East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 30, 1903, Image 5

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One More Week
It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse all the time
tfet,avciiau .u u... , uisjjosmg ot our skirts the
I past ton days and have deeded to give the big reduction just
! 0V more week. Out o 149 skirts at the becinning of the sale
ce have just 49 b nave som 10 a day, It also
means that you will have to hurry if you want to be one of the
ncKV 4J- . . ... .
Following re tne prices mat make them go at the rate of 10
513 Skirts at $10.00
$G Skirts at $3 on
$4 Skirts at , . . 295
$3.50 Skirts at 275
$3 Skirts at 210
$2.50 Skirts at 190
$2 Skirts at 145
Jl2 Skirts at
In CllrtH 111 .
8 Skirts at 6.40
J; Shirts at 5.50
, Skirts at 4.75
,00 Sun Bonnets, women's and children's sizes, worth 20c and
JjCi Monday morning July 27, children's sizes 9c; Ladies'
tires 13c.
Think of it, less than half price
Cor. Main and Alta Streets.
City Brevities
L-ile mr fresli fiflli.
I id Sharp tor paper banging,
nitons Ice cream, The Delta.
I Smokers' supplies at Nouman's.
Iror the best bread, got Kohrman s.
ire Jon Koli'fi t" I-ehman Springs?
tables $5 and up. Rador's.
laitkbcrrk's by crate at Kern-
I Fountain pens nl lialC price. Fra-
Wtr itun't you g to Lehman
Iters wanted at the Domestic
So extra charge for tabulator on
a I'nderwood,
Don't tall to read the Underwood
-writer ad in IhiB Issue.
Ewlted dally, fresh tamales,
lb! and crawfish at Gratz's.
I Special- JS50 buys business. $150
t profit per month. Wade & Bry-
ff! lave fruit Jars and fruit jar
;ms rubbers, covers, etc. H. Hohr-u.
Ifce Charles Lane about your paint
: anil paper banging; 807 Vincent
lit and bulun cost all suuinier, mil-
Kery, especially patterns. Airs.
lOood meat In summer must ho
lien care of That's the kind you
! it Huuser's. Alta street, opposite
lass Bank.
Special Inducement given piano
raisers all this week. Call and
I'Htfeate now Inland Empire
10 lIOUMi, 1101 Muin.
I w muuey back if it don't wake
'til'. That Is tliu uuaranteo wo
3 give with our alarm clneltH. Wo
I'ttnem In many varieties. Don't
(our gooil gold watch out In the
st field, We can soli you a ro
i tlmokee nor In rhnnii nnnn hiRt
f thing for the harvest field. If
we it you al0 onijr out a dollar
ou can t afford to neglect
fyet, We imvo smoked glasses,
"lectors and goggles,
your watcli need roiinlrliiK'
: repair department Is thoroughly
r'W and our work guarnnteed,
Fresh fruits at Kemlcr's.
Try The Delta's iced drinks.
Fresh fruit dally at Martin's.
Fresh ranch eggs at Kemlcr's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch's.
Stationery and office supplies. Fra
zier's. Have your shoes lepaired at
Wanted Machinist and moulder at
Itigby-Clovo Foundry.
Full line McKlnley ten-cent music.
Catalogue free. Nolf's.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candies and fruits.
Forty different styles of extension
tallies from $5 to $30. Rader's.
Tents, camp stoves, camp stools,
etc., at Hadcr's Furniture store.
Ml Preferida, the best cigar made,
at Ilees' cigar store. Court street.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
lunches and clam chowder at Qratz's.
Don't let cigars get the best of you
get the best of cigars. Hanion's.
Lost A gold chain at the dance
on the Island Saturday evening. Re
turn to E. O. office for reward.
Wanted To borrow $l,f!00 on good
leal estate security at not over 8 per
cent. Address box BCS, Pendleton,
We guarantee the best piano value
for the money to lie found anywhere.
Inland Empire Piano House, 001
One of the most touching and beau
tiful songs ever written, "My Rosary,"
35c, at Inland Empire Piano House,
U01 Main.
Estimates given on short notice on
painting nnd paper hanging. Charles
l.ane. the pioneer painter, 807 Vin
cent street.
Man and wile want position as
cook in camp, harvest field or board
ing house. Inquire Thomas Ludlow,
400 West Alta.
Our line of plunos Is the best in the
country. Their deserved popularity
icsts on the solid basis of all-around
excellence. Inland Umpire Piano
House, 001 Main.
Ilest In the world. Nothing to equal
them lor purity and brilliancy ot
tone. The acme of perfection are our
splendid pianos, and their world-wide
reputation backs this statement, n
land Einplie Piano House. 901 Main.
Race Horses to Seattle.
H. I) Eshom left' last night with a
1 couple 'of race horses over the W . &
i c It. lor Seattle, where he will put
the n on the circuit. He has had the
1 horses at the Smith & Perrlnger
I track for some time training them,
and It is said that one of them I.
1 ?, st one. Uoth are new horses and
their names are not known here.
' Jeremiah Sullivan, aged 65 years,
' or Chicago, rode to Batavta. N. V.
on a bicycle, and averaged 100 miles
I per day.
iWhfiVuoa fit' ..n.illhr
O PjUVU V v j
wux, lor canning
?a8 Bed Bug Destroyer,
DG like it on the market.
inVOne that has tried it.
Pnlson FlV Paper: Ten sheets
Fn a package. Each package
will kill a quart of Hies.
Imported Select Insect Pow
der: the kind that gives sat
isfaction. A 2 ounce package
,l.lHt..,KlVoin.MnliiSlrt.it tovurl the i.u"
Entire Plant Will Undergo Its Annu
al Overhauling Employes Wnl All
Take a Month' Vacation Labor of
These Mills Is Not Organized
Heavy Advance Orders for Indian
Robes and Blankets.
On August 5th the Pendleton Wool,
en Mills will closo up shop for their
annual shut-down. me time when they
do all of their house-cleaning and
resting for the year to come. For
the last few years it has been tlio
custom of the management of the
mills to shut down about tills time of
the year for the larger part of the
month, and it has been found to be
a good thing not only for the median
leal condition of the mills, but for
the good of the employes.
All through the year as repairs are
needed and the machinery wears the
work Is put off If the condition of
tho machine will warrant, and In this
way there Is no stoppago and no halt
In the work from the time the mill
starts In September till It stops
again in August. This system has
been found to save time and trouble
and to work for tho best Interests
of the mill In every way.
Vacation for a Month.
When the mills shut down on the
evening of the next pay day, all of
tho hands will bo able to take a vaca
tion for the rest of the month. Two
machinists will be carried on the
mill's pay roll for the month of Aug
ust, and that Is all. In that time all
of the machinery will be overhauled,
every belt and pulley and bolt will lie
examined, and when the time comes
to start once more tho machines will
be in as good condition as they were
the day they were installed.
And the help will be in good condi
tion, also. Eleven months In the heat
and noise of n woolen mill Is a nerve
trying term of service, and as the
time for vacation draws near tho em
ployes grow restles sand look forward
with longing for the last day of work
to come. When they come back from
their outing they are fresh and wil
ling and ready for the work of the
coming year. Since the Inauguration
of the new plan the men at the head
of the mill have failed to see any dif
ference In the output of the mills. It
would be natural to expect that one
month of the year would be lost in
output if the mills are idle for that
length of time, but experience has
shown that tho employes do as much
work In the 11 months when they
have their vacation, as they do In the
12 without It. And they are cheerful
and contented about It, and all work
for the best Interests of the mills.
Is a Pendleton Institution.
It Is the desire of tho management
of tho Pendleton mills to make tho
plant as much of a local thing as pos
sible, to make It dependent on the
city, and make tho city own an inter
est in it, and In accordance with this
Idea It Is encouraging the use of home
people In all of the departments more
and more. The day of the tramp
weaver and spinner has gone and the
looms are now worked by men and
girls who make this place their homo
and whose Interests are here. By
this system all of the departments
are kept running, where In the old
days they ran or not, as the caprice
of the drifting weavers said.
While the labor of the mills is un
organized. It is not from any action
of the management, for they are not
unfriendly to organized labor. Hut
they are paying more than the union
scale, and their employes are content
to let things go as they are. They
have no grievances, aud if they had,
the mills are not so largo but that
each and every one of the hands
could talk their wrongs, fancied or
real, over face to face with the men
at the head of tho plant.
For this reason and irom tho fact
of the high wages there is 110 desiio
to unionize nnd no lack of harmony.
The special work of the mills is rec
ognized to such an extent In the East
that all of the plants formerly in tho
business or making Indian lobes and
blankets have gone out of that line
and turned their orders over to these
mills, recognizing the fact that they
could not compoto with them. The
mills are, as a result, working to tho
full capacity, and have orders ahead
that will keep them that way for some
time, even If they had no other busi
ness in sight.
Many Grant County Fields Are Very
Tli havinir Is well under way
throughout tho Long Creek country.
1 . 1..,., ti.nrt. will tin found a
JNUW Umi w...
field that contains an excellent ciop
of hay or grain, uui me nay eiu,i u
an average throughout all of North-.-.,.
,.nnti- m verv eht. The
okn vbiv ahoi-i both on tne
range and In pastures and stock are
' " . . ni e t tl.lt cMiutmnr
very slow in gfiung iui uho ou....-.
...i.itn ii'Qc n Inn if ntifj.
There was no hay left over fioni
last winter anu siocwueu ai ""i""
lug altogether on this summer's crop
to feed their stock through next win
ter Unless considerable stock is sold
or driven out of the country the hay
that will ho raised this summer, it
is believed, will be insufficient to feed
them through next winter. Long
Creek Light
To trade at this store during
the balance of this month
Our JULY CLEARING SALE ends next Saturday night
and until that time we shall offer additional bargains all
over the store
10c Lawns and Sunuuor Dross Good at
15c and 12Jc Lawn and Summor Dross Goods at ,
Uoo and 20c Lawns and summor dross goods at
10c and 30c Lawns and summor dross goods at
50c Lawns and summor dress goods at.,
V I 1 1 1
nc i.awnsniui summer dress goous at,
.. 8c and 7c
2 and fOc
20c and 5c
oe embroideries at 3c
7c embroideries at 4 J-2c
9c embroideries at 6c
I2ic embroideries at 8 J-2c
15c embroideries at tOc
20c embroideries at J 4c
2oc embroideries at J 7c
!?0c embroideries at 20c
50c embroideries at 33 t-3c
75c embroideries at 50c
Valenciennes Laces
20c bolt of 12 yards for tOc
25c bolt of 12 vards for J 2 !-2c
80c bolt of 12 yards for J 5c
Or same price by tbe single yard.
;wry ttlhw OeparttmnKgimii
Has Equally Attractive Bargains For
The Next Six Days
The Peoples Warehouse
Outfitters for Hen and Women
Statistics of Wealth.
Recent statistics show that If tau
wealth of tho various countries were
.n AvAiA omtnllv nmoilfi their lll-
iu NC UI'IUU v. j n
habitants. Frenchmen would be richer
11, an nnv ilttllT THTSOllK mill 11UIK""'
ans would tM poorer. I
a cv,nit,mfiii wniilil linvti S37.3S. a ,
Siamese $34.58, a citizen of the Unit-'
ed states ?z'j.ut, au mu . ,
Uusslan $0.25, a German $19.92. a Ser
vian $2.72, an Englishman lis.iV, ai
Turk $3.72. a Japanese $3.09, a Span-
lard $23.98, an Italian $9.G8, a South 1
Afrlcau $27.02, and a Bulgarian $1.91.
Qtnllctlnu clinvv that tile MUIUllCT
of divorces, tho age of mariiago and
Fine Toilet Soaps
1 The Columbia
Lodging House
llvorces, 1110 age 01 "
number of self-supporting women ,
all Increasing In Massachusetts. jlTOin ac to 24c a liar, consibting
01 vauneai, uiytcum;, ui,
berry and many other styles.
Bicycles, $t8.50 to $35
irs of New
Newly Furnished,
liar in connect)
Met. Alta & Welib bts,
In Center of Hlock.
F. X. Schempp
Propri e t o r
We equip any wheel with best
! coaster brake for U 5 -'x(ra'
A Nice, Jtiicy
Steak is just tho tiling
this weather. It is too
hot to roast or boil meal
Do you want to see them?
Glad to show them ncuii or ii.o.o
Boston Store mv... v-
If you want your houses rentud or
your property solil.
j. C. Swim moiu, 220 1C Court
Rigby-Clove Mfg.
Manufacturers of the
Rigby-Clove Combined
Recairs for all kinds of
Farm Machinery
Cub1! paid for old castings j
Dally East Oregonlan by catrUr,
only 15 cents a week. ,