1 EDMUR DAILY EVENING EDITION Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight nnil Saturday fair, warmer Saturday A WEEK. ' VFvKIMW PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OliEGOX, F1UHAY, .JULY M "in 03. Xt). (.SOS, r Ifl SESSION Immured Under .tMimn and Are IUIIV." Guard. a anar MEN TOMUHMUW. tH A4nrf. mm raet Number In the . ML...!. Only Two fte papal Electors . Tht. rnlloao of enr- 1 n.. Ita concave, uufc.tu . U.n tr.itlr.nii tnp tar to voluntary con- ...nit tlir. mnnu . . i.i I... kj sarin, who pro- ...... Mftnt ..V. . . -1.....I.... .nullltltlir Idon and deep conso- il nr. r-hnlr 111(111 Banc its then traversed In mil path and entered I .1... I.i.lln nt wei'J ....... .. tlw. ui.f.rntnrv. the hereditary mur- !. If... I .. ..0 nil n raniTtln nt'tnr whinll Prince Chlnl then viil .Hue muir mui. morning, no.ng ut lor reflection und . tarUHl.il! UILUUUIUK ffil hnlil no Hint 1 1 1 I'll i rnn wnr n iih ir Iirgest attendance of papal election sinco ot the church. The previous election was s elected 25 years tote of tlio cardinals mis case will Ixi 42. HUNT l lflR Indicate That It May Uvtn Up. ij 31 Tliere Is no 4e chase. All posses ttelr operations to rtleh Is so Isolated P7 engagement will UDlll suviirnl l...iitu Xtn Are Located. H. Carroll Taylor Wnj this morning Wleved to ho con- J Pnnniw.1 .lt... '.mv wiuuiib tu waled near Grnnlto 1 SARCASM. ariooninn tne Problem. Jc Is comUictlnc a 11 the American sro, today prints represents an Amor Widen pedestal and ro on a pitchfork. Ot T..,i . . - '"'nuy HOWS in ' nbllmo spectacle. " Amerleann hnvn w,y nominal frco- J"r I URED. rin rvi ,'enworth pent- HfQfct Saw.!. ted ,, , ?;nla limited PALOUSE CROP TO BE SHORT. Weather Conditions for the Past Week Have Been Favorable. Tncoma. July 31, a letter from Stato Grain Commissioner Arrasmlth roports a great change for tho bet ter In tho grain situation In the Pa louse country. The commissioner snys tho hot wave which has boon drying up the wheat and Inflicting great damngo camo to an end on the 23, and that subsequent conditions had been highly satisfactory, allow ing tho withering crops to entirely recover. Tho weather had cooled with tho prevailing winds all coming iroin the south, Tho commissioner Is Informed by fanners that the regular threshing will commence In two weolis and that a crop of 20 per cent off the returns of last year is expected. The grain, however. Is of excellent quality, plump nnd of good general appear nnco nnd weight, FAMINE II TIE REBELLION IS GAPE VERDES RIFE II 0081 People Dying at the Rate of Thirty Per Day in One Town. THOUSANDS OF LABORERS EMIGRATED TO AMERICA. LADRONES MAKE TROUBLE. Charged That Conditions Are Same no During Spanish Occupation. London, July 31. The British coiiHUl at Culm reports the country continues disturbed and tho Ameri cans are unable to control the roam ing hands of natives who terrorize peaceful Inhabitants. Fire at Elgin. La Grande, July 31. Fire destroy ed tho sawmill, 2,000 cords of wood, 250,000 feet of lumber and a dwelling house belonging to Lawrence Fox, Inst night. Loss about $14,000. Drouth, Famine and Pestilence an Old Story Islands Once Lost 30, 000 of Staivation In Two Years' Time Old and Decrepit Are Dying In the Streets. PLAN PM-AIU RIMY CONSIDERED FEASIBLE BY PROMINENT CHILEANS. Commissioner Is Now In South Amer ica for the Furtherance of the Great Scheme Line Via Isthmus of Panama, Now York. July 31. Interest Is be ing shown throughout Chile, accord ing to South American papers receiv ed hero, In tho Pan-American railway project and in the mission of Charles M, Popper, who has been sent as com mlBsIonor to South America iy Pres ident Roosevelt to secure tho co-op-oration of those governments fur tho completion of tho line. Scnor Aug usto Matte, who was a colleague of Commissioner Popper at tho Pan American congress in Mexico Is quot ed In Kl Mercurio ns follows: "The undertaking is a gigantic one, hut porfectly practical, and great honollts will 1)0 derived by Chile from tho close touch which the interior of tho country will have with the rich territory of the north. It will mean a boom to the development of our country and will boncilt our political nnd Industrial life in general." INCENDIARY FIRE. Property and Life Lost in an Oklaho ma Town. AnudarUo. Olila.. July 31.-Tlie i .r iiiil.mt was wiped I1IUIII ii in'" v - - ..,. out by nro last night. Loss S.0.0. Mnnnger Hughes or i " Kxehnnge diopped dead of heait dis ease wlillo lighting the flames. H o fire started in the Phoenix theater and Is supposed to have been incen diary. Brick business houses . two blocks ore In ruins. T ie lire was finally extinguished by using dj nnmlte. ,. . Four men anil one woman ye un dor arrest charged with incendla rlmi . Seventy-sovou business houses we hurned! Bvory man in town I ) armed. Six persons suffered inj url ot. from l.o reckless use of dynnmi te i extinguishing fires. Andrew Ktoefl. ing, a merchant, being fatally hmt. More Sheep Killed. jars-szi a&tr range near hero. The holders u hold up by one masked man wmw tho shooting was go Ing : on. Man more sheep In the flock "Q'" "'Jlire" Cold Wave In Nebraska. Lincoln . Nen, Uu" SteK "dV t.u, lowest ever recorded hero in July' On Retired List. Washington, July M--. l i vlllo. concluded b Hrod and tomorrow win be " list. Negroes Pay Death Penalty. New Ilcdford, July 31. A Lisbon, Portugal paper received here dated July 13, contains a story of starva tion and suffering In the Cape Verde Islands, which has only been hinted at up to this time. The Lisbon story is unnuestlonablv authentic, as tho islands belong to Portugal, and tho information has a direct and unbi ased origin. The islands, which lie off tho Afri can coast and directly cast of San Domingo, have suffered from the ef fects of a heavy emigration of In here, very many of whom have gone to South America, and to the southern part of the United States This emigration has greatly depleted the force available for tho handling of the crops, rattle and other Indus tries. In addition, the Islands are suffering from one or the not infre quent visitations of drouth, and the crops this year are a total failure. On the island of St. Hiago the death rate has reached and now main tains ."U dally from starvation. The dead are piled colllnless in trncches. The old and decrepit drop dead in the streets, and in some cases tho mothers nie the only ones left to bury the little children they vainly tried to find sutllclent food for. Little babes have died of starvation at tho dry breasts of their starving mothers. The military governor is doing his utmost to relieve nls distress, but his resources are limited. He is fur ther handicapped by the almost de sertion of the islands by ships and stcameis which have not made their ports for several months, because there was nothing this year to be taken away, and no one who could buv what they might bring. broutli and famine are periodical in the Capo Verde Islands, the nor mnl population of which Is 70,000. distributed over nn area of 1,280 miles. The greatest famine was In 1832-33. when 30,000 peoplo died. In iT'in.'..)' tiio islands were almost de- nonulated from famine and pesti lence First Reports of an Armed Insurrection Are Now Being Verified. GOVERNOR OF SANTIAGO NOW ADDS H!S TESTIMONY. The Insurrectionists Demand the Pay ment of the Old Army Which Fought Spain Pupo, a Bandit Leader, Was Killed by the Rumles Tuesday Last. NEGRO IS DEAD. Tough Who Started the Indiana Race Riots. Jeffersonville. !r.d.. July 31. Brown, the negro who caused the race riots at llvansvllle, died this morning at tho reformatory from wounds received when ho fought with Policeman Massey. Feeling of Relief. IJvansvllle, July 31. Thare Is gen- nr.il r.MIof brri ni tlw. nmva nf tin. negro Brown's death, ns-trouble was reared ir ho wn brought here for trial. Brown's wife, who was men tally unbalanced, was killed by n train a lew days ago. GETS FIVE AND A HALF YEARS. Havana, July 31. In spite of the assertion made yesterday by Scnor Vero. secretary of tho Int'-rlor, that the killing of three men and tho cap line of n fourth man, their loader, "ho had attempted to cause an upris ing In the vicinity of Bayamo, prov ince ot Santiago, effectually ended tho only semblance, of nn uprising In Cuba, the rumors of uprisings In Eastern Cuba were fully confirmed today in the government's reports re ceived lrom the covernor and other officials of Santiago Province. These are to the effect that since the night of Sunday last CO armed and mount ed men have appeared outside vil lages In the Cauto river district, pro claiming a revolution and demanding tho payment of tho former members of the revolutionary army. No acts of violence have been re poited, but the inhabitants of tho Cauto rcg rn are excited Tne lnid er of the revolutionary party Is named Pupo. Ha 's u mother of one o' the bandits kill;-J by the rural guard on Tuesday General Rodriguez, commar.der-Jn-chief of the rural guard, has ordered the mobilization of all the rural guards in Eastern Cuba, and the gov ernor of Santiago province has been instructed to enlist as many volun teers as may be deemed necessary to co-operato with tho mounted troops. Secretary of the Interior Yero says there Is no doubt that tho authorities will be ablo to cope successful)' with tho situation, as all reports, he adds, agree that popular sentiment Is with tne government of President Palma, and that those who havo risen In re bellion mostly belong to tho wanton, lazy class of Puerto Principe. Up to this afternoon no further information had been received here regarding tho uprisinb in Eastern Cuba. Tho rural guards havo begun fo patrol both sides of tho Cauto ilver In search for rebels. Tbo rail! tnrv and civil ofllcials havo not yet III! I III III lUMllllt! tU l.v-w.. - . . ,.. ...! , .... m I., niimlmr rennrted the numbers, location mm I lie isihiiub un- i" ... i,i , Convicted of Embezzling Funds of a Labor Union, New York, July 31. Former Treas urer of tho Stonecutters' Union Murphy, was this morning sentenced to live years and six months for mis appropriating $10,000 of the union's funds. Accountants bollevo Murphy spent nearly $27,000 ltv riotous living. Prisoners Dig Through Wall. Walla Walla, July 31. An attempt to escape from the state penitentiary was mndo by II, W. Mitchell and James Burkly, yesterday evening, by digging brick from the wnll of the jute plant. Their actions were sus picious and the ofllcials discovered tho plot In time to frustrate It. When discovered, there only remain ed one thickness to bo removed nnd they had planned to make an escaiio at the first favorable opportunity. HIT SHOT Fiili TIE PULPITS NEW MAYOR OF SPOKANE UNDER MINISTERIAL FIRE. Promoters of a Moral Municipal Pro gram In That City Are Greatly Dissatisfied With the New Mayor's Recent Veto. Rnolrnno Inlv 31. The ministers rf flu nltv nro fnlflnf lln tho mntlpr of tho veto by Mayor Boyd of tho resolution or tlio city council nnoiisu ing the saloon boxes, In earnest, and aro linndlng out some hot shots from the pulpits. Last Sunday Hov. Dr. Lambert, of tho First M. B. church, paid particu lar attention to tho mayor. Ho took for his text, "And from mat timo no took opportunity to betray Him." nnd ni.nll.wl tlm tovt In Mnvnr Itnvil. Ho quoted from tho republican municipal platform and lrom mo uuernnces 01 tho mayor with regard thereto, and end) tlmt tlir. lnnizuniro of tho text was nppllrablo to tho mayor. That whether uoyd received monetary considerations or favors In other ways, his flagrant violation of a sa cred trust places him In tlio altitude of a modern Judas. The preacher al so I'kencd tho mayor to Benedict Ar nold, nnd depleted him ns "wearing a crown of Infamy nedocueii wnn nn len stars tho stnrs of lost manhood and womanhood." hut several Islets are uninhabited rocky doings of tho rebels with any degree of exactness MOB OF KENTTJCKIANS HOLD DP A TRAIN Maysvllle, Ky., July 31. A Cuesa pcuko & Ohio train was held up near Clifton Forge last night by a mob which wanted to lynch three negroes who had been arrested for killing a prominent citizen at that place and were being taken to Covington for safekeeping. mm.ko One man hold up nugliieer White, while the others ea died the train, falling to find the negro. They fl cd at "ho "am as it pulled out, breaking a large number of windows and ter rorizing the passengers, who laid on the floors to escape tho storm or bullets. Two hundred mon were in the mob. Tho conductor closed tho vestibules of a portion of the train, making it i..,oii.i r.n- tin. mob to nass through. Klfty shots were fired through tho Jim Crow car, where tho ...i,iw.ro wi.rp. Tho train was a !i..t.io-l.fwlf.r Aflnr thn nrst few UUIIUIVIIVMUv., ' ' volleys, tho engineer of tho second engine pulled the throttle wide open, thus frustrating mo mou. Guardinn the Prisoners. Covington, July 31. A strong n.-.i iina imim ulaccd nround tho jail where tho negroes nro now con fined, as it is believed an attempt will be made to lynch them lonigni DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN JERSEY CITY Jersey City. July 31.-Firomen this morning succeeded in gaining control U e flro which started in the Dela ware & Lackawanna freight yards at last night. Fourteen firemen and railway mfiployes were injured. Loss, $5Theftflre originated In the Carey tor "inner factory and swept over the rarv's Tobacco Company's plant Into 'the freight sheds and cars. Seven firemen were on tho roof of .... ... ,... i. limit,, when it fell In and all wero badly bruised and burned. A switch crow of soven men including tho engineer and fireman, attempted to pull a train load of to bacco out of the reach of tho flamoB, ,!. n wnll suddenly foil. William i. intnrnnlK- Inturcd. prol i.i.. f-.ir.iiv. and Engineer Graves was badly burned. POSTAL THIEVES IRE Oil THE RUN United States Grand Jury In dicts Machen on Four Counts of Fraud. INVESTIGATIONS ARE SCORCHING MANY NOTABLES. Contractor Who Could Not Furnish Shoulder Straps for Letter Carriers Pays Machen Three Thousand Do. lars for His Services Postal Lock Agent Collects False Claim. STRAHON CHANGES HANDS. Mrs. Green, of Echo. Is Now Proprie tress at 618 Main street. Mra T A firnpn. nf Echo. Is In tiio rltv nml will remain hero as the uroprletress of tho Stratum lodging house, having bought tlio property from the present proprietress, Mrs. Cora E. Cooper. Mrs. Green is tlio who ch uie iitun n"or of the hotel at Echo, and will tnl-o Immediate possession o (tho place liere Sho will keep It on mo iiigtt niane set by Mrs. Cooper, nnd will endeavor to caler to tbe best (hiss of lodgers as haH been done In the east Whllo under tlio mnnagemeui of Mrs. Cooper tlio hotiso hns been noted for its cleanliness nnd good or der, and tbo liome-llko nccommoda- Ions usually so lacuing in a ioukihk houso. It will ho tho aim or tlio now owner to still maintain the place on the tamo linos. Tho deal has boon on tlio carpet for somo time, Mrs. Green iiuviiig .., I dm .'ltv n rntiiilo of W80I.H avo when tho matter was practically settled and nil that remained lo be rloff was tho hand'ng over mo pine. This was done this morning, wuen Mrs. Coopor received $3.W) ior iter pro'ortv. . i.. i.mit n mv1( Mra. Connor w 111 go to Long Heath for a timo and af terward will visit with tier Bister. Mrs T W. ' auner. or auvuiiun, n a month. Sho will bo accompanied on these trips by her Bister, Miss Trlr.hern W'lson of Wnlla Wallu, who row hor guost. After her visit In r... r'nnnnr will irn 10 San KronMsco vhore sho will spend the winter. Willie In that city sho will study tho piano. Mrs. cooper is not as yet settled as to where sho will mal-o hor future homo, though she may return to this oily to res.de July 31. The ginnd jury this af ternoon reported the following Indict ments ns a result of the recent Inves tigation Into the postofllie scandals: Leopold Stern, of Baltimore; William Long, of Washington, and August Machen. former superintendent of free delivery. The charges are conspiracy to do fraud tho government In connection with the contract for the shoulder straps for letter carriers' satchels. Machen. Thomas MaeGroRor, of Hal timoie, and Morris Kunkle, of Now York, nro charged with conspiracy in regard to the contract for letter car ries' satchels and railway mall sacks. Machen, William G. Cruwronl, ot Washington, George I.oranz, former postmaster of Toledo and wife, am also charged with conspiracy. Ma chen, John Cusper, mayor ot l.ockha veil, William Long, of Washington, also for conspiracy. William l-ong, of Washington, and John Cusper, of l.ockhaven, for offering a bilbo. Wil liam G. Crawford, the Washington of ficial icprcscntutlve of the Postal Lock Device Company, of New Jer sey, for collecting a false claim against the government. Disgraceful Details ot Fraud. The flrbt three Indictments lx.-ar on each other. Ono of those con tracts was held by Stem, who, It Is charged, was unable to furnlHh tho shoulder straps to go with tin. sat chels, and they wero supplied by tho department through Machen, ami In return for which, It Is alleged that Machen received checks fiom Slern, through William 1mg. a Washing ton Insurance man, for $3,00(1. ltunkel l Indicted on a similar I,., i.i.iiii. u-ilil to have nalil Machen $2,000 anil Thomas Mac Gregor, tho clerk, r.0n. Crawford, It Is alleged, paid Ma chen, through Ixnenz nnd wife, $7. 000 In all those cases It is assert ed tho department was cburged lor tlio Btraps by tho contractors, when tho hills were presented, as though they had h-en furnished by the de partment. Clipper's Indictment chuigoH Hint he paid Machen. through Long, IS00 bonus In return for tho contract of painting the limll boxes. IRRIGATION COMPANY. Citizens of Freewater Form a New Organization, At a meeting "f ,,' '!'""' I"".'! owners of Frcewnler and vlclnily held not long ago, a new It rtB llcm j om Diiny was formed, to be known as the VrMns Irtlgatlon Ditch O'injMiiiir. The . ompimy was incorporated c II o 's i. of the month nnd the certificate has been returned. The new enmpa " has a stock of $2.7f.O. dlvhted n o 275 shaies at $10 a Blu.r-. Hie o in curs of tho company nro U nrosll .-lit: 8. Vinson, secretary N : A. Kennedy, vie- shlent and 'iT board haH h.,m '"r,xw,,111t" l,.vy special lax of 25 cents a sh i o ,rythe ..corporation, survey un.1 I . nliililiii: of the dill ... wiin ii ITZ tlia. runs through the city f Froewutor at the prefcont time Tho purpose or secure the equal ...... .." water to all the pa rens of I U In the propo.tion .m i - j- , of the land owners, """""",," t,. nccomii sh t no aiii " , Wrlsb. "aw of 18005. without sum.- of Its disadvuntagos. Chinaman Killed In Gilliam County. Thomas G llalloy returned ti ls : i-'a-'f iK i a iwkvbs Ciilnaman at that place. 1I found that tho crlmo had been eoniui tted in GIMIara county, and iherrtoio turn ed tho ease over to Uih authorities there. '""en, Arlzonn.