East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 30, 1903, Image 2

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ntwiwn 1 1 !
For Summer
Boy's Wash Suits 50c to 51.25
Negligee Shirts 50c to 250
Golf Shirts 50c to 1.50
Cool Underwear 50c, $1.00 and Si. 50 Suit
Pretty Neckwear 25c, 50c and 75c
Stylish Belts 25c to yoc
Fancy Hosiery 15c, 25c and 50c
Boys Clothing 20 per cent. Discount
Men's Two Piece Suits S5.00 to S6 50
Men's $13,50 Suits, Reduced to S1000
Men s $17 50 Suits, Reduced to Si.t.00
Straw Hals, all there is Left at Half Price
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters
1 l...-"tHH4T"
I'laiis (or a rebellion In Cuba have
been discovered and drastic measures
token to head it oft.
Six persons were Wiled at Alpena.
Mien., yesterday by lightning and
four were seriously Injured.
William Smith, of Geneva, N. Y.. a
millionaire nurseryman, will build and
endow a college for wumon. om
building of which will cost ?150,000.
The most destructive ilro that has
visited Phoenix, Ariz., in 10 years.
occurred there yesterday, a largo part
... . . i ...1 1
01 me uusmess section iieiug wipi-u
Tho wrecked coal mine at Hnnua
in which over 200 men were killed, Is
full of water below the 20th level, nud
nearly all the bodies are in the im
mersed levels.
Maggie U Walker, a colored school
teacher, has been chosen president of
St. Luke's Savings Dank, at Itleh
mond, Va, The institution has $75,
000 in deposits.
This year's output of gold from the
Klondiye amounts to $115,000,000. All
of which Is an untaxed. non-intorest
bearing, "gratuitous'' addition to the
circulating medium.
C. E. Endicntt Allen, a Harvard
student, has awakened from an al
most unbroken sleep of 44 days. The
condition was one of exhaustion from
hysteria and overwork.
Officials of tho St. Louis Exposition
announce that tho opening day will
bo .May 1, 1904; that there is no In
tention of recognizing any possttillty
of delay or postponement.
.lohn Dalton, a miner, was found
dying in an empty water tank, at Lau
rel. Mont., Wednesday.
A smallpox epidemic is now raging
in Kalania. Wash.. 11 cases being un
der care of tho city physician.
Hnwthorne llebensdorf, aged fi
ears. of Portland, was fatally Injur
ed Wednesday by a runaway horse.
John IJ. Dimmlck, formerly a mem
ber of the state senate from .Marion
county, died at Salem Wednesday, of
Tho treasury department has or
dered the Salem postofllce completed
and bids for $10,000 worth of work
has been advertised for.
A field of fall-sown wheat at Inde
pendence. Or., consisting of 100 acres
averages six feet in height, and will
yield 60 bushels per acre.
Kid Irvln, of San Francisco, was
knocked out In tho fourth round of a
prizefight by Andy King, of Hiitte,
Wednesday night, at Haines.
Two masked men held up and rob
bed the Boulevard Hotel, Seattle.
Wednesday morning, securing $700
from two roomers, T .1. Clark nnd J.
I). Hoolihan.
I. L. Sanford shot and killed Mrs.
C. M. Northup, near Spokane, Wed
nesday, over tho ownership of a piece
of fruit land He then started to tho
homo of his victim to kill hor brother,
but wns prevented by a young lady
who outrun him and informed the
peoplo of his crlmo and intentions.
Pacific Ironworks
. Foundry, Machine
and Blacksmith Shop
Structural. Iron, Cast Columns, etc.
Carry in stock Steel Beams,
Angles and Channels. Bolts and
Rods. All kinds of
Repair Work Attended to Promptly
East End Burnsldo St. Bridgo, Portland.
tun t i"i inHuiiMiii
Hotel Pendleton.
S. V. Jacobs Hamilton.
A. 0. Swcm, Denver
J. F. Moore, Denver.
H. P. Smith, Denver.
C. A. Severouco, Donvor.
W. It. Glendenlng, Portland.
L. Allohoff. Portland.
Tom Purdy. Portland.
It. H. J. Hill nnd wife, Chicago.
H. W. Lovoland, Portland.
J. F. Kailey, San Francisco.
G. A. Gardner, Minneapolis.
E. S. Martin, Milwaukee.
V. A. Italian, Portland.
W. H. Casey, San Francisco.
J. Andrew, San Francisco.
W. H. Garrett, Portland.
H. W. Cameron, Spokane.
G. S, Youngman, Portland.
E. n. Canon. Portland.
A. H. Walt. city.
J. F. Fisher, Spokane.
Gilbert Joyce, Spokane.
J. H. Kloeckner, Colfax.
David Home, McKay.-
S. F. Jones. San Francisco.
Golden Rule Hotel.
-Mrs. F. E. Turner, Dale
G. D. Galley, Portland.
.Mrs. M. J. Page, Wleser.
J. A. Murslon, city.
T. K. Heard, Modesta.
U. P. Evans, Portland.
V. Sork. Portland.
Churchill. Spokane
S A. France. Spokane.
L. P. Watson, city.
D. Wyendse, Oakland.
H. Klllridge, Weston.
I). A. Griffith, Ogdon.
E, A. Murphy and wife. North Pow
S. Wmmphey. British Columhin.
Mrs. Annie Thomas, Sumpter.
J. C. Anderson, Portland.
Perry Lockwood, Portland.
Thomas Cattren, Oakland
Don't Run Any Risk Use Ice From
Boiled and Distilled Water.
"Owing to the low stage of the
water in the city well It has been
found necessary to pump some of the
supply from the channel of tho rivor.
For this reason It is thought best by
Dr. Cole, tho city health officer, to
call the attention of tho public to
tho advisability of boiling tho water
used for drinking purposes." E. O.,
July 22.
Ilettcr use pure ice, made from
water that has been both boiled and
distilled. It is cheaper than you can
boil the water floss Ice Co., 'Phone
Main 1781.
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Mokl Tea.
A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti
pation nnd Indigestion, makes you
eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or money back. 25
cts and 50 cts. Write to W. H. Hook
er & Co.. Buffalo, ?T. Y.. for a free
sample F. W. Schmidt & Co., drug
gists. Kato Watklns, of Union, attempted
suicide Wednesday, by taking poison.
Hie will recovor.
Causes for the Steady Advance In the
Price of Wood Coal Coming Into
More General Use Than Ever Be
fore In Tlilo Vicinity Walla Walla
Gets the Same Freight Rate for
Wood as Pendleton.
Seven dollars a cord, and not very
big cords at that. Such is the verdict
of tho woodman nnd such Is the price
thnt tho peoplo of this city will have
to pay to keep wnrm through the cold
months that nro coming on tho heels
of this time when tho chief thought
Is how to wear as few clothes as pos
sible witli as unconscious an air us
can be mustered.
The wood situation Ib growing grad
ually from year to year a more seri
ous one to this section, nnd It will be
but a short time until tm price of tho
fuel will reach so high a mark that
all of the residents here will be forc
ed to use coal, or spend all of their
earnings for the wood. Hut the peo
ple are learning tho lesson early, and
more coal Is used each year. This
year tho Pendleton Hotel nnd the Sav
ings Bank, and several of the other
big places of tho city will cut out
the wood, and most of tho business
houses along the main streots have
already done so. Wood Is doomed as
far as general uso is concerned, nnd it
will not be long until the wood tlte
In the parlor grate will be a luxury
only Indulged In by tho well-to-do.
Costs More to Get Out Wood,
The forest supply is fast shrinking
back farther and farther from the
railroad tracks, nnd for each half
mile that the timber line recedes the
price will grow from 50 to 75 cents
on each cord. And another thing that
Is making wood dear is the fact that
no one can bo found to cut It in the
timber. Men nre getting $1.25 a cord
for cutting now, and nre hard to And
at that price. Thun it takes from
75 cents to $1.50 to get n cord hauled
to the car, so that the wood costs
$3 and $3.50 on tho cnr. Added to
this is the cost of handling in the
city, and the cutting prlco here so
that the consumer can look forward
to paying from $0.50 to $7.
The county usually burns ubout 120
cords of wood during tho winter the
water company COO cords, the power
company 1.K00, and the hotels and
restaurants have also used n good
deal. This year the power company
will be the only big consumur in tho
city, for all of the rest nre hoping to
put In coal. The city wants coal, but
will perhaps use wood for anuther
year. The hotels, with the exception
of the French Hestnurant, are already
using coal, and the water company
uses slabs ut a reduced rate. Last
year the city consumed about 10,000
cords during the winter, but tills year
It Is not thought by the dealers that
the figures will reach the 9,000 mark,
and It will bo considered a good year's
trade if It goes over the 8,000. Of
course, the dealers are not worrying,
for as tho uso of the wood decreases
the use of the coal increases, ami
they nre as sure of their business as
tho preacher and the undertaker.
Same Freight Rate for Walla Walla
Most of the wood comes from the
Kamela country, und since Wnllu
Walla has tho same rate over the
rails us Pendleton, much of tho wood
that Is cut goes to that city. This is
one of tho reasons why tho stuff Is so
high in tho home murket. A greut
deal of tho Blue mountain wood goes
to the Washington trade, when It
should conio here. If the rates could
bo graded a little. Pendleton would
get her share of tho cuttings nnd
It would come cheaper and more plen
tiful. But in the ubsenco of tho cut
the price will stay up. and the bulk
of the trade will go to the other place.
The most of the good coal used hero
comes from Hock Springs, Wyo.. and
it is Inid down nt $8 a ton. This is
much cheapor than wood, for u ton of
good coal well handled, will equal two
cords of wood In uny tlmo or place.
The great troublo is that there are
hut few peoplo who know how to
handle coal, and they waste tho heat
and uso twice as much coal as Is nec
essary for the needs of tho occasion.
Increasing Use of Coal.
Looking at it from tho dealers'
standpoint, it will be but n short time
until all of tho fuel will be coal, for
it is cheapor und In the long run Is
better, taking into consideration the
uncertainties of tho service nnd the
increasing difficulty of delivery. In a
year or two tho prlco of wood will
reach so high a figure that all of the
consumers will put in coal Btoves, and
them if the wood men open snmo now
country and the price falls tho people
will still uso tho coal rather than
ngaln change their stoves and heat
ing apparatus.
The Cakewalk Is French,
Tho French linvo found a reason
for tho popularity of tho eako walk
In Paris, Tho thing Is French! Ono
of tho negroes at tho Nouveau Clr.
nuo. Interviewed bv a Paris lmner.
says that tho origin of tho dance was
Kronen. According to this latest ac
count, some of tho Fronch refugees
from the court of Mario Antlonetto
Introduced tho minuet Into Now Or
leans about tho time of the l-nvnliitlnn
and It was tho nativo Imitation of the
most fashlouahlo danco in Europe
that was afterward dovoloncd Into
the cnkowalk.
How to Join and Get Quick Results
at Small Cost.
Why not Join our union of piano
purchasers and bavu n hundred dol
lars? You can do It and wo can holp
you, This Is how It Ib dono: Wo can
well afford to sell ton or more pianos
cheaper than one, so have organized
a union of ton members. You Join
nud pay $10.00 down nnd $10.00 n
month, tho piano Is yours. Now here
Is tho best part of It. Every time a
new mombor Joins the prlco of your
Instrument dopreclntes In price $10:
In other words, when the union is
filled every mombor gets his Instru
ment $10j less than regular prlco.
for example, a regular $300.00 Instru
ment can be had for $200.00 by
Joining the union. Don't delay tak
ing advantage of this great opportu
nity, as it will only hist n few weoks
of tho dull season. This, combined
with our easy payment plan and ex
change contract makes It possible
for overyouo to have an Instrument.
Therkelsen's Piano House, 315 E.
Court street Everything muslcnl.
Night Was Hor Terror.
"I wou.d cough nearly all night
long." writes Mrs. Olmrles Applegnto,
of Alexandria, lud., "and could hard
ly got any sleep. I had consumption
so bad Unit If I walked a birds I
would cough frightfully und spit
blood, bin when till other medicines
rnliiwt tlir.... St. nil bottles of Dr.
King's N'.'w Discovery wholly cured
I I.....1 CO ....in.ilu ' Tt'a nil.
solutoly guaranteed to cure coughB,
colds, la grippe bronchitis and all
throat and lung troubles. Prlco 50c
nnd $1.00 Trial bottles free at Tall
man X- Co. s drug store.
When the hot days of sum
mer como tho cook stove Is to
be avoided and well It can be
with the stock of summer deli
cacies. Lots of new thlngB In
convenient form ready to
serve cold or wl'h a little
warming. You will bo sur
prised at the many tempting
dainties we have for you,
514-514 MAIN STREET'
Phone Main 1741
Ttdophoui. Mm In 4 -
Hear this in mind when you
need poultry and stock supplies
and nsl; fur the international
Poultry und Stock Food. Use
Kow ICure for your cow trou
bles C. F. Golesworthy
127-129 East Alta St.
Agent fop Lee's Lioe Killer
Is the cause of more discomfort than
any othor ailment. If you eat the
tilings that you want and that are
good for you, you are distressed. Ack
er's Dyspepsia Tablets will make
your digestion perfect nud provent
Dyspepsia and its nttondant dlsngreo
able symptoms. You enn safely eat
anvthlntr nt nnv time If vim ini- n
of tltcso tablets nftorwnrd. Sold by
mi uruggtsis minor a .positive guar-
ntlteo. 2f. ntft Mnnri cnfim.ln.l t
. u.h. .....,,.V , u. 1111111.-U IL
you nro not satisfied. Rami in ..
- ' MW..., .1. MO
a free sample. V. H. Tloolier & Co.,
the Crowd
Any of these warm even
ings and you will find
them at
Alter trying our soda you
will readily understand
why they all come here.
They say our ice cream
is the richtst -our gin
ger ale the snappiest
our egg drinks just right
Fonoy drinks well, the
mere names will mala1
your mouth water. The
reason is simple we use
nothing at our fountain
hut the very best, and
our fountain man has
made n life study of the
luisiness and knows just
' Have you tried the ''llccrthat
made Pendleton famous?"
Our Root Beer
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
l'uiitunicc Mock I'll one Mnhifiji
' 1 T t I if ill ifiiliiliiTiiliilntiiliiLiliAifiilnl f I I f t
I Hm f
I Military
I Academy
l)r .1 V Hill. Principnl.
"Ith & Murslmll Sis.. Portland
Oregon, J
New buildings, modern and T
Manual training, military
Hoys successfully fitted for
all colleges or for business life.
Principal of 215 years' experi
ence In Portland.
Hoys of any age admitted at
tiny time.
Write tor catalogue.
Tall term opens Septemlxjr
St. Helen's Halli
Has a Normal Kindergarteu Training
Class In connection with Its Acndo
j rule Department. Separate residence.
' Two-year course. Model Kludergar-1
' ten. Provides practice work. For
. details address
llefore deciding whole to go to
school, examine a
' catalogue for the coming year. New
' building and etiulpmont. Now man
agement. and a faculty of experlenc
led teachers. Special arrangement
fni- tiiimtn ntinli.iita find for tllO CBre-
fill oversight of nil atudonts from out
of town. All grades of public bciiooi
work thoroughly dono. Our college
preparatory work Is nccopted by the
best colleger. East and WesL Moral
nud social advantages the very ueai
Turin begins September 14, 1803.
Menlo Park, San Mateo Co., California
Thorough mental, moral and physi
cal training for boys. Homo mini
nncesj beautiful surroundings; excel
lent climate; cnroful supervision;
llmitod numbors; prepares for any
unlvorslty or for business. Fall term
begins August 11. Send for Illustrat
ed catalogue , ,
IRA Q. HOITT, Ph. D., President.
JllSt mil ..
0Ur 6on arJ
-"i dessert e
thls hot waul
' ' crein'i
urc. cold J
try om. ,.
Jfy our candiej
Any Time
Is a Got
Now Is th.
have your houv
nered. a me. .
there will help il
fully. Somr. nlJ
wall paper will l
to any room. OJ
paper was never
pattern In end!!
every one new il
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let us show theral
you what It will
whole house or (
E. J.
Ill Conri
Is always reel
place your order)
Fir. Tama
Why buy pod
can pet the hesl
the WAY
Impresses most pwl
.. ... thj ItBI
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"know how" "to
.1 r. ., tlreoilH
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feature of carrlM'!
pairing ioi"r" i
l.a vnhlrlo look 3! 1
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thickens the W
lug tho wooi . W
woud I" 8ctllng,Ct
lo H MyZ
than no 0- 7,
It wore. -"7hnel
Wagons. ""'I (jji
wheels at Prlce7
tit"" ,1
We have the 8tovJ
centi W;Z&