East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 28, 1903, Image 4

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rrz , the sources of the mountain streams ( leader. I think that a certain preju
uMMwl everr nfte.-mwn .ewt Sunday ) w" hv? to be fenced and protect- dice which now undoubtedly exists
: tvniltiton. orcon. by the tKj to insure a supiilv of water for against the choice of a monk for tlie
" , , papal throne may prove an obstacle
EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING . the farming districts below ater. ( n y q( Tlnai am olor
COMPANY. ! timber and ranges are the great leK-'tlon: but this is a purely personal
: neies of the West, and some provls-1 opinion, and one wnlch It Is to be
" 1 Ion must bo made to transmit these ! hoped will prove to be mistaken -
SCnseiSIITION lUTlM. I i,.,i,..i . th., i Marlon Crawrord In Everybody s Map
tally. . jr far mall .oo ! ,",ln,m,rt (1 ' tlu fut"ro- ailne
Ihillj. six swBtb tyr mall 2.50 ,
KilyirulVV!". :::::::: T" i !, which umn-, A SONg of the open
IMtlj. per month Ujr carrier t ' tflla county sheep and cattlemen are
r,bVmali Ma I hreedlns up their stock. Is one of 'Give mo freedom give w space
Wwklr. four months by mall no ti,e w, assurance for the future G,ve nu ",H'n nlr nml sky '
Smt-ftiy. om yar by mall .... 2.00 1 ,l,e " ' Ubs-urancts Ior lnt with the clean wind In my face
St!-"-"L by malt .. l.oo ; that Is to be soon In the country.) wiiet- the oulot mountains He
fHal .y. tbrx. months by mall .. .M , Thp en,at mmjber of stock nul9, bc j
,2 Emi Oraontan U on sale at It. 1L 1 reduced and a bettor quality intro-1 Knr the road pies up and tin -oad
Klfh ews Muud at Hotel lortUuil and , . pikmi , own
Hotel Perkins. l-ortlnd. Orpon. 1 duced to correspond with the dlmin- m, "K ""
, , ., ... i The vears go over and by.
Mer Scrips Ucltat N.ws Auacla- 'h,nS mn- S" lsrlpt And soon wili the longest day be past.
Hn- West has witnessed a greater Im-, soon ,,.,i .,y me down 1
Su Frmnctx-o Uotmu. -I0S Fourth St. provemeM in the quality of the herds t
CIUcmo Horaiu. '.ton Stcorit? liBlldlup. : In the past five years than Umatilla ' I am sli-K of roif. and floors.
srteM..I,,B.n..M11St.(l, Tllerels room (or tMZo0
Er .-end.,,, poHomr .ecoBd len,eni. " -j Let the green world take me home
els matter Jst as fast as money and pains '
can build up and grade up the hold- 1 aj" sick of streets and noise
The foreigners form opin
ions of us the same as we do
of them, aud I can assure you
they consider us a prettj ignor
ant lot. because we can speak
but one lanjraace aud becau.-t
we take so little Interest in art
and beautiful things. An Italian
came to me with a long face
and said be had tn-en "fired" by
hi landlord for destroyinc
i.ru(.erty. when all he had done
was to cane a beautiful pat
tern on bis door posts. He told
of the door posts of a church in
Naples, which he had carved
with that same pattern, aud re
marked sarcastically tnat the
rich American would go ' Na
ples and admire the pattern on
the church door, although he
considered it destruction of his
property when the same pat
tern was cot Into the door posts
of his building in America
Jane Addams.
The "combustible .season" is at
hand and a combination of dry leaves
and carelessness will repeat the Ore-;
son forext fire calamity. Campers!
shoold bear in mind that the safety;
or the forests is in their keeping. '
d urine the dry season.
So many people look lightly upon
this great subject. So many West
erner take the whole question of 1
forest preservation as a huge Joke, i
They think the timber wili always!
be here ik matter what wikull waste '
is practised. They forget that the!
area is being reduced about 6 per'
cent each year, and no tree planting!
is being done to oSset the loss.
It Is so easy to be careful and
watchful that it is impossible to im-1
spine how people Interested in the'
future of the country can caiue such
CTeat devastation by neellaence It
is Impossible to think that they must
waste the invaluable resources of
the land, in order to complete the '
good time they no In search of.
Wastefulness is the besetting sin '
of the Westerner. Ht unites his
forests, wastes his am:-. v aste bis
water. In lettins it run unuttud
through the desert, wastes his range j
in allowing It to be tntmpltHl to!
death without makinc any provision 1
for Its regeneration and wastes, his (
timber supply by catcing down a '
thousand trees each year, without
planting one to replace the deficit.
The abundant resources of the vir-j
gin land inclined the pioneer to be ,
lavish. The riches lying idle on
every band made the Brst settlers
open-handed, open-putsed aud ilbur- j
al. It seemed to the men who first;
settled Umatilla county that the re-.
sources or the country would never j
be needed by civilisation, they wero
so abundant. The very profusion j
with which nature had spread nor:
bounties here, bred a lavish anil
wasteful spirit among the people or
the West.
Dtit a half century of settlement ,
has chanaed the condition. The re-1
Kourcos are now needed to Hiipport j
the population. Prom a condition or 1
snrfolt we have passed to a condl-!
tlon of need. The stockman feels J
hiB liordor narrowing year by year.
The farmer feels his water supply
diminishing and themountalnsotirces '
falling. Thu settler finds that ltim-.
bur Is becoming more and more '
prcclnns and that buying wood Is '
like buying nuggole.
The law must be invoked to save
the remaining resources of the coun
try. If the poople will not voluntar
ily protect them. In view of this
ery end, th forest leserve and the
(aw against stalling forest fires' were
conceived and must be enforced. It
,.,.. ,
will be but a few years more until
Incs. One good animal does not con-;
1 , .
sum more feed than a poor one. and !
the income Is so much greater that .
there Is no comparison between
There are GO.OOu Dale of wind
awaiting shipment in the warehouses
, at Shnnlko. The Columbia Southern
railway borrows its freight cars from
the O. K. & N. and because the wool
crowers of Shautko will not bill their
product to suit the O. R & N.. the
company has delayed furnishing
cars The woolgrower can gel a
, cheaper rale to Uoston over the
' N"orthrn Haelfic. and decline to ship
over the Union Pacific There Is but
one gate to the Shanlko district and
the O. U. & X. holds the key What
is the woolmau going to do ii'iout it?
Champ Clark has mnde a host of '
friends In Oregon, during his brief j
stay. In fact, he was only eoing I
through the formality of getting ac-'
quainted with his friends for be
has been making tbem here for years
by the hicb order of his public and
private character and the purity of
his politics. Champ Clark's stories t
ut.d lectures are fireside words in ,
numberless homes of the West. '
where genuine humor and sound i
sense and everyday religion and pol-
Itlcs are admired i
The success of the Oregon Chau
tauqua is another evidence of the
revolutionizing forces of thoucht
and mentality in the young and
straggllnc West No state in the
Chautauqua than Orepon. All that
is needed to nlant circles In every I
village and hamlet in the state is
the Inviting word of some fit leader.
It is the wonder of the West, that
more cities do not contain these or
The socialists are making great
gains in Germany. Americans are ln-
terttstMi ill this mil mill- l.f-;iiiap If
means that Germany is approaching
our own standard of free eovern-
ment. but for business reasons The
German socialists want German tar
iffs on American foodstutts removed
they are working people mainly,
and want food to be cheap and
Yesterday there were a mure hand
ful In the German congress: today
they are more than one-third of Its
membership, in the elections just
iosed. they won scores of seats from
the aristocrats and the farmers who
have lwn building up high tariff
walls against American grains and
meats Hitherto German elections
have been decided mainl uMin relig
ions and professional political issues
hereafter, there as here, business Is
anti will decide elections Truly, as
Charles Ferguson sa)s the dav of the
professional politician is passing The
masses of the people the- world over
are learning to demand the comforts
of life, and how to get them. Frank
Putnam. In August National Magazine
Perhaps few men are more general
ly looked upon as eligible to succeed
Pope Leo XIII than Cardinal Glrola- ;
mo Maria Gottl. He was suddenly
brought from the silence of his cell i
to Rome, to be raised almost directly !
to the cardinalate, and the monastic I T
mummy aim hiiuihiciiv. wuicn are u
second nature with him. confer upon 1
him the sort of power which is not 1
feared but loved. I
ThotiKh so Ioiik a monU, lie seems ,
to iioss(.-3s n thorough knowledge of
tlie world, and. tnougb lie nns lived a
great part of his life In the solitude
of a cloister, he has a marvelous
(tower of winning affection and trust
from all who Know him. lie has not
been long at the head of the Propa
ganda, but his management Is both
Vieen and wlte Leo XIII esteemed
him so highly, according to report.
Ins to designate him as hit probable,
successor This may or may not be
! exactly true, but the Catholic church
,d ,.. . ..,ttcr hcnt, nm
Nm""V, wu ' "
GiVf nlP l)aek the simph,r ayi.
Nothing else my spirit needs
Give me three days' solitude
Sen or hill or open plain.
And with nil the earth renewed
I grow strong and glad and sane
For the road goes up and the road
goes down.
The years go over and b .
And soon will the longest day be pasr
Soon t must lay me down
Illiss Carmen, in The Render
"Have you unything to say Iiofore
we eat you" said the king of tin
cannibal isles to a Uoston mission
ary. "I have." was the reply "I want
to talk to you awhile on the advan
taees nf a vegetarian diet " 1'ich-Me-rp
As a trajiew performer is greater than a
man . She must have a man's courage
and a man's muscle to succeed, hut
she must also work under conditions of
winch a man knows nothing. Many 1
an .K-i'idtnt to women aao'.iuts tim-st
be af.r.li twi
to th- Mi'l'ien
fa..nrs to
which ail
women are
suhxi-t at er-
tain ;nacs
Dr. Pierce's
Favorite I'rc-
scripuon he..i
'he woman!
diseases which
cause weak
ness. It estab
lishes regular
ity, dries
inflammation '
and ulceration.
nd cure, female weakness. It make,-
I weak women strong ami sick women
"With plUTc I write todft' in prai of l
pirrcr aau hi mlicir " Mr Mary Cor
war of Applelun Lwr-tKr Co Teun "U
troubled with female discus, the buck of im
head hurt me o t could out lir in tied am' 1
would have to it up. and then I would tar
wi paiiu from m wuttt down I couli'. fcauc
raue up. ily feet autt hand would tnl mIiii--:
Hie ice Since taking In- Herce Faeoulr
PreacTiptKii 1 can lirep well all nifh: Coul.!
harulv draff around V-fure 1 toot- uur medi
cine aud cw can do my houarwork
and re-!:
mr htubaud in the field. ' U'irdt canuo. exprrs
the thank I owe to Dr. Hierce "
Weak and sick v. omen are invited to
consult Dr. Pierce, bv letter, frit: All
correspondence is held as suictlv private
ana sacreaiy connaeutiai. rttuirti in.
R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. V.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Metlica!
Adviser, containing more than a thou
sand large pages, is sent free on receipt
of stamps to pav expense of tnniling
only. Sk1 ti one-cent stamps for the
cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps
for the book iu ;iater covers Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce Kutialo. N. Y.
. . , m
Phone Main 1741
comlurtable iMOmi I mm i
cent lit). .SVwIt furnlihiMl
tbrou(hout Queen l.'tinp llmix
In tonneitl'ii. Meult t ail
louri Only while help en.
plujed. Olre u a Itlal
SULLi t- '
Since sccurint; the services of Mr J R. Parker of Chicago,
the Soda Water expert, our trade :n summer drinks has more
than doubled and the best part of it is, if you con:e once you
will come back. We venture to say no more delicious summer
drinks were ever served in Pendleion than we are now serving.
PING POXG which is creating such a furore in the East is
one of our specialties.
Our Menu for today is:
California Orangade
Mystic Shrine
Dont fail to try a
Corner of .Main and Ciurt Stncts
I am uoing to lay in my fall stuok of millinery. -1
have about "200 very chic and stylish summer hats
that I wi-h to sell to make room for my fall hats. I
have cut the price from '2 to GU per cent on these
hat:- You will find no such bargains in millinery
and at the pric- 1 am selling them they wont la.-t
long so come at oiut and examine them. If you want f
.t good bargaii' t civ is wir oppor' unity.
Court Street, near Mam
Provides an evening of rare enjoyment
Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a
dull minute.
Near O. R. & N. Depot
Admission, 20c Children, 10c
On Its Merit
Has the largt
Byers' Best Flotii
Been built up. Onij the choicest wheat that Krows enters ir
to Byers Best Flour. It's pet lection in Flour. Madt by i-
W . S. Byers,
Walnut Frappe
Root Beer, in Steins
Brock Frappe
ls Park
demand for
We have the
1,1 Real ErtJ
snwe nice ho J
be ld. Choi,
Lot- Alfalfa lJ
acre to 160.
tracts From
Idffl i
warn IOov(J
ardwj,e Ssj
Pendleton Real
0 rofm dnrPiiiio
ral and 2 lots it
C roum dwelllcg K
uiuy Buaaea Ur
M-room luuriiin. i
centrally located-
& room dwelling
side $1,250
A number of lou k
I2u to HDO tad
1 lot on Oat fire
street $5o0 Othe:
MUl !, nlhrr vurr
ty for sale Alt sa,j
Cume and buy
TV And Jusf whi:l
riKtit price sw
-e at.
( 1' IT
i u. sma.. o:l
,- n- ar 'owt
'"in I ami
i - - "' flr-iriJil
. ,u "re IrfJ
Sa1 tisr
iu t plictos caiJi
mi iildrrlUt;
m h 5J
- r m -1
T huJieton.
f '-w c'l
i.lK-on .1
i-ii-c r