East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 29, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight ami Thursday (air
Short of Food, and
! Can Last But a
.... n..ir illw Ended.
, 1-
r . 1 1 -J tun
Mas rita.'w-..j ,
HBair Mas a"" w....
Hacking Contest Five
...... cither Deserted or
Cil July 29 Contrary to
....A nr rn( uuiu
Bum: v. - I
h retting wltmn range ui
l r, A .inr.b this morn-
17 ""---
believed by sncnii uos-
6 hi charge or mo posses,
sricts have split Into throe
ufct; through the brush
j -vom Rhnriff Keena nas
... -VwT-t nf fnnd nnil
j lit Viivfi tr Rhnw
SOU Will w
CaL July Hlf. A report
M-l 11 n L"1VC
jEitia and various posses
. j nnnvlnTC (inn
-J-n In Ihn fT tl T1 fT
ccnitur Is covered with
tS torts ot rumors prevail.
the convicts have settled
An Ui lUIllllllb. UlUUbil U..V.
There Is considerable
is to wlurh of tho fugl-
ferelop into a Tracy.
Hemmed In.
July 2' The convicts
ureenwooci creeK uolluiu.
fmrn t Kit mil wnere
!gtt took place Snerin
jideti oiiened fire on 'hem
t new ilrnvn f riom liflrlr
ttnr well hemmed In and
Fifty shots were
I'll sides
Seme May Escape.
TnK. on Triurr. nrn
:o ccs of the convicts.
t Greenwood, hut this Is
an ii is ueneveu mm
i: urn inimini' iriwHrut.
J. Eldorado county.
P rnltllTpnpriTenc;
July i9 - Treasury officials
f!nn nntlfl.J 1... c . ...
irt Ifn I 1 .
it erb it'OIMUg 1110
' ' ilay a1 ae searching
a anl or' -, In a nollow
town Anu. Hill
GRINnr ci nnn
Under Five Feet of Water
TeMB j v 29 Heavy
ll In r r,w r Wo Grande
13 fr2r I WIH ho
ir H ' viri' ljuBlnoBK
t'ie Southern
i night. En
. and several
Wtino Down.
it i n
.""adlly, and
i toward a
.'lety. Vitte
i' Uie crater
'he peasants
tttnrl .
Un Fa ,r
trj'f'' 'i failures of
iSv4rr ' 1 a J''
v "Pork t r . ' ;,
Wife of Victor Schilling Tires of1
waning ior MIS Return. J
Pnrllfin.l Tt.l.. an
. y. ......... oiuj -y. i.rua latie
Schilling has commenced suit In the
state circuit court of Multnomah
county, against Victor a Schilling
for a divorce. This Is the sequel of
the desertion b ySchilllng of his wife,
and his mysterious disappearance
from the city on Juno 21, 1902.
no wua viiipiuy ca as tno city ticket '
popular of Portland's young men. He I
had been married les sthan a year to
inu uHugiiior oi cugene neioy, a '
brilliant and estimable young woman, I
nhen his sudden, unaccountable do-'
paiture shocked the yoiutt; wife anil
their numerous rclafvea
Ceremonies Coincident With Memor.
lam Services Over Leo
rtome, July 29. The second of the j
. St.v. ef Heq um ma.SSf s we, h,e1'1
.. 1 r,Y . , V
tho city saw a rcmarkab e interlude
... .v,...n ...i, ,,,-,
ian government's celebration of the
" ----- - uu's iosl uuu a mimuer injureii.
third anniversary of the death of 'There Is great excitement. Tho po
king Humbert. i nce nave great difficulty in holding
; back tho crowd. The explosion oc
To Entertain Delegates. ' eurrod In the southeast part of the
Ogden. Utah, July 29. As one of cltv
the novel attractions scheduled for1 Tlle main building was a large
tno nth annual meeting of the Xa- stone structure filled with dynamite,
tlonal Irrigation Association, the Og- standing a mile and a half distant
den Sugar Factory will slice 400 tons from the wrecked cartridge factory,
of beets dally and turn them into . to which it belonged. The force of
sugar while the delegates of the irrl- the explosion was terrific, and was
gatlon congress Inspect the plant. ; heard many miles. It occurred at
Union Pacific Stock Advance.
New York, July 29. The belief
that Union Pacific interests have se
cured the Southern Pacific stock for
merly held by James It. Keene, has
caused a rise of fire-eighths this
morning. The market Is strong.
Till" PPnTTIPl! MIDIlrPT mil D
Hr hill I I Ih H llAnVth i In L3
The Canny Scot Must This Year lm-
im-.-l-t f Ule "Parritrh"
pwi i i,ifl...i. ' .
Worst All Round Failure In Thirty
Y-ars 1
Glasgow July 29. The Scottish
harvest is this year proving to be al-
most a total failure from floods in
the north and drouths In tuo south.
In fact, the agricultural barometer Is
,., ,i, n et,h In 30 vears. and It!
M ?r.SJSThrt.n.d Strike of 125,000 Machi,
that there will be that much less re- Ists.
celpts to the people of Scotland this plttsbUrg July 29. Three hundred
vear compared with tne general aver-, raacnlnists 'struck at tho Westing-
"age of the last dozen years. , . 0Ufce wor);s this morning on account
Not only is the crop loss enormous,, fce alure of tne company to sign
but the sheep in the flooded districts ; . ' , demanded.
..nw(n. frnin nn en.demic of foot , lUK b . , A..j
rot and lung troubles, two diseases
'1... SfBh Vi?n srTntii.1. shenhcrd !
1 must alway guard. I
!n,"st a,?5, ,;in highlands.
protractou dtouth in cattle raising
cstricts all over Europe at 1
iZTrl an tto ,
SrproLbly exceed that of any pre-
vlotu year in the history of Importa-,
tlous from the west I
CmiEi-ation from Scotland to Lan-.
nda and the United States Is already
l.w . ,.rierated bl' the con-1
,ii.. nf .hlnes here. Particularly
will the province of Alberta Canada,
in ..ni.ultttion W whAt will lrot-
gain In population by what will pruu- j
ably assume the proportions of an ox-,
odus from the northern counUes be-1
u.inir nets in
W'c " '
Quotations Furnished by Coe Cornmls
QU8!on Cemp.ny-0. Local
Manager, ii i
rhtr Juiy SD.-We bad a hard .
Manager, l
.rirot todav to guess. All gram
weak and sold off of a cent
then turned strong anf,h net f-j I
ceuu , from toi. rpo-nt . w it net gain
of 1,4 cents of
tm wheat and corn with a net gain oi
UU W"v .
cents; oats, c
Sept ....
May ....
Sept ....
May ....
7. n
... 83
... M
... 3C'
o li.i..
Known Dead, Fifteen
ieven buildings blown
Five Boys Bathing 1,500 Feet Away Were Killed One Body Blown 600
Feet Scarcely a Pane of Glass Left In City of Lowell Carelessness In
Handling Dynamite the Supposed Cause.
Lonell, Mass., July 29. Tho pow-
(1" magazines of the United States
cartridge Company exploded tais
nl0rning. The first reports are that
;;u nouses were nestroycil
and 20
ves lost ntld a number
Un to 10:30 work was progressing
slowly. Seven bodies have been re
covered, none Identified. Nearly a
score of lujured were taken to hos
pitals. Among the buildings badly wrecked
Is the new Wigglusville schoolhouse,
and Wlgginsvllle mission chapel.
Glass Broken Twelve Miles Away.
Reports received from surrounding
towns show that damage was done
rllstnnt At. AndoveC. 12
mnnv milpu distant. At Andover. 12
miles away, plate glass windows ere
broken by the concussion.
Eleven Known to Be Dead,
Up to noon 11 are known to be
,ino,i anrl ir. nro renorted missing.
i Forty-three are more or less injured.
lilt; CApiuaiuua .uii.,v.v.
out seven dwellings and seven others
WL're destroyed by the fire which fol-
lowed. Twenty-one others are prac-
tlcally ruined, although some walls
are standing. One house was blown
40 feet from its foundation,
, . ,
" -rnniiRi f5
The explosions completely wipeu
Gr Btrme
Chicago, July 29.-Unless the Chi-
BO Metal Trades' Association suops
ton furnishing work for the kcllogg
in sub s ance, r If t W ; I hfnted
cSada and Mexico of 125,000
member ' Demands will bo made of
the employers tonight.
entire Street Car System Is Tied Up
nv a Strike.
..,,, ,ulv 29 The ontlio
ral,way .jretem wa. tied
,nnrlllle i,v strike of tire
m0mlug by a strike of nrenie.ii,
rg and tenders at 8 o'clock, rue
sprung a surprise by start-
i .(th atrnnir nower by Which Uie
...I. .nnrnnr l.v a strike of firemen,
M"S .... ,i, l.niim
. .... l.ia nnnrMii'ii riKU, uu....
Kremn are now trying to induce
... atrdfr.
the engiueeis w '. ,
.,Hi.nrP With President '
geeks an Audience witn r-ri .
Bajr Mf .-Mother Jones
armed this morn ng ""J,
hermjr. 'g
uarnes, : ToM her iue
, Roosevelt. Bamos to o uer iu
she write 'f York She says
8e re, Mn? msW Ihe army for
she will not disown tne
TWlof Je and White.
TTISi oi .. ..,..
...!,(. Kv. JUiy t-P'
BWB was the 0t witness m - m ,n.
jett-Woite case today. teI.egung .xhlblt of her summer
same testimony J'X'Il syst.n, at tho World's Fair.
i ;viilu. sj .
ses from t room except '
. ....mturl K IKCiai IV 14 w
Missing, Forty-three hjured.
up and beven Burned,
A boy's heart was picked up l.fiUO
font fmm tl,n emmn nt n titnrn wlion.
be was swimming when the explosion
occurred. A physician declared It
was as keenly cut as with a knife. He
was one of fle hoys who were in
swimming and all were killed; John
riftHmvnv Willinm M rnM-nint. Mlpll-
ael Rogers, William Flynn and Jnmes
MoRoyitolds. Catherine RIggs wns
killed In a nearby residence. Millie
RIggs, a " year-old ghl who was
playing near by, Ifd her head com
pletely blown off and body hurled COO
Partial list of Injured: Clarendon
Godwin,' James Grady, Cnarles Rich
ards. Aimed Belanger, Robert Itiggs,
Henry McMastcr, Albert I.abrand,
Mrs. Gillineau, Mrs. Pellltie.r, Tessle
McDermott, Edwin Perrox.
Cause of the Explosion.
Teamsters were loading dynamite
to convey to tho caitrldge works, and
it is supposed they were careless.
The drivers, two two-horse trucks, to
gether with the horses, were blown to
atoms. Men's names unknown.
Four local companies of mlllti!
ordered out to maintain order
nvnloM ,,,,nrtv In inwnll
Four local companies of mllltla are
nrntpct nrnnertv. In Lowell. two
miles away, scarcely a whole pane of
3ias3 is ieit.
Fifteen Injured fiad been brought to
Hr .Inhn's l.nsnital and 17 to the
Emergency hospital. Six of tho lat-
tor will die Must nil the inlurcd suf
fered broken limbs or terrible wounds
(mm flvlni? dnln-lK. Five men are
missing who aro supposed to have
been working In tno plant, une oiner,
similarly employed, was picked up a
block away critically Injured and
Point and Turn Back,
Dawson, .liny 29. The party head-
cd by United States District Judge
James Wlrkersham, which undertook
the ascent of Mount McKlnley, the
highest peak in America, climbed
lialr av to the ton of the mountain,
attaining an altitude or 10,000 ieet,
. h,Hbr(!tllrll,,., tn naml)art. on the
Taana 8ido of the mt
made from
th Tnuann side of the moUiltnln.
and the party was .'12 days out from
Fairbanks, tho principal town ot tlio
Tanana valley, from which the dlart
was made.
Mammoth glaciers wore discovered
by the parly, 300 and 400 feet in
height, and aro considered anions the
most remarkable glacial formations
in the world In regard to their size
and nature.
Oil Fires in Russia.
lial.il, Itussla, July 29. Flro today
dentiovod no boring lowers and nap-
nl bolnnglnir to tlio liill-
i,,,nl,v Petrolomn Works. The flro
akialiy petroloum Works. The llro
ls gproadlng and tho property of sov-
pra) arK)j companies (iw ablaze.
incendiarism Is HUHliected.
York July 29. Whltaker
Wright, the Kngllsh promoter accused
.11U gaUwl for London today
in custody. u iBt.nn. .
C(jllep gunk by Co5lon
VmMBat, Kngland, July 29.-'uie
cruiser Ma ampus. collided with the
big collier Itiipport on ucniy iu-
,ikina the collier. Tho crow
j Laying the Cornerstone.
' c K. Troutou wont to Atheua
worniUg to be present at the Isy-
1 ing 0( tbt. tiomerstone of the new
, Methodist church being built there
,i-- ma snnarvliiciu.
i o. o 'C n appropriated for this
,11'LY 125), 100.J.
Factions of the People's Party Get i I
tliMivnr .till v 2ft Tim two f:('tlms I
of tho people's party, each with r na-1
tlonal organization, win no nnmiga- (
,nl.,.1 (kl,t mw, unrli' l.v ni'tlnn (n hi.
taken this afternoon or tomorrow, at j
the national conference ot tho peo
ple's party and allied reform party,
now In session In this city. Tho com
mittee on resolutions and addresses
will today report a proclamation
that will call on the several factions
ot the populist party to unite. It will
nlso contain the decimation of prin
ciples. A committee made up of tho offic
ers of tho conference is also prepar
ing n list of nnmus composed of one
person from each state who will act
as provisional committeemen. These
names will bo announced Immediately
after the adoption of the teport of
tho committee on resolutions.
Confusion of Sulphuric Acid Gas and
Iron Pyrites the Cause. ..
v York .Inlv 2!t. Tho trnnin
steamer Kastry explosion of sulphuric
acid gas wns caused uy iron pyrites
In the hold this morning. Tho decks
wern twisted. Twenty men aboard
jumped Into the water and swam to
the docks. Flro tugs prevented the
Hie spreading to other vessels.
Attempt to Bribe.
Vienna, July 29. There was a sen
sation In tlio Hungarian parliament
today, Deputy Zoltana announcing
that ho had been offered a bribe of
$2,000 to vote for a contested meas
ure. Tho sitting was suspended and
an Inquiry Instituted.
Callsrs on Roosevelt.
Oyster Hay, July 29. Tho only
visitor todny wns Senator Waahburn.
Secretary Payne Is coming tomorrow
to dlhciiHs departmental matters.
The Development of Siberia and Man
churia By Small Farmers Who Have
Followed the Railway Has Been
Most Remarkable.
Washington, July 29. Commercial
Agent of the United Stntes Greener
at Vladlvoalock, writes to tho statu
department that tho demand In Sibe
ria lor American agricultural Imple
ments and machinery Is so great that
tlio private, firms now doing business
In the empire cannot fill their orders.
This Is the culmination of condi
tions foreseen ever since the comple
tion of tho tiniiB-Slbcrliin railway and
tho ilood of Immigration fioin Hiiro-pean-Riissian
agricultural districts
i-et In.
The policy oi the RusHlan govern
ment has been to discourage Invest
ment in lurgo tracts of land oltiicr
for grazing or crop purposes. On the
contrary, tho government land has
been pnrcoled out in tracts averag
ing In size about tlio dimensions of
the ordinary "homostcad" of Canada
and the United Stntes.
This policy lias been Hanked by
I'n.n lrMnuiuirlntlnn.il nil bona Alio
small farmers and tholr stock and
household effects and Implements.
This bus resulted In 3,000,000 fumlllua
of peasants from European Russia
Hpieadlng out from tlio line of tho
trans-Siberian load during Its build
ing and slnie Its completion. The
tiansformallon or Southern Siberia
has been one of tlio most starillnK
sociological and Industrial episodes
since tho settlement or the Mississip
pi basin.
Moro American Hour, packed meals
and agricultural Implements nro now
sold In Siberia and Mnncliurln wan
uimilni- nn ducts of al other ooun
tries combluoil, including Russia,
Weil-Known Printer Dead.
h'ii wniin inlv 20.-Charles ICd-
wln Wli'ltuey. for 37 years n resident
of Wallu Walla, Is dead, aged B
years. He was born In Wisconsin,
July 12, 18 1, and came to Walla
Walla July 8 1886. Death was caus
ed by a complication of diseases. The
funeral wHl take place from the PI
card Und itaklng Parlors tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock, interment will
bo In the city cemetery, nio awe-
ed was printer by trauo, lie was
city clerk In the '70s.
Race Called off.
Highland, July 88. The Shamrocks
went out for a trial spin mis
I.,., mho ..lit hnat till ulvttli a wind
ward position and had hair a wile
lead soon after tbejr started, but (he
weather was so squally noin w-i
signaled to return and the raio
the dsy was called off.
Si). 4.SO(5.
i uirnnrn .-.TTr
lllLllllL.nl LimiL
Express Great Confidence in
the Outcome of Their Strike
in Coast Towns.
The Portland Trades Council Hjs In.
dorsed the Boycott Trades Coun
cil In Spokane Has Indorsed the
Attempt of a Rival Company to
Put In Another System.
Portlniid, July 29. -This la the
fifth week of tho telephone linemen's
strike In this city. The strike was
inaugurated Juno 22, and thuro has
been little change In the situation.
Strikers In the local field ndhero firm
ly to their rcHolutlou to not return
to work until their dciimiidri nro
grunted, and lliey say If they wcro
disposed to violate their union prin
ciples and resume work the Atrlkers
In other const cities would win tun
victory anyway, for their cause.
The Federated I'rades Council has
Indorsed the boycott and urges
friends of union labor all over tho
city to cease patronizing the company
in liny manner wuaisoever. run
strike malingers feel confident that
tho company will feel the boycott.
From the hendqiinrlei'M of tlio West
ern conference In San Francisco, Is
Issued the following bulletins cover
ing Portland and other cities affected
by the strike up and down tho const:
"Portland One man enmo In from
Tncoina to scab, but we think ho will
got thud In n duy or so. They till do.
The men who nro wuikiug nro sim
ply drawing-pay-und.ip.ot. -doln;: n.
much harm. Ilnycott working U.""K.'
Reports from (lie country show wo
aro holding our own. Notwithstand
ing the company Ir offotlug every in
ducement to get the men to go to
"Spokane Two moro men out. Tho
operators remain firm. Will fight to
a finish. Ovor 700 'discontinue' or
ders have been turned Into the com
pany's olllces, and there are Htlll
several hundred orders In the hands
of the ollltials. Tho Trades Council
Indorsed the application of the Doorr
Mitchell Company tor a fraiichlso for
an Independent telephone company,
and It Is expected tho city council
wil Igrnnt the franchise.
"Tncontn Men who are working
aro not doing us much harm. Taco
ma says, 'Wo can stay out forever.'
"Uveiett No now men going to
work. Moro 'phoucH being ordored
out. Managers cannot coax any of
our hoys to scab.
Hiirckn, Cal. All good men nro off.
Don't think company nio making
much money with their gang.
"Oakland, Cal. Trouble piling up.
Men aro holding together. Manage
ment Hying to break tho Bttiko.
"Kim I'ViincIsco Discontinue or
ders are being turned In nt tho ralo
of CO to 100 per day. All union men
nro mulling a vigorous boycott. Wo
will have 300 'phones out by oud of
"Hun .lose IIiivh will so to work
only when strike Is settled.
Stockton Hoys working for other
companies. Wo have tlio l.nbor
Council buck of us. Union num do
not pntioulso plneos where the tele
phone is in use.
"HnrrHiminto Man working in
Tli Inn rnllbti not two U161I (Iff. (Hid
strike ls working successfully.
"Jackson Western union I olo
graph is doing all the business, whno
lines of loleuhoue compuny are In bad
HakursHold-Thls Is it good -iniaii
town. One high school boy nas gouo
Ui work for the company. luicqr
Council will declare noycou.
c. niarm litwultd In net men to
quit the company are successful.
"I os Angeles Majority of strikers
sum! Arm aud are loyil. OiLer
places holding tueir own.
lank for Haines.
Baker City, July Si' The WilcoK
Uiort., promlnont pioneer imireliauts
of Haines, a vllhu-e i' ml west of
hero, Will estatiliMi a bank there n
the near fuime. indues is in the
midst of a ili li f.irin'na mid stock
,,. !.. t,.,iui! und ull tho bunUlilK
hilnrsM oi the community Is now
done lu this city.
who fe'" ipurpoio
to i -main.
" Tin. .
WH wa, $122.21.