East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 28, 1903, Image 2

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KMM 1 i-li M i M Htti t-H-i-H
For Summer
Bo's Wash Suits
Nejjlipec Shirts
Golf Shirts 50c to 1 50
Cool Underwear 5CC, $1.00 anil fi.50 Suit
Pretty Neckwear 25c, 50c and 75c
Stylish Belts 25c to 00;
Fancy Hosier' 15c, 25c and 50c
Bovs Cio Innc 20 per cent. Discount
Men's Two Piece Suits ?5-oo to $6 50
Men's S 13.50 Suits, Reduced to Siooo
Men $i 50 Suits. Reduced to $14.00
Straw Hats, all there is Left at Half Price
One r rice Clothiers.
The boiler o;" a threshinc machine
exploded at Brockton. III., yesterday. '
killing two men.
Id the wreck of an excursion train
at Glasgow . Scotland, wherein 13
persons were instantly killed, one
entire family was wiped out.
Laurence Murphy, treasurer of the
New York Stonecutters' Union, has
been found entity of larceny by em-1
beazlement of $H IVK of the union's (
fends. j
Professor Darld Starr Jordan de-,
Here that systematic and extensive
proixication of the species in hatch-
era is necessary to keep up the
supply of salmon.
ilore than a score of "employment 1
agencies" In New York and Brooklyn!
have ! closed and their licenses )
revoked as it was ascertained that j
they were exchanges or fences for
procsresse. I
One hundred carloads of fruit are .
being shipped every day eastward '
from Sacramento. Porty-one million 1
tyro hundred eight thousand pounds
of fruit have been shipped from Sac
ramento this year to points east of
Ogden. Utah. 1
The Hearst syndicate of newspa
pers, including the Examiner, the'
Cturaeo American and the New York j
American - are now considering the '
plan of taking up the Lewis and
Clark Fair, and booming it for all ft ;
is worth, for the purpose of bene
SUhc the entire Pacific Coast. 1
The California frul' crop this year '
t estimated at 8.00ft carloads. j
Lee Clemens, of Drain, was held I
up Monday and robbed of IT, by two f
footpads, j
Daniel McKinnon. of Kaslo. B. C
was horribly mutilated Monday, by 1
a blast, which he was examining. I
R. Bnrrell, of Salmon River. B. C.
was fatally injured Monday by fall
ing from the top of a hay stack, on
to the prongs of a pitchfork.
A severe wind and hall storm in
the vicinity or Spokane. Sunday
Bight, did many thousands of dollars
.T'" ",JU"""L" !
- -uu
" ,
Tanners and landowners, of Mey-1
FaUs, Wash., are preparing to.
build an electric road from Spokane
to the interior, a distance of 80
V. H Harriman has ordered the
withdrawal of th Central Pacific
timber lands, of the Northwest, from
rhe market. Most of this land Is lo
cated in Southern Oregon.
The superior court of Washington
has decided in favor of the mayor
tt Bremerton, the navy department
and leading citizens of Bremerton.
and against the saloonkeepers and ;
" ''""' " " 1
closed :
Xew, bah just reached Seattle of
the ilrovnmg in Alaska on the 2d
of Juh of 1,-. wWler. Angus'
Reichel hi,.i B.irt For.l ot Seattle
and nf Heii!- an.' Paul Wel(ln,er o:
Vairt. ? whil. .rr--:.- it. Va.-ne.
if I ironworks
Foundry, Machine
and 33ackstnith Shop
Structural Iron, Cast Columns, etc.
Carry in stock Steel Beams,
j Angles and Lhanne's, bolts and
Rod. All kinds of
1 Repair Work Attended to Promptly
Cast End rurneide St.
I 1 1 HIM
.50c to tt 25
50c to ;
Furnishers and Ha ters
Hotel Pendleton.
Charles A. Purdy. Portland.
C. It. Baxter, Grand Rapids.
Charles Gerking. Athena.
Clyde Etious. Portland.
E. A. Klippel. Portland.
H. A. Anderson. Spokane.
B. Appleg&te. Spokane.
E. H. niirke, Portland.
H. F. Conner. Portland.
C. S. Jackson, city.
R. A. Seeds. Siiokane.
M. B. Fricke. Blackfoot.
Grace Miller. Elgin.
W. G. Campbell. Spokane.
D. McGIHIeray. Walla Walla.
W. R. Paxlon. Walla Walla.
Robert MeCourt. Escanuba.
Golden Rule Hotel.
J. W. Crowner. Meacbam.
J. A. Marston. city.
Emma Johnson. Dallas.
Sarah Miller. Dallas.
L. Cunningham. Portland.
D. Hower. Walla Walla.
E. Farby, Seattle.
J. M. Holerfeld. Seattle.
T Schmsea. Walla Walla.
Bert Hausby. La Grande.
W. M. Smoat. Echo.
Ben Lewis, Spokane.
G. H. Bester. Weston.
S. S. Gill. Spokane
J. G. Helfridge. Spokane.
Mrs. Warner. Seattle.
R. C. Arnold. California.
Alex Mannis.
J. W Crowner. Meacbam.
P. R. Bennett, Enterprise.
James Baisley. Baker City.
R. Morgan and wife. Yakima.
E. Brown. The Dalles.
Mra. Simpson.
Mrs. Wiemntrang and daughter.
Tom Ludlow and wife. Portland.
H. Bakis. Boise City.
Alf Shunter. Walla Walla.
Bib Bacfatold.
For Any Case of Liquor. Cigarette or .
I Chewing Tobacco Habls Trlb Falls I
I to Cur, '
e' j
! Rer. J. R. X. Bell, the oldest living i
chanlaln of the Grand Lodse of the
world, and pas-
1. . .
tor or the Presbyterian church. Baker
City, Or., writes: "1 have watched
with Interest the good results obtain-1
ed by tbe use of your remedy for the
liquor and tobacco habit, 'Trlb,' and
feel that I can safely and heartily rec
ommend it to all in need."
Price, 12.50 per treatment,
sale by ali druggists.
Trib cures the tobacco habit.
Trib cures the liquor hauil.
sick Headache absolutely and per-1
manentlr cured hv nslnp- Mokl Tea
a .,ix.un w, rfrini- or PnT,tl. '
nation and Indigestion, makes you
eat sleep work and happy. Satlsfac-
tint guaranteed or mouev back. 25
. rtr Write to W. H. Hook-
er i- Co Buffalo ; Y.. for a free I
-..n.j.U- F W Schn;i(lt & Co.. drug-'
".sth 1
Bridge, Portland.
Organization Has $50,000 Capital
Will Do a General Business That
Is Expected to Extend Over the
Northern Part of the County All
Details of Construction and Field
Have Been Mapped Out.
Articles of incorporation were Moil
In the office or tne county clerk this
morning Incorporatlnc tlio Umatilla
Electric Power .t Light Company.
with headquarters at Weston. The
company Is incorporated with a cap
ital stock of $50,tKM). divided Into SOU
shares of S10t each, and Its purine
is 10 iuiuihii power aim ugm lor me
1 city of Weston first, and If tht is
'that the company will reach out into j
'he surrounding country for the bus-1
..ness of the little towns scattered 1
, throughout the county.
i J W Young. Robert Jamison ami
; J R. Sailing are the Incorporators.
I and as they are rarer ill and conserv j
1 qllvn m,... It le rnwiliil that ttinv !
" , -"
have deeply considered the move lie
fore it was made, and have calculat
ed the chances for success, in this
country there is certainly a demand
for iower. and If some corporation
would convert the small amount of
power in the river into n current
that would serve nil of the Indus-1
u m nv rui 1 vujiuui ifHiMiiiiiiij . j
it would fill a held or usefulness long
vacant In the industrial conditions or
the country. This is what the new
corporation expects to do.
At first it will confine its energies
to Weston, but as soon as It gets
under headway it will beeln to push
out over the country and supply the
(ower for concerns that are crippled
In the dry season when the water is
tow, and those which would be here
if they had the power to run.
For some time the surveyors or the
compauy hare been at work in the
territory to be occupied by the com
pany, and the pipe lines and the pow
er transmission lines hare all been
mapped out. so that the company
lc now in commaud of all the details
of the construction and knows of the
feasibility of the scheme. The work
on the new plant will commence in
a short time.
State meeting a Brilliant Success in
Every Way.
Oregon City. July 28 Successtul
beyond all expectations was tbe
tenth annual assembly or the Willam
ette Valley Chautauqua Association
which concluded a 13 days' session at
Gladatone Park last night.
The mAAlfliir thin vpftr u-nu mnrL-i
by an Increased attendance over me-!
vious years and in interest exec-dec! ,
poMlbly any other assembly in tin
hibtory of the society. Of great edii
cational and entertainine value wu
'the program, which was. without -v
Iception, the best and most !nstru'thc
ever offered by the association
1Ka ffuutlnta n fh.i 1 An,-.- ho.
tfce ,
hoped for. and will enable the can-,
re"Btlo 8 "wall debt, the paying
of all obligations of the society, and '
stil! leave a balance in the treasury !
lor needed improvements on the
f ndf ,owrtl '
a program of equal mrit and attract-
heneBs for next rear
Financially, the Chautauqua was a
flattering success. Secretary Cross
tonight stated that, in addition to de
(raying all of the exitenses for this
year's exercises aud attractions and
paying a debt or $2"0 that remained 1
I from last year, there will remain in 1
Forlthe treasury J1.250. The aggregate I
receipts for the 13 days were $u,u0o. J
I Examiners, Publishers and Operators
in Session. ;
Asheviiie, N. C. luh 28. Pronu '
"' rnemlwrs of the denul profes .
8,un loBner with state dental ox-
f1m,nr,6 amJ publishers 01 papers in'
ne Invest or the profession, rnanu-
ft"'MlrHr8 of (k,n,1 supplies and otb-
; r"- rr "e 10 a low 01 verai
muuum, unwiiug 01 me
National Dental Society. The sea-
1 isiuim were lomiauy oienei looay am
will continue through tiie remainder i
o. 'be week, being devoted to papers
1 nn: diHcussions dealing with the lat-
-i' dlBcoverleh aud Improvements in
dentistry. Among ihoae taking a
prominent part in ihe priiceediug
, ih Contract Dental Surgeon William
H Chambers. V. S. A. detailed by the '
no'Tctary of war as the -epresentatlve i
a! the dental corps-of ti.e army at the
Don't Run Any Risk Use Ice From
I oouca ana uisimea water.
"Owing to the low stago or the'
water in the city well It has been
round neoasaiy to pn. some of the'
siimilv from the nlmni,.. nf tl. rlvr
supply from the channel of the river.
I-or this reason it is thought best by
Dr. Cole, tho city health ofllcer, to
call the attention of the public to
the advisability of boiling the water
used for drinking puriioses." K. O.,
July 22.
Better use pure Ice. made from
water that hag beon both boiled and
distilled. It Is cheaper than you can
boll the water- Ilogh Ice Co., 'Phone
Main 17fcl.
How to Join and Get Quick Results (
at Small Cost. 1
Why not join our union of piano,
purchasers and have a hundred, dol
lars You can do It and we can help '
vow This Is how It is done. We can 1
well afford to sell ten or more pianos
cheaper than one. so have organized
a union or ten memlxTs You join
and pay Jlu.Oo down niul Jlium a
month, the piano Is yours Now here
14 the best part of it Cwn time it!
new metulier Joins the price of your
instrument depreciates in price J Id.
111 other words, when the union Is
filled ever- member gets his instru-1
ment Slu.i less than regular price j
for example, a regular " instru-,
meut can be hud foi $2nnm by I
joining the union. Don't dela tak
Ing advantage or this great opimrtu- j
nit), as It will onlv las! a sew weeks
of the ' dull season This lomblnod.
with our easy partner plan anl ex
change contract makes it possible
for everyone to base an instrument
ThfM-kelmn'it Piano House :t'" R
Cmm street fcxerMlum. mtiM. al
Referendum Will Be Tried Out This j
Week and a Decision Reached.
T, 8llreme court 01 Oregon will
. - . ... i
decide the fate 01 ine reierenuuin
and Initiative ameiidnieiit tins week.
with Itnlnh Duniwa.v as defeudei nnd
all the political wire-pullers of t In
state us prosecutors
The report that Senator Mitt hell
would appeal lu defense of the meas
ure, seems to be erroneous, as uie
semvlor wnen speaking of the subject
vextenlnv sars
I reallv believe that the referen-
1 dum is constitutional and that the ,
circuit court has erred, hut I Iibnc not
heard anything of my taking nti ac
tive part iu the defense of the meas-'
ure. It is possible, however that I
may prepare a supplemental brief and
apjienr as a uieuu ui me rumi
which is often done in such ase
Store For Rent,
I am planning to erect n two-storv
brick block on the corner of Webb
and Cottonwood streets. Before I
build I would like to secure a renter
for 'he upstairs and downstairs
either separately or together, so
that in oulldinE I can arrange the
building to suit the renter Those
desiring to rent call or address R
Martin, at his grocery store.
No Pity Shown.
" For years fate was after nit con
tinuously." w.lles F. A. Gulledge. Ver
bena. Ala. "1 had a terrible case of
piies causing 34 tumors. When all
failed. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured
me. Equally good for burns and ail.
aches and pains. Only 25r at Tall- J
man & Co.'s drug store. J
J H Martin a brakemau n Mi i
tun:it-r alle ra.lroail .e!i from
movine tram riundu atnl a wn
ijni.'d in 'I.' h.-a-' and
Something for Mothers
to Think About
Lives of Suffering and
Sorrow Averted
And Happiness and Prosperity
Assured by
Guticura Soap.OintmentandPills
When All Else Fails.
mri,i ,,,
L r, child U.rn int.. he world with
uu inherited or early developed ten-
uency 10 UlstresMug, disfiguring hu-
moiirs of the skin, scalp and blood,
becomes an ubject of the most tender
hollclt"le. not only because of INsuUer-
ing, but lRcae of the dreadful fear
that the dlsllguratlon Is to bu lifelong
nnd mar lu future happiness and pro.
porlty. Hence, It bucoines the duty of
mother of such ullllcted children to ac-
Quaint themselves with the bent, the
purest and most effective treatment
available, viz.. The Cutlenni
Warm baths with Cuticura Koap, to
cleanse the hklnai.d sculp of crusts nnd
hcales, gentle opplicatlon or Cuticura
Ointment, to alluv llchlntr. Irriiuti,.,,
and Inilammatloii, and soothe aud heat,
and mild doses of Cuticura Hesolvcnt, to
' u . 1 V1? ar I
"! lif'i ' dt'Slr,Cj f"r V'e.,'edv
""; ZL ?nT, Tilw0 .W0 I
iur,, Otltl chlltlrcu, and the com-
rort of worn-out parents.
MillloiiHof women ue Cuticura Soun HOITT'S SCHOOL,
assisted by Cuticura Ointment, ror pro Menlo Park, San Mateo Co., California
ervluR, purifying and beautifying the I Thorough mental, moral aud physl
kln, ncalp, hair and hands, for annoy. cal training for boys. Home mim
ing Irritations nnd weaknesses, and iente; beautiful aurroundlngs; excel-
lor many sanative, antiseptic pnr(Kscs
""""J nuKgeni, ll.emhCIVC-s.
the Crowd
Any of these warm even
ings and you will find
them at
A ter trying our soda you
will readily understand
why they all come here.
They say our ice cream
is the richtst -our gin
ger ale the snappiest
our egg drinks just right
Foncy drinks well, the
mere names will make
your mouth water. The
reason is simple we use
nothing at our fountain
but the very best, and
our fountain man has
made a life study of the
business antl knows 1 tst
Have vou tried the ' Ileerthnt
made Pendleton famous ' '
Our Root Beer
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
I'tMtulKcc nlocL I'honc Malt) Hi
, . , , .
Dr J W Hill. Principal
-Itli & Marshall Sts Portland
New buildings, modern and
Manual training, military
Boys successfully fitted for
all colleges or for business life
Principal of 25 years' experi
ence in Portland.
Boys of any age admitted at
anv time.
Write for cutalogue
Fall term ojiens September
St. Helen's Hall
' Est liUS by Rt. Iter. B. W. Morn
Will enter Its 3-1 tb year Spteni lu
ll. 1U03. Niimliur of resident pup.i
l.mited to sixty. Book of Informal"
sent on application.
lli for.- der iding where to go u
s' iiuiii examine a
1 aialogut for the coming year. New
liulldinn and equipment. New man
agement, and a faculty of experieii'
ed teachers Special arrangement
for music students and for the care
ful oversight of all btudents from out
of towu. All grades of public schoo,
work thoroughly doue. Our college
preparatory work Is accepted by the
bem collefios Bust and West. Moral
and social advutitagos the very liest
Term lgius September 34, 190S.
lent climate: careful supervision
t i
limited numbers; prepares for any
university or for business. Fall term
begins August 11. Send for illustrat
ed catalogue,
IRA G. HOITT, Ph. D., President.
Any The
Is a Goot
there win L. r"i
wall paper WJ
to anv
naner'J. r
ev"y one new 1
let US thnu,
you what It ai1
whole h0U!try
E. J. M
111 Court 1
Just eall on vJ
uu's Candy Store,!
our wagon arod
quantity 0f io ,
What dessert hj
this hot weatiejl
and ice creaa.
pure cola sad
' mi are down toil
try our hot
Try our 'andits
fresh every dar
, u Via 3 V.
p.di w .r ru-rv.1
Fir. Tama
i,, tu pOf
.ar. ct-t t" us
price '
Telephone 1
C0VU -l"
- r 3'
1 .
: c
Dear r tf j
. " V ... ,1,
J Poultry and S"l
i iiet a
i c f. m
j Agent wrj-j
I : I
, . aw r-'
, ti Kc'tinsC"
i ,t
u ar
,.' " .. -lau.'
v . ii'M U"
! tc TUP. CB
-s i A