DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OHEOON. SATURDAY, JULY 25, 10S, less Catds ,c5SlONS AND TRADES, pHVSICIANS. v rtvvivn in 4 tftrr 0.S hours, 10 to 12 a. m.,; ""ftlephone red an. Iri -r- nt-ut'AIV I1LOCK. (tlfli 'L t s" rye troubles, cntar id C"C lmplrl hearing". fe"ln "'4 L SI1TH '".'',' 'itank. Telephone P .tn I)., HOMEOPATHIC fiKFJELI', M. ortlco , Jll()(J kl"ne'Tlce. black 73; res- l".,.rir!M;. IlOOM. 17 A80CIA- 1' r Telephone main uai ; rem- I' nPVIinHSON, PHYSICIAN M. nines In Savings Hank bulla- TVI " . . :a!,I lilll. rnH. MK1II office pnuur - tKliAK!:SM4R, CnitONIC . incuses and diseases of F,K, ;T hulldluc, corner .Main and police 'Phone main 721; res- RU . KefALLnN IIOONK. OSTEOPATH Thnrnntion street. House J1 303, and office 'phone lllack P-T7tKBV. I'lIYSKUAN AND 8"It. P . judd llulliline Hooin 15 .Office r.J mi. Uoiiucnce i nuiio ii. i. Oregon OPTICIANS. UK. QI.KNN WI.V8t.OW Kradua e optician Tho only com' plete optical parlor In the city. SlJt doors south of I. O., Main LTT-Jifton. Ore. M fee cuareed rvalwtlon and consultation, DENTISTS. 1 TAlT.HA.-, PKNTIST. OIT1C13 IN tu kelldlnc. 'Phone, red ,1. ,4! kelldlnc. it kaxn, nnxTisT, oi-Ticn in as- kUIoh block, over bchuhuis new unit THOUe, iru BANKS AND BROKERS. fc.,iTmvn. iuvi: nw atiii'.va. Shw Capital. 5ll,0U0 ; Burplus nnd iZ IWOD. Interest on time deposits. Imj 111 foreign uiltl iioiuchiiu uitiimiKB. Pdiloos promptly attended to. . Henry . . ,k,A.,4 . 'P 1 1. IrL- Plnn.nfea. lit F S. Led row cashier ; I. M. Kemp, : unier fu aiivii:i:s' HANK or wijston. ts::n. Oregon Hoes u geuerul bank . ...i. u .Ii'.,..,., l.nnlit n,i,l unlil A" js promptly attended to. It. Jam- r,jO. "ll'icur ni:mi;i' iiutusici, uleur .1 Ii. Ivllgoie. rnnliler; I.'. ' ll 1 1 II, I Hill II. .fuiuia. 1-. frl d I Oraw, J. r. Kllgore, Itoh- jmplUUi V " i iiii'uciici. III ".'SiiI.lTON SA VINOS HANK, I iv , mod. Oregon Orcnnizcil March 1. I si appji $1UU.CM)0; surplus. $11IU, I Intwit allowed ou nil time deposits. it tiu :li nnd sold on all principal icti pi' ml n'tenuon given 10 eoi ui'm W J I ui-nlsh. nresldent : J. N. Il tivpmideu T J Morris, cashier; , " uaiouey essistiiut cusuier. Fit-- NATIONAL HANK OP PIINDLU Caoltitl s;n..)(MI: Htirnlus. $!i:..liuli ; ln:n;ts a general hatiklug business. Ex InsK acid teleirrunlili' trnnhfei-s Hold on IHfi20. Snn rranclsco. Now York aud Ir.-iiclpjl points In the Northwest Drafts tin oo China, Japan nnd Europe. Makes t'Wtlons ou reasonable terms. I.evl Ail- In;, prfsidenr W !' Matlock, vlee-nres- I is! C I!, Wade, ruxhier ; II. I', Johnson, isliunt 'ashler ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. 1 IC i UDOVt CONTItACTOH AND I1UIL- i" All alml.1 of work llL-iird on. Job i Kt Satisfactory work guaranteed. ' H( red 543 , If F llnUMM, u,iiiriTi'ir i Vh n. , Iprlnteuileni makes complete nud roll ul plans fur buildings in the city or coun "I Hum 17 Judd building. I I fUEEIv .'. COLE. f'ONTItAC'TOltS AND Iwlw Sbon nn Illuff street near Malu. ' A MAY CONTRACTOR AND IIUILD tt Psitlrnn.. I. ...1 tl l-l.,,! I " i.itiiuiucn illlllinilL'll I'll 111 Slt" (Ituaioury cement vnlkn, Rtone walls, t'tc. i : nrm u i, DHL ifruiioniiiu uiikt. ' E Tliiir T.MAX. AUCIIITIK'T AND San .r.,u.,.i.L. t. ,..,,. l'uullcton. flri'gou III KIT LI II Pl.ASTEItINf, AND I'll U0"""!, cement walks a, Miieclally Es- I- -v, -,i,u!nii-u iree oru guuriiun:i.-u. "ire me i nt I!nill,.v Keliner'H clear "rt .Main street (1. Iwii lin. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. oi!Ki:srvAM. tiii: old i:i:i.iai lu rl . . 1 lr"' 1 IUM rciiniriuB wuu wt Bat.rlal.- Slum In rear of Dlndlugar ""son i. iu. SECOND-H AND DEALERS. v T,.oi!i,i fii;ALi:i: in skc u- tumi .0il: if t,m. H nny thing you "mi ID rit-U' m,,t l , ..... l.n..,l r..p,,l,,irM irnru -- " ni.iiv,iiuii, ........... - .., k, vnrc nnd crockery, cull and 'H nrliei No. 'Jl'j Court street sp;" . AMl kiiconiThaxu good? oId; pawn broken), money Jiiaoieil on l klndu of nrtlcles Witters !3wr prow 7!ii C'ottoutvuud -feet ' JONSORIAL PARLORS. "H'l KIIASSUI. UAIIIlElt SHOP AN?) iitth ;!",'n' ilnlu street, three doors Ink td St Uvrise. Plrst cl 'Affi'R . .ANlTAIti' llAltTlKTr.SIIOP, uS?.0 b.1,ock' '0l",t street; best work U ,?!', a" ,lc 'uodern Improvements, jtwls sterlllzv.l j bath rooms In con. . CABS A ND CARRIAGES. rT.UA" I,IN,:- KKWI.V IIAUnit, PUOP. 'noiie nmln Tin. office nnd wnltlnit tt'diog ilrM to Kavlnss llnnk MVkrtY AND FEED STABLEsi- TaUMiTV J IVI3UV I'OAitD AND 6AI.H SrS.. M J C'nrney. proprietor, for ISm . 8l0ci' bo,.r, ed t r-ntonsble yJbtblellBAIta Httfcet. -IPLOYMENf" OFFICES. il:JIV;'OV.li:NT OKI'ICB. 038 MAIN itii " J"!" "wl help or seek employ "ll on us. Tbone Main 1011. and Societies ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. gANCE AND LAND BUSINESS "ARTMAN AiwTKArr com-AN V Ma km es and makes Investment, lor nonrcJflentV it A, HART' AN, pro I. w tivit, o n. s. mtvsoN, attoknkv at taw O.ulMlng "d lkUlaD:!- Office In e! J. M. IlhNTi.bY REPRESENTS 1 HE OLDEST and most reliable lire and accident in" ii ranee cmpanlcs. onico with Hartman AbstraS ro JOHN HAIMJY, Jit., U. S I.AVD COM "'""'''''"yKPKlaltjr """' nf '"'ad alines ,UrcV.r ,l?9,!r,nnc! nn'1 collections. Of lice In Judd holding, room 10. BOARD AND LODGING. tho IfldBliw House at Ca Garden Street, whom jtbo will be Bind to ec her friends and n AI-TA, CORNi:irUTA AND Still streets. Hoard by the dav or week. o,w.l table nt. Rate. 3.7.f and U6 per week. IVmllcton Feed Yard In eonncctiou. B, Compton, Prop. WIir.N YOU CO TO PILOT HOCK STOP iu the City Hotel. Good meals and ilrst-tlniis rooms. Special attention given to commercial travelers. JJr. U. II. Mc tel, Pilot Uock, Ore. ATHENA HOTEL, LEA I) IN 01 foT E L INTHE city 11.00 to ll.w perday. H, p. Mlllcn, proprietor. W 1 1 EN YOUR IIU8INES3 TAKES YOU TO Helix, stop at tho Hotel Helix Ciood meals and good servlc-. H. Ii. Klchards, proprietor FRATERNAL ORDERS. DAMON LODGn, NO. 4, MKHTS EVKUY Monday evening tu Secret Society ball, I.aDow block, at Pendleton, Ore. It. Y. I'letcher. K. II. S.; V. J Keyes, C. C. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED YOUNO MEN to pTepare lor Oov crnincnt Positions Fine Openings In all lle- Eurtmenti. Uood P.ilurles. Rapid 1'romotlonr, Ixumlnuilonstoon. Particulars Frre Inter.State Cor. Inst., Cedar Itaplili, It 'SliWINO AND DRESSMAKING, MISS JESSIE Joues, Jl.l.'i Franklin St., Cor, E. Railroad FOR ItHNT-FURNISHEI) I!OOMS: FOR LIGHT housekeeping, alio one 4 room and one 6 room houc for rent. Martin Compton, 09 Col ' lege Street. !for SaLE-IIOILER AND I IIORSE POWER vertical high peed engine Also a JO-llght Gcnerutor lm liiiilns all switch board Instru I luents For particulars, call ou or address Fi:i:u Kink, Box Pendleton, Oic i WW. F YOIINKA W ILL PAY PROMPT AT I neutlon to al sales nod posting bills for. rospondeneesolleltod. ComniiMslou rcasonablt' I', ii. Hox 3if Pendleton DIVORCE LAWS-PETKR WEITi ADVICE free; fees, tonus to null; 'Jfi years' exierieuee. ' OmccOiietiarden St., Pendleton, Oregon. I IN POUND-ONE SORREL MAKE ABOUT 4 years old; white lace, three while teet; branded HC ou right cnoiildei, with smaller lit' below upper brand and connected with it. I If it.iid auimtl is rot claimed by the 1 owner or those entitled to the pos3eslcu, costs and expeuies against It paid, and thiMi tnken nwnv within ten (lavs from the date hereof, then nt 2 o'clock p. hi. of the second day of August lsfti. the sa d nrlmnl will lie sold to the highest bidder, nt public auction for cash, at the city pound, on the corner of Cottonwood nnd Webb streets, In the City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such fcnle to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of mak- l" H,'e Wm. SCHEER, City Marshal TRANSFER TRUCKING STORAGE CROWNER BROS Tolt'pUoun Jlnln i COMMERCIAL STABLES G. M. FROOME, PROPRIETOR. ii.. i,.,l ,,nrtlns flood I luiryuiiB i"i i'k-""- i'.-- V leanis with competent drivers for . c..f,n1.. linrRPR nnd i ommei tun huh. 11,., .. - . i.. r.. f,,ili,,r nnd Sun- iianusonif nso t"' -----dav drives Gentle horses for Tamil 'use Stock boarded at reasonable ratei- Pest of eate given to transient hmK Oppos'tr irote' Pendleton Phoiit Main 101. ,M Send away for a Sowing WhV Machine If you must hae ' 11 J a (heap one, we have them frmn J1S 00 to $25.00. Good BS J'OU a lot cheaper in the end, is a uigu grade White or Standard. JESSE FAILING Near the Bridge MALI ROC Made 111 C!nltfnm?i where materials arc produced. The lowest priced roofing made. Lasts longer than all others. It is weather and water-proof and fire resisting. Send fel booklet. , The Paraffinc Paint Co. San Prnc!jco. Stall!. Porllsnd. Lot Anetlo and Denver, Colorado. T. C. TAYLOR, Agent UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD Cor. West Alta and Lilllth Sts. S. A. ALLOWAY HAS CHARGE OF THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD, AND WOULD BE PLEASED TO CARE FOR YOUR HORSES. PLENTY OF STALLS, LARGE COR RALS FOR LOOSE HORSES AND CATTLE. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. CHOP MILL IN CONNEC TION. 'PHONE MAIN 1331. H-W-H-4-H- v Conrad Platzoeder I All kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausacje. t Prices as low as the lowest t i -!'4"H-4' THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry nnd Stock Kood. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles, C. F. Golesworthy 127-129 East Alta St. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity lf0 barrels a day Klotir exchanKed for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feei, etc ilwuys (in liand. nVnnPnOlft TiDICTO uiorcroiA IHDLCIO all disorders arls- Ing from Indigestion, rndorsed by hyslclans everywnere. nom uy u druggists. No cure, no pay. 23 cents. I Trial package free by writing to W. IH Hooker & Co., Duffalo, N. T. F. !V. Schmidt & Co. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules POSITIVE CUHE For Inflammation or Oatarrl? at the Bladder and OIeett Kl.laera. No core no pay. Curcii quickly und Penna. neatly tbe worst casea of ionori'lio'H andiJIeet, no zoattrof bowluJg atanU' Jag. Abaolutely Daraile.s. Hold by drugglats. Price Sl.lXI, or by mall, lyOBtpaid. Sl.de, 3 boaea i S2.7S. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO., DCLLCFONTAINC. OHIO. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co. MEN AND WOMEN. use uw v """"""" ... ln..l - rr"T"iT t irrlutioD or ultMlw. r.tt W u-tswtr. i. ... Dn4rnt a-trj . C.U.. JV ,.roj. i.r. liaid. lol II.WJ, vr 3 bollM. t. Ti. Clrcul.tr tout tia Iwt. lt Standard rtmeilr lor Gleet, X LVJ Gonorrhoea ard Runnings fuiriYI I HW IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid. unlUIJ I nty and EladoerTrcublot, V S BEST TRADE CENTER PENDLETON SUPPLIES A WONDERFUL COUNTRY. All Phases of Traffic and Clvllliatlon Seen Here Stage Coaches and Railroad Trains Collect and Dis tribute Supplies. No sooner have the lamb anil wool crops been taken care of In Umatilla county than tho wheat crop claims attention. Tho four and slx-horso teams that have lined tho roads Into tho interior for tho past two months, linullng in wool and hauling out supplies, aro now pulling combined harvesters, nnd will soon begin the wheat haul to the waiting warehouses. Perhaps no other point in Oregon presents the snmo business features as the city of Pendleton. Tho frontier settlement, the rich farming district, tho great range sec tions and tho busy metropolitan mer cantile establishments are an seen hero in the perfect stnge. No other town in tho state can boast the snmo mingled phases of clvllliatlon. On Main street of Pendleton every tiny in tho year, mny bo seen the rnllroau train, the stage coach, the freight wagon, the pack horse and tho farm wagon, Tho great Interior sections bring their wo'il, ore, livestock and wheat to this city, where they are either made use of In the various indus tries hete, or distributed to the tnnr kcts of the coast. Tho spectacle of a band of 200 head of beef cattle driven for 1R0 miles from tho range districts to this city for shipment. Is a common oc currence. Dnnds of horses anil sheep from distant counties aro loaded ncre and tho owners of this stock haul back to their ranches tons and tons of supplies. The roads that lead from Pendleton to the Interior aro the only original freight roads of any length left In Northeastern Oregon. Slx-horso teams are common sights on tho streets. The stage lino leading from Pendleton south for 100 miles, Is probably tho longest roulo now oper ated In tho state. The urea of rich country tributary to Pendleton nnd dependent upon I'ondleton niako it the greatest dis tributing point In tho stnto outside 01 Portland. Commercial travelers and salesmen havo recognized tho importance of living In the midst of. their rich territory and at least ten men representing leading branches live here, and radiate from this elt The best mercantile establishment In the state outside ol Portland ure found hero, all busy supplying that varied demand of trade consequent upon tho industries tributary. The mercantile shipments to Pendleton outstrip any of the Inland Umpire cities In volume and vnrlety. Two railroads Into tho city llll the ware houses and a dozen main wagon roads out of town distribute I his sup ply to the consumers. Prom nn outside point of view, It Is the most picturesque town In Ore gon. The present and tho past with their varied modes of living aro seen mingling together. Tho up-to-date business house of every description supplies the need of a conglomerate population of pioneers, frontiersmen, rangemen. farmers, miners, working men and tradesmen, and, last but not least, the 1100 Umatlllas that claim this as their homo and Mecca. rutally Tortured. A case caino to light that for per slstcju and unmerciful torture has perhaps nover been equalled. Joo Goloblck, of Colusa, Calif., writes: "For J5 years I endured lnsufferablo pain from rheumatism and nothing re lieved mo though I tried everything known. I came across Klectrle Hit ters and It's tho greatest niodlcluo on earth for that trouble. A fow bot tles of it pomrletoly relieved und cured me." Just as good for liver and kidney troubles and general nobility. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by Tall man & Co., druggists. PAWNED THE CITY. Will De Redeemed Tomorrow Prlncl. pal and Interest Now $23,000,000. Merlin. July 25.- Tomorrow will in cur the strange ceremony of taking out or pawn a elty of Importance. The city of Wlsniar ou the German coast of the Ilaltlc Sea Ilelng hard pressed for funds In 1803 Sweden, the owner of the city of Wlsmar, pawned tho city to Meeklenburg-Scnwcrin for 1,258,000 relihsthaler. Willi the city went the districts of i'oel and Nou kloster, both on German territory. The city was to be redeemed In 100 years for the sum loaned, plun three per cent Interest This now amounts to a matter of $23,000,000. As the sum Ik large and as Germany would look with much dlsfuvor on Sweden's pes session or a part of her territory, the city will be formally transfericd to the loaning duchy. Lodalna House for Sale. ! Host In the city; 20 complete furn- lel.o.l A lanBft far Cllfllt YCarS and uino months. It Is subjoct to mortgago and r.an bo bought for cash ouly. Ennulie at tins omoe. Investigate the "union"-auduve a hundred dollurs. TlierkelsHii'b Pi ano Hous,-. TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON SHOJTllNE and Union Pacific Two Trains to tho East Daily Through Pullmnn tnitnrd sndTourlit sleep Ins enrs dslly to Omaha, Chtcairoi tonrl ulccplng ear cullr to Kur.ai t'l'jr; thronsl rnumsn lounii fleering ears pereonanr eon. ducted) weekly to Chicago, Knta Ult jr. re vllnlng chair ear (.eau free? to the Katt dally nirtsr Tlmo SoIumIuIp armts roa Vroni I'oiitllotoii mx Portland Portland Special No. t The F.mi S :10 am S:lm. Chleairo Chicago Special No ! Portland Stttpm JUOpm Portlsnil Mall and Kxpreat No. The E l:M)am l:lar TheKa.t' MallandK3prenN0.il Portland JPeudlelon Patamer Spokaai No, 7 : p a Spokane Spokano Pener 3:15am No. s I rendition Branch imnm Mlied Train No. 41 'P" Walla Walla Branch 0 a" P nt Mlied Train No. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All salllnr dales nub lft P. m. r0co Hall GTery i days. "tiaifjT " "mJaV Culnmbl R1"' imp. a. 8:00pm. I To Astoria and Way Sunday Saturday Landlnsi. 10:00 p iti.l Vlllaiiutti Ulver. Koala leave Portland dally, eicept Bnnda) 'lageol ater permitting) lor Willamette an' Yamhill Hirer polnta. Lcaro 1 I LeaTO Klparla . Bnako ntrer Iwliton 45.m. . Illnarla to LeHlilon 7K0it.m Dally ! , Pallj Eicpl Mon iKieptMot K. kTwaMSLEY. Agent, Pendleton, WASHINGTON k COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Pstsl, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points East and South Portland and points on the Sound TIMIC CAIII) Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 11.45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Wal'a Wiilla ilallv.caH hound. II :m I' lit Arrive Wall Walla ilally.Hcit bound, 10. It a, in For Information regarding rates and arrom uiodatlonM, cull on or addrt.a W. ADAMS, Agent Pendklon, Oregon S. II CALIIKKIIKAO, (I. P A., Walla Walln, Wathlngtoii, COE COMMISSION CO.! Incorporated. 1 Mmih'!!i'li I. Iik i's'i ami Ntw Vnk j Grain and Slocks ; KV It., tfvniibavu an iiln-rt trade Ol 1 aicoiint tilth in, you can onorate agalii.t II In any ol our ICUolllcea WHEAT CORN AMD OATS Stocks, Bonds and NegutiiiMo Collittoral Wu charge no lutcre.l lor earrlliK loin atoeks. MARGINS: lc Uusbol on drain; $2 a Sharo on Stocks Inferences I 108 nallonul and stale Latiki l"rlTatuwlreoalllcadl!ii eichariKea and to STleadinir towtn of the norlbMest. Oeneral uHicoi, Hank ol (,'ommercu llmldlnx Mlunean Hi. Minn. PENDLETON OFFICE, 20 couitr smear I aaaBSU m MANHOOD RESTORED "CUflDWE ! ,rra. V...iabl VllalUer.llie preaerli.Mon of a faiirtua French .ba cljn.wf I Mm.l. l-ull.ur.. inek.diiMs. ,'P'';-V,:'vr;!: iii wii iwiuiur. i I lllii: U lio oiilrkwwitrww;, SOLD BY TALLMAN A CO., DRUGGISTS. I'tnukUiurt, untwu... HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendletoa and as good as any. The Hotel I'ondleton lias just been refitted nnd refurnished tnroughotit Phono and Tiro alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites aud single roc 31 3. Headquarters for Traveling Mea Coinmodiona Samplo Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Bpoelnl raten by week or in ontli Kxeellent Cuisine. Prompt Dlnlugroom utrrie. Bar and billiard room in oonnoclio Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Cornsr Court and Johnon Streets, Pendleton. Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. IIEATHl) HY STEAM LI0IITEI) 11Y ELECTI1ICITV Amt'i'lenii I I it i . ritiimHH '.T, tng'j.OO MM'llllV. Kiii-iipt'iui I'lnii. nou, Tffe, SI.OO, Spcclnl t-iiltH liy ttfok or iiiiiutli, Prcc 'bus meets all trnlnsl Coniiiicrclal trade nollcltcd Pine sample rooms Special Attention Given Country Trad Hotel mm ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. (;')$ S,ef.. GEO. IJAI1VEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heate tltr. I'unineaii Plan lllock and a half from depot . ( I.. ' f I ROOM RATE SOo, 76o, $1.0 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American Hau, i per day aud tipwai lltaitouaittia furtourula aud coimuclctal Irs tiers biieclalraUainadetofanillUa and tlaa, jrnlkintn The inauatcmeul will be vies atalllluKslo ahow roouia and iclvf prtos. ' -f ruoocrp iiii.hii i,.iii,.uii,iiiii".,i mw II C UOWKMH, MauastT, I ' If, Pi I Til I if i ;' - i k- : T l't;l,l.f. If htm. mm