East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 30, 1903, Image 6

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He will tell you
That barley-malt is a
half-digested food, as good
as food can be.
That hops are an ex
cellent tonic.
That the little alcohol in
beer only 8j per cent
is an aid to digestion.
But Purity
is Essential
But he will tell you that
beer must be protected i
from germs, and brewed I
in absolute cleanliness.
He'll say, too, that agel
is important, for age brings
perfect fermentation.
Without it, beer ferments
on the stomach, causing
Scblitz beer is brewed with all
precautions. It is the recog
nized standard all the world
over, because of its purity.
Atkfortht Btcxirj Bottlinz.
Phono SI Main,
H. Kopittke,
507 Main St., Pendleton!
Teachers' Salaries Increased All
Along the Line Number of Teach
ers in Decreasing Shows Higher
( Efficiency and Less Dissatisfaction.
i Salem, Ore., July .10. Superintend
ent Ackcrninn yesterday received mi
nimi reports from the scnool super
intendents of Grant, Malheur, Mor
row ntid Wasco counties.
I The Grant county report shows a
slight falling off lu attendance for the
year, there being hut 1317 pupils in
school last year, whereas there were
' only 1230 this year. There wore also
44 organized districts last year, and
only 42 this year, and thero were only
72 teachers .employed this year,
against 71) last. The report also
shows that the salaries of the women
teachers have been raised from $43.70
permonth to $16.42, n nil thoso of the
male teachers from $40 to $51.20.
In Malheur county thero bus been
nn increase in attendance from 10G1
to 111B, with two newly organized
districts and four now school houses,
also two now ones last year; but tho
number of teachers has not increased,
there being only 42 employed. Tho
salaries of tho women teachers have
been increased from 41.75 to $12,
while thoso of tho male teachers have
boon raised from $53.90 to $02.75.
In Morrow county thero was a
slight falling off n attendance from
13CS to 1340, and a great reduction in
teachers from !3 last year to 79 this
year, although the salaries of the
lady teachers were increased from
$40.33 to $42.7(5 per month, and the
males from $49.30 to $52.32. There
wero two now schoolhouses built dur
ing tho yenr. Superintendent Shipley
says that his report was delayed on
account of tho flood.
The Wasco county report shows an
increase In attendance from 3373 to
3129 pupils, hut a slight falling off in
teachers employed, from ICO last year
to 144 this year. Two districts have
been dropped from the list and three
new school houses were built during
tho year. Tho report also shows an
Increase in the male teachers salar
ies from $47 per month last year to
$57.44 this year, while those of tho
women teachers remain practically
the same.
Come and Bring Your Friends
Show them what good laun
dry work really moans. Tho
Domestic Laundry will be al
ways pleased to show Its skill
and to demonstrate why their
work Is superior to all others,
and how one ran add to his
personal comfort during tho
heated term by having their
linen laundered properly
Court and Thompson Btreetn
We keep nothing but pure
natural Ice, frozen from pure,
clear mountain water. It goes
farther and lasts longer than
artificial Ico. All wo nsl, Is an
unprejudiced trial of our ico.
Why not order a case of tho
celebrated Schlltz, A. I). 0. or
GnmbrimiB for your Sunday
'Phone your order to Main
-to Prevent Pneumonia and Consump
tion Is to euro your cold when It
first appears. Acker's English Rem
edy will stop the cough In a night,
and drive the cold out of your system.
Always a quick and suro euro for
Asthma, XironchitlH, and all throat
and lung troubles If It does not sat
lufy you the druggist will rofund your
money. Write to us for freo sample.
W. II. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
J W. Schmidt & Co., druggists.
Succession to G. A, R. Commandancy
Seems to Be Settled.
San Francisco, Cal., July 30.
Though It is several weeks before tho
1 veterans In blue will invade San
Francisco for tho annual national en
campment of tho G. A. R., much gos
sip is arriving here concerning tho
forthcoming contest for the head of
tho famous organization in succession
to Commander-in-Chief Thomas J.
Stewart, of Pennsylvania. At the
Washington encampment last year at
which General Stewart was chosen
commander-in-chief his leading oppo
nent was General John C. Black, of
Chicago and General Black is again
a leading candidate for the honor.
Advance delegations that havo
reached here to arrange for the com
ing of their comrades state that tho
election of General Black seems al
ready assured. The state encamp
ments of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin,
.Minnesota and other states of tho
.Middle West have instructed for him.
At the sanio time tho names of sev
eral other prominent vetorans are
mentioned and it Is possible that a
dark horse may win the raco as has
been tho case more than once before
in tho history of tho organization.
Union county. Tho laying of tho
stone was conducted by tho Masonic
Grand Lodgo of Now Jersey, and
speeches npproprlato to the occasion
wero delivered by United StatoB Sen
ator John Kean, former Governor
Foster M, Vorhecs and others.
Tlie new edifice Is designed to be
ono of the most magnificent and cost
ly structures of Its kind In tho ontlro
Some of Finest Equlncs in Amorlen
on Exhibition.
Long Branch, N. J., July 30. Socie
ty today deserted the beach, tho ton
ills courts and golf links fur tho at
tractions of Hollywood Park, where
the tenth nniiunl exhibition of tho
.Monmouth County Horse. Show isso
clatlon opened under brilliant mis
pices. Nearly all the leading stables
of the East aro represented among
tho entries. Prizes havo boon pro
vided for upwards of 40 classes, em
bracing every typo of driving and rid
ing horses. Both as a society event
ami as an exhibition of blue-blooded
equities the present show promises to
fnr eclipse the exhibitions of former
years. The show will continue dally
through the remainder of tho week
and a largo attendance is assured.
No Trace of the Fish Anywhere on
the Atlantic Coast.
Boston, Muss., July 30. According
to reports of returning nshermcn
mackerel aro about the most dlfllcult
llsh to tlnd anil catch tills year of any
sort tlshermen go after. Schooners
havo scoured the Georges, tho Bay
of Fundy and the Maine coast wltn
out success, It appears from what
they report that tho schools of fish
supposed by some to be mackerel are
really herring or porgles.' In places
the waters swarm with thoso varie
ties, hut not u sign of mackerel.
Educational Topics Discussed.
.Mouteaglo, Tonn.. July .'10. At to
day's sessions of the Tennessee
Teachers' Association meeting papers
and addresses wero presented as fol
lows; "Needed Changes In Our Cur
riculum," It. I.. Jones, Chattanooga;
"What Shall Bo Tennessee's Next
Stop In Educational Progress?" ,3. A.
Mynders, state superintendent of pub
lic Instruction; "Ways and .Means of
Establishing and Maintaining Rural
School Libraries," J. I. Allman, Ho
ver; "Literaturo in the Grades," Prof.
J. L. Brooks, Jackson.
Shooting Tourney at La Crosse.
La Crosse, Wis., July 30. Tho in
terstate association tournnment for
which the La Crosse and Viroqua
Gun Clubs havo been preparing for
a long time opened today and will con
tinue through the remainder of tho
week. Tho long list of prizes offered
has attracted a large number and
high class of entries, among tho ce
lebrities being W. R. Crosby, Fred
Gilbert, Rollo Hcikos, J. L. Head and
Herman Hirscliy the winner of tho
1902 Grand American handicap live
bird shoot.
Assembly of Methodists.
Altoona, Pa., July 30. The annual
reunion of tho Methodists of Central
Pennsylvania began here today at
I.akomont Park. Tho speakers In
cludo Itov. Thomas J. Leak, of Pitts
burg; Itov, J. M. Yeagor, of Now
York; Thomas H. Murray, of Clear-
! field, and Rev. C. E, L. Cartwrlght,
of Scottsdalo.
Deafness Can Not Be Cured
Ily local applications as thcr can not reach
the diseased portions of the ear. There
Is only one way to cure deafness, and that
U by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
caused by an lntlamed condition of tho
mucous lining of the Eustachian tube.
When this tuba Is Inflamed you have a
rumbllni; fcouml or Imperfect hearing, and
when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the
result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tuba restored to Its
normal condition, hearing wll be destroyed
forever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by Catarrh, which Is nothng but an In
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
Wo will Rive One Hundred Dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh
Cure. Hend for circulars free.
V. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Kolrl by all drujtKsta, 75c.
Ball's Family Tills are the best
Dr. Storms Now In Control of Iowa
State College.
Ames, Iowa, July 30. Dr. B. A.
Storms, recently olected to tho presi
dency of Iowa Stato Collego, was to
day formally received by tho faculty
of that Institution. Tonight a ban
quet in to bo given In his honor to
which leading stato ofliclals, educat
ors of Iowa nnd friends and nlumnl
of the stato collego havo been Invited.
Tho new president leaves tho pulpit
to become' an educator, having for
merly boon ft pastor of Methodist
churches In Madison. Wis., and Dos
Moines, lown. Ho is a graduato of
tho University of Michigan.
Structure In New Jersey That Cost
Ellzaboth, N. J., July .'10. Speeches
and other coromonies accompanied
tho laying of tho corner stono today
of the now $050,000 court kouso for
Health and Pleasure.
When one goes to Lehman Springs
thore Is every assuranco that not only
will one's health bo benefited by tho
pure, bracing mountain air and bath
ing to ho enjoyed there, but also
while gaining health ono can enjoy
a great variety of plcasuro ranging
from hunting and fishing to bowling
and goit. C. It. Dutton has sustained
his roputatlon as a capable host by
the manner In which ho is providing
for tho comfort and pleasure of his
Farms for Sale.
Wo now havo listed for solo some
of tho best wheat farms and stuck
ranches In tho county. Tho stock
ranches can bo sold either with or
without the Block. All tho places are
well Improved and well supplied with
water. Also some very desirable cay
property, Including now modern resi
dence on north aldo of river. Call
and get prices.
Store For Rent.
I am planning to erect a two-story
brick block on tho cornor of Wobb
and Cottonwood streets. Before I
build I would llko to secure a renter
for tho upstairs and downstairs
either separately or together, so
that In nulldlng I can nrrango tho
building to suit tho renter. Thoso
desiring to rent call or address It.
Martin, at his grocery store.
Bri&fits Disease
Not Rnre, hut Common All Kid
ney DlHciirtc In HrlRlit'H DIhcoho
The 8th to 10th Month It Be
comes Chronic mul Iiiciir-nble by
All Known MeiWH Except tho
new Pulton Coinpoiindu, which
Record 87?o o? Rccovcnleu.
We htre before us n llttlo work, on UMnj
Olieucsby Joseph F. KilwimK M. I).,ut l'lillo
dolphin, Hint contains some things tbnt every.
ono ought o know. M"ny l,00l10 h'"lKn
UrlRht's Dlsoaso is rro, when, In (not, H
rovors tho whole rmut of liUlnoy til eases.
This book sets out lunt tbo liklneys Imve hut
cno fuiiotion. Tlx., the ellmlniittou of l tin lire
nnd waste products, nnd thnt all Intnrferencrt
with that function are called llrlHlit s Dlseii'-
J)r Edwards uilitj; "For the bunelll nl ulm
dsns who may rend this book I will glrn u ll jl
of the oa.ei which I nttilbuto to Urltflit
Ulseave, via. :
Counestlou of tho Kidney.
iwieneratton of the Kluney.
I'Mtty Degeneration of tbo Kidney.
Inflammation of tho Kidney.
Disi'mj of the Kidney." ,..., .
Thu, nil kidney dlcaio boln nrlRht'.i DM
ease, tho serious question Is. Is It ucuie or
chronic! In other wonis, Is It In the primary or
secondary sUKu! Atlcr tho elKth to tenth
mouth It becomes chronlo una Is thnt. Incurnblo
by ail known means oicept the Fulton Coin
IMiinili Tho kidneys aro not sensitive. Thero
Is often no notice of tho trouble till It has
nlro.tdy fastened. If you havo kidney di'ionso
la Hie first stase tho ltenal Compound "III euro
It quickly it It Is of more than 8 to 10 months
tundlut; It la tho only thing known that wilt
euro It. In proof that notulnn else will wo oltu
nil medical works usovldenco that to this time
there has been nothing that cures Chronlo
llrlirht's Disease. Thostockholdersot the Ji.hn
J t'ulton Co., business and professional men ol
Hnu I'rancisco, are the first people In the world
to announce n positive cum, prueatlng a
deflnllepercentaieot recoveries H7 per oont),
ana Klvlcc out the lists of tho cured, nil nmonz
purely chronic well-defined cases. If you hnvo
iwiy kind of kidney trouble, there la only one
tnfnir to tako. ' he ltenal Compound for llrlirht's
Dlseasolsll.f irDlshetes.ll.W John J Kulton
Co., sou Washington street, Bn Francisco,
solo compounders. Freo aualvses for patlsals.
I'auipnlot Ires. We are the sole menu.
F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy.
Where to Stop at North Beach.
Malthoid Roofing
Fire resisting. Will
thoroughly protect all
buildings covered with
it. A better roof
ing for less cost than
any other roofing
made. Quickly laid
and lasts for years.
Send for booklet. I
The Paraffine Paint Co.
San Francisco, Seattle,
Porllsnd, Los Angtlcs
and Denver, Colorado.
T. C. TAYLOR, Agunt
Gray's Harbor
The Ilreiiltora Hotel Is co ndiioted to attract thr host mi
nun Is n Hiiinimir hotol that in unsurpassed on tho VacZ c !(
north of tho famous California beach resorts. CM!I
The building lins an ocean front of 100 feet, Is 70 foot n
four stories high, or 73 foot from tho ground floor to tho tm,
olmorvntory. p 01
It has handsomely furnished rooms, slnglo or en suite fnr
guests, each room being enrooted. ' !1
Tho house Is lighted by electricity with electric Unlit, ami .i
trie rail bells in every room, and thoso lights mal0 it one nt k
most brllllnnt beacons on tho ontlro coast, 1 Ul
Tho ontlro lower llnor is thrown open to tho public and i
beautifully carnotcd, tho spacious reception room and 'large air!
halls alwnys form favorito gathering places for guests. The Willi?
nnd pool room Is also nulto populnr for merry gatherings
An Aoolliin ami I'lanola in the commodloiiB parlor lurnlsh
delightful music at nil times, and musicals aro pleasant feato
during tho ontlro season.
Tho Ilrcnkors has a regular orchestra which furnishes rati
for Informnl tlnnccs nnd balls, and tho largo dining room, wltha
smooth, hard lloor, makes mi ideal hall for regular dancing partlet
An iibiindanco of fresh nnd Bait water fish, clams, oysters enj
and othor sea food Is alwnyB m our monii; our entire sup'plji
milk, butter nnd cream comos from our tiwn herd of Jersey con
mid poultry and oggs aro supplied from tho hotol farm adjolnli
the grounds.
There nro hot nnd cold, fresh nnd salt water bathes In tfc
liouso, with prlvato baths mid toilets.
The waves of tho ocean nt high tide roll within 200 feet ot th
hotel, nnd tho beach in front 1: superb for surf lmtlilng.
On tho grounds nro bowling alleys, golf links, tennis courts an
croquet sots; on the lakes, Just back of tho hotel, 1b a fleet ot si1
mid rowhoats, and on Shoalwater Hay, Just east of tho lakes, h
gasolino launch for parties or llshomion, picnickers or others k
prefer the warm, still-wntnr bathing to tho tumbling of tho surf.
All trains stop at tho railroad Btatlon in tho hotel grounds, at,
no crowding into hotel omnibuses or walking in sand is necessari
since the hotel ground Is a perfect velvety lawn, where the guen
are practically landed at tho hotol door.
The llrcakors Hotol is located nt Ilrcakors Station, a reguh
ticket olllro, whore nil trnlns stop. It is one and a half miles ton
of Long Ileach Station.
In purchasing tickets bco that they read to Breakers, Wai
and have baggago checked through to that point.
Telegraph and telophono connections In the hotel.
Cfiip out this Coupon
Write the name of the lady clerk you wish sent by tlie Ea
Okkconian to the Hotel Breakers, on two weeks vacation, i
blank space below.
I votu for
Employed at.
j Series C
All Coupons of "Series C" must be voted hy
noun Saturday, August I. Ilring the Coupon
to tlie liitst Oregoni.'in Office.
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do keep a good big
Btock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
In all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes Is complete, and any
one In need of Lumbtr will
not be wrong In placing
their order with the : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. Wt & C. K. Depot
No Pity Shown.
"For years fnte was after mo con
tinuously," w.itos P. A. Gulledgo. Ver
bena, Aia. "I had n torrlblo race of
plies causing 21 tumors. When nil
failed, Ilurklon's Arnica Snlve cured
mo. Kqiially good for hurim itn-t nil
aches nnd pains. Only 25o nt Tall-1
man & Co.'s drug stoio. I
Rlngllng Bros.' World's Great. at
Show at Walla Walla, Augu-t n.
For tho nbovo occasion the O v F
N. Co. offers a loduccd rate of "
for tho roiu il trip. Tickets o ile
August 13. good until Auenit ''
turning. For further particular 'nil
on or address F. F. Wamsloy, a '
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and save
you money
B u i ldin g paper lime
cement brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
A.lta St., Cpp. Court House
"Cold-Pure Preservative"
Made from water that has been boiled and
distilled. Tho only pure ice in l'endleton
Lasts 50 per cent longer than pond q
Does Not SSfiiis
or foul the refrigerator no foul odor
follows its molting. The wator does not
tasto "bad" and doe not look nu'ky.
sweet and is as Clear as a Crystal
No Sawdust
to fill tho drain pipeB. Thero is no taste
or smell of rotting wood; no typnoia
other germs to mingle with the water
tltat you drum.
514 Jiiiiiu Ki
Phono MAIN 1781
ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.
- - - :.r .tT itodf
VOl' MAY INI KN1 lllMI IMMJ ,,, ,,1'AW 5"" . A
oi- Mil I It ii. i.imwilW to KKIT, 1 " ' I I"
Takes ths plnco of shingles, tin, iron, tar and ra'yS etc. E7 l
roofings. For Hat nnd stoop surfaces, mittor v j mert.
toed. It will pay to aslc for prlcosand Information.
WorcBster Building.