East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 31, 1903, Image 5

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One More Week
It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse all the time
nr. have uau s hcuuiu auttuss in u snosinn nf ... -i.-.
pas, ten days and have decided to give the big reduction j
0V more week. On of i49 skirts at the becinninc of the
t- rt I 1 1
"V ,. 1ft tl,n i . r 't 'c saie
ffe nave jusi , ,a we nave sold i0 a day, It also
means that you will have to hurry if you want to be one of the
lucky 49- .
following are the prices that make them go at the rate of io
a day
Skirts nt $10.00
$12 Skirts at
10 Skirts nt
9 Skirts nt .
S Skirts nt .
$7 Shirts nt..
C Skirts nt .
$5 Skirts at o qn
4 Skirts at .... 2
$3.50 Skirts nt 2 7
3 Skirts nt ' 2 0
.uu entires at
?2 Skirts
,00 Sun Bonnets, women's and children's sizes, worth 20c and
j5c, Monday morning July 27, children's sizes yc; Ladies'
sizes nc
Think of it, less than half price
Cor. Main and Aha Streets.
City Brevities
la.tM lor fresh hbu.
See Sharp for paper hanging.
Kllclou lee cream, The Delta.
Smokers' supplies at Noumnn's.
See Sharp's artistic wnll pnpar.
For the bust bread, get Itohrman'a.
ire you going to Lohmari Springs?
Blacklimles by the crntc nt Kern-
Fountain pens nt hnlf price. Pra
Why don't you K" Lehman
Ironerf- wanted nt the Domestic
No extra charge for tabulator on
he IMenvood.
Don't fall to rend the Underwood '
lypeirrller nil In HiIr issue. I
Received dally, fresh tnniales, I
rib! and crawfish at dratz's.
We liae fruit Jars and fruit jar
litras rubbers, covers, etc. It. Itohr-
Special $8r0 buys busIneHS, $150
et profit per moiitli. Wude & Ilry-
I A-. ami below cost nil summer, mil-
I net) especially pnttonis. .Mrs.
I Lost A gold chain at the dance
1 the Island Saturday livening. He
lm to E. 0. office for rownrd.
I Good moat in summer must bo
ken care of flint's the kind you
In at HmiHor s,
pitags Dunk,
I Special Inducements given ulano
lurchasers nil tills weolc. Gull nnd
pwtljatc now. Inlnnd Empire
Ituo IIoum' !)0l Main.
Fresh fruits at Kemlcr's.
Try Tho Delta's Iced drinks.
Fresh fruit dally at Martin's.
Host shoe work at Teutsch's.
Fresh ranch eggs at Kemlcr's.
Dining tables $5 and up. Rador's.
Stationery and office supplies. Era
ser's. Wanted Machinist and moulder at
lligby-Clove Foundry.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles nnd fruits
Fine line og Hammocks, r.fic to
$3.fi5. Strongly made. Nolf's.
Forty different styles of extension
tables from $5 to $30. Rader's.
Tents, enmn stoves, camn stools.
etc., at Rader's Furniture store.
Ml I'lcferida, the best cigar made,!
at Reus' cigar store, Court street.
All 1-bwlc f Imtinrlnil nt,,l ,!nmoilll
lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's.
Don't let cigars get the best of you
get the best of cigars. Hanlon's.
See Charles Lane nbout your paint
lug and paper banging; 807 Vincent
Wanted To borrow $1,000 on good
real estate security at not over 8 per
cent. Address box 503, Pendleton,
Wo guarantee the best piano value
for the money to be found anywhere,
inland Empire Piano House, 901
One of the most touching and beau
tiful songs ever written, "My Rosary,"
r.fie. at Inland Emnire Piano House.
Mtu street, opposite . jioi Main.
Estimates given on short notice on
painting nnd paper hanging. Chnrles
Lane, tho pioneer painter, 807 Vin
cent street.
Man and wile want position as
cool; In camp, harvest Held or board
ing bouse. Inquire Thomas Ludlow,
IIMI West Alta.
Our line of pianos Is the best in the
country. Their deserved popularity
1 tests on the solid basis of all-around
Slinnll PC I excellence. Inlnnd Empire Piano
OUrr,Ifca House, 1)01 Main.
Rest In the world. Nothing to equal
them lor purity and brilliancy of
tone. The ucme of perfection are our
splendid pianos, and their world-wide
leputatlon backs this statement. In
land Empiie Piano House, flOl Mnln.
Pendleton Circle No. 527 is request
mi to meet at 7:30 this evening and
hurry through with tho business for
o., onrir it fl inurnment. By order of
the Ouardlan Neighbor. Mary John
son. Gunrdlnn Neighbor;
Fletcher, clerk.
'w money buck if It don't wake
I'll up. That is the guarantee we
U give with our ninrm clacks. Wo
!' them in many varieties. Don't
le jour good gold watch out In the
f Held Wo can soli you ti re-
H"e tlmr-kl-eiier In rhnnn onnt. Inst
P iWng for the hurvost field. If
i lose i you nrn onlv out n dollnr
1 to. You can't afford to necloct
f,jr CH-b. We have smoked classes.
protectors nnd goggles.
""s your watch need ronnlrlnc?
" repair department is thoroughly
J"i'i"M and our work guaranteed,
Elva I..
Amateur Night,
i t,.i, uhik nmntuur night nt
i shield's park, and In addition to the
regulur program which was up to tho
usual standard of ovcellonee some
, local features were introduced. The
baritone solo by Master Roy Pace
was greatly enjoyed, and the plena -
i ing contest between lour boys brought
out rounds 01 nppiuuht. ...... i----
much merriment.
I for" a UilnkllPfi at' rnnH nmilltv
ualln? wax, for canning
SWeii's Bod Bug Destroyer,
I t "ft ii U me Ulrtllxti,
Poison Fly Paper: I en sheets
in a package. Each package
will kill a quart of (lies.
Imported Select Insect Pow
der: the kind that gives sat
isfaction. A 2-ounce package
II.-. nt..,,, n-(.m Mnln Street toward tlic Court llou-e
L. B. Reeder Will Represent Oregon
at the Great Council at Atlantic
City James Devlin Is Now Deputy
Great Sachem Next Meeting of
the State Council Will Be at Sea
side Next July,
The delegation from the Great
Council of tho Redmen, which has
been In session at Oregon City the
first of the week, has returned homo
in good spirits, for they got all they
went after and more.
Roy Ritner, who was one of the
leu-glut's irom tno local camp, was
elected to tho position of great chief
of tho records for the stnto camp.
This is tlio nnlv Sillnrln.l nnalllmi nt
the order and is considered one of
the highest honors in the gift of tho
order. This officer has charge of all
oi tne records of the order and Is
responsible fnr thom
U 11. Reeder, tho retiring great
siicncm ot tne stato camp, was chosen
to represent the stato nt tho great
Council Of thn nnttnrl Stnt
meets at Atlantic City in September.
mis is a nice imtet, tor it carries
with it per diem and mileage amount
ing to about $300, besides tho pleas
ure of the trip.
James Devlin was appointed dep
uty great sachem for the Umaholis
Tribe No. IS. This is tho local
Tho miifll llipc! worn fnll nf lmctnoCQ
and were very beneficial to tho order,
though there, was nothing done
causing any great changes In the con
duct nf tlm nr.lnr n tt t tinu- nnrrlpil
on. One or two minor changes were
made in tho constitution and by-laws,
but they were not of vltnl import
ance to the order. The meeting of
tho great council for tho coming year
will convene on the fourth Tuesday
in July, at Seaside.
George M. Orton, of Portland, wan
elected the great sachem of the state
for the coming year.
C. E. Nelson, of Weston, Shipping
20,000 Per Day to This City, and
Has 800,000 on Hand.
C. E. Nelbon, proprietor of the Wes
ton brick yard, was In the city last
evening for a Bhort time and In io
gurd to tlie reported shortage of
brick in the market here, says that
he Is now shipping 20,000 a day to
this city, and has 800,000 pn hand In
the yard, ready for shipment.
He will make about 1,500,00(1 yet
this season, in addition to the num
ber on hand. He has the contract
for furnishing the brick for the now
school building at Walla Walla, and
Is shipping a portion of his output
to that city. He Is furnishing brick
to Pendleton contractors at $7.50 per
1,000, which, with freight added,
makes the cost hero about $8.70 per
1,000, while brick in tho Spokane
market are selling at $9.50 and $10.
Case Was Dismissed.
The case of the State of Oregon
vs. Fred Long was dismissed this
morning on the motion of the district
attorney. This Is the case in which
Long was accused of attempting to
rob Arthur I.aRoso one night about
two weeks ago. The prosecuting wit
ness fnlled to put in an appearance,
and on that account the case was dis
missed. Tlie defense has all the time
maintained that It was a case of sim
ple assault, he having got Into a fight
with tho witness for tlie prosecution
while they were both more or less
under the Influence of liquor.
Twenty-Four Race Horses.
Two carloads of race horses pass
ed through the city this morning for
Seattle, where they uro being taken
to be out on the northern circuit.
Ono of 'the cars was occupied by tho
horses belonging to J. Pelty, and they
were from Salt Lake, wheie they had
been on the circuit of the Middle
West and the upland plateau region.
They had been at Denver for some
time before going to Salt 1-ake. Tho
other car had in It the string or
George Stroblo, also from Salt Lake
and tlie Denver tracks. There were
21 horses In the two lots.
Course in Advanced Music.
Mrs. J, A. Marsten and daughter,
Vera will leave in tho morning for
San Francisco, wheie they will spend
the summer. While In the city. Mrs.
Marsten will take a course In ad
vanced music from one of the mas
ters there in order to review herself
in tho higher branches of the art and
better prepare liersen ioi nn uii
of tho coming year. She will return
the middle of September to again
take up the work with her Pendleton
music classes.
Property Transferred.
A deed was filed today by Joseph
Ilasler and Anna Hasler, his w fe.
transferring to John Schmidt for $U.
250 tlie south half of lots II and b,
the" south 10 feet of lots T and U,
and the north 15 fort of lot I. nN in
block E, of South Pendleton. This
is the property sold the other day and
upon which It is the intention of Mr
Schmidt to erect a brick bui.ding in
tho near future-
Have your shoes tepolicd at
To trade at this store daring
the balance of this month
Our JULY CLEARING SALE ends next Saturday night
and until that time we shall offer additional bargains all
over the store
10c Lawns and Summer Dross Good at
15c and 12c Lawn and Summer Dress Goods at ...
25c and 20c Lawns and summer dress goods at
10c and 30c Lawns and summer dress goods at
50c Lawns and summer dress goods nt
75c f-awns and summer dress goods at ,
8c and 7c
2 and JOc
20c and t5c
f In the EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT you can bay
oc embroideries at 3c
7e embroideries at 4 J -2c
9c embroideries at 6c
12ic embroideries at 8 t-2c
15c embroideries at JOc
20c embroideries at J 4c
25c embroidories at J7c
80c embroideries at 20c
50c embroideries at 33 t-3c
75c ombroidories at 50c
Valenciennes Laces
20c bolt of 12 yards for
25c bolt of 12 yards for
30c bolt of 12 yards for
Or same price by tbo single yard.
J2 t-2c
Has Equally Attractive Bargains For
The Next Six Days
The Peoples Warehouse
Outfitters for Hen and Women
. j J J. . . , L-J . .
Fine Toilet Soaps
Promoted to Portland.
n it rvrl:erlpv who has been In
charge of tlie offices of tho Coo Com
mission house lor the lust moniii,
ion iMu nw.rntm' Inr Portland, having
severed his connection with the firm.
During the management of Mr. Cock
oily tho company bus done more bus-
iness than over neiore in me mmm
lennth of time, and ho goes to take
a better position. Mr. Cockerley Is
late of Chicago, where ho was em
ployed by the grain brokers In their
Notice to Members.
Danlino Circle has changed their
meeting nights from Wednesday to
the second and fourth Thursday " j to a,c a lmr, consoling
of Oatmeal, Glycerine, Tar, bluer
herrv and many other styles.
The Columbia
Lodging House
each month,
Bicycles, $18.50 to $35
Pairs of New
We equip any wheel with hest
coaster brake lor f2.o extra.
A Nice, Juicy
Steak is just llie tbing
this weatlir. It is too
hot to roast or boil meat
Newly Furnished.
Hnr in connecti
Hut. Alta & Webb bts.
In Center of Block,
F. X. Schempp
If you want your houses tented or
your property sold
J, C. SruoNCMOKK, jo li Court
Do you want to see them?
Glad to show them
Boston Store ?k. 0.... im,o, kuii
IK'all or phone
Rigby-Clove Mfg.
Manufacturers of the
Rigby-Cloyc Combined
Repairs for all kinds of
Farm Machinery
1 J Fotiudry Work a Specialty
t Uilfl'l paiu ior oiu tuisungfl
! Pendleton, - Oregon
Dally East Oregonlan by carrier,
only 15 cent a week.