East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 31, 1903, Image 8

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1 ' 3te'J
i I
'$ I
The Grand
And on tho Oxfords that nro
loft wo nro making another re
duction to mnko room for our
fall stock of shoes, which will
nrrlvo soon.
If you want Indies', misses',
men's, boys', youths' or little
gents' Oxfords, call and oxnm
Ino our goods and prices before
Dinctonger, Wil
son & Company
'Phone, Main iiSi
Formerly of Pendleton.
E. E. Sharon, of Portland, Is In tho
city today, the guest of his brother,
Julius Sharon, of this place. Mr.
1 Shnron is an old-time newspaper man
of this city and Is well known here.
1 He Is grand secretary of the I. O. O.
F. and grand scribe of tho encamp
ment, and has been to Hop'pner for
some time engaged in looking over
the relief work of tho I. O. O. P. at
that place. He came to Pendleton
to visit with his brother and take
Ills family back to Portland. Ho will
1 return In the morning.
Colony of School Teachers.
J. F. Nowlin, tho county superin
tendent of schools, has returned from
his homestead near Alba, where he
has been for the past two weeks.
There are a number of school teach
FROM CITY RESPONSIBLE. p,y ,H my , j.a 0rn,,e.
but tho ninttor will bo taken up later
In the sensnn, when duo nttontlon
will bo given to tho Important matter
of having Umatilla county represent
ed In that collection.
Dr. l.oltoy loft this morning for
Milton and will probably return to
spend Saturday and Sunday In this
Dr, LcRoy Explains Need of More
Thorough Advertising In the Ore
gon Exhibit and Outlines Work of
Oregon Information Bureau at the
Commercial Association Parlors
Last Night.
Ony Uoyd, of Heppuer. Is In the city
on a short visit.
. , , . .. , ' 0. E. Nelson, of Weston, Is In tho
Owing to absence of many of tho ,. imsn,.qs visit
business men from tho city, there plt n a hua mss isil
was only a small attendance at the1 G- V- Unidley or Athena Is trans
special meeting of the Commercial notliiR business In the city today.
Association last evening, called for j J, I). Casey, the Hlleard sawmill
tho purpose of listening to the re- man, was In the city yesterday even
marks of Dr. A. l.oltoy, on the nlms ' Ing.
and scope of the Oregon Information jir. ml,i .rg, r p. Holtlc. of Pilot
Hureau, which is now collecting ox- noc;i nro visiting friends hero to
hlblts for the purpose of advertising ,ay.
the state. ju.B ,jUcy Mmor of Athena, was
Dr. l.oltoy gave a brief rovlew of the guest of friends in the city yes
the work of the bureau during Us torday.
snort uie. wncn ne toou cnarge oi
the work In April, there woro but
one or two exhibits on hand, nnd in
tho past three months ho has secur
ed exhibits and advertising matter
from nearly every county west of the
Cascades, and has the rooms tilled
with the splendid products of the
He says the bureau makes a spec
ialty of greeting homeseekers and
Mr. and Mrs. II. S, llrownton, of
Hums, are in tho city tho guests of
Mrs. I.. U Thomas, of Milton, Is in
tho rlty the guest of friends for a
short time.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. I). Tlel, of Echo,
wore the guests of the Hotel Cioldcn
Utile yesterday.
C. W. Nibloy, the sugar beet man
placing them on the right track, on 0f i.n arando, was In tho city for a
tltelr arrival in l'ortiami. 'or tins short visit today.
service alone the bureau has earned
tho perpetual gratitude of tho citi
zens of Portland, who feel that In this
institution tho stranger has a friend
which will protect him from the wiles
of the grafter who Is always on hand
to meet the unsuspecting.
Speaking of tho need of such a bu
reau in the largo cities of the West,
to which most all tho tourists and
homeseckers buy their tickets, he
says that -14,000 people have settled
In the State of Oregon in the past 17 to the ile,,nMjn convention
mumus, mm null mis Kiuui liusi ui
Investors and homeseokers must
grope almost blindly through the
maze of opportunities awaiting them,
without some organized nnd syste
matic force to direct them. In this
hureau, which Is seeking to have
every portion of tho state represent
ed in its exhibits, is found just such
a directing force and as people como
A. G. Allen, of the llrm of Templo
& Wilcox, went to Echo this morning
on a business trip.
Mrs. George W. Young loft this
morning for Seaview, where she win
spend tho summer.
L. E. Therkclsen went to Athena
this morning on business connected
with his piano house.
A. Stenger returned last night from
Portland, where he was a delegate
1 l. 1 I. .. J. 1 11 I tilt I 111 IUII.U t
' V . ,e KT,a i to understand its mission more fill
ly, its work will be enlarged and Its
Influence felt.
claim that Professor Nowlln has, and
they have formed quite a colony
there. Thero is all manner of game
In the neighborhood, and the camp-
f.M era live nign wntie uioy are on tneir
at this time.
Returned From the East.
Mr. and Mrs. James II. Owinn and
daughter returned this afternoon
from an extended visit in the East,
where Mr. Gwinn went to attend the
meeting of the One Hundred Thous
and Dollar Club of the New York
Life Insurance Company. After the
meeting of the club thoy went to sev
eral of the Eastern cities for visits
with friends and relatives, and to see
the various points of interest.
Will lltHHUII"
m m . .
I'l I T r I I 1
Of this addition of 44,000 people to
the population cf Oregon, in the past
17 months, Umatilla county is accred
ited with but 1,000, which number, ac
cording to estimates made, has been
added to the population of tho city
of Pendleton alone, in that time. As
a basis for determining her popula
tion, Portland multiplies her number
of school children 4Mi- Using this
basis for determining the population
of Pendleton, It will give her C.S14,
or a total of 1,521 school children
multiplied by 46. The same basis
would give Umatilla county an in
crease of 1,501 population In the past
year, as the number of school child
ren in tho county has increased 347
In that time.
Dr. Loltoy called attention to the j v'slt at the coast, whore he went for
fact that this great number of peoplo 's vacation, nnd from Oregon City,
had settled In Oregon with but little where ho was one of the delegates
Inducement in tho way of advertising 1 ,0 tho great council of the Itedmon.
James Dovlln has returned from a
visit at Portland nnd Oregon City,
to tho Uedntcn grent council,
M. J. Uoach, traveling passenger
agent for tho Hio Grande Western,
with headquarters at Portland, Is In
the city today on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Temple and
family will leave in the morning for
Lehman Springs, where they will
spend the hot days of the coming
M, P. Kelly, the proprietor of the
Golden Utile, loft this morning for
Uklah, where ho goes to look aftor
a ranch ho lias in that part of tho
Mrs. O. L. Sheok and daughter,
Hazel, returned this morning from
Portlnnd and Tacoma, whero thoy
have been tho guests of friends for
some time past.
Thomas Fltz Gerald is back at his
odlce after some tlmo spent In Ore
gon City, whore he was one of tho
delegation of the local trlbo to tho
state camp of the Uedmen.
any miner nas returned rrom a
and that with organized effort, many
more of the most desirable class
W. P. Evans, of Portland, is In tho
city for a visit with his old friends
Wp havo hist received a full 1 ,, V '""V,"" u,c here. Mr. Evans was formerly in tho
we nave just received a lull 'gon is capablo of supporting 10 t mes rmdnnqtnr' now nt tuia io,.A ,, i
lino of Gilpin, I.angdon & Co.'s I,,ts present population and In tho tor-veal binn nn" hn Vnn
pure, high grade Spices. A few J rltory thus represented, is room for ' f, 'a'?,L" "' ,r.?a'
of tho varieties are A i
Cloves, English Mustard,
Red jfepper.'Blaok Pepper,
WhitelPepper, TurninricI
Cinnamon, Mixed Spices,
These are all guaranteed
pure spices of the very best
make. Put up in convenient
sealed packages.
When you want spices that i
aro right, como to us.
Leading Drii'bits
several cities as largo and prosper
otis as Pendleton. All that Is need
ed to bring about the complete set
tlement of this vast domain Is ad
vertising, diffusion of knowledge of
the great resources lying dormant,
and to this end tho Oregon Bureau of
Information is directing Its efforts
and Invites Oregon to assist.
Tho county courts of tho state
woro empowered by tho last legisla
ture to expend a sum not oxceedlng
$1,000 each year for advertising pur
poses and it Is the hnpo of the bureau
that some of the Eastern Oregon
counties may bo induced to take ad
vantage of this law.
The Commercial Association ap
pointed a special committee some
time ago to confer with the county
court of this county on the subject,
but so far no arrangement has been
Owing lo absence of many of tho
busbies men from the city, no defi
nite Oft1' i was taken last evening,
of that city. Ho has been spondlng
part of nis vacation with friends and
relatives in this city.
Check for $12,750.
Joseph IJaslor is a happy man tills
morning, for lie has received a check
for $12,750 from John bchmldt and
has also received tho abstract for the
property. This is 11C pages long and
was made at a cost of $125.50. This
Is one of tho largest abstracts of tho
city, and tho last owner of tho prop
erty Is glad of tho distinction of
having owned a piece of land that
had so much to tell about It.
They head the Procession
Mr. Kennedy Again In Charge,
H. V. Hassen, the general western
manager of tho Coo Commission Co.,
with headquarters at Spokane, was in
tho city yesterday transferring tho
olllco from tho charge of Mr, Cocker
ley, who has had It for tho past month.
Into tho hands of II. E. Kennedy of
this city, who formerly had It. Mr,
Kennedy will in tho futuro conduct
the affairs of the company.
The popularity of Swift's products , .ing all classes is very
largely duo to the absolutely clean ! Myglonlc conditions un
der which each carcass is dressed, and meat and tho food pro
ducts prepared and Inspected. This is particularly true of Swift's
Premium Ham and Bacon. Prom the sleek, corn-fed hogs In tho
pens, the carefully selected hams and bacon In the smokehouse,
tho final oxport inspection by the U S. government, and, lastly,
tho dainty wrapping in parchment paper, each step In tho evolu
tion of theso nutritious and appetizing products is a guaranteo
that thoy will always please
Traveling Freight Agent.
W. P. Carson, tho traveling froight
agent of tho Northern Pacific, of
Portland, was in tho city this morning
for a time, going to Walla Walla ou
tho morning train. Ho will return
hero this evening, whero ho has com
pany business to attend to.
Gone to Emigrant Springs.
C. E, Uoosevolt, Charles E, Carter,
Thomas Warner, Charles llerkloy
and Charles Porguson left this nftor
noon for Emigrant Springs, whero
they will celobrato the opening of tho
grouso s,eason. Thoy will hunt dur
ing Sunday and will return with tliolr
spoils in tho evening.
Will Hunt Grouse.
I H. J. Stillninn, Prod Wulto and J.
' V, Tnllman will leavo In tho morning
for Emigrant Springs, whero thoy
will hunt grouso during tho day, re
turning In tho evening.
Claimed That Ho Carved Will Davis
Without Provocation Defendant
Will Make a Fight Both Men
Have Their Partisans nnd the Cnoc
Will Be Stubbornly Contented.
Papers hnve been filed In the case
or the State of Oregon vs. William
Costcllo. It In n case growing out of
a quarrel In tho harvest Held, and
It Is charged that Costello assaulted
Will Davis with a knlfo and Indicted
on him severe Injuries. Kugeue
S. Smith Is the complaining witness.
The affair look placo on tho farm
of W. it. Campbell, 1G miles north of
the cltv. near North Cold Springs.
It seems that Costello was loading
from the hendor and Davis was driv
ing tho wagon. Ho did imr plaro his
wagon In the right position and was
told to -pull up the loader. A quarrel
arose about tho matter and Davis
wanted to fight, but Costello told him
to wall till after supper when ho
would satisfy the cravings of his tin
turo for blood.
Tho affair ended thoro for tho time
being, and the teams woro unhitched
for tlio evening. Costello was taking
his horses to tho bam, and as ho got
to the door Davis stepped out and
knocked him down. Ho fell under
his horses, hut as soon ns ho got to
Ills foot lie drew his knife and wont
to tho other fellow, with the result
that ho cut him over tho eye, across
tho bridge of the nose, and dug a
small piece nut of ills sido in the ro
glon of the short ribs over the heart.
Davis ran and tho men wero separat
ed, Later tho warrant was sworn
Tills Is the story of Doc Campboll,
the owner of tho outfit lor which tho
men wero working, nnd ho hits sig
nified his Intention to fight the caso
for the defendant, since ho believed
Davis to have boon tho aggressor.
Tho men on the other side, however,
says that it was tho other way around
nnd that Costello was tho leader in
tlie trouble. Tho warrants In the
caso were Issued this morning, and
as soon as thoy have been served the
case will bo arraigned and tho time
for tho examination set by the court.
None Made That the Court Will Ac
ceptWill Move to New Farm
About August 15.
fl. A. Hartmnn loft this morning
for Weston, whoro ho goes to look
aftor the harvesting of tho crop on
property owned by him. Judge Hart
mnn says that tho county court linn
advertised for uldn on tho old poor
farm property, but has found nono
that nro sntlsriictory ns yot. Unless
It can get a good prlco for the land
It will not soil It.
An soon as tho liny crop Is gather
ed from tho land of tho old farm and
tho work will slacken up a llttlo, tho
inovo from tho old to tho now quar
ters will bo made. It will ho about
10 days or two weeks boforo tho su
perintendent will attempt to ninko
the move.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and liclthful dih-'T'. i r
pared in two minut Noboil'iil n
baking I add boiling vat' r.:i'i set ti
eool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, T'.f-ji
Deny and Strawberry, Get n .iiUa;;
your grocers to-day. jocts.
When the hot days of sum
mnr como the cook stovo is to
bo avoided and well It can bo
with tho stock of summer deli
cacies. Lots of now things In
convenient form ready to
servo cold or wIMi a llttlo
warming. You will bo sur
prised at tho many tempting
dainties wo havo for you,
We Can Mend It
Wo havo purchased tho Wltheo
litcyclo and nopalr Shop and
are prepared to make quick re
pairs and guaranteo our work.
Wo ropalr blcyclos, sowing ma.
chines and othor light machin
ery; do brazing and othor re
pairing. Wo aro agents for
three makes of wheels that
havo met tho test nnd proved
their worth. They nro
If you aro going to buy a
wheel, come around and look
at our wheols boforo you pur
chase your wheel.
Gordan & f dmisten
Visitors From Portlnnd.
Misses MiiIro and Cornlo Murphy,
of Portland, nro tho guests of tliolr
uncle, Thomas Pits! Gerald. Thoy ac
companied Iho Judge on his return
from tho city, and will spoiid some
time In Pendleton.
nut 1 H, . "Ml
"u"'ur' 11 18 ""cd a 8a(6 tit,
When wo got a custom,.
our Afternoon Tea It ls a 6ac J
It has that peculiar, pleasing fc I
U11U Want to ci05e the i
....u u.uuiii uioy can tasto It yet
Have you tried It?
Tickets for St. Louie Fair.
We have more goodH tlinii wk want (his season of the year, We
must unload. Come help tw.
Muii'h kikkI inideri-liirtH at iifio Men's better imderslilrtH at 3Jc
Men's extra lliillirigmitt iindernhlrtH fiOe. Drawern to match all of
tlie above grades. Men's "HeHt in Town" work shirts only 60c.
Muii'h cheaper work shirts if yon want thuni, lluls, glovea, ties
suspenders, lots of them, and cheaper than you cm buy them ebe'
when. If good goods ut low prices will reach you, wk will certainly
get your limint'HH, us low prici-H prevail hi all departments of our
store. Yours for huailiehH,
On 3 Coat Enamaled Ware. 5 Year
Guarantee. See our Granite Ware
Window Display.
W. J. CLARKE & Co. 2.1 Court Street
The Ideal Business
The ideal suit for business is
our Three Button back.
dressy, stylish and made from
Cloths that are exciubivc p
terns. Coats are made will
"hair cloth" front. They ate
"Coats that keep their shape
made by KM Chicago, rna "
Clsuiriia."""" n
iti. Made i.i i uion om
The ready-to-wear clothing
we are selling: today is oW
ent" than the clothing" of a year
or two ago. There is nothing
better in the ready-to-wear or
made to measure.
COATS that I fc-JI PS . .n-Muallty.
keep their shape. bR0?HlR5 with inu.