East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 30, 1903, Image 1

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I I Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonltht and Friday partly
hat Rebellion is
(in Southeastern
f Island.
Jotted with
Lrales Has Been Or-
Ft Alter the Situation
li Anticipated by the
d civil Authorities of
kffl-It Is now doll-
lilt Santiago province
litdreils of well oqu.p'
tiiite of decinrou nut
. chaotic rebellion.
p dotted with guornia
Kiithorlties and plant-
i- tiat a bushwhacking.
hi warfare will bo in-in.
s dthur lack a leader
Instate of being scat-
binds Is part or a well
fiction. Tlio latter ib
Itible, as tlio presence
lis of considerable ui-
Li have excited bofore
Itlat Is only now begin-
of rarales lias been or-
lirsna to the front, but
i to uo greatly out-
Mr only safety, If ot
us are deemed upon
Iteislve work against
hips of semi-bandits,
t together in nnytnlng
Kit lumbers, and then
itislve, It will faro bad-
tana says the situation
lis as reported, but the
oficlals in Santiago,
under of the country.
aunts, are very anx-
pe revolt may grow.
tne interior Yero
(discontent is confined
I classes of Puerto Prin-
lli a matter of history
pe "lower classes" hCiu
I tor years. During te
pue island has so g-eat'
i in a matorlal sense
i never teen a time In
maraudlnc bands
ly live off the country
sin mounts. There Is
i In this city, and ro
! that the inhahltnnts
fcrtnee arc greatly ex-
Mlninq Men Will
witd on September 7,
July 30. A petlt.on
1 e uromlnont mine
U and thr. Sim,...... .11..
Nrculated, asking for
; "i'ing mon of tho
10. 011 Knntnmhnr 7
Of OrCJlni'Inn- n ntnn
Nation. " " " """"
Itialng commissioner of
i me head or
raw mo organization
p la a complete organ-"Hne-ownnm
nt r
( and fraternal pur-
If Their Lives at a
ln Resort.
Maine. Juiv an mm
V" destroyed by fire
' Helen lnrtl., ,1
"uiin.il ll.'U 111
"on Inhnlation of
'Bank Pali.
'ly snTi,,'.
Usui. 1,10 comp
uonal Bant.- cins.
r-EXDMSTOy, TOUTIM.A COTOTY, OllEGON, Tlll'HSOAY, .111, Y .TO, 1003.
NO. 4 SOT.
George M. Orton, of Portland, Suc
ceeds L. B. Recder as Sachem.
Oregon City, July 30,-What Is said
to be the most Interesting and large
ly attended meeting of Redmen ever
held In Oregon, convened In this city
Ornnd Sachem L. D. Recder called
the 12th annual session to order with
70 delegates present. Meetings were
lold In tho morning and afternoon
and the session will probably close
tonight. Badges of unique and appro
printo design nrc worn by the dele
gates, and It Is one of tho Jolllest
crowds ever assembled In this city.
At the mooting last night, grand
officers for the ensuing year wore
elected. Pendleton Is tho only city
in the state outside of Portland, re
ceiving two of the grand officers, 1,.
B. Render being elected great prophet
nnd Roy Rltncr great keeper of rec
ords. Following Is tho list or new offic
ers: Great sacliom, George M. Orton. or
l'crtlr.nd; great senior sagamore, Dr.
Jlc-nderson, Astoria; groat junior sag
nmore. W. II. Conyers, Clatsknnlo;
Ri-i.nt prophet, L. R Recder, Pendle
ton; great chlor of records, R. W. Rlt
ncr, Pendleton, great keeper of wam
pum, Jacob Relsch. Portland.
L. R. Recder, of Pendleton, and W.
C. A. Pohl, of Astoria, were elected
great representatives to attend the
great council of the United States, to
be hold at Atlantic City, N. J.
Every House Within a Radius
of Half a Mile Was Demolished,
Arbitration Commission.
Wilmington, July 30. Judge Gray
has accepted the proposition to net
aB tho fifth arbitrator on the Alabama
commission to settle the coal strike
in that state.
' uank cl0S-
tmt i. ,,eon Hl'oculat-
He C(u resources, nc
statement, wero
It. , uullty.
lie t7ihat tl'" mvcBtl-
, Disaster Now Believed to Have Been
! Precipitated by Workmen Who
i Were Laying a New Floor Jarring
Dynamite Fifty Mangled Persons
. Been Taken to the Hospitals.
Lowell, Mass., July 30. Eighteen
i dead, 10 still missing whose bodies
1 will be found In the ruined houses,
, and TO in the hospitals, Is tho sltua
tlon this morning with reference to
' yesterday's explosion.
The militia were this morning dis
missed and their places taken by de
tails of special policemen who guard
' the ruins.
Wreck for Half a Mile,
Tho explosion caused a general
I wreck of houses within a radius of
I i alf a mile. p,tuaDii'D .va3 felt
In Boston, 40 miles away, and at Ex
' eter, N. H., which is a still greater
distance from Lowell.
In some cases there were reports
that there had been an earthquake.
The city was thrown into a pai.Ic
and it required every effort of tne au
1 thoritles to establish and maintain
. anything like order.
Probable Cause of Explosion.
LATELY SUCCEEDED ARTHUR The explosion Is thought to Have
AS HEAD ENGINEERS' ORDER, i ''ocn caused by the Jarring of dyna-
I mite stored In the magazine by wont-
Was a Close Friend of Mr. Arthur 'men who were laying a new floor.
, i , thm r,,u. , t, , Tne dynamite set off the powuer in
and One of the Organizers of the j mf cham,)Cir and that exp,'osIon was
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engl-, fi0W(,,i i,y another in a second
neers. chamber.
Shock Razes Buildings.
The plant of the United States
Charged That Union Miners
Blew Up Sun and Moon
Mine Property.
Explosion Causes Considerable Dam
age and Imperils Lives of Scab
Workmen Fire Under Control
Watchman Takes a Shot at the In
truders and Fatally Wounds Philip
Jack Zwank Meets a Horrible Death
at Sumpter Mine.
Similiter, July SO. Jack Zwank, one
of the oldest prospectors of tho Green
horn district, was killed in a cave-In
In the Big Johnny mine, owned by
himself. Sunday night. His body wn3
found Wednesday in the drift, where
It had lain from the time of the acci
dent. Zwank was an Intimate friend of
Jack Powers, tho veteran prospector
who was frozen to death last Decem
ber on the trail from Balley-Elkhorn
to tho Greenhorn mines. They had
prospected and mined together for 20
years and were two of the first men to
explore the Greenhorn district.
Zwank owned tho lllg Johnny and re
fi'sed $50,000 for It three months ago.
1 1
Murderer Taunted and Jeered
at His Victim While He
Was Dying.
High Requiem Mass.
Rome, July 30. High requiem mass
the last ceremonial over Leo. was cel
ebrated this morning.
MeadvIUe, Pa., July 30. Grand ,
ol oca bo ivo Pinoers ort Mr y Cartridge Company is located in a
c. . el!;... ,1..?. ? itrict known as Riverside Park.
w. TL .n ni Tnr V J oiitnlue of Lowell. The building in
whore lie has lain 111 for wnai whlch tllp exj,ioslon occurred was a
weeks He was 03 years of age an , B,ructllr aUout one and a half
was for a number J8"8. miles distant from the works of the
chief of the order, while Arthur was , t . , .maliv within a hund
its chief. The two were Inseparable ' T' J
friends for many years.
Mr. Youngson was lying critically
ill when Mr. Arthur was stricken at
and beyond that the buildings are
very close together. Every structure
within a half mile was torn within
. .... . , Will
Winnipeg and a eu. nna or imu hum- aml wH,10Uti Pcrsons lnsI(ie tho
dent he was not apprised until late-1 houg(s 8Ustalne(, lnjures. If they es-
y, wneu n.b u.i c-udb ,tl"'"",""''V 1 cajied with their lives,
less, on account of tho depressing of- 1
feet It would certainly
have upon
Work of Rescue.
.Men who live In streets not far
Mr. Youngson has fully realized his ! bwbj who wero rprtnata anoueb to
condition for some time and yester-, escape serious injuries, uiiuieuiuiui,
condition for borne time, anu ji - i. , thDinselvPs over to removing
InL'o" 1 his i cce S Mr S . ay's I women and children to places of safe-
to elect him as Mr. -i ominous sm-, gave fe pr01)erty. The
cessor. P. I wreck was so complete, however, that
Mr. h,'r nn o Leo- tho work was harrowlngly slow. The
ganizers of the nttorhoot of .)atro, wagons and teams of all do-
motive Enginee s and ha M I ,.,, , .e0 brought t0 use to
been Identified with the combinative , ' l0nt thp ambulallceg.
Idaho Springs, Col.. July 30. An
explosion at the Sun and Moon mine,
located three miles from this city.
wrecked the transformer house, set I
fire to the oil In tho transformers and
I threatened the destruction of the I
I main shatthoiise. The latest Informa- j
, tlon from the scene ls that the fire
I has been placed under control.
I From the meager details of the af-
fair at hand, it is learned that the!
i watchman at the mine, nroused by the !
i explosion, rushed out In time to ob- j
serve two men runinr away from luo
transformer building. lie fired at!
I them several times and later a wound- j
I ed man was found lying near by. Ho
j was taken In charge and the compa-1
I ny's physician sent for. Under Slier
I iff Charles Peck, ot Georgetown, and '
a posse have gone to the scene to
l make an investigation, and protect
; the Sun nnd Moon property If It is
found necessary.
Operated With Non-union Men.
i The Sun and Moon was the first
I mine affected by tho strike, which
I was declared last February. Alier
four months of Idleness the mine re-
sumed operations In Juno with non
union men. Manager Sims, of the
Sun nnd Moon, declares that no ex
j plosive of any kind was ever kept In
or near tho transformer building. As
near as can be learned, the building
i was wrecked by a heavy charge of
! The wounded man died this morn
ing. He has been Identified as Phil
ip Fire, a member of the Miners'
Twenty-two members of the Mln
! ers' Union, Including President How
' ard Treslze, and the other officials,
have been arrested, charged with con
i splracy to blow up the mlno. They
I protest Ignorance of a conspiracy an.i
j declare that they at u!! times advised
I the men to obey the law and avoid
I violence. They intimate that the do
i struction of the property was part of
j a scheme to caBt discredit upon the
I Western Federation of r.!lnerj and Its
i attempts to secure shorter hours and
1 more pay for its members,
j Twenty non-union men wero work
ing on the eighth level of the mine at
' the time of the explosion, but escaped
1 Injury. The damage caused by the
j explosion amounts to several thous
and dollars.
Temporary Truce Patches Up Differ
ences Between Papers and Em
ployes. Spokane, July 30. XTpder a tempo
rary agreement, the printers In the
Review nnd Chronicle offices return
ed to work- yesterday evening, nnd
the papers were issued as usual.
The differences will bo reviewed by
the International Typographical
Union, and a final settlement reac.i
ed ns soon ns possible. In tho mean
time tho men will continue work.
Russian Strike Riot.
St. Petersburg, July 30. There was
n strike riot at Tiflls today. Strikers
attempted to stop a train, but wero
confronted by a force of troops who
fired Into the crowd, killing and
wounding 2S.
London Dock Fire.
London, July 30. A disastrous fire
swept the Grimsby docks this morn
ing, The storage sheds wero wiped
out. Loss, $500,000.
Mangled Bodies Recovered,
nn tin. way to tho Are numerous
carriages were met that boro bodies.
wing of the order,
Brutal Murder of a Slx-Year-Old Boy 1 Many bodies were taken from the
Brutal iviuraer or o t ruins and laid on the grass. Some
by a Vicious and Angry Man. , rums ana recognItlon
Chicago. July 30. The Jury In the . minted at what they
se of Wlltrax and wife, cnaree
fi-vear-old J'aui i,rno n,i ntlniiliiliiL's
Paszkowsl, this afternoon totind Wil; j . ,n a'n,nr,i atate, some half de
trax guilty nnd imposed a 2.-years molshe(1 oti,lrs hardly more than a
heap of broken timbers, sun ouieru
smoking from the recent Are.
i.'..?.,.ot n.ni released the wo
lllllll lOUIlll.ut.i rrt.,.,,l
man. Tho hoy's body was found
burlod In a Held In a gunnysack sev
eral dnys after being murdered. Later
suspicion was drawn lo lltrux.
On the stand his 11-year-old son
tesUlled his father killed little Paul,
who was his playmate. A tm A
later ho recanted, after being old by
tho attorneys for tho de ens o t bat his
testimony would cause ,hl mo the to
Arizona Mexicans Cast Lots to See
Which Shall Hang First.
Prescott, Ariz., July 30. Every
thing Is ready for the banging of the
two Mexican assassins of Charles
Goddard and Frank Cox, prospectors,
' who were shot while at supper on
February 1st. The Bcaffold Is 20 feet
from tho cells. The prisoners Joked
and drew lots to see which should
hang first,
Secretary of War.
Hermosillo, Mexico, July 30. Gen
eral Luis Ton-ess, tho governor of So
nora and conqueror of the Yaqul In
dinns has been given the war port,
folio by Diaz for his splendid military
bo hanged, but the effect on tho , jury . , r,.er uollvery route has
was nlll. thoy believing the first te- established at Sherwood, Or., to
tlmony true. No niui "- .
crime other than mere vlclout-ntw on
tho part of Wlltrax, who va. i anger
cd because Paul threw a rock nna
buggy-spoke at him-
Were Not Surrounded.
. .... on Vntlilnc now
Folsom. cai, jui ;- :" ; f the
today regarding mo mu "7:- ::. all
oscaiied convicts, and K is feared w
trace of them has l(en lost ,,i
ports of yesterday that the gang had
been surrounded are found to be un
! open September 1.
Called on the President,
Oyster Bay, July 30. Besides Sec
retary Payne. President Roosevelt
had as guests today Professor Jo
romo Lanflehl, Instructor in history In
tho University of California, and Com
missioner Williams and Attorney Va
ninegen, of tho Now York immigra
tion office. Lanneld has Just return
"d from an oxtensivo tour abroad.
Tlio president talked with him on
matters bearing on our international
Wheeling. July 30. Tho big tunnel
of tlio Wheolmg terminal partially
.. 1 .1,1.. mnnilmr it is feared
that several workmen going through
accident occurred at 0:30, when many
wero passing. A scoro had a narrow
oscape, running for their lives. Tho
break is near tho center. Tho tunnel
Ta, r;;foVlo "Sri oTtomM... Thu j la 3.000 KM Iw.
Land Board Decides to Carry Out tne
Intention of the Law, Although It
Is Not in Force on Account of Omis
sion of a Word.
Salem, Or., July 30. At tlio regular
meeting or tho stato land board yes
terday, In pursuance of a decision ren
dered by tho attorney-general recent
ly, holding tho act passed by tho Inst
legislature Invalid and not binning
upon tho board as to price at which
school land bhould bo sold, because
the words "school land" were omitted
from the title, tho hoard made nn or
der fixing the price of school land at
$2.50 per acre as contemplated by the
legislature, and raising tho prlco of
all school lands located within pro
posed temporary withdrawals for res
ervation purposes, to $5 per aero.
The price of Indemnity land was
fixed at $5 per acre, as contemplated
by law. This decision and order em
anated from an application from ono
who wanted to purchase a tract of
school land In n section of land situ
ated In the reserve, and maintaining
that, under tho new law the board
was compelled to sell tlio land ut
$2.60 per acre.
Tho matter was submitted to tho
attorney-general with tho result thut
ho rendered a decision holding the act
invalid us to school land and that tho
matter rested solely with tho board
to fix any prlco upon it not less than
$1.25 per acre.
Tlio board also decided not to ac
cept final payment on certificates of
sale of any stato land uiiIchb the cer
tificate accompanied the remittance.
This ls done to prevent tho purchas
ers from sending In final payments
and not securing a deed, thereby es
caping taxation.
Machine Supplants Clerks.
Moscow, Idaho, July 30. The coun
ty commissioners have purchased an
adding machine for tho courthoiiso,
which will bo used by all the oftleos,
This machine will take tho place of
ono man In tho auditor's office and
partly accounts for tho decrease In
tho office force which will occur on
tho first of August.
Another Clerk Dismissed.
Baker City July 30. Arthur Low
ell, chief clerk in tho postollico hero,
has been ordered dismissed by tlio
department, owing to alleged care
lessness In handling registered mall.
George II. Tracey, second clerk, was
dismissed July 20.
Colombia has appointed the follow
ing commlBBlon to collect and ar
rnngo her exhibit for tlio World's
Fair, St. Louis: Dr. Santiago Cortos,
Julio P. Portocarroro, and Gen. Fran
cisco Javier Vcrgara y Volasco.
Both Japs Were Sailors Assassin
Stabbed His Companion and Let
Him Slowly Bleed to Death While
j Preventing All Attempts to Get Re
lief and to Escape.
Unliwny, N. J.. July 30. Itoblno, n
Japanese xnllor, today calmly confess
ed tlio murder of a fellow snllnr
named Roto, also a Japanese. The
i-iliiu! took plnco yesterday a few
hours after thu arrival of the schooner
llugoua, upon which both wero em
ployed, Itoblno was suspected becnuso tho
Inst time Koto was seen alive ho was
In Itoblno's company. Itoblno readily
confessed when confionted with the
evidence ngalimt him.
He Induced Keto to walk Into the
country with hint, nnd stabbed tho
latter In the aim with a krlss, or Mn
lay dagger. The blow was aimed at
an artery and carried out the purpose
of severing It. That done Itoblno
made no further effort to wound Keto
but only to provent his staunching the
How of blood.
The dying man attempted to es
cape, but Itoblno, much the largor
and stronger, prevented, nnd held Ko
to's opposite hnnd so ho could not
check the How of blood by proBsure
above the wound. Itoblno, holding his
companion's free and uninjured arm
walked along tho road wlih him, Jeer
ing mid cursing blm, When Keto
fought with blm It only Incrensed his
pulsiillons and hastened death. Ito
blno In the meantime heaped ridicule
and taunts upon his victim,
ICeto Dually Ml fainting In tho road.
Itoblno held ills hand until Keto was
loo weak to struggle, and then ru
nenledly kicked him until denth caniu.
j Shipmates or the two men discovered
the body not long afterward and Ito
I blno wnB suspected and at once taken
; In custody.
When arrested ho told tho story
i In all Kb singular details and laughed,
saying: "lie was my enemy. Kill mo
If you want to. I don t care.
Some Progress Being Made In Mis
souri Investigations.
Jefferson City. Mo.. July 30. The
case of State Senator Sullivan, charg
ed with soliciting $1,500 for his legis
lative vote In tho nliim baking powder
hcandal, was called this morning,
Represents Her Husband.
St. Louis, July 30, A subpoena
was Ishiied today for Mrs. Kelly, wife
of Daniel Kelly, commanding her ap
pearance before tho grand Jury. Htm
hears her husband's commission to
discredit the testimony of former
Lleutunant-Guvernor Lee In tho bak
ing powder scandal, nnd by letters
and telcgraiiiB will endeavor to show
!.( up not only us a bribe-seeker, but
a a blackmailer. She brought
triinkful of documents from her ..us
band when she came here from Cull
ada, where Kelly Is nowjiequestered.
Expresses Her "miTatlsfactlon With
a Chief of Police.
Hcrnnton. Pa.. July 30.- For tho sec
ond tlmo within 21 hours, Mrs. Carrlo
Nutlon Is behind the bars. She 1 sit
ed the superintendent of police this
morning and opened the '"'versa mi
by saying to him: "You're u great big.
beefy Blob." Before tho words wero
fairly finished, the superintendent,
assisted by u patrolman, seized and
hustled her Into a cell, where she now
Is, awaiting n hearing.
Railroad President Dead,
Cincinnati, July 3().-For 10 mln
utos this morning not a wlirul turn
od or Instrument clicked on the Nor
folk Western, out of rosped to the
memory of the late Prwndoni K.m
ball, whoso funeral services began at
that hour.
Tho rolloge of cardinals meets
July 31, lo begin balloting for a suc
(OBBor to Pie Leo.