East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 29, 1903, Image 3

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Peoples Greatest Outfitters
5 DF
L of the Best of Them Left !
j to tell you exactly the good qualities, it may look
d 'C were un-iuuiiijj niu niauur.
j you iook ai ihu-bc ouna ou toum see "instanter"
...ll.r in fnL-n n Incc
I.nw Willi. 'K "
lithe ordinary.
are getting some-
t $12.50 SUITS for
Itsbby underwear and furnishings at less than cost
$18, $20 SUITS for
Dr. Botkln and Wife Return From
Portland and Seashore Changea.
ble Weather In the East End of the
County Harvesters Started.
Athena. July 27. r u t..
architect from Pendleton, wn, , p
lT,'nS(in5',- ,Car''c'lU,ers came up with
lra and placed tho window casing
in the basement of the M. E. church.
arrt In K'n.Sl 0f rrcst Grovc'
arrive in n day or so to visit her
cousin. Mrs. E. I.. Harnett, of this
Sunday night a disturbance at the
home of Mrs. Walker Wilson on
rourth stieet caused Marshal Tjhol
son a little trouble, a in.w- .
saultod. In her desperation she
fought the young villain off until one
of the children aroused Fred Cross
k . "r i ii mi . ill' i in m i ii i u i;
itlla. Made at Home.
Try Pendleton Boquet and Pride
A. RHODE, Maker.
Is truly its proper name, for
no rltlo was ever made to equal
a Savage. Simplicity in con
struction and operation, and
great accuracy mako tuem sel
dom equalled and never sur
passed. The new 22-callbre
Savago is a marvel for a small
gun We have just got a few
right from the factory and
would like to have you see
Main St. Headquarters for fishing supplies
Returned From a Visit to Illinois
Milton Young Lady Will Attend
Business College In Spokane One
Case of Typhoid Fever.
Milton. July 27 -Miss Jennie Hut-,
ler returned home Friday morning'
from alley, Wash., where she has
been employe,! the past two months, J
-Mrs. 1.. n. Hognn and children 1
u.ne gone io Woodward's for an out-!
Itip- !
Mr. and Mrs V'ranv- linnlt rr.i itrnnil
Saturday morning from Cherry Point t
..... ...- i- ,my iinve uocn visiting
friends and relatives.
Miss Ada Pierce took her depart
ure Friday mornlna for Snnl.nne
where she goes to attend lllnlr's Hits-1
Iness College.
Mis. I.avina Putnam nn.1 il.im'liter
assistance. The fellow Ced bo-iMrs' Florence Kelly, returned yester-
morning iroin westlnke, Idaho,
whore they have been visiting Mrs
Putnam's son. G. K. Putnam.
K. M. Dotham. who has been em
ployed in the express ofllce at the
O. R. & X, depot, has the typhoid
fever and left on this morning's tram
for the hospital at Walla Walla
Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Pennoek, form
erly or Milton, but later of Westlake,
Idaho, are here visiting for a few
days. They are on their way to
California, where thev expect to re
side. Mrs. V. H Chastaln returned
yesterday morning from Weston,
where she was called bv the death
of her grandfather. .!. V. Clark.
Miss Pearl Davis, who has been
here visiting her grandparents, Mr.
anil Mrs. J. n. Davis. left this morn
ing for her home at Walla Walla.
Mrs. Harry J. Miller, of Idaho
Falls, who has been the guest of Mrs,
J. L, Williamson, departed today ,or
a visit with relatives In Portland.
Mrs. Gertie McQuary, who is em
ployed in the Tribune ofllce, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. E. A. Hoyd for
several days.
David Chase has returned to his
home at West Pound. Wash., after
a month's visit with his sister. Mrs.
13. 1.. Wright.'
Miss Flossie Morrison has gone to
Port Wakely. Wash., to visit her
aunt. Mrs. J. It. Mulhem.
Death of Mrs. Terwllliger,
J. E. Nichols returned this morn
ing from Salem with the body of
Mrs. W. G. Terwllliger, who died
last Friday in the insane asylum.
Thi remains will be Intel red tomorrow
is no beverage more healthful
the right kind of beer. Barley malt and hops
tnd a tonic. C
eward $100 Reward
P untu futher notice I will cive to all Cash PuTChas-
Iteount cf io per cent, or in other words, any one
D'Orthnl nnnHc ..-III !
fillers wi l se,l as low as 20 tier cent discount from
ages and Cook stoves will sell almost at cost
SKdpiedees 0f Tewelrv. all kinds and sorts, will be
IJDRED DOLLARS REWARD will be given to any
d fnr the nnr-
M this discount. Re-nember that I am agent (or
Iwrman. Llo J Steamship Co and can sell you a tic
put of the world.
hph Easier
ore ino marshal arrived. Sentiment
among tho people. Had he
101 oscape no telling what would
have happened. If he ever returns
no doubt he will receive a warm wel
come. The friends of Mrs. M. Johns will
be saddened to learn tnat her sis
ter, residing at Vansycle, Is not ex
pected to live.
Joe and Will Scott returned home
Tuesday from working their summer
tallow near Pendleton.
Craig Wilkinson, who was injured
by a fall of a horse several weeks
ago. is able to be about.
Mrs. Colbern has been confinod to
her room for the past week.
Mrs. O. G. Chamberlain and j.or
mother. Mrs. Branden, were tho
guests of Mrs. Caten near this cltv
Mrs. W. K. Hawes, who has been
slci: for the past two weeks, was
taken worse Friday. Dr. Plomonden
advised her to go to Walla Walla,
where she could be under the care
of a trained nurse and good doctors,
as sne is in a critical condition Mrs.
Hawes left Saturday for Walla
Walla, accompanied by Mrs Robert
Tharp. of this city. Mrs. Tharp will
return home today and take charge
of Mrs. Hawes' little son.
Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Botkln have re
turned home from Portland, where
they have been visiting relatives for
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gross are over
from Walla Walla, staylnc on their
farm during the harvest season.
Edward Kllgore of this city, who
has been working near Pilot Rock
for Mr. Mclntyre, returned home last
Charles Sherman, the Athena meat
market man, added a smokehouse in
place of the one destroyed by fire.
The structure is of brick and Is a
great Improvement over the formor
m a food and a tonic. Only 3, per cent m
or alcohol just enough to aid digestion. m
But get the right beer, for .omc beer is not healthful. M
Schlhz it the pure beer, the clean beer, the filtered and
I m ncmiicu occr. io oacuu in it nothing out health. B
find achlitz is the aged beer that never causci biliousneM.
r.. .1. d.. D...i: B
j Thm Bear that made Mltwauka fanui, BW
VBT t'lionc rn tM.un, II. Kopittko, D07 Main St., BfWvl
Pendleton AJ
Farms for Sale.
We now have listed for sale some
of the best wheat farms and stock
innches in tho county. Tho stock
ranches can be sold either with or
without the stock. All the places are
Hot winds, with the thermometer we" '"H'raved and well supplied with
ranclm. from nn In 07 In ,1m shnrl I wa"-'r- 0'u ver uranium- ui
Numerous dust storms, with an oc
casional display of fireworks, seems
to be the order of tho day lately in
these parts. The thermometer reg
istered 97 from 12 until 4 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon.
Clarence Whitman commenced
heading his barley Friday. (
Carger and Mtvjuary, of Grease- j
wood, started their heading and j
threshing outfit Tuesday. Miss I.ucy
Hansell and Miss Eva Barger will
property. Including new modern resi
dence on north side of river. Call
and get prices.
No Pity Shown.
"For years fate was alter me con
tinuously," w.Itos F. A. Gullcdge, Vcr.
bena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of
piles causing 21 tumors. When all
failed, Bueklen's Arnica Salvo cured
mo. Equally good for burns and all
at Tall-
Calico, any Piece 111 tl c store 5c, Viiril
,11 1. . , , 1 j"1"
uieacneu .wusnu, oc grn.ie, any quantity So, yard
Out'ug Flannel; Sr, )i a ul 10c grades
nlen s bl.i:k striped sliitt, 50c t;r.d''
Men's and Hoys' straw hats
Large size comforts, good quality ....
Ladies' knit pants, knee length
Ladies undcrvo-ts sloevi less, 25c erad
colored 20c, cftub.
Ladies' sleeveless vests, plain 4c, each
7c, yard
40c, uiiclr
20 por cent reduction
$1, endi
20c. pair
white or
Watch for our HICi SALE next wick
occupy the cook-house. The Dudley I ami pains. Only 2Cc
boys' Dean and Earl, of this city, arel"1"" & o.'s drug store.
to work with the crow.
No Experimenting
Glasses that Satisfy
Fine Watch Repairing
High (ii ado Work at
Regular Prices
HIrt M11I11 Mm t, I'enilleliill, (lll'uu'l
Successor to W. E. GAHHETJOX
and Axle (Strease
I 've a lat'L'o stock nf castor machiuo,
and rvlind-r oils, graphite, Tnvlor
. w,,, u.i grease, u uiiuujiu u
tiuyir your ilflrvest fcUj)Ulv.
, the Hardware
74 Main Street
ikt Pipes Esamined and Kepalrcd at On
Thousand Tons of Alfalfa on One
Ranch School Election Ttoday.
Echo. Ore., July 20. George J.
Kimball paid Pendleton a business
visit yosteiday returning this morn
ing. He is foreman for the Blue
Mountain rtanche and estimates his
crop 01 allalfa for tho two cuUIiikh
to be a thousand ton. This Is the
ranch recently purchased by Stephen
son and Connor of the O. It. & N.
Hany Rogers, a prominent Butter
Creek rancher, paid Pondleton a bun
iness visit this evening.
The citizens nro votlnc at tue
fcchool house this evonlug upon the
subjact of bonding tho district for 1
the purpose of enlarging tho 6iiool ,
hmise and addlnir the tenth and elev
enth grades and considerable Inter
est 1 being taken.
' Maryland day at the World's Fair,
St l.ouls. next year will be Septem- .j
1 lw 12. . . 4.
HID mm mar
Store For Rent
lining to erect
brick block on the corner
and Cottonwood streets.
I Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
i Almost everylxxlj who reads the news
i papers i sure to know of the wonderful
' 1 1 .o,l,. 1. tr
vi Jb , Kilmer's Swaiiip-
KtKt, the great kid-
i, uey, liver ana plan-
riS It ik the L'reatnitil-
ical triumph of the
niuetceiitli century ;
,ir... ,.,lfl..r,...nr
1 iun.iii;ivtqtivi .
Xfi 01 scieiililic researcii
bv Dr. Kilmer, the
l.i, ., on.t ,
blailder specialiU, and is wonderfully 1 7
successful in promptly curing lame back,
uric acid, caUrrh of the bludder ami
,1 TO
1 W-IJ 1 II Ul
ran D
.. . ..... ..u..A ...limit ih 1 iih u'nm
... . . i.ulnrr imillll """"'i
I am puuiuiug iu v . , , t form of kidney trouble,
ink block on the corner of Webb lor"' " " ""' cwamn
Swamn-Root is not rec-
1 ouimeiidtMl for trveryimiiji om 11 )
buUd I would like to secure a renter; kiJ liver or bladder trouble it will be
for the upstair and dowuataln , foun,i';u.t t)t remetly you need. It lias
either separately or together, so j lieen tesled jn M lnuiiy ways, in hospital
p'aw ' '1 to senous breans
f;pjf"s'"-'a- work guar .rt "I t
C'e Reliable Plumber.
"ee'. oppOSItlj the Goiden Kule Hotel
that In oulldlng I can arrange u
t,.HMins tn suit the renter. Those
desiring to rent call or address It.
Martin, at his grocery store.
einnlinn Iros.' World's OreaUst
Show at Walla Walls, August
For the above occasion me
sr -'.. .Mum a reduced rate
t'o'r the round trip. Tl'kf's on sale
august 13, good en' I An-.tist 14th re
turr lnv For further particulars, call
n!) or address F. Y. Wamsley, agent.
Lodging House for Sale.
v 1 n the itv 20 fompleto furn
tir,ms A lease for elht years
work and in private practice, aun uas
proved so successful 111 every case that a
special arrangement has beeu made by
.JiTi,.,. oil rwufera of this paper, wholune
not already tried it, may have a sample
u.m fr.i- bv mail, alsoa Ixxjk U-Jl-
ist 13. moreaUjut Swamp-Root.and howto
O.U & ' r.M.loutifv.ubaN, kidneyorbladdert...u-
of $1 W I Mr Wlii n v.. iliiiKiiienttoi) reading this I
i.oi. n.i.s offer 111 tins paper uiiubeu'i
address to Dr. Kilme. F'l
Co., BinKliHtiiloi. 1
.V. V The regular j
fifiv 1 1 iit and on.
dollar sii Urttltswre B ef Somp Rout
biil.il.- ..II 'IrugKists Don't make
all nilstuKf, ""I i.'liiriiiuti fc.. ,
t Ai
LI -Li
Enquire at this office. every bottle.
Price $
per Eia