East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 28, 1903, Image 3

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Illtlllllll ""tU"- TUESDAV JUY 28, 1903.
rjf peoples Greatest Outfitters
,of the Best of Them Left!
. ti ..ah nvrinll' flip rftnil mi l?:n.. .-. .
jioicii o " i"i"-s. ii may look
dWrcre"1- b .w ....
tjvou Iook ai uiav. ouna )uu LuuiB see "instanter"
1 1 CISC 01 rt ('il'-''"-3 ""''i'
willing iu "
I ihe ordinary.
Chorus Cried, Give Us NevkbrtTa
, rterplclde.
This word nf late has been In every
ones ninnlh nn.l ... ... . .
i i,, ,(.:, ., " iiiiiu.1 are wonuer-
ins, what the word slgnlflos, though
Till fn.t hale i m . . ' ...
miiu . .- wor'' S'BnlBes, though
MUCH PLEASED WITH ECHO. ?h 0"vim" m fo,"- ho will dohy
,.?,.Nl'.NU,.RP".a HKUI'ICIDK does
You are getting some-
$12.50 SUITS for
iderwear and furnishings at less than cost
$18, $20 SUITS for
111 .ni.L. 1.,.,, " .." T 1 "V"
Building, a- , nr , " lor Ule inrormat ton
Qui d ngs Are Going Up on Recent ! .f ,nMid. of people who Itko to
Filings-Material Ordered for tho i ."V. a V,1,1.' n 800,1 th,n? wo would
PacM HoUSe-Many OW &
HeTv !rc,Cr"0R4NWI,l Layi"orpes-- ls thl, fa,n -Tamo of
Heavier steel Ralls. iense caused by various ve.,it,i
, i Parasites, a similar microbe causes
of J,"'y 2fi-n K- Mathews ;'amln!; "ohlnR lp, and fnlllnR
ot Spokane who was here some tlmo ' tMs ,s microbe that NEW-
ago In ho Interest of seural Investors I n,R0 S "BUWC1DK promptly do
fnoLin , wrnt dow" "'rough Idaho i ";,ys,: nltor tho hair grows,
hern lT locatlo,, returnoS i ,W, by ,w,.d,n 'SRM.. Send 10c
loro.n, S?,s h0 Il,i0s th oook nmP iw wmplo to Tho Herpl
had .nnJ0 tI,an an-v 1,0 nas soon. Ho $W Co" ni',,r,llt- Mich. K. W. Schmidt
had looked over the Vineland Ynli. & 1 0 "iwlal agents
ma and Prosscr countrlo 'before! '
''"5 ''"e- He has ceclded to In- Heal,h and Pleasure.
I, Lher,c an'' says lie ' as a number ' , " hP.n 0110 Eoos ,l' I-ehman Springs
tf friends whom he expects will come ; ,7e la ovcry assurance that not only
... uuu nine. "'i "ml-b wt-nnn uo oenetlted bv tho i
A nnmbor of those who mado filings !nlro' br'1,l,i; mountain air and "bath-1
a few months ago are dropping in ami ' In,K to l,e ".ved there, hut also ;
building thoir cabins. , w110 saining health one can enjov
W. W. Wolf, wlio was 1 ere last win-1 ?. Krel,U varle," t pleasure ranging
i """ki ui a number of , " i uuuhij
Seattle parties, returned a few dav 1 ??" R0"- c- ll- """on has sustained
aso m company with F W Crar'tl g ,cr-utaiion as a capable host by
and C. E. Ilarley of that citv. ' , tho manner In which ho is providing
r. Connor, of Porthnd. came In comiort and pleasure of his
Calico, any piece in the store 5C i i
Bleached Muslin, 6c grade, any quantity 5c' i't f
Outing Flannel; Sc, tJc and toe grades 7c' I'La T
m- m : r ,x "t::. : : j:.3"" K,auu --x. cu
..v.. o .. .1. US.. ,n ,,0r ccn( mlnCH0
Lares sizu comforte. rnml nnalii,.
Ladies' knit pants, knee length. . .
Ladies undervests, sleeveless, j.sc grade, white or
colored '
Ladies' sleeveless vests, plain
$. caoh
20c, pair
20c, o.icli
-to. e'ich
Watch for our BIG SAI.K nc.t week
'iw niiinr at: t'tiTirt i
kJOy A GOOD SMOKE ? Try Pendleton Boquet and Pride
xiu M,iri Mnrrt. A DIJr,ntr Ha.i
Is 'nijy its proper name, for
no r ".c was over made to equal
a Savage. Simplicity In con-
ru 'Ion and operation, and
f at accuracy make tnem sel
dom equalled and never sur-
a5ed The new 22-callbre
Sag'' Is a mairel for a small
sun We have just got a few
r'ght from the factory and
would like to have you see
us morning and drove out to his
xmie monniain ranch.
J. H. Strohm, of Scati.e, has been
here for some weeks looking over the
country. He is well pleased with the
outlook and expects his father hero
.B.y- J!e snys tht'5' w:n bth likeiy
locate here.
Miss Clara McKee took the train
Inls morning for Portland for a vlsi
with her patents. She will be gon -about
two weeks.
Miss flurke, a niece ot S. I .,sl
Is reported as eriouPl si. U at tl
home of .Mr. IJsie.
rt. O. Newport, who na been m tn
hospital at Pendleton t. r so:. it t . t
from having stuck a nail In his foot
is now able to be aruurd again
had a verv serious H,n. i,.i i
a while he would have o have Ui-
foot amputated on acccint of bloou
Hon. Asa Thompson. ' I.a Grand'
wa6 down yesterday looUnH after h
extensive farming interests here
Quite a number of the Huttcr
Creel; ranchers were in ycaterja
gathering men for the se.onii crop
of alfalfa, which Is now r.ai 4 .
The O. R & N' will lmnu-ncr in i
few days the laying o" havy stc
rails from two miles a'.ove thl? stu
tion to Umatilla, a .i. tan.e oi
miles. This means the tmnlovmeui
tHainSt. Headquarters for fishing supplies
Ieward $100 Reward
T llTlt.. ft tl r rtnticp T urill rvitn tr qII Pnrh PfinnTioe-
2iS"ount c( io per cent, or in other words. an one
TIT,' AnM T.-i
I , "" t'" y
xsera wi 1 ii as low as 20 ner cent discount from
I3?t3 an J Ct k stoves will sell almost at cost.
ed nie:i..s of Ifweliv. all kinds and sorts, will
'SC0ern. thnr nrif.c tmvo tioon raicpH fnr the nnr
f'ing this di unt Remember that I am agent for
IGtrman L. . 1 Steamship Co. and can sell you a tic
Pt of flie v uld
and Axle Oease
i : of a number of men. In fa. t. then
considerable deman.i mr laborers
here now.
Material Ordered for Packing House
The American Hare Packing an"
Cold Storage Company have placed
an order for lumber am' material f
the cannery with the E. !iu Land a
j Improvement Company. They sa
I they will be ready to b. gin c'ann'Di,
' rabbits by September 1. p-xt
The Van Cleave Water Hoist.
T. 13. Van Cleave has born sper.u. -several
days in Pendleton where
it. casting the fittings ;or his wa
lifting machine, which lu rcrc- t
had patented It ls said by thos' v.'
are using the few mad'fnrs he la
put out that it will Iff w .1. r fr n .
depth more cheaply than any ma-h
on the market. Mr. Van Cl.-av u
enlarge his building and go to n.a
farturinB' nn an oxtens,ve ci.it
I soon as he can complete h..- i r
i.ary airangemenU. Th'- prom -
be utie of the leading indu'-'ib ,
E. ho within a bhort time. Tl.'
(hlne consists of a lare bun1 i
tank with an automatic trip d" 1 u
juster. and can be operate.! i
with horse nnwer ni st. .un t' l
j iitH.tnred by hand, a fMv ma. l.ir.
! Mime uionths ago to iully t. -t n
I Kn.dinsf the success witl. tthn'i '
met. he mspended the uanula' "n "
ar l went to work throu -b a ' i .
lu ll-,.' to impro.e ard peii.-
model and the purchase in .1 . .
tin machinery nect -.,at' t
' fa. turo on an extensive s.ale
b. '. , rmnks he mHI be able, in a
Iye .i .jrec Htock of castor machine,
f jk at, i I 1.,.i.,.t nt ha.
r bm.;r i . .r.f..
j " r uur jiarvest euppir.
l UYLOR, the Hardware Man
74 Main Street
build a machine in
Night Wi Hr Terror.
I wou.d cough neaiH .ill in-' '
long." wntos Mrs. Charle- .:" a' -of
Alixaiidria, Ind . "aiiil "iu..l I'ai I
y get any sleep. I had . onsui'ij.iiou
so bad t:lt if I walked a 1 b i l, I
would ogii frightfuJly and t-pit
blool, but when all other medkln-s
failed, three $1.00 bottles or Dr.
zyiniu kt .... r4ur.i-ivrrv wlmllv cured
rvilift ..... ,
me and I gained aS pounds. Its ab
..nM in uHnne broncuitit and all
throat an 1 lunp troubles. Price 50
and 11.00. Trial bottles free at Tall
4 ( a dr.if: store.
ller Pipes Examined and Repaid at Once
Farms for Bait.
We now liav'- bsted for aale aoine
of the beol wli.at farma and ato.k
lanches in ttu county. The stock
ranches can "old either with or
without the sto. ! All the place are
well Improved an I well supplied with
o,.tr AIko Homo very nesiram cnx
i (iw.iiifiitm new modern resl-
"'"" T..,' . Hver rail
U 1113 " l"
and afet prices
lyv' cad to serious breaks.
p 5i.c,a-3 work guarantt.L.d 1
IViR i.f. TT V- J J "T 1 .
u,2 c Reliable ritfmoer.
opposite the Golden Kuie note.
. a ... . ftfll
n... , I., .h? v 50 lomnlete furn
1UI iS"t J u .
.1 r'.onjs. A icjS-c
n, 1 nine luij! ths. Il
, j . ii a.'' :u '1 ' an
oil.' Ki'l' " ''
Is subject to
in i.'j'it'l.t for cash
tl - ufflce
Rlngling Bros; World's Greatest
Show at Walla Walla, August 13.
For the ab.iM . aslon the O. 11. .t
X Co. otters a reduced rate of $1 00
for the rui" trip Tickets on sale
August r j.oo.1 m 1 ugust Hth re
turning For mrt'itr particulars call
on or aldr.ss F F WamsKy men
Pay as H
I Much I
Under New Managrment
I have purchased the business of
V. K. Oanelson, jeweler and optic
Ian, and havo put In an entire
new lino of jewelry and optical
You will it ii il nothing In my sloro
that Is not up-to-dalo and llrst-clnss
In every particular. My prices nro
as low as ls consistent with high
class goods.
Having graduated from tho Ameri
can Optical Collego, I am thoroughly
equipped to handlo nil classes of op
tical work.
My Instruments are of tho best
make and embrace thn latest and
most sclent Iflc Improvements.
My guarantee Is back of all my
Glenn WtensEow
!. Miiln Street, I'l ii.llvtoii . Ilivcmi
for an inferior beer ?
Schlitz beer costs twice
what common beer costs
in the brewing. One-half
pays for the product; the
other half for its purity.
One-ha'f is spent in
cleanliness, in filtering even
the air that touches ir, in
filtering the beer, in ster
ilizing every bottle. And
it pays the cost of aging
the beer fcr months before
we delivei it.
If you ask for Schlitz
you get purity and age,
you pay no more than
beer costs without them.
Ask far tht
Emery Bttlling.
Phone 51 Main,
H. Kopittke,
507 Main St., Pendleton
! tt. $
Pleases the raste"
I Ask for Bid) Leii ,Jm,,d r
They arc
Once Used
COSTA RICO COFFEE in ono pound Packages
JAVA & MOCHA COFFEE in ono pound packages
For salo by all up toda'- moeers
t Spices, Teas, Extracts and. Baking Powder
Onl a few left. Wc want
frit; tutors, u
ti ct can them for lets th.ui tl tj cObt us.
. i . . . . .
t j U(t the moniy tied up m our reinp.-H.itors, into utner noon-.
We are closine; out our line of tangos and can beat any puce in
town in the range lire. Ifouwant i jjfuuiiie lmrgain ' fine
i and see us
Keeley INSTITUTE Sronnd
Just trv .
Parrot Cfgar
' Yes, "that's riuht
1 The Parrot
V ' At
'An,, t. .
VE CURE the I.bpior, Opium, Morphine aid 'lil..i m Hablli- in nun ly
i i . ....1.1 Tliir
rpnii'n" cuij o 'iiu. wi
nu .r our enller.tM recentlv Hal.l:
!,. a wonder to myself!" Send to n
I never felt so well In n.y
for Wklot,
is t'.f best cigar
of tl.em all
gonJan lor a free cat
alogue of them. A fall supply always kept in stock.