East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 04, 1903, Image 5

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table. J
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f I llllllTllin mrinnii "''
nummb mm
Sirand Wrapper Sale
Und I
160 1
er TjvI
1UU1""" vugostt
re place on sale X4o wrappers which
mast be closed oat at once. The fol
lowing prices will surely do It:
$i.oo Wrappers at $1.50
1 75
J 35
1. 00
1 40
1. 00
Don't overlook the big shirt waist sale
1 5c and up.
eutsch's Big Department Store
Corner Main and Alta
Fresh fruits at Kemler's.
Fresh fruit dally at Martin's.
Fresh ranch eggs at Kemler's. '
Dining tables $5 and up. Itader's.
Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch's.
ar.tJln pens at half price. Fra-
hjr dun t you g(
rollers wanted at
to Lehman
the Domestic
City Brevities
Sharp for papor hanging.
Uer supplies at Neuman'a.
-1 ... ntlatln wn.ll naner.
isnariB m....... . 1 ri..i. o....
L tBe best bread, got Itohrman's. "" b a" l'".
-voiiRolng to Lehman Springs? stationer ..,,,1 nnw .,.ii ..-,.
lackberrles by the crate at Kern- j jter's.
Have your shoes repaired at
Wanted Machinist and moulder at
Hlgby-Clove Foundry.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits.
For Sale Good driving horse, gen
tle to ride: C25 Cedar street.
Tents, camp stoves, camp stools,
etc., at Ilader's Furniture store.
MI Preferlda, the best cigar made,
nt Ilees' cigar store, Court street.
AH kinds of Imported and domestic
lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's.
Don't let cigars get the best of you
get the best of cigars. Hanlon's.
See Charles Lane about your paint
lug and paper hanging: 807 Vincent
Wanted To borrow $1,000 on good
leal estate security at not over S per
cent. Address box 503, Pendleton,
Estimates given on short notice on
painting and paper hanging. Charles
Lane, the pioneer painter, SO" Vin
cent street.
Mr. Silas 11. Soule, the reliable pi
ano tuner of Portland, Is In the city
this week. Please leave orders at
Tallman's drug store.
extra charge for tabulator on
U't fall to read tho Underwood
Urlter ad In this issue.
slightly used for sale cheap.
Lid Empire Piano House.
Iwelved daily, fresh tamales,
lbs and crawfish at Gratz's.
forty different styles of extension
1 from $5 to uauer b.
b have fruit jars and fruit Jar
rubbers, covers, etc. It. uonr-
jteat sheet music. 10c, 15c. 25c
35c Inland Empire Piano
lit and below cost all summer, mil-
kry. especially patterns. Mrs.
meat in summer must be
ten care of. That's the kind you
I at Houscr's, Alta street, opposite
lilags Bank.
ta't forget our standing offer
tee months' free instruction given
lth every piano salu. Inland Em-
e Piano House.
hour money buck if It don't wake
f up. That Is the guarantee we
111 give with our alarm clocks. Wo
Protracted Meetings,
llev. II. S. Shangle, the piesidlng
elder of the Spokane district of the
Methodist Church, South, left this
morning for Heppner and Lexington,
where he will bold meetings during
the coming week. Kev. Shangle has
been In the city for several days the
guest of Kev K. B. Jones, and while
here preached for the Sunday servi
ces at the South M E. church.
With Geological Survey.
12 C. Jay. who recently returned
from the Eastern Oregon bxperimem
g e witn our alarm c ocks. o , g ( , nt UnIon lm8 accepted a po
letliem In many varieties Don t . W"in .1 government work, on
your good gold wntch out In the I "on. " " "v ... ,1.1,. county.
ppwt field. We can soil you a re-1 "'""'"N. - whit., and leaves for,
F?M"?B!?-ep" ?.5!!!?P 3"? canse in the morning to join the.
Plentiful on High Mountains, But Few
In Valleys and River Bottoms As
sociation Responsible for Good
Hunting and Fishing.
Just at this time grouse Is tho
topic of conversation among the
members of the Sportsmen's Associ
ation and they are Interested In tho
number, size and condition of the
birds. Already most of tho member
ship has taken a try at the fleet
winged game in the foothills of tho
mountains, but they have come, back
for tho most part with few birds,
If you ask them what they killed,
they will look wise and tell you that
the figure was enormous, but at last
will own that the actual capacity of
their game bags wns not taxed to
the uttermost and that the limit Is
safe for the most of them so far.
Some of them say that the birds
are scarcer this year thnn they were
last and tho rest will tell you that
tho number Is as great If not greater.
This disparity of opinion Is due In
part to the country visited by tho
hunters. Those who went back on
the foothills saw more game than
those who were content to remain 111
the valleys and escape the hard
climbing of the mountain sides.
Grouse breed and grow on high
mountains and foothills, and to find
them at their best It Is necessary to
seek them In their native haunts.
This has not been done to any grea
extent so far for the reason thai
the hunters had not tho time to go
so far away from tho city.
As a matter of fact, the birds are
as plentiful as they were last year,
but they are back In the hills and
are therefore not easy to find. They
are small and young and lively and
make the gunners polish their sights
to get them.
Hunters who have gone out since
the opening of the season and before
have seen shells In tho hills and
around the feeding grounds of the
grouse, and these had been used over
a week before the season opened,
judging from their appearance.
Of course. It Is not known that
these shells had been shot at grouse,
but the Inference is obvious and it
is thought that one of the reasons
that the birds are shy Is that they
have already smelted the powder of
the pot hunter.
If this is so, there is work for the
game warden though It is almost Im
possible to detect Irregularities of
this kind In the sparsely settled dis
tricts where the violations of the law
The association wishes and will
attempt to see to It that the law Is
observed In all of Its details and they
will proscculo any person found bag
ging more than the limit or 10 birds
or Infringing on the provisions of
the game law in any manner. The
law Is liberal in all of Its provisions
and there Is no reason that any one
should disregard It.
The season has opened very satis
lactorlly and the sportsmen or the
city and the vicinity are well pleas
ed with the records that they have
made so far.
It Is largely through the efforts
or the Sportsmen's Association that
the game birds have been rescued
trom total destruction In Umatilla
county and It Is wholly due to their
activity and spirit that the fine fish
ing sti earns of the county are being
,,T,ot,.t.Mv ktcrkeil with trout.
They are determined that the fish .
anil game laws shall be strictly ob
served and to that end will work and
act on all occasions. (
It Pays to Trade at
The Peoples' Warehouse
We had expected to carry over some of our Sum
mer Goods, but the end of our Clearing Sale
leaves us with so few on hand we have decided
to close them out entirely, and with that aim in
view we shall sell what is left of our
J 2 t-2c Lawns and Dimities at 7c
20c Figured Dimities and Lawns at tOc
25cSammer Dress Goods at 2 i -2c
JO Percales at 5c
25c Scotch Sephyr Ginghams at t6J-2c
20c bolt of lace, J 2 yards, at 0c
25c Bolt of Lace, J 2 yards, at J 2 J -2c
3c Laces by the yard at I J -2c
5c Laces by the yard at 3c
6c Embroideries at 4c
9c Embroideries at 6c
J 2 J -2c Embroideries at 8c
. In the Shoe Department
$1.50 Ladles' Canvas Oxfords at 39c
$1.75 and $J.50 Chocolate Oxfords at 90c
Boys' Canvas Shoes, stees 9 to J 3 J -2, at 95c
Children's and Misses' Slippers All Reduced
The Peoples' Warehouse
Outfitters lot Women and Men
h thing for the harvest field. If Wuso in
pilose it you nro only out a dollar! I'an
. you can't afford to neglect i
ejes. we have smoued glasses, . . . .......i. .i.
1 lie ulMieinibii-" . - ,.,,.,
Card of Thanks.
H. J. Stillman's Best Hunter Died
Yesterday Despite All That Could
Be Done,
, . ..I lu ....olii ;tt his
IT. hnl.i , . 1 Tim I1IK el'S Elieil WISH i" ......... . nit; UUS -o -
... k.uiub ami goggles. - ",,,,.,.-.. rendered assist- contemptible work, and as usual no
Does your watch need repairing? ; many '''.f I 1 ,sSd out the best that be could
h repair department Is thoroughly ance an tende .red l hel sympat ,a 'lud out the. be
pPP'rl and our work guarnnteeo. the death or me ' , ' i wnll.tralned bird dog belong-
1 Ing to H J. Stlllman, was poisoned
jesterday, and in spite of the efforts
of Mr Stlllman, died.
t.. ..-fia u-lth Mr. Stlllman Sat
urday ami Sunday on his hunting
' . . ...... ...linn the
i trip, and was men aim
party returned. Monday morn ng
when Mr. Stlllman got up the (log
was on the back porch eating and
j seemed all right. About noon when
I .... li.im.. from
Mr ijuiimaii icmn -
the city he round the dog in convul
blons and attempted to relieve him,
but It was too late.
The dog was a valuable one. not
only from the standpoint of breed,
but It was one of the best hunters In
tho state. The owner had refuted
several offers of $100 and more for
his net This Is the second or third
dog that Mr Stlllman has lost In the
same manner
1 ; in
Will Naturalize.
William Hughes, a native of Great ,
' lliltaln. has filed his intention .
I coming a citizen of this country with
the county clerk.
for a package of good quality
4ung wax, lor canning
innn'e JiaA Dim Huct nnrflr.
fining I ke it on the marKei.
Ask anyone that has tried it.
Poison Fly Paper: l en sheets
in a package. Each package
will kill a quart of thes.
Imported Select Insect Pow
der: the kind that gives sat
isfaction. A jounce package
., ....... toi.r.l the Coin ! !""
I.". Htep- lioiu Mill" Stni't tnii
New House for Sale.
NYw eight-room house and one lot
for sale reasonable. Stone founda
t!on and good woodshed, liny from
the owner mid Kave rum""
Corner Thompson and Tuatln htreet.
Work oiTthe Cablldo, which will
be the ljulsiana stata building at
the World's Fair was let recently foi
$15 000. Work will begin August 1
and the building will be completed
Deromber 1.
Will Be Fifty by Two Hundred Feet j
In Size and Three Full stories in
Helnht Besides a Full Basement
One Hundred Rooms for a Lodging
House Will Be Modern In Every
I'url Huwman lias at last decided
to build the brick building on his
property that ho has had In mind for
so long, and work on the basement
loundutloii will bo commenced next
i- ir ilm ulni.u nmv under ('(JIIhIiI-
elation are carried out as Intended.
Tho place will bo a hirudin u or
picHMid brick, and will be 60x200 feet
In dimensions. It will luce Main
street, and will be three stories high,
and will have a basement as good
as another floor, making It practically
tour stoiies.
The front rooms will bo used for
btoie tooms, and tho tear and the
basement will be fitted up ror store
rooms. On the side next to tho do
jiot will bo two sample rooms 20x50
feet In slzo.
There will be about 100 rooms In
tho upper part or the building, and
these will bo fitted up as a lodging
house. The rooms will all have hot
and cold water, and the entire house
will be heated by steam. It will W.
modern In every particular, and when
done will be tho Inrgesl business
building In the city.
Tho brick hnvo been conti acted for,
. ... ......I. ..Ill fiunmelKO UH SOOII
as the foundation can be built. Onco
the construction Is begun, tho work
will be pushed as fast as Is possible,
In order that Hio nouse uij
least enclosed by the time the roid
weather comes.
.i.u.ii.1 iinur In tin world, (iawgc
do you manage to see with that sliiglo
eyeglass or yours. we-
fni. i ,o .. in, tin. other eye San
IVIiail, I ,.,..
Francisco Wasp.
To Seaside Resorts and Return.
r'or tho uIiom' occnslon the O, It.
& N makes ti special rale of $ 10 to
any of tho following benslde resorts
and return: Senslde, Oeurhart Park,
llolniaii'H Sea View, Nowtons, Img
...... ..i. Ti..,.,. TI... ItriM.I.erH (Iran-
beiry, Ocean Side, Loomls, Ocean
Park and Nnbcotta. Call at O. It. &
K. ticket office and get ono of those
Itestful Hecieatlon Itesorl circulars
or tho Pacific Northwest, giving full
details or these resorts, Showing tho
splendid scenery while taking a trip
down the Columbia rler on tho O. It.
& N Co. excursion steamer, T. J.
Potter For further Information call
on or address
Fine Toilet Soaps
Pairs of New
D you want to see them?
Glad to show them
Boston Store
From at to i.y har. consisting
ot Oatmeal, Glycerine, Tar, Uliler
berry and many oilier styles.
Bicycles, $f8.50 to $35
We fc(uip any wheel with hc&t
coaster hraku lor in-50 extra.
A Nice, Jtiicy
Steak is juhI tho thing
thin weutfi&r. It h too
hot 10 miiHt or boil moat
tCall or phono
.110 K. Court Phone lUtiail