" 1- DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 27, 1903. IF&Nbhcil every afternoon itxcent Sunday-) at Pendleton, Oregon, by tlie AST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Itmnt. Main 11. UNARMED YET MIGHTY. BUIli-LlSll'TlOX IIATKS Sully, tine rear bv mail tMlij. tlx months by mall tally. three months by mall tally, one month by mall Jilly. per month by carrier TViwkly. nnc cnr by mall Wwitly sii months by mall VMtlT. rour months by mail . . . BirmMVookly. one year by mall . . SroMVeekl, six months bv mall Seal lVpt'k'y. three months by mall ...00 ..10 1.23 .no .us 1.30 I their degrees about this time nml ( j hold the footlights for a brief spoil i , There Is a point worth emphasising , bllt ali tlie A XJ .s LU jvs, p), D,V ' ln the Rcnornl agreement between ; aml A n .g n(ter n sweel nlui happy Latiioiics and non-Catiioiics, ami tins chry8nHs period arc resolved Into the Is the opinion shared alike by each old-fashioned degrees of 51a and Pa. that Pope I.co XIII was the most now- j erflil pope of modern times. j PERSISTENCY OF WRONG. l.eo XIII broke a lance with the Qur Rroat m,h7s ,, we ,ack iron Chancellor. Bismarck, and came patence and persistency of effort out victorious. Ho secured Import- Our great waste Is the squandering nut concessions alike from czar, kal- of energy on nonessentials. The rea .,..,.....,11.1.,.. n ..i ,t,i r son tbnt the kickers and mischief-1 aui .ill.. iui.. iif t.i.t.iv nu. ui , I,,. BABY'S VOICE Mime of the traditional enemies of his liuroh and left It after " twenty-six years of papal power, stronger and more harmonious than ever before In .30 2.110 1.00 .30 1 Its history makers accomplish so much trouble is their persistent nnd everlasting stlck-to-lt-lvenoss. They boat us and , spoil tilings because we allow them ( to excel us In persistency. If we were as doggedly determined 1 tot Ro.it Orcsonlan is on sale at 11. It , And yet Leo had no army or navy , in tmr efforts to counteract their evil j rreVuiMSTolalmlIIOr-onrt,Und "'"M He haJ 110 temporal power excupt the Influence with a good Influence; If we, - : 1 : intiiionr.. iu m-iMoi1 us .,.. ,.n.i vnt wore as persistent with good as they Memlver S.-rhiivs Meliae News Associa ... ' , nrr with 111 will, with kindle wnrila alML he achieved more than any armed na- . .,. .,,,, ..i.,.i .-.iu .i, -.- Ity as they are with the antithesis .of ' charity with the oil of kindliness nnd , temperate speech ns they are with he achieved more than any armed na- ". Frncl.lo"l.Ureu. -MS Fourth St. j ,,on ln Christendom. In the same pe VWaso Iiureau. mil) Security Ilulldlns. i l'10'1- He was shorn of the little ter Wjjblnptoo. l) c Utirean. "oi 14th s!t.. i ritory that wns once the boasted v. ii Is the joy of the household, for without it no happiness can bo complete. How sweet Ihe picture of mother und babe, angels smile at and commend the thoughts nnil uMiinitions of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal through which tlie expectant mother must pass, how ever, is so full of danger and suffering that she looks forward to the hour when she shall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of child-birth can be entirely avoided bv the ue of Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment for external use on'l , wniJi toughens and renders pliable all the parts, and assist:- nature in its sublime work. Ity its aid thousands of women have passed this trreat crisis in perfect safetv nnd without pain. Sold at $'i.oo per bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless value to all women sent free. Address BRADFICLD ttCOVLA TOR CO.. Atlmtttn, Oa. OTHER'S SIEMD We have the BestB. Real Estate. W some nice home, thai b "old. Choice Bui Lots. Alfalfa Land fJ acre to 100. Wl,J " "1.IH tracts from 160 12,000. nii..,..nii. r it.. - . . 1 oiiuiitii ui nit' pujiva m jmm' xii' Xattml Ht Pendleton postoCl.-e as second-, wus a vlrtlla prisoner to the king of :lits matter. , , . , , , , , Italy, who took from his predecessor ; , the last vestige of territory and made , the city of Home the property of Italy ; instead of the church. The history of i ! l.eo's triumphs is worthy of study 1 1 He made a peaceful conquest which ; the sand of uiiUindiioss and Intemper ate speech, they could inevitably be beaten and turned down. The power ot wrong and evil lies in their sleep less vigilance and unceasing effort. Tin weakness of frond is that It crnivn lazy and careless and has too many t t I - lapses of activity .Mrs. Orsdail. In Pacific Eclio. It is not the bee thnt hies the farthest and visits the great est number of beckoning blooms in a da) thnt returns at night heaviest laden with honey. Kath cr. it if that patient, persistent worker who alights upon tlie first flower he finds, probes deep and skillfully into Its hidden treasures, nnd wnstes no lime in rain flight und fruitless labor. So it is in the human hive. That man achieves most, who turns every slightest opiwrtuulty to account who alights upon the first waiting task, organizes his forces, and wastes no preclotH time ln vain pursuit of fancy or adventure. In the economy of the human hive every minute Is part of man's allotted "wealth, and every one that is wasted or de spised, -.educes the sura of life's possibility, to that extent. Itert HuCmtin C. C. Van ; win ' the stand as a monument forever to jjq YOU GUT TIP war of mind over the war of ' arms. 1 1 The total number of immigrants ad ' milted Into the United States for the 1 fiscal year ending Jur.o JO. was S57 -jOIC. The largest number admitted ; fioni any country was 230.ni'2 from j Italy and ner islands, and the small est number from any one country was H7 Irani tlie South Sea Islands. This ; total number of immigrants repre . , "eius an increase of 20S.3O; far 1902. Frank P. Sargent .' missionor of immigration i the ofUce of grand master of the i Hi otherliood nf Locomotive Firemen j lor 20 years, and who is one of the ' Ih m authorities in the United States WITH A I,AME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almot everx body who reads the news, papers i jure to know of the wonderful cures nuule by Dr. Kilmer's Swamii. Root, the jjreat kid " ' II 1 ip 1 Ml i . R J " I ne , liver and bind 1 ' over the Mf G jnt. i rn rj jjl;" who held ' der remeilv. I It U tltf. erf.-it itii'il. inn triuinpn ot tue nineteenth ceuturv : 'iMI .liki.jit-..r.ul n ft..t- i-i.nrc ot scientific research bv Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kiduev and and is wonderlullv ' , on industrial subjects, says of the Tbe strike -germ" seems to be at-! ularmlujf Increase of foreign immi ijwkinp the lnlKjr world in a most j ration: "Immigration under present atsnnlng manner. Tiir oountry never ; ' omlltloiiB presents a serious problem, exiierienced such a widespread "pt-1 o one ran Bit at his desk and absorb iemir of big. little, old and yuuug. j ihe facts :hal come to us in reports jut and unjust, sensible, nonsensical. I T- lthimt appreciating the peril liai bladder specialist, and is successful in promptly curing; lame bach, uric acid, catarrh of the Idadder and Hrigbt's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's 5vamp-Root is not rec ommetKlrtl for everything but if you have kuluev. liver or bladder trouble it will lie found" jut the remeilv you need. It has been tested in so main ways, in bospitu' work ami in ;riute practice, and has proved so succi ful in every cue that a .-peciul arrangement has lieen made by which all readers of this Mier. who have not already tried it, uiu nave a sample i i I .i u i a ... not nireativ irwii ii. uiu) un a . ' j ." ; bottle sent free b mail. ol. a book tell suk striites as is uow sweeiiiug overi''is country. I am not an alarniis'. 1 , ,rP Hi-mt s'wan ii-Risit.and how to Kin wnen l see nunoreus or tnotis ni.ds of Ignorant foielguers cominz Into our great cltlos overy year I II. ink I can realist in some riegrt ihc danger tbat will come from the!; discontent and dissatisfaction when 1 1. ere are no wages to be earned." Hte country The unions are laying fuwHjations for a general and penna lent disorganization, by their extreme sad thoughtless acts. The politic Ttl soon grow tired of tlie strihe zn will demand that the business- of lite rountiy be carried on. without & ninwni of th. agitator and the itot-faead Not content with the control of the I shipping interests of the West. Hill of J. W. Morrow, i and Harrinian. the twin railroad formerly of ilepp-1 giants, are perfertlng plans to corner the lumber industry of the Pacific With all the transportation Tko generosity stale land agent. sir. and one of the most prominent nf the younger generation in Eastern ! ,-oast Qragon. is the kind that counts for i tceitlw of the coast and the Paclm iometbing Dozens of Mr. Morrow's oc-eati in tholr gniHp. they are in a t' eaghliors lost the last vestige of their! sitlon lo enforce a control of the mar ptaBcssionK. In the Heppner disaster. ! ket. They are now buying up tinibei Sudoutif voubavi-kiduev or bl.idder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer m tin- paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer fL-. & Co., iitugh.itiuon. rfrrai554:"iSj N. Y. The regular giigwtfirrjl fifty-cent and m - -!-l5t3 dollar sii- loittk- a' Uoni . f swimi.Root sdd by all good il'ugits H". t make anv mistal:t. but rt-ttieui!er iht name, Swautp-Koot. Hr. Kilmc s Sw.im-Root and the address. Uiughamton . , on everv lottle. 3 3 w Liter 1 hutt- le'r-ii IriMlllIril li rt-iit ilelil VI llll a t U hi ..... a . i t : ' ' - 1 1 r ' 'i'ii aaa more of them lost their property am) families. making aw eulamity of double force to them. 'Jlr. Morrow escaped with eompara rtsty little loss, and now as a means i sliowiue the size or his heart and Kini. he offers to give away 20 build ni kits u residents of tbat elty who Awt their homes. In order that they kit bgin to build In a safe and con itJifent place. The property he will sway lies on high ground, be uyii the courthouse and tho school tHtaw. nnd is au ideal home site. This action on the part of Mr Morrow will I a iKtrpetua! monument to his sterl fcrg qualities. nt every" available point and are nv l.arlng to fix prints, rales, markets end all other features of the lumh." Industry. Judging from the treat merii or the Hill merger, by the people or the Northwest, the lumber mermM may not be such a monace us It Bi;K'Hr on llrst glance. The peopb nre tlrod of the merger proposition r.i.d will '.mve a word to say abor. who controls the natural channels o' tiade. and to what extent puMh luivlleges :.re nbiu -l liv- pii'iiii " errns .a, i- - p' - . i ru . ' .. l. ci in t.. n-c- nil . - ' .. - . " . I) ..r'.- Ulty V - A - vit h .V- J -.'. - i lei. . .x 1'. U. i'.- .lit. a l'A CANDY Oy TRADE Unn fttOITfRCD f l'i -vn- I Ui. 4 i' i i osi" (. f-d. IK v I . 1'- i CURE CONSTIPATION, ... k,f fM.fi. - Mlr.l V,. Wtl. W t a drug. - Illtill. HO-TO-BAC : 1 1 hi i .-. Tl,. n.al. . I (.I--,. , ,,T Iri.'rirbii: "j'l:.' Daily East Oregonian by carrier, only 15 cents a week. Huder the apuorliounieni of dele au to the meeting oT the National itesjcatloii Association, to Ik- held ir Oaten. Utah, on September 1 5-1 s. it'nwtllla county and the elty of Pen tfffltfm are entitled U: 10 delegates TJi mayor of the comity court the -ifltumercial association, the wool snrxem' and the irrigation assona ws of the county are oaeh allowed j appoint two delegatus nnd it is fteptrf thai each of these will mid i dtvBiiieni to make well ciioneii ap ;ntmonts. The meeting is of na itiutssl iraijortanee. and tlie full ipiota iti ulogates should be there to fight battle of irrigation. The sin -tsi ot government, irrigation in the '-'rt, depends largely upon the ln iittt manlfosted by the people of the Vt. If they arc caraless of the dp lUfls of the grout ciiotloii and lml fd how tholr desire for progress, JMi goviirninunt will take their Innr-1 UH-iTj' as evidence that they do noti ant hulj), and will stop work and p 'testlBatloiiH. It Is a time to strike, o-fcfct now while the Iron Is .hot, I Schlitz Means The best materials the best that money can buy. A brewery as clean as your kitchen; the utensils as clean. The cooling done in filtered air, in a plate glass room. The beer aged for months, until thoroughly fermented, so it will not cause biliousness. The beer filtered, then sterilized in the bottle. You're always welcome to the brewery for the owners are proud of it. Phone SI Main, And the size of it proves that r H- Kopittke, people know the worth of 507 Main bt" I,enoleto Alt fur tit Dmitry BttlUnt. 1 The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous Koom io over Tayl, Hardwaie Slow GRAND CLEARANCE SALE OF MILLINERY 1 am uoing to lay in my fall stock of millinery. 1 have about 200 very chic and stylish summer hats that I wish to sell to make room for my fall hats. I have cut the price fiom 25 to 00 per cent on these hats You will find no such bargains in millinery and ul the price I am selling them they wont last long so come at once and examine them. If you want a good bargain here is your opportunity. MRS. ROSE CAMPBELL Court Street, near Main LOOK AT Pendleton Real Estate I fi-room dwelling .inM . ral and 2 lota ?l,O0O. C-room dwellinr fullly shaded lawn flnthl $2,500. ' ql 14-room boarding house ul vuiuruiiy located I'M I b-room dwelling with two I Hint ?1,.'D0, A number of lots somewhl ?iza to J150 each. 1 lot on flat, live blocks I street, $500 Other lots c each, .Much other very desinJ ' j ty ror sale. All sold on i uome anu uuy. To llnd Just what you l i ngnt price, see ;2 1 L. D. BOYD. Ill Cod 1 ;.wiijt-i'M!Sf5 SAID THE RESSEPI' THE KNIFE t'j'nk you're slmi p, but any old tick could cut ('rerccnt Pastrv " m c tt.i sl.ort and crusty .mi 1 ' 1 ii nut M. t'ltiuli as that last pie ou figured in Took ' We. au liour in nuiki .in! an hour to liake. did it? dig tht fruit out with a pickaxe. I'm to d." But n Folks had to r atjain since now tlies use CRESCENT BAKING POWDER Tin- World's l!et Su. i Ever) where With a Coupon Pound 25c REAL ESTA1 I f.-room house and fivewl I ?-.'n cash balance long id I One of tlie lest stock i Eastern Oregon C7 acr. a fruit ranch ml I ::.2S0 airc-i fine wheat I Several small orchan! tracts near town PriMil Improved and unln; 1 proper-v tt reasonable 1 ' Over So desirable ranctl I .lie un.. fire Insurance I See I BERKEI Savings Hank BiaTl ;danner is notI GOING AW AYI He will be here a. tome in up timeasu t;ct. rf tji.cn i'J1 unly 25 ce- ts a doze:! varied rf hardest viel big line "f Indian pt inet photos oniy (D)M 1.1 ....tlnl.ll. l'MM I Ncx llootlolhl!ltll"J I .H-'t ! Insurance a t $13,456,960X01 J ot Insurance in IT ncr.nu PIRC RH t SOCIATION. 1 u RICE. io'r LfmatflU Since securinK the services of Mr. J R. Parker of Chicago, the Soda Water expert, our trade :n summer drinks has more tlian doubled and the best part of it is, if you come once you will -oim hack. We venture to say no more delicious summer drinks were ever served ir Pendleton than we are now serving PINO PONG which is creating such a furore in the East is c nt of our specialties. Our Menu for today is: California Orangude Walnut Frappe Mystic Shrine R00t Beer, in Steins Dont fail to try a Brock Frappe BROCK & McCOMAS Co. Corner of Main and Court Streets T M. .j. A gen' $ J. P. WALKER, W T pcndloton, Electric Supplies ,1 .. ..-ill short n.tllineofelectric ,.l,pi 011 liaml W'l mates on j Peterson 41 h Aik nlJi " ivc f? gon .-r- aoprtwn and the P'"?" pilt re 11 1 ,y.