest on time deposits. ; SEWING AND DRESSMAKING, MISS JE-SIE and domestic eicbance. Jonrs, luli franklin St., Cor. k. Railroad" i f.inilirtl nrouilitiv anenueu 10. iienry nrfsldenr, T J. Kirk, vlte-prcs-, tun tLb-HOILER AND 4 IIUltE POA'ER S LKlrow iiiKbler , I M. hemp, vertical Wgl; fpwd enelne Alio a jMtght i,(f ucuH.wi luiiiiuiug nu mucn Doara Instru i i. rl,L i'i"uinr8, can on or aaares rKED KtvK, Bot.TTii, J-endleton, Ore InilEKS BANK OF WESTON, Some Complaint of Grasshoppers Potatoes and Gardens Thrifty Field Onions Show Some Blight Light Crop of Italian Prunes Fruit Generally Will Be God Crop. Oiffon Does a general bank-1 w F YOUXKa h ill p.v unnvfr-r .t The past week has been dry ami i promptly attended to. it. jam-, reniKindcnie olieiie,i. pnmmi..inn rL.,.it.i. ol m lue western section near- Hloent oeoree . I roelratel, J, u. Box Pendleton I ly every morninir was rlniulv nnil In i llartman. BMre'MCajolins'. t! ! DIVORCE Laws petkr WET. ADVICE ,lle coast rlmtles the cloudiness was , 0 lirnw J I Kllsoro, Hob- 1 ", iciiiis 10 nun; a yean- exierleuce. o. ij I'roebstel. ; uarutu m., rmaieion, urtgou. ti'ftSon )rVa!.lied Ma'rcl V. , . SUSf laiai tipll.1. $10. UU0 . .surplus, f 100.- "'"' LVv reirllnr with Indlin" brand un rut lloe(i on an time uenosiu. .boulder, weluht about 4 i louud. k lwiii-ht miH unlit im nil tirlni-ltml ' " ...... . . ' . -J , , i ui'e .oriel roare wim wr ie .iai in lorerjt-ad 'f?1;1 ,? Mt Ion Riven to eo - bianded Indian b and on ilchi hip. Aire about VT J Fnrnllb. president. J .V IDTcari. velirht ab.int Mil tmnnrU. Klicnf T J Morris, cashier.! if :iu i.,i,--i, n Vt ,.ii.,i i, .h L:on; iml.'.nnt cushler on rers or those e' titled to the nosesslon. tnoNAi. hank of r-iTx"i7Ln. . XIs "1 'fe?. "Si a." Iijlal, Jio iou surpluB, $05.0(10; (lla. Ihe'u at ; 0.cIock pJ, ra. ot a t nn.r. V hn nL-Itii linul hue Pt. . . . . ... ........ ui telr-cranhlc transfers sold od i .i,in,.t. n-ni u .n i i.h.i, v.tii,iu I Mil Prnnclscn. Neir York and ... u- ...... i.. . --.I. ,. .i.J lunlntj In the Northwest. Drafts ,,,.,. - .nrr nf Pnttnnwnod and . wai, japan nnd l.urope. Makes w.bl( ,,tr(.ot, In tlle CIty of i.cndleton, the i on reasonable terms. Levi An- . .- ,., c.i , lu, .r,ti , ,h. hWnt V, F Matlock, vlce-nrea- , J' ' j . "fi." "Lt. C Wadf. abler II F. Johnson, ' "'"X " " ol HITECTS AND BUILDERS. 1 ..,r.... w. almost rontlniious, which seriously interfered with haying. The hay crop Is now nearly all secured, and the yields are estimated to be slightly below the average, in Southern Or epon and In the Grand Rondo valley some of the deficiency has been made up by cutting grain for hay. The sec ond crop of alfalfa is now being har vested In a few localities. Corres pondents In Polk and Jackson coun ties report grasshoppers unusually numerous In the clover fields. The gram harvest Is now well un- MAirri-coir KOOFUVG IWR COXTIiAtTOIt AND UUIL U kinds of work dcured on. Job i Miumcory iiru guaranteed. r-a ;IN POUND -ONE SORREL MARE ABOIT St nn old bmniled rlrure 4 on left should I luctlne colt hr tide weicht about M) pound.. Ooe black mate with figure 4 ou left rhouldr , with .tar in forehead, .ucklng tolt by tde. uf-luht about son rxmnd' )AI:D. AlMMlITni'T a mi sil. Onfd.rt bav mare with sacklne cult by tide ilut makes complete and rell- branded with lary 11 on rll' t bip, four white for hnlldlnirs In the city or couu-, left, weight ab utHJO pound.. . - 1..., I...H..I " I tf ..... .nln.li n.u ,ni( Ilu1mi.l1 r thf. UUUU UUllUlUi;. "i'iw- . i ' . i ...... 1 I OWnir Or lllUSe tUlIllt-U I" Hi- irwr-sivu,, 'ULi:. CONTKACTOKS AND coin and cxnen-e. against it paid, and ' Utlmates furnlahed ou abort ! iliun inton ninr Trfthin ten dAVS 'rom the nork a neclulty I'rompt date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the Bop on liiuff street uear Main. 1 eleventh day of aukuh 1w8. the .a d i.i.im.1 uiii ho aM tn the blirhest bidder. tit CONTRACTOR AND UL'ILD- I at public auction for cash, at the city "'Hum -uruiKuea on nil kidui pound, on tue corner oi tuuuuwuuu uu-j BT tcmr-ut uiiIL-r .Inn. u-nllu pro. if-..,.,. Ir. tha Pttv nf lVnillpton. the " Last Oregonlan office. ', (iroceeds of such sale to be appllcl to the pIOL'TMAN Ai:CIUTi:CT AND Kle nI ' rUfndenf llruim ? ,r lliutnn '"r.. ........ , , null rtadlctvu Oreiroii I " ,'," Ji-iivm r-iir Murhal ELLER, I-LASTi:itINO AND CB-., ve TIIP. HAST OREGONIAN nment walks u specialty. Us- 1' "'A.J1 hn,ii of newsoaDers. con I talnlng over 100 bis papers can be ob . tali.c-d for 23 cct. a bundle. larnisbed free Work guaranteed at lladley It Zehner's cigar 1 trtet I" 0. tiox 104. AND SHOE REPAIRING. ' OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT UNDER i carpet., on shelves, wail., or for wrap . C;. nM npusnaiwrs in large' VCWALU. THE OLD ItELIAULE hiiiriles of 100 each at 23 centi a bundle ft First claa n.T.uirlnr- with t--ST OREGONIAN otHce, 1'enaie-1 Shop lu rear of Dlndlnger ud, Oregon rial. 'Co. ICONDHAND DEALERS. 'BLE. IH.ALl.il IN SEt SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF YOU want to subscribe to magaxlnes or ne paper. In the. United State, or I .urope. re- mil 03 posiat uuici inn. L1: . - , , EAST OREGONIAN the net publisher a I Made in California where materials are produced. The lowest priced roofing made. Lasts longer than all others. It is weather and water-proof and fire resisting. ten. for booklet. The Paraffine Paint Co. Stn FrancUco, Seattle, Portland, Lot Angclu and Denver, Colorado. . C. TAYL.OK, Agent STRONG TESTIMONY. dor way In all sections of the state, and the yields am reported good as to quality, but below the average In quantity. Hops are very backward, and the great amount of cloudiness during the week has been un unfavorable factor lu the advancement of this crop. Potatoes and gardens continue thrif ty and promising. Corn needs more warmth and sunshine. The blight previously reported as affecting Held onions continues spreading slowly. Prunes are beginning to color and early apples aro ripe. A few corres pondents report Italian prunes as dropping badly, and that tho yields will bo less thaa anticipated, Ponrs aro doing nicely, and a heavy crop Is expected. Apples continue doing well. Columbia River Valley. Klngsley Wasco county, (i. .1. Friend. Weather fair, with heavy north winds during the afternoons; nights cool; haying nearly all done, heading begun; pastures are getting dry. Douglas. Morrow county, II W tlrable. Week windy anil dry; farm ers busy heading; some threshing done; wheat not turning out so well as expected; harvest apples tipe and a good crop. , Helix, Umatilla county, S. 1.. lsaa". -Weather very favorable; harvesting well under way. yields so far as ' threshed being less than yields two years ago on same fields; quality of , wheat No. 1 : barley somewhat shrun ken. Pendleton, Umatilla county, 11. .1. Taylor. Week favorable for harvest ing wheat; havo not heard of very many fields yet threshed. I Weston, Umatilla county, Maud M. llaker. Fine weather, clear atmos phere and light breeze most of tho ' week; reports of excellent yields come from tho wheat fields where threshing Is lu ptogross: barley Is I also yielding well; wheat Is reported 1 plump No. 1 grain In every Instance. 1 Plateau Region. I.u lirande, Union county, W. F. fiekeler. Weather favorable and hay- 1 Ing nearly finished; some fields yield ed well, but many aro very short; some little grain cut, but no thresh- 1 Ing done; grain looks to bo well fill- ' ed, but much of It very thin and shoit straw; fruit still promises u i heavy yield. Hock Creek, llaker county. .1. K. i Fisher. Weather clear; fall barley ripening; red and black raspberries ripe; clover hay put up; timothy I down and ready to slack; farmers aiu Irrigating for M'tond crop of ' clover. Post, Crook county. J. II. Meyer. ' Weather very favorable for haying; .second croo of alfalfa doing nicely; timothy and red top mendowH turning ..i... -.mhi uouu lurimuic. -.-,..----,. , and assume all mei ' ..... . ... ; SB g ftSA is P.-I.U Testimony and W. j out acrop, lir, - I a- ci,iu.u.i am cimiij?' vou area ouvw,.,,. . - . 0d SOld I.Olvn r.rr.l7r. - .nnn.V T,i mm 1 1 1 1 D IT SCO CSO dCdUCt 1 Ier KJl I Mi .11 i.i. .. . .IT . -- -.. ".-.i.ii.i r..t Aririrpas tZABl , - - mum or urttcies GOODS you are a .ubtcrltier to ine ,!?.0!? u.IeM."", ,ta" Andres Cottonwood -treet. OREGONIAN I'UIl lu.. renoieiuu. "i."- and NSORIAL PARLORS. l"ima Uot '' HAltltElt SHOP AND Main street, three doors St lieorge. First-class LET US FILL YOUR BILL . hi.MAAKV UAitunn shop, ii 71 Court tret; beat work- ""lllied bath rooms In con- FOR LUMBER i5lND CARRIAGES. :.UE, ERWI.V liAK-Kit 1'imp. 'Bain 701. Oirirn anil waltlnc next to Harlngt Uank 1 treet We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money AND FEED STABLES. ' T'.!-lVEltV itriAim a vn sir'r. nflORS iii ,ue' Proprietor. lor UUiii rSk.rari,ed at rea.on.ble 'Wtttreet WINDOWS rPL0YMENT nrcmca In... ' ' Building paper lime . u.t. .ml cnnrl cement, uin. ----- 'lyS'PT omcK, css'main ;"4 ueip or seen employ hone Main 1011. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard i torr VERNAL ORDERS. .'"O. A, MEETS EVERY Stand Investigation It you should doubt the following ui m-IbIi tn Investigate, you haven't i to go to some other state In tho union to prove It. It's not a long siurj imu Hshed In Pendleton newspapers about a resident in ivaiauiaiuui .mi.ii., Tampa, Fla. It's about a resident of Pendleton and given in his own words. No stronger proof can bo had. II A Thompson, retired, who lives on Stonewall Jackson street, says: My kidneys troubled me by spells for 10 years .and at such times with a steady dull achiug across my back. I used largo quantities of various kinds of medicines said to bo good for it. but they never benefited me enough so that I could notice it. Fi nally I got a box of Doan'a Kidney Pills at tho Brock & McComas Co, drug store and I found them to be lust what I needed. They went right to the spot and not only relieved my backache, but cured It permanently I will be only too pleabed to tell others about the merits of this reino- dFor sale by all dealers. Price CO cents per box Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents for tho TTnifnil States Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other. good; soring grain Is very poor Klamath Agency. KJaniath county, (ieo. W. I-oosley. Weather most fav orable for haying; good nop or hay Is assured; beef cuttle are unusually fat for this beason of the year, vege table gardens aro doing finely Wisconsin Bankers. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 5. Many distinguished bankers and financiers aro attending the annual convention of the Wisconsin Bunkers' Associa tion, which opened today In the as sembly loom of the Hotel Pfister and will continue through tomorrow. Con gressman Charles N. Fowler, of New JerBoy, author of the Fowler turrun cy bill and chairman of the house committee on currency and banking, Is scheduled as tho principal speaker Upper Peninsula Firemen, Hancock, Mich., Aug. G.Klags ami bunting decoruto Hancock's principal streets today In honor of the members of the Upper Peninsula Firemen's As soclutlon, whose ninth annual meet Ing and tournament Is In pi ogress A three days' program has been ur ranged, Including the customary hook and ladder drills, hose races and other contests. OREGON SH OUTLINE a union Pacific Two Trains to tho East Dally Tluoujh Pullman standard and Tourist sleep Ing cars dally to Omaha. Chicago) tourist sleeping car cally to Kanta. City! throut. rnllman tourist sleeping cars personally con. ducted) weekly to Chicago, Kan.as t'lly, re- HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. I The Best Hotel tn PencJIetoi and as rood as any. btr.RT Tlmo Scltisliilo asaivi ! roi From lViullotou from 1 rortland Portland Special No. 1 The East 8:10 am a.fjoa in Chicago Chicago Special No i , Portland 5:50 pm SilOpra rortland Mall and Kipieu No.S Ths Kas 190an luiass The East! Mall and Frpress No.a I Portland 4:Mam 4:i5am (Pendleton Passenger 8poka !o,7 SiUpa Spokane Spokane ratoenger s:15 a m No. 8 i I rendition branch , . MUM Train No, il lttP riin T, m Wall. Walla brunch ewupm Mlxe.1 Train No, 4i Ocean and River Schedule. fROM PORTLAND. A-OI p. m. All sailing date, sub ject to rnange. For Pan Francisco Ball every fi days. U p. m. Columbia Hirer To Astoria and Way Landings. 4 p. m. bunda) Dally I eicept j Sunday ! lp m. I Saturday I 10.-00 p in. i Willamette Ulver. Moat, lesre Portland dally, earept Sunday '.(go ol water permitting) lor lllamette anr lamuiii mrer piunts. Leave Snake Riser Klparla to Lew litem The Hotel I'cndlcton lias just heen refitted and rcfnrnislied throughout Phone ami lire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths m suites and single roc.ns. Headquarters for Traveling Mob Commodious Samplo Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rnts by week or month Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dliilugroom servitvi. Bar and billiard room In connection Only Three Illocks from Depot GOLDEN ROLE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnson Direct, Pendleton, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotori Klparla 4 a5 a, m. Dally Eicpt 11 ou ' Leas Lewl.toB 7 as) a. m I Dally i Slept Mot F, F. WAMBLKV, Agent, Pendltton WASHINGTON COLOMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Paul, St, Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha ami All Points East and South Portland and points on the Sound . TIMKCAItl) Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 11.45 a, m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Walla Walla ilally.east bnuud, II :ui p in Arrive Walla Walla dally, weal bound, 10 'U a. m For Information regarding rates and accom modations, call on oraddrex W, ADAMS, Agent Pendleton, Oregon S. II CALDKKIIKAI), 0. P. A . Walla Walla, Wa.blllKtou HEATED I.V STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTIHCITV AnicrliMii I'liili, i-HitNl.!i3 to.(MI lierituv. Kiniieiui 1I... .Mlo. Ton, ai.INi Hmh3hI rnt.iM Ity winik ir inontli. Free 'bus meets all trains! Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms Sjiccial Attention Given Country Tnid iiOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. roj RUNS Pullman Slccpit.K Curs. Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist SleepinK Car. HI. PAUIi MINNKAPOIiIh DULUTH KA1KJO (HtAND KOUKr WINNKPKO HKLKNA and mrrrB. THROUGH TICKETS UUIOAUO WAHHINOTON I'lf II.ADKIiPHIA NKW YOItK. UOBTON and all jwiImLb East and Houth fbrourh ticket, to Japan and China, u Ttyima and Northarn Pad andAm.ricau lint. TO mymu uiu wm.wb, Pacllle KUam.blp Css. TIME SCHBOULK. Trains leu. Pendleton d.lly tac.pl aaaaay at 7 AO P. m. For Inrtbtr Inlormation, Hmt easd., saapt andtlekeu.callon or strltt W, Adam ra. dltton, Oregon, or A. D, 1UAUI.T0I., Third and Morrison 8U Portland, Or. GEO. DAtlVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated liuropcan Plan. Illock and a hall from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE - 50o, 75o, $1.0t THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American rlaa. J ir day .nd upwaia. Iltadouaitci. (or tourist, aud couimcictal ti. cltr.. special rate, made to fauillic. tnd.utikt geutWmru. The raaaagcruciil still bt pl.aaad at .11 Hint, to show icioui. and gift Pftcet. A piodem Turkish b.th t.lablUblutullu the tui4l, II, C UOWKMH, Man.Itr, MANHOOD RESTORED "M 1 tmm ,., MEiiTiiVl-l lK. K strengihen. aw pnlon I t n.n '"Jf,,, fj , uk'S!.if iwwlr 1. 1. dm iieni- i ai1""""". .., .ii-hk im: i .. Hun I raucl.m, 4'mI. SOLD BY TALLMAN 4 CO., DRUOOISTS, PENDLETON, OREGON. i''.'v":lAlta St., 0p. Court Hoose It.