East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 28, 1903, Image 6

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Li! r-rffit
"' '
It Will Make You Feel Good
when you get into one of the
collars laundered at this es
tablishnenl if you have been
having your linen done up by
an inferior method Shirts,
collars amd cuffs laundered
here is the acme of fine work
and we send them home with
a color and finish that is be
yond competition
Court and Thompson Streets.
State Association Is Met Today INI-'
I nois Bankers Meet With Them.
Davenport. Iowa, July 2S. The sev-1
cnteenth annual meeting of the Iowa
COUSIN OF J. T. OGLE Siac Hankers- Association optned
DROWNED IN KANSAS. ' th's morning with a good attendance.
I Mayor waino ucck weicoracu me
hankers on behalf of the city, and the
Great Abundance of Wild Huekleber. i response was by Ackloy Hubbard, of
, . r, i .1. ! Snoncer. J M. Dinwiade. of Cedar
rles-Fencing Being Done in the rnphU tary of tho Association.
Mountains Fine Span of Work ,iien pnve hls annua report, showing
Horses Lost Short Crop of Hay is a year of great activity and growtu.
All Harvested TJe treasurer's report was read by
F Y. Locke, of Sibley.
Rldce. July 25 J T Ogle received! This afternoon a joint session was
i a letter last week from a cousin in ; held with the Illinois Hankers" Asso-
I Kansas, stating that another of his I elation, wnose annual convention is
cousins. Dr. Courtney, a prominent
physician of Lebanon, was drowned
about two weeks ago while swimming
in a pond near that town. He leaves
' many friends as well as relative to
j mourn his fate.
, A large party of Ridge and Nye
I people were out on a huckleberry
round-up this week. The results as
' yet are unknown, hot are supposed to
' be a success, as an abnndancc of this
, 'niit is to be found In places.
, Mrs. H. C. Wright, of Nye. Is still
on the sick list, with little improve
ment noticeable.
Nothing Known
Will Cure Kidney Dlscnscs After
Tlicy Have Pnstcneil nnd Be-'
come Chronic But tlic Fulton
Compounds. We Hove Secured
the Sole Agency for This City..
being held in Rock Islnnd. Addresses
wore delivered on financial and cur
rency reform by Congressman C. M.
Fowler, of New Jersey, nnd on tne
conservatism of prosperity, by Gov
ernor Cummins, of Iowa. At tomor
row's session there will be more ad
dresses, rejwrts of -.c committees,
discussion of resolutions nnd election
and installation of officers.
Educators of Every Degree Are in
Session at Monteagte.
Montearte. Tenn.. July 2S. All
i Lprnv Wachicr has Hist nnmnletHrl
fencing his homestead in the moun-, ornncnes of education, from tne cross
tains near hpre. He rmrts fine roads school to the university, are ,
grass out In his
grasshoppers to speak
rultnn's Heniil Conirouod cnjors the unlqua
distinction ot N-lcg the poly thing known U.at
cnre kidney trouble in nil tt taar f-.u
the primary ltBmratlon up to and luc;uilin
the chronic staco called Brlehl's IHscaso,
which has been, up to the nJrcnt or this Com-1
pound, positively Incurable. Then why not 1
Hart with the l:cnl Compound at Drat rather i
than ordinary kidney medicines, all ot which
tall short It the dlseaso has reached the chron c
ttate! Then you will know you are right. No ,
statement are published by the Fulton peop n
e icept caes that haTe reached the ehrct.to I
stage. Incurable by all other known medicines. j
Here is another recovery wo are permitted to J
rotor to .
Mrs. S. E. nine of t Broadway, San Fran. I
cIjco. was pronounced by her physician as t
tueurAbly ill with kidney deasc that had be- j
couw chronic .Ilrtgfct's Disease). She also had i
diabetes. Another physician was called In
Prop-y had set In. tho nails came off nnd he too
said nothing known would 5vo her. She was so
far beyond help they told her not to further
lo-ture. berelf by dietlne. Pne went on the
Fulton Compounds. Tho third week was
.u-hiir h-.tier The third month the nails be-'
pan to minie !aofc, and a tew months later was i
wen ana uivii""fc " ...-. ...vm.
locality and no 1 weJ3 represented among the scores of I ,,0rney. mm of Mrs. ciine, Juiipe E it.
-i, nf I teachers assembled here for the thtr- cutler of .tt line street. San Francisco, hud
"K 01 .. mati- r ,hD dlabetr that Is also Incurable accordinp to
We keep noth:ng but pure
natural ice frozen from pure,
clear mountain water. It goes
farther and iasts longer than
artificial ice All we ask is an
unprejudiced trial of our ice.
Why not order a case of the
celebrated Schtitz, A. B. C. or
Gambrlnus for your Sunday
"Phone your order to Main
u M.Tin.. nll.v t),l. ij-eipmn auuuai meeting oi uie iu
is visiting "tT M Jiaw ?T,e 5t,fe, TchT!i Association.
, Hall and Mrs. James Mnicum. of Gur-1 At tneeiing this after-
dane. and other relatives. , .J. T ? Ji "u. L.
The Nya people are all finished up .nron,in rr.ei-m nietod Tim
haying and report a short crop. regular business sessions will com-
l r. r. rieuaer sua sinw, .iss xiiu- mence tomorrow morning ana con-
1 el. of Nye. are visiting relations In ' tinne through Thursday.
j. j this vicinity at present. The ofilcers in charge of the con-! incjm
Sir. and Mrs. J. W. Saulsberry. or vention are: President. S K. Hill
: . Pendleton, are picking huckleberries Knoxvtlle: vice-nresident. A. R. Thorn
the books Ivno tnff OI ncr recovery in- mo i wh
tho Fulton Compounds and in elghi mouths re-,
galnoit his healtn and is now In active practice.
lir.ipsv. rheumatism from uric acid gout, pa'n
In the back, liloildur trouble, etc.. are proofs
ttMl the kldnevs are In trouble The last stage ,
Is Hrlgbt's niHoase and Diabetes. It you are
fellug languid or miserable send forpampnlet.
Iteeoveries neariv 6". amone those hitherto ,
Incurable diseases. Fulton's Itenal Compound
I for Brieht'K and Kldnev Dneases si: f"r
1 Diabetes 11 John J Fl.!tatl H Was.1.
1 -uaf
n lundcra.
, ja ILti t.tf.
in the mountains near here at prea-! as. Paris: second vice-president. J.
i.ent. h Slkes Nashville: third viee-presi
dent. Miss Kate Rogers. Clarksville. ;
secretary and treasurer. S. A. Myn
ders. Jackson.
F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy.
j Fine Team of Horses Lest.
1 Mr. Edward, of Sand Hollow, who
4- was stopping at the Eagle Knwmill
.j. j near Gurdane, lost a fine span of work
'. horses and was reported to have been
I looking for them in this part a few
1 ' days ago.
Gray's Harbor
Want Intercnangearlc Miiea ie.
Mackinac Isl '-nd. Mi ., J il.. 2S.
I The International Federation of Com
mercial Travelers' organizations be
1 gar us annua meeting here today
4. , and will remain in session until Sat
, . , Advertising Party Sent Out by Port-. urday Nearly 100 delegates are pres
' land Paper Completes the Circuit ' ent representing organizations wuh
j - . u a combined membership of 150.(111-1
ana Goes Home. Thf. ,-(,deraton to tter thp WfI.
The Portlana Journal advertising I fare and conditions of work of th-
and subscription wagon, which left , eommerclal travelers of the countn
Shaniko in May for a tour of the 1 and among other things is concern ,
Central Oregon coantre, has made 1 ine itself tust now in a nroloneerl aei-
' I C1 central Oregon counties, has made
liOmmPrCIPil l.O circuit and wiU arriTe In Port-
The venture was a novelty in the
,' way of hunting business for a new
1 paper, but proved to be highly aw
, cessful.
A large amount of data regarding
i Oregon history, industry and legend
1 was collected and will be used in a
special edition this fall. The wagon
tation for an intercnangeable mileage
ticket of 3.000 miles.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
in all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Dcors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes is complete, and any
one In need of Lumbtr will
not be wrong in placing
their order with the : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W: & C. R. Depot
Iowa Firemen's Tournament. 1
Sioux City. owa, 'uly 2S. The 1
Iowa State Firemen's Association be- j
gan its annual meet 1 and tourna
ment here today. Flr-saen accompa-1
nied by bands end citi. t ns pc ured in 1 1
Absolute Purity, Finest fkvor, ,
Greatest Strength. PcasorablePrices.
Where to Stop at North Beach.
The Breakers Hotel Is conducted to attract the lt
anu is a summer hotel thnt is unsurnassed nn !?uU!t
north of tho famous California beach resorts. 'acific
The building hns an ocean front of 100 feet is TC fet
four stories high, or 73 feet from the ground floor to the ir, . s
observatory. P - fl
it has handsomely furnished rooms, single or en sultP t
guests, each room being carpeted. 1 Ior
The house is lighted by electricity with electric llcht. .j
trie call bells In every room, nnd these lights make it on.
most brilliant lieacous on the entire coast. M 5i'
The entire lower floor Is thrown open to tho public n v
beautifully carpeted, tho spacious reception room and lartf, 1
halls always form favorite gathering places for guests TheKi
and pool room is also quite popular for merry gatherings
An Aeol'an ami Pianola in the commodious parlor fnrr' v
delightful music at all times, and musicals are nieasant fT
during the entire season. 1 lcatcr
The Breakers has a regular orchestra which furnishes b,
for Informal dnnccs and balls, nnd the largo dining room with ?
smooth, hard floor, makes an ideal hall for regular danuric rarii
An nhiirirlnnrft nf fresli nnd suit trntor fie, rinMH . 'aru6i
.... .. . usu ualUBl ovsiers , craii
nnd ntlier sen fnnu is ftlwnvR nn mir mnnn- 1 .
" - vuuie snnmr tt
mill; butter nml cream comes from nnr nun ,rr. . t " '
.. .. ... . ui jursrv fTTl
and poultrj- and eggs are supplied from the hotel farm adiolrh
the grounds.
Tlinrn nrn lirii nnrl r-nlrl frACh .nil c1
.v I...... naivi UU'JirS m ti-
houso with private baths and toilets.
The waves of the ocean at high tide roll with.r. 1 1 f.-rf ,
hotel, and the beach In front ! superb for surf bathing
On the grounds are bowling alleys, golf links tennis jurte aa-
. .nniint cnti' nn the lnl-cia Inct lm.l.- f -
nnd rowboats, and on Shoalwater Bay, just east of the luLcs 13 j
gas-Oiine launch for partios of fishermen, picnickers or c'fiers ko
prefer the warm, still-wntcr bathing to the tumbling of liie surf.
All trains stop at tho railroad station In th hotc: grr .ads at
no crowding into hotel omnibuses or walking In san! is wessan
. -e 11e hotel ground is a perfect velvety lawn wher-' the gtesa
are pract"-ally landed at the hotel door.
The Breakers Hotel Is located at Breakers SU' ie a rtrula:
t(kct office, where all trains stop. It is one and a La'f mjes sot:
of Long Beach Station.
In p-iri basing tickets see that they read to Break -s V!u
anJ hae baggage checKed through to that point
Tleraj.h and telephone connections in thf fcoU
Clap out this Coupon
Write the name of the ladj clerk ou wish cfct l t' - E
Okk.umw to the Hotel Breakers, on n.u wtck.-, a'.on
l lank space be on-.
I vote for
Employed at-
iu-ueeery , ' , I numerous immen-' arches wel
I the state, and visited every stock , come flre.fl.htersl. Tomorrow
1 ranch of any note, bealde makin? W(Jruill). - tte af .,, ,h
! where there were
I greet the eyes of the travelers.
. , ",e aBu irveia auoui terslMe fair grounds.
m - '. firemen present will 'eke place. In
no rancnea to 1
' and bose races Ill be 1 eld at the in
moat complete tour of the interior
I country, ever made by any one
' wagon, on a continuous Journey, in
the state.
The same party will -make a tour
I of the Southern Oregon mining and -farming
counties, immediately on j
C. W Griliin. of Eugene, who dis
appeared from home about two
weeks ago. baa been located in a log
ging camp. 25 miles from home, and
is thought to be partially demented,
as there was no cause for his actions.
Mil ill iii 1 1 ;ii in; ki 11 1 i ! "5S?B!i't iB 1
4 1 way of advertialng the state and
brinrincr the interior countrr in touch
that it may be
Conrad Platzoeder fig SSfZfft
T r
A nephew of Cardinal Oreglia. who
Is quite likely to be the next pope
is a chef in San Francisco.
All kinds of Fresh
Meats always on
hand 'Fine Bacon,
Hams and .Sausage.
-u u dhm Will VI lUCT 1UICI' j
est this novel sight excited in the ,
far interior. The wagon was equip-!
ped with a canvas corer bearing the j
legend, "Oregon Dally Journal." fol-!
lowed by the prices of the paper, and
it looked strangely out of place
among the cattle camps of the Ore-,
4- PnVpc og Inu' at thf Inu-Pst eesen. it is sale to say that
J mces as 10 as tne lowest photographs were taken of places)
J ! and scenes that will add greatly to i
4 1 n iM"H. 1 1 1 1 j .i..T.,T.,jt..Hn..t. lne very history of the state. In
. Fast Through Train Service Between
iRigbv-Clove Mfej'-ri
1 D J . O , U, onl
Portland and All Beach Points on
and After Monday, July 6th in Con
nection With Cheap Excursion
Commencing Monday, July 6th. the
Astoria & Columbia River Railroad !
Company will resume its Summer ;
Special Seaside Schedule, and train
leaving Union depot Portland at 5 1 J
a. m. daily, will run through direct : ,
without transfer at Astoria to all ,
Clatsop Beach points, arriving at As
toria 11:30 a. m., Oearhart park 12:2"
! m.. and Seaside 12:30 p m.. making
direct connection at Warrenton for
Wc Can Mend It
AVe have purchased the Withee
Bicycle and Repair Shop and
are prepared to make quick re
pairs and guarantee our work.
We repair bicycles, sewing ma.
chines and other light machin
ery; do brazing and other re
pairing. We are agents for
three makes of wheels that
have met the test and proved
their worth. They are
If you are going to buy a
wheel, come around and look
at our wheels before you pur
chase your wheel.
Series B
V. Coupons of
nuon Vc!ticMu ,
to the I-.uM Oreonian 1 't
Series V. " -
.h. l.r c
T " T - TT T"rT-rT T"" T T-T -T "-f- T -1 1 111
"Cold-Pure Preservative"
asid iEW
Gcrdan & EdmisiPn
, I i
Made frf in water tliat his- ' i. ' 1 &
distilled. Tht only jhiiv ice j., rt'i il ti
. -
la.31-3 JJ jK-I C-llW XWJJCX buuu --
Does Koi Slfme
Manafactcrcr of the
Deafness Can Not Be Cured
apiilk-atlonii aa tbey can not reacL
l one wit to cure duafnaaa. ftnri that Flavel.
, j U by . onutltutlimal nmedks. peafDen to Beginning Saturday. July 1 1th. and
I nTucc'S. imiw of,". eSSSSSb bT , w Saturday thereafter' the popu-
. .Li. .... (- La a , . i laP Pnrlianri.BMalilA Vlvoi. wilt .
- '" " w wm uiuaown ivu wtc - -
i t rnini,iinj! nonnO or lmDerf act baarlns. od I'nlon rlermt
-w-iiJiiiVUt b It U entlraly.chMd. deafness Is tbt . t.-r, , r.oi.... t.Z?.
. nwwt. one imicm tbe Inflammatloo can be'" ,r . ' '
(nHu uui iuu tni iiibc . miioraa to its u. ui., wiu wmnuv i iu..
! normal cotnUtion. bearing wll be destroyed making direct connection at Wa.ren-
. . . ... . . ; mi. inr r-IHVMI
4 , - uj i uiarru. wuk-d u notnag oat an In-1 ,
JReoairs ior all Ittna; or! nnii nndttim of tne mumns snrfsev I in connection with this Improved
r ooijua ui, We will Bl hw Bondred Dollars for Ben Ice, round trip season excursion
J Farm Maclll nerV i "It tfZ'VT&.ft. tickets between Ported and ail Cl.t-
t ''HKNKT CO.. ToWo, O
hlo by all drnirsis, 75c.
Hall'a family liia an ta beat.
I Foundry Work a Specialty
t Cash paid for old castings
t Pendleton,
Oregon !
IHhblKt WAY; " l today t Karlbam col
to Prevent Pneumonia and Consump- j morrow. The attendant-' is large and
tion ir. to cuic jour cold when it j representatives, and this combined
first appeare. Acker's English Rem-j '"h an attractive prnbam, promises
edy wtli stop the tough in a night, to make the meefing on-) of more than
and drive the mM oir of your system. ! ordinary Interest to tu membeis of
Alwa a quirk and s- jre cure for he se'-t. Following UiS Christian En-
Astnnia. Hioii'!::t!s and all throat , 'l"avor convention will came the an-'
eop and North Beach points are sold
at $4.(111 for round trip, and Saturday
.siu-, iai round trip tickets between
same points, good for return passage
buiiftay, at SZ.50 for the round trip.
Special season commutation tickets,
good for Ave round trips from Port
land to all Clatsop and North Beach
points, sold for $16.00. Beach exenr-
Le!L"fl Z"1?. ih?h 5 and" TransnorVa-
We can S'ipply you with
Building Material of all
descript ons and save
you money
Meeting of Frljnds.
Richmond, Ind.. Jui- 18. Thi In
; dlana yearly meeting of Friends'
Christian Bndetvor c-u;ventioi began
will be honored by trains of this com
pany In either direction between
Portland and Astoria.
Additional information will be glad
ly furnNhed upon application to J.
C. Mayo. u. P. ft P. A.. Astoria. Ore.
and Inr? troubles. If it does not sat- nui.1 Bible Institute. wMch i. t a .....1 . . .. "-ommcrcjai agent, s
isfy ou Mie druggist ill refund your j meeting of conaldertttu importance
money. Write to us for free sample. ! and interest to the n ireh. Durbwr
V'. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo. N. Y. the two meetings a i.' umber of able
F. W. Schmidt Sc Co., druggist. speakers will be heard
Aider street, Portland. Ore.
Write for the novel and catchy sea
side pamphlet Joat issued, tellUig all
about summer girls, s serouU and
uusots at Seoslus.
Building paper lime
cement lnck and sand.
Wood gutters for i,arn
and dwelling a specialty
or foul tbe refrigerator n
follows its raellirjr. The m a "
taste "bad" and does not "k ii
sweet 8Ld is as Clear as a
to All the drain pipes. Thtrt- i"
or smell of rotting wood; l.M
other gonns to uotogle wiili "'t
that you drink.
lof-s Ii"!
A .
Phone MAIN 1781
Oregon Lumber Yard;
A M-inSW
ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.
Alta St., Opp. Court House
or 111! It n. ct-KMtr.v to KFi'l-' 1
Farmers Custom Mill! ELATERITE R
r-..i I Takes thj place of shingles, tin. iron, tar and
. .., rrupncior roonngs. For flat and tRn surfaces KUtteri-
Oatiaelty 160 barrets n ilnv
Klour eseluuiged for wlieut
Klour, Mill J'ted, C'liopped Feed, etc
tlwaj'H oa baud.
TemDerC . fnr nil nlltnnlna Ttsnannnlile In CObt
teed. It will pay to ask for jirleasand lr forma-!'"
Worcester Building.