E call agon aroJ ncssert ( ctory 0 Wen,' r hot vef? day! It Time Got the ; r houu little i me nlu r villi 1 am. never J n endll new il in. Betl v thensl It will se or i A.LV EA8T QREGONIAN, PENDLETON, 0RECON THURS)AY( SloJ of ice , IV Peoples Greatest Outfitters of the Best of Them Left I PltS FROM ECHO1 JULY 30, 1903. IS YOUR COAT DUSTY? ... mil i'nii fixacllv llm pnnil mint;.- ... . lirn ' , . M-""""! ii may look I,,!) we were uvauumg uiu niaucr. L yon look at these suits you could sec "instanter" a case oi loivwilliiifi to iahc a ioss. rou are getting some- the ordinary 5, $12.50 SUITS for $7.50 $18, $20 SUITS for $12.50 Lobby underwear and furnishings at less than cost XANDER AL 'department STORE SCHOOL BONDS CARRIED BY VOTE OF FOUR TO ONE. You Probably Have the White Scab or Dandruff nn it whLyi!,r,C0'',t 0r "owliter"s htn a if hat it I f"pnn h f ''"' "'!T lint It IS from ,lnn.1.....- ..... . way to l,ormn.n J " ...J L 11. f t L Lcmv. .th0. , hlcn Is a f r.ewuro'8 Herplclil,. Mil the : 1ST A UP Proposition tn v.. nj. . Kcrm - oonqs tor a New tvr.-,,, t- V. "-'r'i'u" m i me School Building Will Be Submitted sue?, K,VPrV0"Ct Ubto shmM hnvo T d m. w ur,a9e Will Be V "'K Kr It stuns all irrjt l- I ! Built at Foster J, Build a Residence, IJUIl. KrO to Ihn . i ... Mi Koont? win "'v fwwi. mre mui t,t i . . . "ivtiiwi uiiu Fume uiiuu ruiimnii in i.. . .. . i Eelin t..,.. . . w"' not do tho left yesterday to ,;7A10X VnIroIm plcl,'- SoI'i by lead Ing dr w f Schmidt & Co., special agents. ' Snaps nrc what we tins looking forth! tlmeof the ve-r nml we have them hi nil line-.. Our CIwmiiw S Vlo V no v e'ol on mid we are now sh-hlnK price on .VI miimbiu coo N You half pri," null lis "Vr "r talSn'n c',m,t,,s, Summer .Irexs at Clothing at 20 Per Cent. Reduction ll.,JLlU'.r, !1K'B c.ui,,1i,!, hlUhMi' ilres-cM ami man v other line.'art out dawn to Ntlrocl;. eunoratlon. work on thn rnnr,,ioii.. nerv Is i,nin " lor 1,10 can- all thn . l" wu" n v'm and a n ,1"? carpenters In town o 1" ""o service a. H. Thompson, the barber who has been snondlnr. t J. R. SHEEP POISONED. Brown, of Monument, Loses 50 Mead. A full week of Sl'KClAIj I't'T lMUCHS. Ho sure and pot your share THE FAIR The Echo Land it Lumber rn rn. " ,.yn' .of Mon"nient. woro poisoned i eently sold to Frank Spil e the road X f ?' aR0 on nlx,n ' 4 Mipeivlsor, a carload of lumber for t"?0 onK Creek Light. The trail was T the bridge at Foster and Mr I!ca?h rn J ,rom tho rio f now has a force of carncnte s rnn ! S"J L1P tho mountain to the Mid- niso i.e made to the bridge at Nolan m 7 ig tms t,aU wl,0u tno' In a short time ,camc ,0 a lot of saltpetre that had A rtli... ti . beOll Dill In llin Irnll rnh ..l .. TRIB. IliillJ. A GOOD SMOKE? Try Pendleton Boquet and Pride . nnuuL, Maker. t IE GROUSE SEASON I Ojiohb Saturday, August the first, and you will need n new gun and ammuni tion. Wo have tho Uncut lino In tho city of double liarrol shotguns and repeat ers. Call and cxamluo our lino before purchasing, as wo can save you money ing tho bridge. A lot 0f re iln VZ u s" T 'r-.Un was taking Arthur linmmnr .i , . I,ccn !' In the trail. Tno slice,, ,,r today commence the ropwr and con. U,rso', bpn" cn,!"K t once and structlon of the entire system of the S f thom ,,lc,1 ,R snlJ ... , : ""u,ij "i iiiu uaiies. mined a cw days ago and have lunun up tneir residence here ror?ondletonKrcha m,1,;0,' $ ,mprces '10n Strahon noomlng hoie whin?. - J? that Trib ls n I'ttrmlcss, posi- ., , , llRlit smoker. Chewing tobacco of no. Jvew ,Lery Stable. no matter how long standing, cured i .. .ar t-ampboll, better known as by Trib. Pi DO fimnl.'t nr A ftrf fnm. m!.'Jey'.. on no,;t Monila' will com- menclng a treatment of Trib the do mence. the erection of a livery barn , sire entirely leaves you Son riP, - T,h? 1)ull(ln5 Is to be. An honest cure at an honest price .00 feet long and 50 feet wide. This is wha: the Trib Chemical Coninnnv is putting at your very door. Try it. U you are in r-ced you will never re gret it. Price per treatment. $5 2 30. For sale by all druggists. o v ,uu, a ii,;, Will civn Prhn tn-n flrDt.nlnnn II barns and with two hotels, )t begins to look like tho boom is fairly on. New Six-Room C.nttani. J. H. Koontz will in a short time, commence the erection of a six-room I cottage, with stone foundation and i brick cellar, the building to be occu-! pied by the pastor of the M E. 1 church. " I School Bonds are Voted. At the meetlm- vitprflnv m .Woi.- mine the question as to bonding the Lodging House for Sale. Host In the city; 20 complete furn ished rooms. A lease for eight years and nine months. It is subject to mortgage and can be bought for cash only. Enquire at this office. - .uiuu .ue tiuusuuii as 10 uonamg tne r, , , , .... J district lor tho purpose of enlarging' ,,UJ If""lnini. a p oncer of Union. J the building and creating additional ll lcA "esday of dropsy, aged 47 f crnrlnR thn vntn otf.rl on rT. JtarP. hields Park A HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE SHOW Provides an evening of rare enjoyment Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a dull minute. MAIN STREET Near O. R. & N. Depot Admission, 20c Children, 10c 8NPS0N HARDWARE Co. KlMain St. Headquarters for fishing supplies lhv ,uic oiuuu y iui UUQUS lO i ,r..l.i., I , It is now proposed to call nnother i meeting at once for the purpose of , voting additional bonds with the view J to building a new building entirely. lAn offer of $400 has been made for H I I iM.jnini t ,i i t ,t it i i. iit it i I, ii,iiiit.,i,.i ,t it i i 1 1, 1 1,10 'd lu'llding, and with an addl- ( creditable four-room building can he niaue ami equipped. There ls but (little question but that such a build-! ' Ing will lie needed in a short time I and it is hoped that this new propo-) I sitlon will carry. A few of those who i I omiosed a bond Isriib nt first hnvn 'expressed themselves as favorable to I the new idea. Reward $100 Reward I0W Until ftltlier nntir.f. I u-?ll oiv. In nil flnoii Pnnnlioc- Miscount of io per cent, or in other word1;, any one v "u.iu ui (juuus win pay oniy 9 Hookers will sell as low as 2r ner cent discount fiom puces. luiges and Cook stoves will sell almost at cost. pemed pledges of Jewelry, all kinds and sorts, will be iMcrifice PHDEED DOLLARS REWARD will be given to an It' discovering that nrir.ps hni'M Unun mised for thn nur- BflVirjfV Ulc rl!crriltr,. M ..... I..,. l,o r nr., nff..,t (nr German Llod Steamship Co. and can sell you a tic r; fu 01 uie worui. 'pUn Easier "Just try a Parrot Cigar 5c" Three Wagon Loades of Presents. President Roosevelt was the re-1 clplent of over three wagon loads of presents of all kinds during his West-1 crn trip, and these have been dispos er! r,f In 111 a Wlilln TTnticn l, cnU tlin ! tastes and desires of the president 1 and his family. The heaviest and I IttitL'inul nf thn uracanl ...no nn l.n. ' I mense chair made of elk horns. A big 1 1 elk in iuo pane at Tacoma. wasn., j I has annually shed his horns. These Ittivc. t.u.,,1 (ii-ricfit.vnil m.rl It i.'fiu fiwin I i ineiii iiiul lut cnair lur inu jjjusi 1 .1...., ...... mt. unH i ..n ut;iii art jjioiiv. i iiu emu J& du heavy tliat several men nro required to lift and move It , AAAAAAAAiLAAAAkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAjLA 1 3 and Axle Grease Yes, that's right The Parrot Cigar is the best cigar of them all I have ii larii stock of (uistor machine, hlack and cylinder oils, graphite, Taylor and castur oil, axlo greao, compmind in bulk and buckets. Get my price he fore buying your harvest supply. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man 7.(1 Main Street irTWTVTTVTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT LEGAL BLANKS ! alogae of them. A full supply always feept in stock. Write the East Ore gonian for a free cat- ou'll Have to Hurry! E IGHT PEOPLE joined our Union last week and saved a hundred dollars each. Why not be in the swim and join? You can do so without exerting your pocketbook, as the big discount of $100, combined with our easy payment plan of $10 down and $10 a month makes if within everyone's reach. Remember, it enly takes three more members to fill the Union, so you'll have to hurry. Call or drop us a line, and we'll explain to you why we are able to do this. SL H O Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Everything M isical. Remember the number- -315 East Court Street. ft