East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 01, 1903, Image 5

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3- We
es thin
and fJ
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two Mi,
ewhat el
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lots furl
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prices I
ere to Stop at North Beach.
Hotel Is co nductod to attract tho
. ...mnicr hotel that Is unsurpassed on tho vrt n.'.
" . ti,0 famous California bench resorts.
i duihu'u; "" "i. vi iwfi, ia ,0 icec wide and
irles hlfil", or 73 feet Irom the ground floor to the top of the
. i... hnnilsomcly furnished rooms, single or nn sulfa (7,,. or...
if, each room being carpotcd.
.11 tells In every room, and these lights make It one of the
brilliant beacons on tho entire coast.
The enure wwui ujiua iu me puunc, ana. heme
ttitaliy cii"'" "I'"-.--" .v.v.v,F,uu iuuui uau jarge airy
Linv form favorite Catherine places for euests. The hininrj
Lol room Is also quite popular for merry gatherings.
ft. Aeolian anu Pianola in tho commodious parlor furnishes
v.... ...,,! nt nil times, find miislrnln nro. .
rtulll tiiua. -- - - -v. iiuuauui il'iliuiea
It: the enure ui
IA. mrakers hnti n regular orchestra which furnishes must
Informal dnnees nnd halls, and tho largo dining room, with Its
Dti hard floor, makes an ideal hall for regular dancing parties.
An' abtindanco of fresh and salt water fish, clams, oysters, crabs
.iMrsci food Is always on our menu: our entire sunniv nf
fi butter and cream comeB from our own herd of Jersey cows,
I pOUaiJ Uu -t.bn " ""11 .."in hi.- tiviui liltlii UUJU1U1U:;
Thm are 1101 anil com, urau ami sun waiur patnes In the
fte with private baths and toilets.
Vh waves of tho ocean at high tide roll within 200 feet of the
( and tho beach In front 1- superb for surf bathing.
0a tlio grounds arc bowling alleys, golf links, tennis courts and
met sets, on tho lakes, just bark of tho hotel, is a fleet of sail
jrowtoats, and on Shoalwater ISay. just east of tho lakes, Is a
oliac launch for parties of fishermen, picnickers or others who
Iter the warm, still-water naming to trio tumbling of the surf.
All trains sioji ai uio raunrau sumon in me noiei grounas, ana
LmrilliiL Into hotel omnibuses or walking In sand Is necessary.
Ice the hotel ground Is n perfect velvety lawn, where tho guests
0 practically lanuod at 1110 notei cioor
The Urcakcrs Hotel Is located at Drcakers Station, a regular
liet office, where all trains stop. If is one and a halt miles north
Long Ileach Station.
In purcliasillg uckuih buo uuu uiry 10 uiuuuuis. wasu.
i hnvp baccago checked through to that point.
egraph and teicpuono conncciions m tno noiei.
(Slap Eit this gjtoupon
IWrite tlie name of thu lady clerk ou wish sent In the East
Ireconian to the Hotel Breakers, on two weeks vacation, in
link space he oiv.
I vote for.
Employed at-
All Coupons of ' Series D" must be voted by
noon Wednesday, August 5 Ilnng the Coupons
to the lia it Orcgonmn Office
'Cold-Ptire Preservative"
PUftE and MEW
Made from water that has been boiled and
'listillod. The only pure ice in Fendkton
Lasts 50 per cent longer than pond kc
Ooes Hot Stimv
Jbul odor
rofri coral or no
J tie water uues uui
Jt is
or foul the
- n . 1 .
ioUfHVR iIh m mpir.
look milkv.
nnd is as Clear as a v-rysiai
to fill the drain pipes. There is uo taste
orpinell of roUinp wood; no typhoid or
other germs to mingle with the water
that you drink.
11 Phone MAIN 1781
514 Main Street
E LATE R IT EJs M Ineral Rubber.
'U .M.YY lNriCNirilt'Il-niSn A n-iiitX-Ol'T KOOF
tnr nun bw., -
cutters, vaiieyi.
rnMt - i'"m.vj ui niiiiiKiua. bit. iw.i
m. IK Pnr flni nn.l oinnn aiirfnCOS
"PCl f Y V.V,"" ""Vonai, 0 In cost, sol
It wui uav to ask-for prlcesand Information.
all prepnred
Easy to lay.
Sold on merit. Ouaran-
win 11 AUKUSt 1 ThIs month
Mil bo one long to be remembered in
slnJ1 ry of,fash'"s. Gain occa-!
uZ ?.ys, llaT0 thelr influence
nn .i 0,a.dornmcnt ot womankind
and the international yacht races
vi, Rlm0st as cnsp!cuous for tho
exquisite gowns worn by tho lau.es
n attendance as for tho test of skill
boats haudlInB the contesting
These gowns will not necessarily
be yachting gowns. That Is, there
will be little of the nautical effect
about them, for the costumes now
he ng designed for yachting weok
will be apropos on all semi-dress oc
casions. Heavy linens, crash canvasses,
voiles, etamlnes, foulards, nun's veil
ings and serges are tho materials
employed, and tailor effects are re
placed by feminine frills and fripper
ies designed with no thought ot the
disastrous caress of salt breezes.
Red has grown so much In popular
favor that It Is combined with every
posslblo shade that harmony will per
mit. A smart gown to be worn by a
matron who will entertain a largo
yacht party, is carried out In smoke
grey foulard. Tho skirt is shirred at
frequent Intervals from tho knees to
tne hip-yoke, which Is pointed and
composed of vortical rows of shirring
alternated with bands of coarso lace.
The bodice blouses over tho front
and the shoulder seams aro Btrapped
with the lace under which nro hid
den bore and there, medallions of
crimson satin. The side-fronts of the
bodice are shlned from shoulder to
bustllno nnd the lace and satin are
employed to carry out a fanciful dec
oration that Is us novel as It is pret
ty. The trimming is twisted In a
series of llttlo circles that Intersect
each other but eventually form a
large square outlined with Persian
Completing the costume Is a hat of
grey chip bent perlectly flat at the
back. The brim at the sides and
front Is spreading and massed with
pink roses that nro veiled with a
fold of grey chiffon lined with cream
Stunning Linen Frock.
A stunning linen frock has a bolero
effect falling from tho shoulders to
the ton of a high girdle at the front.
The bolero is laid In plaits nnd finish
ed Irregularly at the bottom by hav
ing a border of scalloped Russian
lace. The back is Inset with medal
lions of tho laco studded with French
knots and blouses very slightly over
the girdle. Tho sleeves have a trim
ming of lace at the shoulders, below
which are groups of tiny tucks reach
ng to the elbow. From hero tho full
lace-trimmed puffs fall to the wrists
where they are caught Into bands of
the dress material.
The skirt is a simple, seven-gored
affair with a flounce at the bottom
that Is decorated with appliques of
lace set In frames of studied linen
It would be hard to conceive of
anything more fetching than a white
etamlne suit emphasized with touches
of black. The skirt fits closely over
the hips and has an exquisite open
work braided flower design let into
the etamlne arranged from the bot
tom In .graduated effect all the way
to the top. Despite the fact that
trailing dresses aro tho rule, this
frock has a skirt that just clears tho
urourd, but flares very much over
tho feet. , ,
The bodice has a long bolero effect
formed by tho flowered and braided
open-work design, which gives it the
long-walsted effect; thit. opens over
a line white tucked muiiKsellne and
Insertion vest, which blouses very
much In front hanging over a wlilto
-in. niwiir. which comes from two
tails iu tho back and forms a point
In tho front, over wis veci i -.wv-lessly
tied a black ribbon sailor knot,
.ih, tho nnrls hanclnc down From
the bolero effect come t.vo caps of
the plain etamlne over uie ww
and to the strap of open-work, which
goes directly down the back and
forms tho tails. This Is edged with
bias bands and tiny buttons. Tho
sleeves are rather tight above and
then composed of tho open-work de
sign, very full and flaring at the wrist
As a crowning glory there goes with
Sic toilette a big black plaited lu
slon hat, with a long black ostrich
feather at 0110 side, going from lront
to Ijiclv
Mauve, that most fashionable of
nalo tints, has at last boon produced
n the linen fabrics. A dream of a
"'.. . , 1. i vnrv s mnly made
with collar mid cuffs and a bias band
down the center of the bodice em
Zred In white of a do lento flow
er design, tho rest bolng tucked a d
ononiiig down tno iroiu
Soldered band and Mousing very
much over a wide girdlo at tho waist.
The sleeves are tucked above and
fall full and loose over tho embrol-
"ThVskhi. likewise tucked and
stitched to within a foot or bo from
the bottom, where it nares over tho
foet Is not too long and has a band
similar to that on tho bodice down
the center of the front.
Elegant All-Lace Gown.
Anything so elegant as an all-laco
cowu soems wanton extravaganco
when worn on the water, but as a
f fnnt both laco gowns and
coats will be prominent features of
htinir.weoir fashions. Something
extremely chio In coarse black lace
o.,i Mack silk may bo made over
Refrigerators at your own price. Only a few left.
We want to get the money tied up in our refriger
ators into other goods so you can buy them for
less than they cost us.
We are closing out our
line of ranges aud
beat any price in town in the range line. If you
want a genuine bargain see us.
white. The laco should be so ar
ranged upon tho skirt that tho wlilto
will show through. A pretty way
would be to have It run up In lines,
tho lace and then the silk fitting
closely over tho hips with a long
sweeping train at the back and flar
ing gracefully over tho foot.
Tho bodlco might have a white silk
and chiffon vest let In nnd tno belt
might blouse over a girdle of crush
ed silk.
Not content with Its natural olo
gancc, smart modistes aro outlining
many of the Renaissance braid dresses
with cut steel aud jet beads. Tho ef
fect, of course, is regal. When glis
tening passementeries, beads and tho
llko are employed, however, It Is bet
ter to have tho gown entirely ot
black because tho effect Is always
more elegant. An exception may bu
mado In a touch of white without
spoiling tho ensemble, but this should
he veiled with a llttlo black lace or
chiffon probably both to avoid n
sharp contrast.
Avoid Sharp Contrasts.
The Important thing In all fashion
nble effects Is to avoid sharp con
trasts aud hard lines, every llttlo de
vleo Is oiiKht and almost anything
Is permissible that will lend a soft
touch to a bodlco especially, and
nothing accomplishes this better than
a bit of chiffon and laco.
The woman whoso supply of sum
mer gowns is not as nmplo as sho
would wish, can in a measure, mako
up tho deficiency by keeping on hand
a stock of ribbons of all widths, for
nothing adds a smarter touch to a
bodlco than a ribbon flower garni
ture. Doublo faced satin ribbon Is
used for the purposo and about 10
yards aro required for n pretty cor
sago bouquet
In the great demand for novelties
plain and figured organdies have bo
ruino popular for summer coata as
well as dresses. And this Is as It
should be, when wo consider tho fact
that tho coats aro mado Blmply for
siiow. Tho Boftest of loulslnca nnd
liberty satins aro used to lino tho
organdlo and a square collar embroi
dered or trimmed with laco Is all tho
decoration that such a design re
quires. Ostrich tips nestled In folds of
chiffon and lace ' mako effective
ruches for the neck. Hhould they get
out of curl easily It Is well to know
that holding them over a steaming
kettle, then placing near tho Btovo
or a lamp will cause tho curl to rc
turu with better effect and less trou
ble than performing tho operation
with nn Ivory knlfo or scissors.
Switzerland's Dlrthday,
(lenevn, Aug, 1. Switzerland today
celebrated Hb national festival, which
was established August 1, 1201, and
has been kept up without Interruption
during tho six centuries Unit have
Blnce elapbed. The celebrations con
sisted of patriotic exercises and fes
tlvltlcH, concluding at night with
grand Illuminations of tho mountains.
The Doyleston, (Pa.) National
Hank failed bocauso tho president
and cashier speculated In Wall street
during tho recent Hurry, with tho
bank's funds. Tho Iosboh wero $210,
000. Tho bank wus capitalized at
THERE Is a big
Canned fruits and vegetables
that tiibtu like mother's
has all the fresh ripe flavor of
tho fruit or vegetablo noth
ing but tho moBt select stuck
guea Into a MONOPOLE on.
lEv. ry bit is packed fresh,
sweit and delicious, with
painstaking care and yon csn
not lliid an eiinal anywhere to
Standard Grocery
.MimojK, iiClrmwin CouilSllMl
1514-514 MAIN STREET
Phone Main 1741
-Where U that cuic I ltlt on thin laWer
"1 gucas It's with tUe Juu that wan la cloawL maun.
t Conrad Platzoeder
All kinds ol Fresh
Meats always on
band. Fine Uacon,
Hams and Sausage.
Prices as low as the lowest :
w c
r 1
w 1