Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1903)
fcoess Cards and Societies I flQUS AND TBADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. I GREAT GAME OF WAR S Beat 'Ml (J ulte Jot , its asd J on? r' i : aaj, lar r inralsi 'it fe3 -V aits jjj m, Kith s Rtl sters ctJ a ai, ,: feet i 'ourts i leei or !l Jtiers J be cecessii the pal a Tfr.1 rs ffi.-J it. .ill' ir,.- H lift PHYSICIANS. . .... c- nrriii. jvuu It ho"". 11 K" " m- - Telephone rcu on. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS - - - -vwu,tQo "?.T1.AN. AnSTKACT COMHW etty. Buri.nrt IJn.0"., fJ 'arm Hop. -rn TTchaiv m.nrtr ' ltoea eKtior.i "P. ot ical .it.t,.. O. A. iURfMAxY," 1n i."EI-1,-S nd A. .A mala 1131. i :..!. inu - flitea for rcirncuTe OFKICH OVKR r,nri M D., HOMEOPATHIC itriELu. 0(riC( ln Jnd(, Kntone. oitlcc. black 73: re.- fs rArU2 KOOM IT A80CIA. ABC BEERS Guaranteed Pure. None So Good. JoW Everywhere. I'HYSICIAN ..4'n1?l!nV I" office (n SaTlnga Iinnk build- M.AMISI.KK, CUKOXIC diseases aua aiaeaaea oi nuu re- "jodl building, corner Main J"u. ... '.il,nni main 721 : H liaiir I kit Tb impson street. House ST - . nTla 'nhnna ltinl.- fnl ' .!, It. S. IIRYSON. AT-rnnvm- . jOunding" ld " omce V. W Sd Proof; InVuranc enTcXSTd? flee In Jndd hulding, room IB. K100FI1NK3 BOARD AND LODGING. I the bodirlns lloue si 63 Garden "ire 1 te Wto ccheVtrTenrii'aTrt ""TljL ALTA. rOUXKIt ALTA s.XD Mill streets. Hoard br the ,1a or week Good table ret. 7Ries ' ll-.o per week. Pendleton IVcd Yard in connection. 8, Compton, lTop. . ,.nv PHYSICIAN AND S"R. .n jui 1 KuilillnK ltoom IS, oace t ! 1 KcUcncc l-none Main H21. ful ..'11, kc . . . OPTICIANS. iR lil.KNN WIN8I.OW gradaa e optician The only com plete optical parlor In tbc city Sli door south of 1'- O., Main .wOlftca, "re .-o ire cuargeu wiius or go to nr.0T rock stop c City Hotel. Good neila and arstlaa rooms. Special attentlnn rirSn . !"ul?S5eSSl,,orle,m- MrB C ""n'-f ATHENA HorEU LEtDINt) HOTEL IN tup- WHEN YOUR BUSINESS TAKES YOU TO Helix, stop at th Hotel Helix Uood meali ' and good ttrrlc-. B. H. Richard, proprietor , FRATERNAL ORDERS. DENTISTS. DAMON LOnCH, .NO. 4. MEETS HVEKY I Monday evcnlne ln Secret Socletv hall, I LaDow block, at Pendleton. Ore. 'it. y , l letcher. Iv. 11. S. , V. J. Kerea. C. l The new hich trade roof. ing for low cost work. On hedi, factories, warehouses, barns, depots, wharves. All buildings of large roof sur face that require protection from the elements. A better roofing at the same price has never been produced. Send for bocklrt. 4 The Paraffinc Paint Co. San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Los Anstlts Dtnvtr, Colo T. C. TAYLOR, Agent , rn oiiAN nnxTis-r. omen in 1 WbclWlcf Phone, red 71. , WAN MISCELLANEOUS. TjIaNN, ULXTIST. 01TICH IN AS- Ttione red 271 BANKS AND BROKERS. El HATIONAI. HANK OP ATHKXA, I at 3 .eta uuu uoujrsuc eicuuue. Uiis, aid' T J Kirk, vlce-prea- i . LasuitT , i .i. neoip, i -- I I; Anuu.s hank or westox, n liirt's u penerai uana- i b. - ixt itiie bought and sold. as n v ntrenut-d to. i:. jam t,4t 'itvrpf W. I'rocbstel, t; lCiloie. cashier; ' . , .' H nian. M M Johns. T. J P. Kllcore, Kob- Jj -., . Pioebstel WANTED YOUNG MEN In nri-mr. f.r eminent PoHtioni Fine Openliici in all l)e. , partments. Uood Jalarles. Rapid Promotlonf. Examlnailonsfoon. Particulars Free I i mier-iaie tor. intt , Ledar KapWi. la I ' SEWING AND DRESSMAKING, MISS JESSIE ! , Jontn. Iul5 Frautltn St., Co , E. Railroad FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT I housekeeping, al-o one 1 roum and one 5 room house ;or rent. Marlin Compton, S09 Col-. FOR LE BOILER AXIH H01U-E Po"rVEB i rertual hlsh speed t ORlne Also a jo-lifihi Generator Ini-ludlns all snitch board Insiru inents For parrieulars, call on oi address . r red Kine, Box m, Fendleiun. Otc , 1 'N SAVIXUS HANK, .. i l organized March 1, $ ' i 'MKi : surplus. lluO.-1 s ti we! on ull time deposits i -i nil sold on all prluelpal e i r-.'iiiinu clreu to col li . ii:iitah. president; J. X. i T J Morris, cashier; ., . ui-is-iiut eashler. i AT iN'l HANK or phxdli:-! kpii surplus, tO.'..ut)0:. mvi 'J a k1'' ' banking business. Tlx- , te .-r ,phi transfers sold on' an Franclsro. New ioik and in s .. the Northwest. Drafts ' r.a Japan and Km ope Makes n ' mble terms. Levi An- . N P Matlock, vlcepres- er : II. K Johuaun. , ' na' ki'ir jstier WM F. YoUNKA HILL PA1 PROMPT AT tention to al sales a- d potting bills for-! reiudence solicited. Comml-sion rcasonablt ' r. ii. r;ox i-A: I'enaieioii DIVOR'-E LAWS-PETKK WET. ADVICE free ; fees, lei m U suit ; S years' exrience. Office 6fiS liarden St., I'tndlemn, Oregou. IN I'OI ND-ONE -ORREL MARE ABOl'T 4 old. white lave: threti hlto leettl branded UC on right snotilder, with smaller ' Hi below upper brand aud conreetetl with it i H siul animal i uot claimed by the owiur or those entitled to the possession,! costs and extieu'es against it paid, and . then taken away within ten days 'rom the I date hereof, then at o'clock p. m of the I second day of Augatt the tn d nrimal ulll le sold to the highest bidder, ill public auction for ea!i. at the city pf-und. on the corner of Cottonwood and 1 Wt-bb streets. In the City of Pendleton, the' piiaoeds of suih sale v be applied to the. payment of such eosts and expenses of mak inr sal '. i-CHEEr., City Ma-shal UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TIIE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD Cor. West Alta and LlllltU Sts. ashler : MRCH1TECTS AND BUILDERS. 1 & i -. '4' in W "NrUAL'TOH AXU HL'II vork figured on. Job y uurk guaranteed. i Rl IIITHCT AND Sf U'S ioinplete and rell i.ngs in the city oi toun ' ' 1d building. U I'OXTISACTOItS AXIt - uo'"s furnished on short w t n siiecialty Prompt i I: 'iff street near Main VTKAfTOIt A XI) IiriLD " riirnlsheil on all kinds u-nr walks, stone walls, eti ' a-t )iegonlan office i W AKflllTHCT AND ii U'luiu 7. iiver Hostou li 'Iregiiii , I ! ASTI'RIXf, ANI I IV ' milks a spetlalty Hs ! 1 ii-1' Work guaranteed 1 1 .ifti-i i X.ehner'a ilgar P O box 104 TRANSFER TRUCKING STORAGE CROWNER BROS THaplioiif Mnln 4 GOMMERGIAl STABLES G. M. FROOME. PROPRIETOR. 0OT AND SHOE REPAIRING. ill). OLD liKI.lAlil.i: i'S 'Iiikk repairing with Mi v in rear of Ulndinger l'""i 4 l SECOND-HAND DEALERS. ",' '' 1 ''I VLHI! IX jtBci" D i Uvf is anything 0' " ' 11 -'oud bund fiirnlture ' i and troikery. 'ali aud s'' 21 Court street vl.' OXI HAND fj'JOI).-' I paw n brokers . money i iucIh or articles Vaters 7.'. 2 Cottonwood "tJeet ('airtalls tor picnic paitii'S Good leanm'wlth t-omiietent drivers for l ommerclal wen. Speedy horses ami handsome rigs for evening aud Sun- .'n (lihi-.- Out!.- !ioro's for family t,i '.iank'1 in reasonable , I, i r. -hri 'o transient ',,,- i) . l'c-: 'I1' nn i 'til IN. I til f ,U TONSORIAL PARLORS. ... M;K!i, HAIMIKII stiKip nr-ia Main street, three doors ksi . " AND r (ieorgel Plrstclasa . Wtn OlIrL- . k.,. ...V l "HI i cum . UTBl 1VI I .4hip 'he mnili-rn Inifirnvi-ments 1 "-ed bath rooms In con CABS AND CARRIAGES. lln , . , . W.l;,1 WWIN IIAKHH, PHOP . AlS 7Ul 0fflce nn(1 lllng aii? ' l"c ne to Havlnsa Hank L,VERY AMn errrrr. oi rrc ' " i k.bW giiDkklil .a'.Tt-,v.t-lV HOARD AND 8AI.H ,4'li,,..,1 Carney, uroprletor. for hiM.t " Wi boaroed at reaionsble 5asl' Aitahtreet. EIPLOVIICMT nri!i'ec jjj - Ik..,, urrinui h.".'lovmi:xt orncc, C3S main tlun ;I ,m u,,l help or eek employ- Send away for a Sowing W H V Machine. If you must have ' 1 J a cheap one, wo have them ran "s, but better t.'ll and a lot cheaper In the end. is a hlstv gra-le White or Standard. JESSE FAILING Near the Bridge S. A. ALLOWAY HAS CHARGE OF THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD. AND WOULD BE PLEASED TO CARE FOR YOUR HORSES. PLENTY OF STALLS, LARGE COR RALS FOR LOOSE HORSES AND CATTLE. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. CHOP MILL IN CONNEC TION. 'PHONE MAIN 1331. LOSSES ALWAYS VIET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies wc represent. Out companies stand first in the world. Hartfoni 'Ire Insurance Co f 12250,076 Alliance Awurance Co. . .. 29,039,063 Loudon & Lancashire Klre Insurance Co 2,5M,US3 North Hritiuh & Mercantile Co 10,695,974 Royal Insurance Co 22,697,153 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 800 MAIN STREET Farmers Custom Alii I Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 150 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopd Feed, etc always oa hand. WOMEN'S SYMPATHY Is proverbial Pendleton Women No Exception. Hnu it. itch we owe to the gympathotlc s.di- ol womankind: When othutK -lifTii th(-v cheerfully lend a helplliK nanil. They tell you the meana which iMiiiiKbt telief to them that they may profit by t-lr experience. Head tho fstimuuy xiveii heie by a Pendleton v. oman. Mrs L. Hodson. of "1 Aula street, -ave.: "While my kldlioysi hve never a'used mo any trouble which ljiado tself apparent In the kidneys thorn spIvos nor In tho secietlons, I havo been botheied more or less by an aeh uiK acroa, the small of my back, thou down and through my kidneys. When I caught cold It hurt me actoas my lolna and made me feel lame aud soro. I j,ol a box of Doan's Kldnoy Pills at the Urock & .McComas Co. drug htore awl used them. While I did not take them according to dlioctions, be ing a poor hand to don myself with medicines at all, they benefited mo In every way, making my back stronger, and tonfug u my whole sybtem." For ale by all dealers. Price 60 centi per box. Foster-Mllliurn Co., Huffalo, N- Y.. solo agent for tho United StatM. ,in.K..c Remember the iiamo DOAN S and take no other. ARMY AND NAVY WILL MANEUVER OFF MAINE. Naval Squadrons Will First Do Bat tle With Each Other and Afterward Make War on the Land Forces, In trenchmoiUs, Batteries and Troops. Washington, n. C, Jnlv 27 -Never before In tho history of tho United States have military maneuvers been held on such a largo and comprehen sive scale as thoso which are about to begin off tho coast of Maine. First, two Immense fleets, comprising the flower of the American navy, will combat for supremacy one represent ing an American squadron defending a port on the New Kngland coast: the other an enemy attempting to capture the port, or so eluding the watchful eyes of the homo fleet as to afford no opportunity to prev on the coast commerce of this country. At the close of this so-called search problem the representative American squadron and the former enemy will combine forces under the command of Hear Admiral A. S. Darker, mid, ii'lmlng the largest and best equipped fleet of warships that has ever been mobilized off tho coast or the United States, will swoop down upon Port land Harboi, Maine, and will endeav or by all means known to naval str.v teglsts, to prove that the army laud defenses of that Important port are unable tn withstand the attack of a fleet of this strength. Such are the general features of the mammoth maneuvers that havo been planned under the direction of the most capa ble and best known army and navy oliiccrs of the United States. Today tli" powerful North Atlantic squadron, comprising some of the most efllcient fighting ships In the en tin world, will rendezvous at French man's Hay, on the coast of Maine, with the toast squadron, under com mand of Hear Admiral Coghlan. Next 'veel; Hear Admiral llnrker, the eotn ! ain't r-ln chlef, will divide his fleet, will the search problem will begin The detnils of the problem will not be announced until Just before its begin ning, '''he searcli problem will end on August 10. Then there will bo a reconciliation, and tho squadrons will nirnltl ninoi In l.V,uwlitiinn'u Ilni' l. coal, proceeding thence to Umg Islam! I Sound for a cruise and lor tactical I exercises. On August 15 a most ripcctaculnr inspection of the Immense licet will l be made by the president of me Unit ed States, the secretary of the navy and Admiral George Dewey, off Oys ter Hay. After the review by the j president the lltet will tignlu proceed . to the coast of Maine for tactical ex ercises and to take part In the joint maneuvers with the army. REFORM PARTIES CONFER. O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS AkelurePuriry, Fincsr Flavor. GrekttcsrSfrervlh,r'iv5oiablePriccs. CL0SSET & DEYER5 Dnori Asin. nnrnnai sax. jkjai jkiuici iu jreuoieioa and as good as any. We Can Mend It We have purchased tho Witheo Hlcyclo and llepntr shop and are prepared to make quick re pairs and guarantee our work. We repair bicycles, sewing mn. chinos and other light machin ery; do brnrlng nnd other re pairing. We aro agents for three makes of wheels thnt havo met tho test and proved their worth. They aro THE RACYCLE, THE HILLCLIMBER, and THE CRAWFORD. If you arc going to buy a wheel, come around and look at our wheels before you pur chase your wheel. Gordan & Edmisten 311 EAST COURT STREET. ! I A,.vr-i,.1 J!Qik rstsxsffism HillBiRi The Hotel Pendleton has jttsl been refuted and refurnished tnrotiKhout Phone anil firo alarm connections with all rooms. Baths ttt suites and single rocais. Hondquarters Tor Truvollng Hea Commodious Snmple Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Hpeclnl raten by week or month Kxcellctit Cuisine. Prompt Dlnhigrooni sortie. Bui-and billiard room lnconnoctioi Only Three Blocks from Depot LET US FILL GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnson Streets, I Pendleton, Oregon, M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Bmldiue, Material of all descriptions and fa t you money DOORS WINDOWS Attempt to Get Different Elements j Into One Organization, , Denver, Col.. July 27. The pin i posed consolidation of the populists. I bi-metalilst.s ami modern socialists, it I Is hoped by the promoters of the ' movement, will he cemented as an out j come of the national conference in I progress here today between repre 1 sontatlve members of the organiza tions concerned. The movement is ! designed to embrace all tho ko called 'reform elements and the piimary aim is to overthrow the "old parties." Ill metalllsm. government ownership, ' nutf-lmperiallsm and the Initiative anil referendum nie some of the pollt ' leal tenets to be Included In the po litical platform or the new party Prominent leaden whose names are ! mentioned In connection with the movement, tome or whom aie here In liorsou. while others have sent let ters embodying their views, ate K Ilenjamln Andrews, president of the Nebraska University, Clarence S. Darrow, of Chicago: d'eorge Fled Williams, of Massachusetts, foniier f!nornor Poynter, of Nebraska, and ' Edwaul Atkinson, or lloaton. presl ' dent of the Antl-lmpcriallst League INDICTED STATE SENATORS. Bribe-Takers and Givers Are on the Rack In Missouri. Jefferson City, Mo.. July 27. I term ,.f tint circuit court which begun today Is likely to prove the most m teroHtlng or many years, as the lour state soualoiK Indicted on charge or accepting bribes to accomplish or le- ri.-it teirlKlntinti iirn III hi- tlli'll. The Jndlclcd senators are William P. Sul livan, of Christian county. Iluell Mat thews, or St. I.ouls county, F II Farrls, or Crawiord county, mid Chatles A. Smith, or St l-ouls nulli ty. The expectation that former Lieutenant fiovernor John A. Leo and several other politicians of widest prominence will be brought Into lin net before the term or coutt Is ended adds to the general Interest In th proceedings. This InK-rcl Is already being manireated by th'" nilval r iiumeioiiH visitors and It I" expected that within a row duys the number ol visitors in the city will be as large a that attracted by a session ol ilif state legislature. Lodging House for Sale. Host In tho city; 20 complete furn ished rooms. A lento for eight years and nlno months. It Is subject to mortgage and can be bought lor cash only. Knqulro at thl office. Ladle' hair solos lOo. TouUoh's. Building paper lime cement, brick nnd sand. Wootl glitters for barns nnd dwellings a specialty Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House Indigestion Is the causo or more discomfort than any other ailment. If you eat tho things that you want and that are good for you, you are distressed. Aek-1 er's Dyspepsia Tablets will make your digestion perfect and provent ) Dyspepsia and Its attendant disagree able symptoms. You can safely eat anything, at any time, If ou take one I of these tablets afteiwaid Sold by . all druggists under a positive guar antee 25 els Money refunded If 1 you nro not sntlsfled Send to us for a free sample W II. Hooker & Co.. IlulTalo, N. Y. iFCOlMISSiON GO. Incorporated. Minncip"li t:hu.iK" "id V Grain and Slocks i N. II. - If on hate an open trade in Hlciiillll with lis, yon ''! "1'erai. against It III ") ' iir iroiiiini a WHEAT CORN AND OATS i StockH, HondB aud Negotiable Collateral We chartc no Interest for larrylng loin stiH-ks. MARGINS: lo Uimhel on drain; $2 a Sbaru on StocKH Iti'lercncei! II national and Halo lianis i..iuu,u ui,in hUI i.M.lliitf I'Xf-lianeus and to ; leading towns ol the norlli (leiieial olliies, Hank ol t-'ouuueri'' Itiiildliig Mlnoeapn Us, Minn. lJ!:NDLinON OPFICR. I ' .(I 1 ! 3mm lllll I SvCp TrHfBjafc J k rn WH iBlatlr lif i nulla! 1 fm&z- s. swr ..)';.$ Id HEATED l!Y STEAM LIGHTED H V ELECTI1ICITY Anierleiiii I'liui, riilenf I '.'S teS'.'.OO perilnv. ICiii-iipeiiii I'liui, fioe, Tfle, 9I.OO. Npeelul i-nti't liy wetiUor nuilltli. I Free 'bus nicct.s nil trnlusl 1 Commercial tr&de solicited Pine sample rooms Special Attention (liven Country Tra:! MOTEL ST. GEORGE I CORNER MAIN AND WEIJB STS. GEO. DAIIVEAU, Prop. Elegantly l-urnished Steam Heated I liuropcau Plan. I lilock and a ball from depot; Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50o, 75o, $1.01 ao counr naasl THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON i Amrricaii Plan, Si per day and upwai4. ' llcadiiuaitris fortuuiiil. and coiiiiudclal lias, tiers hprtlal rales maile lo raiullits and slngU acullrniru The management will I lUa4 at alt times lo show iocuis and tv pfin. A ruodttu T ink uli In Mi slaUUhultuliu llic kolal, II C HOWI'.Ub, Msdsksi J'.lff.h'on.'PlllsliV'"'''" I.t. tilt .....tul.l as r MT kUl. " u'" "rrrr r.r; ..vmpj Sf1?;:.:''i'A SOLD BY TALLMAN "i CO,, DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OHeQON " n. Phone Main 1011.