East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 27, 1903, Image 8

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Ladles, misses' men's, boys'
and little gents' Oxfords. Great
values at bargain prices.
Men's canvas shoes, the shoe
for hot summer -weather, ?1.25,
$1.50 and a Goodyear welt at
$2.50. Keepyour feet cool and
Big Odd and End Sale still in
Dmdmger, Wil
son & Company
'Phone, Mmn i:sj
Sisters of St. Francis Visit Ukiah
and Secure More Subscriptions to
the Fund.
During the past week Mother Stan
islaus, of the Sisters of SL Francis,
has been In the southern portion of
the county, in the interest of the new
hospital, and returns much encour
aged with the result of her visit. She j
was accompanied from Pilot Rock to
wn.uu. .1" MUU UUJCi IIUiUl, lit
points, by i
Mrs John 5vlveiter nf Pllnt TlnM.- l u"U ui romam
ing Rome good work for tne hospital ' '. ,
fund. " A. Gilraore and wife le t for
While at Ukiah the partv was the I Boise th,s m0"1'11? "hen Mr. Gil
guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gambee, I m0Te ,SSUG a fireman's souvenir
at their splendid home, aud speak in I booklet.
tne nignest terms of the hospitality i
of their hosts.
The following subscriptions were 1
secured in Ukiah. Alba and vicinity: j
e- "o: Dr G- SnaPP t
$10; William Futter, J10; George
McGaughey. JS: W. C. Kennedy, So: ,
tu, j, a. xjrauuurii,
iv willing cTt, I-' r. . UUM,re- '
I?! V3ami,- V. ; A,D-
x. v . uuyiiion. 4 : tseima
Born, Cornelia McLoughlin, 12;
Frank Kloepzig. $1: J. H. Taylor, SI;
J. D. WiUiams. $1. Total. $99.50.
The sisters will visit other portions
of the county on the same mission, in
the near future and wil lfurnish the
list of subscribers from time to time
ns their work progresses. The sew
hospital building is nearimr comnle-
tion and is an ornament to the city !
and countv. I
where he will spend some time in rec
reation and recuperation.
l I I 1 I i 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I m 11111111 Mesdames W. C. and MatUe La Dow
Howto Prevent
The spread of Infection and
contagious diseases is a mat
ter in which all are interested.
In order that our customers
may have th. most modem
method of disinfection, as well
as the safest, simplest and X I
to our already complete drug
stock a fine line of
Besides being an ideal sick
room disinfectant, it Is un
equalled in fleas, insects of all
kinds, etc. See them in our
window and come in and let
us te':l you more about it
L-mliiiir Drtisrfri-ts
pes ti t.YBpy iiay
5. LEMON8,
F. S. YOl
"Not Good
( If. j. -f 'p
W. 3. Clark Is spending a few days
at Bingham Springs.
Clark Nelson, of Weston t.rneii
from Portland this mo-ntng
E. P. Ashbaugh, of Heppner. was a
visitor In the city Sunday.
H. C. Wrleht. nosttnnster at Xvc.
Is In the city today on business.
W. J. Homer, the Insurance man,
is in Baker City for a short visit.
T. J. Lcsher and wife are at the
Pendleton, registered from Lansing.
Mrs. P. E. McDuff is the guest of
friends in Weston for a couple of
Harry Connors, an O. R. & X. at-
i torney. of Portland, was In the city
I yesterday
J. C. Borchers, of Heppner, Is at the
Pendleton, for a short stay In the city
on business.
Miss Nellie Leet Is at Bingham
' Springs for th; summer, the sue t of
! friends there.
; Asa B. Thompson, receiver of the
i La Grande land office, spent the day
in the city yesterday.
Mrs. A. B. Galloway leaves thl
1 evening for a month's outing In the
Greenhorn mountains
William Keller of the Thompson
Hardware Company, went to Portland
this morning for a brief visit.
Mesdames Viola Cochran and M. R.
Woodard. of Union, spent Sunday in
i the city the guests of friends.
, Mrs. Louis Hunziker and family
! have gone to Bingham Springs for
I the hot months of the summer.
I T. G. Halley has returned from
Bingham Springs, where he went
Saturday evening to visit over Sun
R. 1. Ewlng. of Walla Wal.a, re
turned to his home this jaornmg
iier au over aunuay visu in mi
j ,. . , ,-
ir. and Mrs. C. E. Rovelt are
spending a short time at Bingham j
Sprincs away from the heat and dust
of the city.
Mr. and Mrs Raneome Lieuallen, of
Weston, visited friends and relatives
c the city yesterday, returning home
mis morning.
Al Goodman of Walla Wuua. ha-
returned to hi, home after a Mt in
city with friends Saturday eve
ning and Sunday.
A. D. Cooley. one of the large farm
ers on the reservation, is in the city
today transacting business in connec
tion with his wheat crop.
Dr. Frank Smith, of Seattle, wi
leave this evening for Helix, where
he wil! be the guest of relatives and
friends for a short time.
F. W. Vincent, of the Power Com
pany, has gone to Bingham Springs,
J , are visiting friends in the mountains
near Meacbam. where they will spend
J several weeks of the hot weather.
3 f Burr Johnson, one of the cattlemen
1 of the Hidaway Springs country, re-
turned to his home this afternoon,
j after a visit in the city on business.
? A. B. Gallcvay. reiireseniaut of
jjthe Blake-McKaul .Paoer Joa.;any
trtahn iunH t
T. Donovan. O. R. & X. lineman,
was in the city yesterday, preparing
to make extensive improvements in
the company's telegraph offices here.
Miss Grace De Graff, of Scappoose,
accompanied by Miss Alice DeGraff,
of aMdlson. S. D., is at the Pendleton
on her way to her home, a't Scap
poose. Mrs. Tho. Q. Halley and family are
at Bingham Sprincs for the summer.
They were accompanied to the
springs Saturday evening by Mr.
Mrs. C. B. Wade, who has been on
the roast and in Portland since the
meeting of the State Federation of
Woman's Clubs, returned home yes
'rday., Mr.- j p. Ross and Miss Caroll
Var. Omdal! have ret u Tied from Long
Not HiTf"
tt"' - "' - tie - ranieru unit ui neuias-i
ftf-niie-wnieru unit ui nouigs-i
suffering severely from hot I
I i
Bench, whero they have been for the
past month enjoying tho salt sea
Ex-State Senator' G. TV. Proebstel,
of Weston, accompanied by his wife,
passed through this morning en nit"
home from a visit to Portlai.J and
the coast.
Hew Robert Warner, of the Metho
dist Episcopal church, will leave In
the morning for Mencham, where ho
I and his family will camp for a week
i or 10 days.
Miss Luetic Rader went to I-ong
Reach this morning in company wltn
Mrs. Louts Hunziker. and will remain
during the summer to escape the hot
weather here.
Ernest Hartman han return to
his position ta the First Nat'onal
Bank of Portland, aft-r tvu week?
spent in the mountMns I;h his
father and brother.
John Hatton, or Echo, was a visitor
in the city Saturday and Sunday. Mr.
Hatton Is an old resident of this city,
but at present Is encaged in ranch
ing In the vicinity of Echo.
C. E. Fuqiia, who went to Arlington
a few days ago to run a pump for the
O. R. & N.. has returned homo and
will go to Rlparia to work In the
water service for the company there.
H. G. Garfield, the physician, has
gone to Gibbon, where he and his
family will spend the warm weeks of
the summer. The doctor will return
about the middle or the latter part
of Augurt.
Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford, ac
companied by their daughter, Miss
Maude Crawford, will leave the mid
dle of the week for Seattle and vari
ous coast points, where they will
spend the summer,
Colonel and Mrs. Godfrey. Captain
and Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Walsh, the
wife of Major Walsh, composed a
party from Walla Walla who spent
Sunday at Bingham Springs and stop-'
ped over in this city lietween trains
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wells, of Hepiv !
ner. accompanied by their cousin, 1
Miss Alice Lealherman. of Holllster. I
Cal.. have been the guests of Mr. and I
Mrs. J. M. Bentley. of this city, for
several days and will leave today for
First Prize Won By F. S. Warner,
With Mrs. Rev. Jones and Walter
Whitman as Second and Third.
The puzzlf contest which has been
conducted by M. A. Rader, the fumf
Hire dealer, uirough tne local press
of the rlty. for the past month. ,
closed Saturday nicht.
Mr. Rader offered three prizes of
$25. $15 and $10 to the first three
persons who would send in correct
answers to a mathematical word puz
zle contained in his advertisement.
anH nr. C tnwl . - .. i nl. . nn. . . .1 tr
Stewart, of the Morning TribuBP and t-ONSUMERS WHOLE-
Fred Lampkin. business manager of, SALE GROCERY AND I I
the East Oregonian, as a commuiee iwjjrtT cc A x t- -rvtirnTrc-
to open the puzzles and award the VYriUi-lloALn. U.YlIVllb-I
It was found that F. S. Warner.
of this city, had won the flrst prize. , . Z
of $25. Mrs. Rev. E. B. Jones Feconu ' I f4 X M J TM Qrrn Dnm 1
prize of $15. and Waller Whitman, UH-Jl ill Alii U 1 HUM
uiira prize oi tiu. iae correct solu
tion of the puzzle was to find the word j
"Rader" 192 times and the word "Fur-!
niture" 70S times in the advertise-.
ment. ,,. i
In addition to the winners who '
were the flrst to send in answers I
Grace Baumgardener, of Echo, and R. '
Newberry, also gave correct answers. !
but were too late to win. Several
others also guessed one of the solu
tions and missed the other. i
Great Interest was shown in the !
contest, as the store was filled vlt. !
eager contestants, awaiting the re-
suit. It would be interesting to give
nil the answers to the puzzles, to '
show the wide range of guesses made '
i:pon them
To Arrange for Opening.
E. Ray Jones, one of the new pro-'
prietors of the Pendleton Business
College, is in the city today, making I
arrangements for the opening of the
college. Mr. Jones will have charge i
of the Institution here, while his as-1
sociate in business, Mr. Damon, will i
remain in La Grande. The naw nf
the college has been chanced to the i
Modern School of Commerr-e. and Its
hlsh standard will be fully maintain
ed, and improved, whr-rever possible.
A. L. Harrison, a well-known instruc
tor of La Grande, will have charge of
me liooK keeping- department here.
Returned From Wallow.!.
G. A. Hartman and n so .-: J'-neht J
and Fred, hare returned from their !
outing at Wal'owa Ls.f - Ti ,vdgi
has nothing bj' pra'.se 'or l,e . oun )
try where be has been visiting, and
thinks it one of the best watering , !
Maces in tne state. But with all of its j
perfections, he says tnat Pendleton i
18 still toe best town on the map.
Memorial Service fur th. Pos. . !
Memorial services in honor of Pope '
Leo XIII, will be held at the Cathollr-. J
rbiirr-h, on Market street, between , t
East Court and East Webb streets, at j
7 o'clock tomorrow morning. All arc !
cordially Invited to attend this serv- I
ire. Special prayers will lie offered 1
fft. hj 1 . . . j . ....
sum vi luv utfcuAseu pouilu
New Agents Appointed.
Klhorn & Swaggart have been ap
pointed city agents of the Indiana
State Life Insurance Company.
A Spokane house of IU fame in the
White Chapel district, was blown tin
by dynamite, Sunday morning, and
io inmates lataiiy injured. 'g
. t r -, ...
ABent Tor Lee s Lice Kuier-17-1-
STATE A. 0. U. W.
Provision Was Made for Changes
Should Any Be Found Necessary
at Some Future Time The Oregon
Grand Lodge is In High Standing
With the National Organization.
C. P. Davis, of tho sheriff's office,
has returned from Portland, where
ho has been for the Inst week attend
ing the meeting of the Grand Ixidge
of the A. O. U. W.
At this grand encampment there
was no great change made In the de
tails of the order, though some pro
vision was mnde for changes if it
should become necessary. The mat
ter of the readjustment of the assess
ment rates was discussed, and It was
decided that one additional assess
ment would be made on the lodges
of the state, and the present rates
would be allowed to stand as they
were for another year, and then. If
it was thought necessary, the tales
would be changed to suit the condi
tion of the lodge.
While some of the states need a
change In tho rates, it is not neces
sary for this stnte to do anything, for
It is In good standing with the grand
lodge and has no difficulty In keeping
its payments up on the present basis.
As yet It has never had to call for
I?'1 ' Jh.e, a.s-'fSS!?,f1tS- and ia not
luuuui nidi ji Mill uaiv iii iui puan
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
I i dt'.icioas and
I pared in V" i"
. :- -t. Pre
N ty)i..nc: ! X3.
tjakizcr I a.i t .
a'.-r an 1 set t
rooL Flavors:! .nion, Orange, Rasp
Derry and Strax Urry. Get a package
it your grocers t-U, . jo cts.
Phone Main 1741
t T
When the bot days of sum
mer fomc the cook stove is to
be avoided and well it can be
with the stock of summer deli
cacies. Lots of new things in
convenient form ready to
sene cold or wih a little
warming. To-j will be sur
prised at the many tempting
dainties we have for you.
4 !
THERE is a big
Canned fruits and vegetables
that taste like mother's
has all the fmh ripe flavor of 1
the fruit or vegetable noth-
ing but the most select ntook j
goes into a MUN0P0LB oan.
TEvery bit is packed fresh, i
swett and delicious, witli
painstaking care and you can t
doi nna an equal anywhere to
Standard Grocary
Moiiojio e Gmcorti Coott Suw t
This qi" . ;.- - ::i t'le family '
ivery iy L : .. - 1 -1: to-day. Try
years to como. But In order to ralso
the amount wanted by tho grand lodge
easily, It will only bo necessary fori
the lodges of the state to mako ono !
extra assessment,
Mr. Davis wns put on tho committee !
on tne sinto or mo oruer, ior me
coming year. This is tho committee
tlint has charge of tho legislation of
the order and confers with the execu
tive committee ns to whnt should be
done In the governing of tho lodges or
the state.
Miss Ollio Slater, of La Grnnde, re-, ""r Afternoon Tea it i
after a visit with her brother, J. R
Slater, of this city. Sho was nccom
pnnled home by her llttlo nieces,
Anita and Edna Slater, who will
spend some time there visiting. Miss
Slater stopped in this city with her
brother as sho wns returning from a
visit in the valley with relatives.
Merchants' Lunch, I
During tho hot weather you can
save your wife tho misery of cook-!
Ing over tho hot stovo by going to I
the Merchants' Cafe (formerly the '
Mnzeppa) and getting a hot lunch for
15c. between 11:30 and 2 p. m. .1
July J 8th
SATURDAY and MONDAY we will mvealln
pationriliU lbs. Granulated fcugar for $1.1)0.
On 3 Coat Enamaled Ware. 5 Year
Guarantee. See our Granite Ware
Window Display.
K V a . . r-t W - rmj m mm 7 11 a iiiiri r
i ins ouit is iu ticuil uu an uuiiiiu'-'
Waists and all Cotton Goods
U Wafeag Sale Price
Wafisfts. Sale Price
?S(2 Wagtl0 Sale price
B 5c Fancy Buck, Sale price -Pillow
Cases, fafge size,
3 for
25c Curtaining ia White. Sale price
t In the center
lower, It la caI,c4
ie sift
It hat tht ..
that mnVro nu,
v """tOcloa
and dream they can t.e, ,.
Have you tried it?
IIHHI I la n u
iLfi n
Tickets for St 1 ,.:. .
July 20th
JIpE stor
. . . . . y .. I winds.
Woroester Building.