DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 27, 1903, . CO"! TALKING OF OREGON: M EDYTH T02IER WEATHER RED ON ATLANTIC COAST. A POOR. CRUTCH. Experience is a dear teacher, as those who pin their faith to Merctirv find out sooner or Inter. This power- Tells the Wondering Natives of Lewis and Clark Fair Lays Before Them ! the Beautiful Story of the Oregon J Country. ' ful poison combined with Potash, is the treatment gen erally prescribed for Contagious Blood Poison, but failure nnil clisannointmcnt is the invariable result. These Klin- 47 :i It Will Make You Heel Good when ou get into one of the collars laundered at this es tablishnenl if you have been having your linen done up by an inferior method Shirts, collars aaid cuffs laundered here is the acme of fine wo-k and we send them home with a color and finish that is be yond con. petition DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Court and Thompson -drifts THE WAY WE DO IT Impresses most people with the Idea that we hare. the Implements and the "know how" 'when It comes to put ting a new tire on a carriage or wagon wheel. Same thing applies to every feature ot carriage and wagon re pairing repainting. rerarnlshinf;, re upholstering and generally making the vehicle look as good as new. Your orders, please. Our .new hydraulic tire setting ma chine does away with the old method It thickens the iron instead of burn ing the wood. We do not split the wood in getting off the tire, and we do It while you wait Last longer than the old way. Call and look at it work. Hacks. Buggies and Winona Wagons. Anything that runs on wheels a prices that are righL NEAGLE BROS. We have the Stover Gasoline Engine "Yes. I am from away out In Ore-, gon. and it Is so far West that It be- gins to be East; for we are in close touch with the Orient, the islands of the Pacific and. in fact, the world a country unsurpassed In natural en dowments, cultivated resources, vast opportunities and marvelous posslbil-1 I itfes. Our climate Is neither severe I in winter, nor extreme in summer." I says Edyth Tosier Weatherred to an Atlantic City paper. ! "You Easterners go yoarly to Eli j rope, rave over the grandeur of the i scenery, leaving the impression that ' the Creator nefrtected Oncle Sam's j great plantation when here, and far I beyond the Rockies, we can present a panorama unsurpassed on the i I globe. , "In the zreat Northwest gigantic i mo -Mains of perpetual snow tower 1 i high Into the blue heavens. Water-' i falls leap hundreds of feet Into lordly ! rivers and pass through gorgeous ' natural waterways to the sea. Our valleys are rich In fields of wheat i and other grain, three to five thousand ' acres in one plat, and massive forests I where trees stand two and three hun 1 dred feet. 10 to 12 feet in o.ameter for a distance of 60 feet. "In 1905 the Oregon country will celebrate the 100th anniversary oi the expedition of Lewis and Clark sent out by President Thomas Jeffer j son Great and grand preparations 1 are going on. all or which will be fin- ishpl by May 1. 1905. and the world j is invited to come and view the re I sources of America and the Orient. "We also hope to have the Interna , tional League of Press Clubs with us j in June oi that year, feeling sure that : their entertainment will surpass all previous occasions." rlisannoi ends drive in thesorcs and eruptions, and apparently the k, dise.ise is cone and the naticnt believes the cure penna- TTI nent, but soon learns, better when the old symptoms return almost as soon as the treatment is Iclt on. ou must cither keep the system saturated with mercury or endure the tortures of sore mouth, ulcerated throat and the mortification that one naturally feels w hen the body is covered with disgusting sores, rashes, copper-colored splotches and other aggravating symptoms of this vile disease. Mercury and Potash are poor crutches, and their use eventually breaks down the constitution, ruins the digestion and cause the bones to dec.iv. S. S. S., a guaranteed purely vegetableremcdy, is t'. c only antidote lor contagions hioou roison. n de stroys e-cry atom of the deadly virus, overcomes the bad effects of the mercury and cleanses the blood and system so thoroughly that never after are any signs Nor is the taint ever transmitted to others. Wc wit: send free our book on Contagious Blood Poison, which is inter esting and contains full directions for treating yourself at home. Medical advice or any special information desired given without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GU Breakers of the disease seen I SHIELDS' PARK. Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We pnpt Keep Everything But we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Ceiling, Rustic and Finish, in all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes is complete, and any one In need of Lumbtr will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W: & C. H. Denot There Will Be an Entire Change of Program Tonight. The Cockatoo circus, that has made neh a decided hi for another week. The Uamars. the great acrobatic and barrel Jumping team, will appear or one week. Lynden and Wrenn will be seen in that very funny sketch. "The Colored Lady From Dixie Land." North. South and Dixie will make s complete change. Mr. Joseph Lee will sing new illus trated songs. An entire new list of moving pictures on the Polyscope Next Thursday night will be known as amateur night. In addition to the regular professional bill there will appear for the first time several local aspirants. The management Is com pelled to Increase the seating capac 'ty of the park, as the present capac ity has been reached nearly even night. '. . ark A HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE SHOW j. 5 Provides an evening of rare enjoyment Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a dull minute. .aas oysters i lira ei ' Ji "SO r arm a. MAIN STREET Near O. R. & N. Depot Admission, 20c Children, 10c ti ! I Rsisinras Sf Md(Q)im 4-4-T-f4-!-- --r--;-T-- -l--l--i-,l-,l-----l--r-!-- W It nr-n in Qf An of fVJ i.I. r The Breakers Hotel Is conducted to attrai t the hev . nnj Is a summer hotel that is unsurpassed on the PaVis north of the famous California beach resorts. The building has an ocean front of lot) feet s 7C feet four stories high, or 73 root from the ground flow to the to onscrvatory. it l.ne 1, ntifl a nniolr fllrn!cVifft mnme t.t. ,.iticte imph rnnm linlm mmnfnrl yf Tlie house is lighted by electricity with e'er trie lights trie call bells In every room, and these lights mnkn it . w.c? tr?)Unnt (lAnnAne nw tho ATltlrrt .nisi c ' The entire lowor floor Is thrown open to the pu'-'le aaJ beautifully carpeted, the spacious reception rn ,rn and lan nuns umvujs ivim feaiiKumi; imi-is lor guests, The ,;': lira puui ruum m ;u nu.u jmi, u,ui iui mnrv Ka'lionngs An Aool'an anu Pianola In the commodious parlor fnrai! dc'ichtful music nt nil times, and musicals ar- pleasant feir durliie the entire season. The Hreauers has a regular orchestra whu1 furnishes m for informal dances and halls, and the largo u:nns room ia sraoowi. nnru uuor, iimnus uu iuj unn iur rt-u ar daufirg rar An abundance of fresh and salt wnter fish. 1 .aas oysters r ami other sea food Is always on our menu, i-ur milk, birter ntid cream comes from our own 1- '' and iioultry and eggs aro supplied from the hi t. 1 the grounds. There are hot and cold, fresh and salt vatcr house, with private baths and toilets. The waves of the ocean at high tide roll wit! .n hotel, and the beach In front 1 superb for sun 'a'.h.ri: On the grounds are bowling alleys, golf lirl.r. tn.s ronra croauet sets: on the lakes, Just hack of the hotel ,s a flet of and rowboats, and on Shoalwater Bay. just east 01 the lakes a gu-io'lro launch for parties of fishermen, pnmi.cs .r others prefer the warm, still-water bathing to the turn! Un of -he si All trains stop at the railroad station In the h it., ip-jands': no crowding Into hotel omnibuses or walking in sac! is cecess: pirre the hotel ground Is a perfect velvety lawr wL' rc the f3! are practically lantiotl at tuc notei uoor. The Breakers Hotel is located at Breakers Sta'ioa a rer, ticket office where all trains stop. It is one and a half n eir 01 I on? Beach Station. In purchasing tickets see that they rcaC te P'-c. rs V!v and have baggage checned through to that point Telegraph and telephone tonnortions in the Ipt Clip out this Coupon Write the name of h- laU citrk ou v.1-1 - n" I Okl..mn tu the Hotel Breakers, on two u.ihs vc blank s-pace be o v. I vote for feet t F E Employed at. LABOR CARNIVAL. t .1 . t .1. T . . 1- -V rTT V tTPTTT i t X Conrad Platzoeder All kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand Fine Baton, Hams anu Sausage. Prices as low as the lowest Central Labor Union at Seattle is Conducting One. Seattle. Wash., July 27 The earn; val under the auspices of tht Western Central Labor Union, for whi'h prep arations have been in progress for several months, opened today in a blaze of glory. The carnival is the most ambitious affair of the kind ever attempted In this auction of the country. A large area centrally lo cated has been set aside for carnival purposes and here are elaborate ex hibits made by merchants and manu facturers, as well as by the labor or ganisations. In addition to these dis plays there are numerous features of entertainment In the way of athletic and vaudeville shows. Probauiy the most interesting features of the two weeks' program, however, will lo the aquatic contests and the various pa rades and pageants On Its Merit Has the large demand for Byers' Best FIoui Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that prows enters in to Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour Made bj the PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. All Coupons of i'Serics I! r : - W voa I noon Wednesday, al iq. It, - e v.iuj to the Kafct Oregouian Offici Tf TWCrm rri7 Portland PtJUE and iEW OREGON FIRST AND MONTGOMERY ST RE ETS. 'PHONE MAIN 391. Rigby-Clove Mfg.! Trial of Jett and White. Cynthlana. Ky.. Jur 27. Th ape clal term of the Hftrriaon clrenit court to try Curtis Jett and Tom White for the murder of James B. Marcum. convened here today with Judge J. J. Osborne presiding. Al toough no disorder i expected it has . been deemed advisable by the author ities to detail a amall guard of militia at the Jail and to Insure the safety of Ewen. the chief witness for the pros ecu t ion. and against whom threats of ' assassination have been made. life v jj JIa!e ft 111 h'. distil ed. ' Ttt th;)t ll:tp ' 1 i-P COMPANY Manufacturers of the J HARVESTER j Repairs for all kinds ofj Farm Machinery; Foundry Work a Specialty Cash paid tor old cast:ngs ! Pendleton, - Or ..; e Deafness Can Not Be Cured Ht liNni itiMiatlou as the? can not rearb the ft ru(i HirtiuD of the ar. There ik cr.li jiic war to cure deafnoi. and that i- ! 'oi.tltiitlml r-mdla I)ftiiM it r.ii.l l an luflanicd tonrtltlon of the m.'ii.i ii;r- of the Koatacblan tobe. v 1 ...1 ri . iiiih- U in flu mod jpou have a rniuliiliit.' "mnd or Imixirfaet oeortQs. and li-n It 1- vuclrcly r!uatd. da(ns la tht r..nlt. mill iinka the Intlammatlou can be , Kkfii nt, end tlilM inU rmord to Its .i.rmal onitkion. bearlnf nil t ltrnjrJ r in,' iom out of ten are canned i l 1 bib, . wblcb Is nottins but an In-j flu in- I ". . II' Inn of th mucous durfatm. ' Hi irlr One Hundred Dollars for. tuf -afi or (teafnaaa icauaed hy catarrh 1 I Minr can nut be cured by Hall's L'uurrli ) lire Reno iur circulars tree r J t'lIRNBr A CO., Toledo, O. HiiIH hy all druaaats, 7&c. llnllV Pamlly lTtJ are tbe best Crop In the eastern half of Nebras ka are suffering severely from hot winds. WE CURE the Liquor. Oph. .1 Morphine and Tobacco Habits as surely as qu!ii:nf curng a cold. Our treatment clarifies and builds up the system On.- of our patients recently said: "I nevor felt so well In my life1 i am a wonder to myself" Sond to us for booklet. ' t "ColdPure 'Preservative" only pure ice in I t i t Lasts 50 per cent longer than pond ic Boes Hot Slime rr foul ' c iffr gera'or no i' i. "" follo it- itiHi p. Ti t' wa'i'r lot" J1' taste "liad" aud does not look m kv it sweet si d i as Clear as a Crystal Ho Sawdust to fill to iin pipe. 'H.ere ih i.o ta oreim ll ..f intii" w. od; n" 'M'"" oilier jieiins to mirgle WJ-1' ,he w that vou drink. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this in mind when you need Kiultry and stork supplies and ask for the International Poultry and Stock Food Use Kow ICure for your row trou bles C F. Golesworthy 127-1$) Eas' Aha St. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer ! t 1 1' II E Qt'fKN IIOTKU Clmu I comlurlsble riiom from 25 Willi u .NVwIjr furnished tbrouKhout Qneen rbon Houe In conne. 11 n Mc-ali at all loum o..y while help em plojed. OlTe m a trial v . ! ROSS ICE Brd COLD STORAGE Go. I ... . .. Md Mate Strff ht t tit irroi J a ELATERITE Is MineraJRubber . : - .7. t noo r iui' mill li'r-iMil'l im - ...,., un . or tin It ii ui--r t KHi'h'C t A ' -fVlj ELATERITE ROOF IN Tnbrw, Mi. l .i tnr nnd LTEVel rflBy 0 rooflnRS. For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, v aiieji . Ber,t c- teed. It will pay to ask for prlcesand Information. THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Woroater Building.