East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 29, 1903, Image 2

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For Summer
Boy's Wash Suits 50c to ?i 15
Nelieee Shirts 50c to 2 50
Golf Shirts .50c to 150
Coot Underwear 50c, $1.00 anil St. 50 Suit
Pretty Neckwear 25c, 50c and 75c
Stylish Bults 25c to 90c
FancV Hosiery 13c, 85c and 50c
Boys Clothing ... 20 per cent. Discount
Men's Two Piece Suits ?5-oo to 56. 50
Men's S13.50 Suits, Reduced to Stooo
Men's ?t7 50 Suits, Reduced to 514.00
Straw Hats, ail there is Left at Half Price
One Price Clothiers,
The milling concerns of San Fran
cisco have advanced the wholesale
price of Hour 20 cents per barrel. i
The home rule party In Hawaii
has paired resolutions memorialising '
congress in favor of independence
for the islands.
There is iu progress considerable
of an exodus of negroes from South
ern Indiana to Kentucky, since the
race riots 'at Evansvllle. j
Airs Mattie D. Kich. of Chicago, j
was convicted at Chihuahua, Mexico,
in 1900. of murdering her husband,
and was sentenced to 15 years im-'
prisonment. She has been relonsed. t
The "Fisherman's ring," worn by '
the pope and identified with his ror- j
sonality and all insignia of his sa
cred office, is missing from the of- J
feels of Pope Leo. Whether stolon. ,
or secreted by the late pope Is not
The Irish welcome to the king and ,
queen has been very variable noth-;
ing whatever unanimous. No slights I
or :Liuita have been offered them. 1
but decorations have lieen torn down. '
and they have bet-u treated with ,
great indifference in some localities, i
Honolulu is clamoring for u pro-!
fessional baseball club, to he made :
part of the California circuit. This !
evidence of loyalty to the great Amer- J
icau game is expectttd to neutralize '
the memorial of the Hawaiian home i
rule party in favor of independ -nee.
Mr- Lucy Wright, a pioneer of
Linn county, died Tuesday of pneu
monia. ned 75.
Dr. Cooiier. of Chetco. Or., was shot
for a deer and instantly killed, near
thai city. Tuesday.
The body of Ah Quons. a Chinese
laliorer. was found choppod to pieces
sn a cannery at Nuas River. Alaska.
Carl Newhull, sentenced for one
year for larceny, from Coos county,
was pardoned hy Governor Chamber
lain Tuesday.
John Harrington, a conductor, for
merly of Portland, was killed hi a
Northern Pacific wreck, near Missou
la. Mont., Monday.
Vera Kideitour, a graduate of the
Corvallis high school, committed
suicide in that city Tuesday, by swal
lowing carbolic- acid.
The crew of the Crescent City saw
trills, at Grant's Pass, has struck on
account of the poor quality of the
grub furnished at the boarding house.
A telephone pole on Main street,
Tacoma. upon which was strung 200
wires, was sawed down TnenUay
night, the work of striking linemen,
it is supposed.
John M. Gilkinkon, of Sparta, ex
rei.order of TJnlon county, wan Injur
ed in a strange and unexpected man
ner near the East Eagh- mines.
Tuexda He as sitting beside a
larue fluni- which convej.- water to
the mines, when it suddenly burst
The flying timber struck him on the
n-aii ami seriously injured him. and
he it now n the Baker Ci'y hospital
acme Bpoi
Foundry, F-lachine
3nd Blacksmith SSiop
Structural iron, Cast Columns, etc.
Carry in ;tock Steel Beams,
Angles and Channels Bolts and
Rod. All kinds of
Repair WorEi Attended io Promptly
East End Furnslde St. Bridge, Portland.
furnishers and Ha ters 1
H - - i"r - S"I"H"I - - i"H"H M -H 4
Hotel Pendleton.
Max Frielamlor. Chico.
.1 Mnrmnnn, hico.
C K. Koosevelt. city
A. H Heshean. St. Faul.
E. I). I'iesburg. San Francisc
U. D. Fulton. Portland.
J I! Crosfield. Portland.
H. Lard and wife. Fairfax.
E. Rrnydnn, Portland.
George H. Sutherland, Walla Wnlln '
William Maker. Portland.
C M. Smith. Portland.
f! X. Smith. Tekoa.
George Stevens. Spokane
John F. Robinson. Pilot Itock.
Lot l.ivermore. city.
Jamex Crockett. Coeur d'Alene.
Mrs. F. F. Moore, Spokane.
T. lirook White.
Chnrles Wangli, Portland.
H. H. Mo-ller. Portland.
S. W. Spoiieer, Heppnor.
Golden Rule .Hotel.
V J Gardner. Portland.
Mrs. M. Evans. Portland.
Daniel O'Coner. Goldendale.
Charles Brown. Walla Walla.
Mrs. P. V. Houcliton. Walla Walla,
Fred Fletcher. Nye. j
A V. Fletcher. Nye.
sa Roy. Iortland.
Ivan C. Anderson, Portland.
P. A Lockwnod. lortlaud.
William Moore. Spokane.
F. Bell. Spokane
J. A. Marston. city.
William Cahermon. Echo.
J. P. Kononlen, Centralia.
Alex Manning. Cayuse.
J. A. Slmms, Dayton.
.1. G. Stevenson. North Yakima
Joe Iytle. La Grande .
.1 P Pierce, Boise City.
W M. Maher. Walla Walla.
Mis Bell. Spokane.
Don't Run Any Risk Use Ice From
Boiled and Distilled Water.
"Owing to the low stage of the
water In the city well it has
ins been
found necessary to pump some or the .
supply from the channel of the river.
For this reason it is thought best by
Dr. Cole, the city health officer, to
call the attention of the public to
the advisability of bailing the water
iwed for drinking purioses." E. O..
July 22.
Better use pure ice. made from
water that has beon both boiled and
distilled. It is cheaper than you can
boil 'he water Boss Ice Co., 'Phone
Main 1781.
'just like any disapiiolnted and ills-
Sick Headache absolutely and par-1 heartened actor In the human world,
manently cured by using Mokl Tea. it was a year bofore Charlie learned
A nleasant herb drink. Cures Const!- ! lo ride the globe, and he is the only
patlon and Indigestion, makes you j b:rd in the world that does the trick,
eat. sleep, work and happy. Satisfac- All of tbe birds talk, and when at
tlou guaranteed or money hack. 25 ; play, for thoy are turned loose once
rts nnd 50 cts. Write to W. H. Hook-, a nay to exercise, they jabber and
er & Co.. Buffalo. N. Y for a free I talk to each other and io the profes
sample F W. Schmidt & Co.. drug- sor In a manner almost human. Char
gists, j lie, the profano one, Is the bully of
file s.rnu-,1 firi.1 ...ill .lot..,-. tn. ,1
Ti National Editoria! Association '
with 42." delegntes from 33 state and (
rniiirial assm tatioiir leiiref-eniine
lo.iMiii newspapers, will hold Its 1004
' on-, i nfior. at the World's Fa:r, S'
Louis, next year.
H-H"W"l il"lrr innii nrnriii mnnn
First Full Grown and Wild Birds of
This Species Ever Successfully
Taught Will Do Tricks Showing
an Incredible Amount of Intelli
gence and Patience.
People who watch the ungainly an-
tics and listen to the raucous screech -
lugs of n lot of cockatoos little dream
that the birds can be trained to do
things showing a large amount of in -
telligence and a ready understand -
! inc until they see the hand of trained
' iierfnrniors in flu. cirrus nf Prnfeusnr
. Alontacue now with the Shields'
' '''" 1
professor Montague is an old hand ,
nr the business, and has done noth-
1 u:g bin handle animals and birds for!
I vears His wife was the fnmous !
' Madam Gnrreita. who did the first I
work known lu the public handling '
or piceons and cockatoos. It was from
her that the professor learned to;'"wl I" '"'" sneepmon inc
1 handle his birds, nnd when she died kept busy trying to find some place
! he trwiL- lmr ninco ! that Is more than two miles from
; The first venture in the career of
Ill lirnffwmir ilffi.r thn iliinfVt i.f Mo
j wife was a band of trained knnga-1
roos. Thure were five of the animals
j nnd they were trained to do all the
I things that are usually done by the
I trained dogs of the vnrlous circuses;
nut while showing .n San Francisco
I the whole hand died, one after the
j other, in one week, from some i-n-
! known cause.
After that the professor went to
I Australia and gathered togctho.- his
present lot of birds. Usually when
cockatoos are trained the ' young
i nestlings nre taken and brought up
I by hand, hut Professor Montague was
I in a hurr, so he had some wild birds
j caucht and attempted -to tame and
i tench them the tricks of the arena.
This was in lsufi. and it was almost a
year before he could go near his pots,
i hut at last they came to know him
' and to love the hand that fed them,
so that now when he goes to the cage
in the morning he Is greeted by a
1 chorus of "flood morning, papa," and
, other morning greetings, while one
i of the pets, who has evidently fallen
! in bad company, sometimes addg as
an after tnoiight." -you d d fool. I'm
This is the milv hand of u-ihi hlni
was ever trained, and the uro-
I feasor attributes the fact of his sue-1
cess to bis uniform kindness to his
lieu. None of them lias ever been
whipped or harshly us-ed. and as a
. result they are always anxious to
I help the performance by the best n
j (leavers tbey can put forth.
. It took six months of hard and pa
tient effort to teach the birds to
j waltz before they wore allowed to
j so before the public, and now all ot
I the dancers are anxious for their
turns, and as pleased by the applause
ot the audience as an amateur.
! Charlie, the Star Actor.
I Charlie, the old veteran of the show
1 who does the aerial feat with the
sphere, propelling it along the track
in midair and keeping his balance,
was tne tinniest to tn
train, and oven
now has to he worked out at least
once a day to ensure a irfeet per
formance in the evening. He is a
nervous bird, and is the one given to
swearing. If the globe has not
enough rosin on it so that his feet
slip and he Ioimjk hit, balance, it
mukes him nmd and he often talks
to himself as he tries to go Irom
side to side. When he makes a fail
ure of his trip in practice he suiuo
tlmes sulks, and getting iu the cor
ner eaiig himself names and cusses
of his companions into the corner and
bully them, and, sad to rolato, swear 1
at them until he is In turn driven
away by the master.
Altogether, It Is a wonderful and
entertaining lot of birds, and their
attainments reflect the unusual
amount of patience and tact of the
little man who owns and loves them.
In a short time the circus will lie
taken onto the Orpheum circuit and
through the Kast
Night Was
Her Terror,
"I wou.ri cough
nearl) all
ug." writes Mrs. Charles Applegato.
oi Alexandria, ind . "and count hard
ly got miy sleep. I had consumption
so bad th-it If I walked a lilrck I
would cough frightfully and spit
blood, bin when all other medicines
failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr.
King's Naw Discovery wholly cured
me and I gained 58 pounds." It's ab
solutely guaranteed to cure coughs,
colds. In grippe, bronchitis and all
throat and lung troubles. I'rlco 50c
and $1.U0. Trial bottles free at Tall
man & ( o.-s drug store.
Dr. H. X. Jackson 1ms just com
pleted an automobile trip from San
Francisco to New York City. Tho
dlHtanco in an alrlino is approxi
mately 2.000 miles, but the machine
covered C.000 miles. There were
i-l days ot actual travel.
Enforcement of Two Mile Limit Lnw(
Keeps Sheepmen Moving.
Idnhn range- slieoji will he placed
on tlio market Monday by C C Val
entine and Lorenzo Jensen, of llrlg
ham Utah, nays the Omaha Journal-1
Stockman of Saturday They run
their hands across the lino 111 wnai 18
.nown as the Caribou rniiKC nnd load ,
it Soda Springs. Messrs. Vnlcntfno
nnd Jenacu left their stock at a Ne
braska feeding station and arrived at
the vards this morning 1
They say that the range out lu their
country is overstocked. Feed is bet-
ter than It has been for two or three ,
1 years, but these former seasons were
j exceptionally poor. It Is pretty dry
just at present and grass Is thort
1 The ranges are nut as good as they
1 were a few years ago.
' This is the result of over slocking
: mid imttltl? the StOcl. Ollt early 111
lining mi- mini. u.k v......
the season, in former years the gi
the season. In former years the grass
K"o 8tart l,ulmc 11 !1B "s-" lu
"' extent, btockiuen have been
using the range a little ear Her each,
'par "ml ,low I,inn-V 1"" 0111 ,1!,,.lr , i
about the first of May. At this time
the grass Is very tender and the loots
haven't gained a firm hold In the soil,
The two-mile limit ln Is lelng en-
I ?' " here they may
rest In 1
' " c
1 How to Join and Get Quick
I at Small Cost.
Results '
Yli not juiu our union of piano '
purchasers and have a hundred dol-1
lars? You can do it and we can help '
you This Is how it is done: We can 1
well afford to sell ten or more planus ,
cheaper than one. so have organized j
a union of ten members. You join
mid pay Siniio down and ?10.ti0 a
month, the piano Is yours. Now here'
is the best part of it Every time a ,
new memlier Julns the price of your
instrument depreciates in price Jin:
in other words, when the union Is
filled every memlier gets his Instru-!
mem $1ip. less than regular price.'
for example, a regular Saou.OO Instru
ment can be hud for $2iiu.iii by
joining ihe union. Don't delay tak
ing adantage of this great opportu
rity. as it will only last a few weeks
m the dull season. This, combined
with mu ens payment plan and ex
change contract makes it possible
fur i-veiyone lo have au instrument.
TherkelMn' Piano House. 315 E.
Omni street Everything musical.
By It Is Effected a Still More Re
markable Cure.
Pasadena, Cal.. July 2fl. .Wish Alice
Dane, apparent! a hopeless cripple
and deprived of iierfeet speech for
many years, hns suddenly had the
use of her limbs and vocal powers
restored as the result of an accident.
Miss Dane suffered from spinal trou
ble, and had to hobble about on
crutches, and could scarcely speak
above a whisier.
Last Thursday, while descending
;he stairs at her home. Bhe fell, and
the last step struck against her chest ;
Immediately the pains from which
she had Buffered ror many years left. '
and after being taken to a couch and
lying there for a while, she got up !
and. to the surprise of every one.
walked without the aid of crutches. ;
Many physicians have treated the
caw unsuccessfully for years.
To Release a Murderer.
Maker City ,Iul M.A HonHatioiial
tvport wan circulated laHt t-v-ulng by
a "woman dotectivc" to the effuct
that there would lie a concerted
attempt to release the niiirdprei, Men
ArniBtrong. from the county jail. The
woman claimii to have (Uncovered a
lilot aninng ArniBtrung's friomis at
flblnes. to that effei t
Roundhouse Improvomenti.
l.a Grande. July 29 A n- an
horee-iiower boner and an air com
lireasing plant has just been installed
in the O. It. & S. machine hhoim
nere. increasing business on th
nail has necessitated more facilities
'r l(1"alrln8 "' machinery in use.
" "
I '
Health and Disease
sj lliuiliattd in f.:z Sulp. Jig. I
shows a section ol a htallhy hair
iR43nllijd. 1 ig. 2 showj the deadly
effect ol the DANDHUFP CEK.MS
that are deitroying the hair root.
Dtilruy the cauie you remove
Ihe effect.
No Dandruff, no railing ir, no
lialdricij, II you kill the germ vith
For Sale by all Drugglili,
Price 51.00.
r i ' (Mi hva i
There's tunny a successful business
mail who sits in his city office and lets !
his mind slip hack to his boyhood dnvs !
",., ,,. ,.,- Hnu-cmililMl lo
.... n,int.tite he had i tlnu- I
cvcrvthiiiK tasted 1 How sound his sleep
wsj How eagerly he rose with the sun
nlmj sulh lmn u,,,, 1he j,,,
lv- And now he's a successful maii.
tmt ,c CHn t sleep, lie doesn't enjov
i,i food. I lis stomach is weak, ins
nerves are i.lt.ikeu, and he no more Hm.-.
with the sun lo race cagcrh aguiiisi lum.
i!i it.ilit v i.-. low and now and .iu.i.ii
liia heart m-cius to plunge in his brea .t
lis if it v.oul.1 lreni: Kkim-. That's the 1
price he has jiaul For success. I
The mischief of the whole- business i
that he buys "tablets" of mu- sort or ,
mother to ".tid" his digestion, ami in-
dlilges jn bromides and other nerve
stimuluiits, just to hold himself together,
itml wonders why he seems to lie getting
The whole trouble with such a man
generally lies ill what is called a "weak"
Sumach. The food he- cats ikies not
iKinri.-b him because it is only parliallv
ligested mid assimilated No man can
Ik- stronger tli.ui his stomach, because it ,
i.- in the stomach and allied organs of
digestion and nutrition that strength is .
made Iriiiii tile food which is eaten.
1).-. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
en cures diseases of tbe stomach ami
other organs of digestion mid nutrition.
It restores the strength of the body iu ,
the only way strength can lie restored, ,
by food which is perfectly digested nud ,
assimilated, when the diseased stomach
i with its allied organs i is cured of dis
ease. It is a blood-making, body-build- '
ing iiieiliciiu-. inasmuch as blood is made
troni liHitl and the 1kkI is built up by
IiI.mxI. It is not a .stimulant, containing
neithc- alcohol or utiy other narcotic.
no ortisn doctor for me.
"l-a-M -niH( vurlf. 1 wrole utt lu ferliugg
Htiii -nillllon," nay .Ml A j t midcnvalcr, s;
W'H Iuviftinti Sire. i. CtucuKo III. "and you
mlviM-il nit- lu tnktr lit l'ioic 's Gulden Medical
llweverv in l.-w Uililf.!. tiuil then wriir vou
htm I lull I um hunpt to say I nut cetttiig to
feel line ill .ill I have tukt-u tx (tattle oftlic '
Discover ' ntul tour or lie vluU ol the little
' Pvlleu Tik-v have clone inc world ol good.
AH mv Ineiiil-- Vainlcmnter. how well
vou .ir. looking What m tile woi lit hnve you '
been itutuiT ' 1 lei! them I have been ilucloritii:
with Ilr. ft . IMerev of IlulTalo, X. Y. Why,'
they y, 'vou haven't been there,' No, X
n, but I look hu ' Golden Medical llw-oiery-and
taUi little IvileU ' Tliec medicine have
wrought the great change m me I'mni a ilow
IMOuc of a truili that could hurdl cruwl. tlretl
ana sick all the time, ntul coulil do no tvurk -to
a man who cull work sleep, eat, tiutl leel
Hue. and that Itreil kclhiK in all gotiiK itm.
t am ven thankful that 1 wrote to lr I'len -IIU
' r.oldeu Medical In
Uvrr TeHet' hnve nlnitMt mailt a iirw nun
of nc 1 ff! you hk a 1 dnl m ilnr'y tr
Vo ul her doctor for inc. only In I'tcii-
"I wilt cxtirtiw tn v thank to vou (ir the
citttlly Hdvici. vou livt givcit ttie In ffuard to
my cur," .rftei yiim Carr J Wlwrton. (
Dunavant, Spottiytvnnia Co , Virit'ui "When
I wrote to you lat ftjifinj; I w;i iu u terriblt
Hate of htfutth. Had Rtvrn up alt hoot of rtur
bcniL' 1 ict ter I Njut up tin itMHl all thf time
and U "Krrmcd Miur at vlutjnir. I Mould ti.ivc a
uhu met Jiendnche every other wctk , in fact.
m head never fell clear, and I wu perfectly .
tiro'sen iloivit under the train oflortitisr mv food 1
ttatlllt. I had reail
k of wlimt your nieUictiii
great ueui in jour .. , ,
:me hail lione for ' I CM i"'
others mi I wrote you and Rol your advice
iMiufim iwo oolites ui v.oiiieu .iienicai iianv
ery' anil the firat dote I look I felt lietter.
When 1 1
lim! finUhxl lti., II,, ..... l.dllm Ihe 14 1 "
Apittiuf up hod entirelv Htopjid and tuyltead i lilllileil
wn iiiucu ueiter i iH;uee your nieuicilieii are
iiMt wliat you have soul of them.
1 carefully rend the txxikfi you i-at me and
nlwll nlHay n;ietik .i good word for the ' Golden
Medical Ilncoverv w henes-er 1 hc a chancr.
"You can jMilili.li this if you think it worth
white It might induce Mime one else to Iry
your medicine who was sutlcntig as I did. It
was by the testimonials of othem that I was
induced to try it I shall always rely ujmu your
advice itml feel safe to tlo as you tell me."
Ir. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con-
b'.ijiation, its causes and consequences.
t Conrad Platzoeder
All kinds, of Fresh
Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
i 1 11,1.3 ua iuv inc unci i ..r invn y uv-
jRigby-Clove MfgJ
Manufacturers of the
Repairs for all kinds of
:Fatm Mactincry;
Fonudry Work a Specialty
Cas'i paid for old castings
I Pendleton,
Oregon J
Dally East Orenonian by
only 15 cents a week. '
the Crowd
Any oi thB...
inn- . . ""I
111 aj
A ter tre.r,,.-.
readi v ...j
" inevalles
1 ') say our ic
's Die r.cli-e. .
ti" aie thf
niir D j . r
roncy drinfct.
ITinrn .
Jur mouth
'Kdson is simnlp
noilung at out i
fui tne vi..... t.
I.Iir innni...
-. 11.
maue a ii .... i
- ..... amQi
nml 1-
Have vou tried the
"imlt l'cndleton f
M til W
Tim Rnllnt,!. Tt
Polofhce niocl.
'Just try a
13 i I,
M ut s nsi
St. Helen's
. ..... " 1.1
.v-.v linn), u
snt an npiii''fltn.
. IU lis wliff
,aui tir a
I n h
caiamuii' 1
agenien' u
ed i a' h
for nnisi' i
,, ,r JDIllio '
aiucnts and to
till mcr-.!
n fnnrjUKlf uu,: ...
preparai orv
u.irk is
best rollcge-
aJ:a . amber
, . rr MDR
TlioroUBh M;l lie
-r.if..i iirrouu
lent cl.uiate tttta
"D", . . r for busing
u livumi" - , gena
begins August H
"d ffATHOlTT, Ph.