East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1903, Image 8

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It Will Alakc You Feci Good
when you get into one of the
collars laundered at this es
tablishncnl if you have been
having your linen done up by
an inferior method Shirts,
collars amd cuffs laundered
here is the acme of fine work
and we send them home with
a color and finish that is be
yond competition.
Court and Thompson Streets.
Commission to Decide the Question
Will Meet in London Indentions
That the United States Will Not'
Yield In Her Contention An In
teresting Problem Is Presented.
We Can Mend It
We have purchased tho Wlthec
Bicycle and Itonalr Shop'aurt
are prepared to make quick re
pairs and guarantee our work.
We repair bicycles; sewing ma.
chinos and other light machin
ery; do brazing and other re
pairing. We are agents for
three makes of wheels that
have met the test and proven
their worth. They are
It you are going to buy a
wheel, come around and look
at our wheels before you pur
chase your wheel.
Gordan & Edmisten
A Delightful Bevorage,
A Safe Stimulant, j
n uuuu xuuuiuiue, m
For Sale bj H
11 M
Now York, July 25. Professor O.
H. Tlttman, superintendent of tho
United States coast and geodetic sur
vey, sails for Europe today on an Im
portant mission In connection with
tho Alaskan boundary situation. In
cidentally he will represent tills gov-1
eminent nt tho conference of the geo
detic congress which meets at Co
penhagen early nesit month.
After the adjournment of the geo
detic congress Professor Tlttman
will go to London to assist the Amer
ican members of the Alaskan boun
dary commission, consisting of Sec
retary Itoot, Senator Lodge and for
mer Senator Turner, of Washington,
Professor Tlttman Is one of the best
posted men In the United States on
the Alaskan boundary dispute. For
i years he has made a special study of
I this subject and bo has secured for
the coast and geodetic survey a val-
liable collection of old British and
!! other maps, somo of which, It Is said,
j show that the British geographers
I admit the American contention, nnd
i , that the territory in dispute belongs
I ' tn ft.n TT.tltrwt Cfnt,-,- !,-.. frtt. r. .... mil.
!l man has made an impartial study of
, tho question, and ns a result of his
i InvnsMpritlnn nvtnmlnil nvnr n mini.
wi ui ..v.iia, lit: la iiwiuj lllvull
that If an agreement Is reached by
the commission It will bo favorable
to the United States.
He was ono of the commissioners
who two years ago studied original
maps in Canada and examined boun
dary posts in the Northwest country
as a preliminary to the work of Ax
ing the true boundary Hue. While ,
Professor Tlttman is not a member
of the commission, ho will have great
influence with Its members by giving
them the bcncllt of his technical
knowledge and experience.
In connection with tho departure
of Professor Tlttman It is reported
thnt tho hmiiiflnrv nft,.tnfaulr,i, nr.,...
j j slating of Secretary Itoot and Sena
I ! tors Lodge and Turner, wll go to
7 I London with instructions to yield
J ! nothing In view of the belief that 1
j the claim of the United States is well
J i authenticated. Unless the British
, yield, it Is said, there Is sure to be
a disagreement and this will practl
- cally decide the case in favor of the !
i United States, for In the event of tho
failure of the negotiations this gov-,
ernment will stand by its claim, re
tain control of tho territory In dls-1
pute, and in all probability will tle
' cllne to enter into further negotia
tions. !
The Thousands of Worms of a Few
Weeks Ago.
Everyone has no doubt noticed the
thousands of butterflies nittiug about,
their numbers causing nonce to be
taken of them. Many think tho large
number Is duo to tho army of worm
thaf Invaded the country to the south
that have emerged from the chrys
all ondltion in the form of beautl
fiiliy rolored butterflies.
Although the worms did only nomi
nal damage during their visitation.
thMr presonco in this region was
mai'.e knoivn throughout tho Western
hemisphere. Walla Wallans are now I
receiving letters from frionus and
relatives In different parts of the ;
L'nltod States and Canada, express-
b ml
Mj Visitor: "Docs your whole family drink beer?"
vj sPj Host: "Just Schlitz beer no other. Our physi
cal iA P? c'an sa-vs Klt Schlitz beer is good for them."
K M3 Visitor: "Why Schlitz beer and no other?"
fllost: " Because Schlitz beer is pure. There are
no germs in it. Schlitz beer is brewed in absolute
! faa cleanliness, and cooled in filtered air. The makers
' w h go'clown 1400 feet for the water they use in it. They
' fy ilv filter the beer, then sterilize every bottle by Pas-
i'i m tcur s process after it is sealed.
"Hut beer makes me bilious."
Host: "Schlitz beer will not, that's another ad
vantage. Biliousness is caused by 'green' beer beer
hurried into the market before it is sufficiently aged.
Schlitz beer is aged for months in refrigerating rooms
before it is bottled."
isitor: "And what do you pay for
Host: "Just what you pay for other beur. I
secure the most careful brewing in the world for
what you pay without it. I get a beer that costs
twice as much ns common beer in the brewing, by
simply demanding Schlitz."
Visitor: "111 do that next time."
Host: "Yes, and ever afterward. People are learn
ing these facts, and Schlitz sales now exceed a million
barrels annually. Ask for the brewery bottling "
Phone HI Main, II. Kopittke, 507 Main St.,
lie Beei
That Made I
Milwaukee Famou
or Nebraska, and Edward Atkinson, day when ho pulled out the wrong
president of tho Antl-Imperiallstio ' tooth for me he didn't charge ary
I.cague. i thin for It Chicago Dally News.
Knovlski There goes a consclen I We can soli ten or twenty pianos
tious man, if there ever was one. As- cheaper than ono. That Is why we
:jray s
lug regret at the havoc wrought by iiov'tch How did you got next? Kno- have formed the union. Thorkolscn's
tnp nott wnnn tlio nnw nf ..in nrmv ...... ... . . . ...
, v. A," . vihui no's a uonust, anu me oinor I'lauo House.
worm visitation reached Chicago !
wheat went up two contB a bushel, j .
Grnvo fears are felt lost the butter-1 -
nits irum ie- unity worm nuvo uupus
lted mllllniiR of fieirs which will bp '
; hatched out next year, and cause
more damago than they did this
year. Dayton Courlor-Pross.
Commercial Co.
Wc Don't Keqt Evrything
But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Ceiling, Rustic and Finish,
In all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumbor, in
cluding Lath and 8hingls.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes Is complete, and Any
one In need of Lun'Ubr will
not be wrong In ninelng
their order with the : :
Deafness Can Not Be Cured
I Ity local nnnllcatlonii as they can uot react !
me tar. mere
the difteaaed iiortluna of
U only une war to cure Ueafoew, mill that ! &
U by coiwtltutional remmltfti. Dvatnetw Is I
cHuneii uy au inuanieu eonuiiion or tue
mucoua lining of the llmtaclil.in tul.
When thin tulx' 1h Inaaint-d ynu have a ; av
rumbllnii ouniJ or lniierfect hearing, and sf
when It la entirely cloned, deafness Is the ik
result, and unless the Inflammation ran be
taken out and till tube restored to Its '
normal condition, hearing wll be destroyed
forever : nine cases out of ten are caused
by Catarrh, which is nothng but an In
flamed condition of th mucous surfaces'.
We will aire due Hundred Dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that call not be cured by Halt's Catarrh
Cure. Kend for circulars free.
K. J. riPiXKY ii CO., Toledo, O.
Mold by all drnvsls, 7."c.
Hall's Family fills are the best.
Gray's Harbor Cum. Co
m Opp. Wi & C. f D.-not
Movement to Combine Populists, So-
olalltta and Other Reform Elements.
Denver, Cal July 25. The move
ment to com'-jlne the populists, bi
metallism, socialists and other
elenent'i Into a national political or-.-a
i.v' i.rotnlsiM to receive a new
1" rsf impels fit the conference to be held
i Dervor ea''!y in the coming weok.
A'TKU ADVCKTlHf.l - 1'. i M.
X thohe clasHli'eU -ii-. I' i huv
.Ttlin vmt liav,. n,. i i. . i ..r,.
Ho Ii fo souieibliitf - m, otUt J-e.Tiur. o; 11. D nioveraeiu nreuiot a
iy may have ami hiive m use for, ua : Iar-c attci. dance. Home of those who
ig i' .it yiu nny i, -ed li. your business .nve iUnified the'.r Bympathy with
. S oaM tTl'JZ'Z -Ktl aims and objects of the new par
lebody may have the tow and vehicle ty are OeorRe Fred Williams, of Mns
waut tli- horse. IRc or 25c waut ad sachusetis, Claronco S. Darrow, ot
trobably do the biulnees. I chlcaao: former Oovornor Poviitor.
I am going to lay in my full stock of milliner'.
1 have about 200 very chic and stylish summer hats
that I wish to soil to make room for my fall hats. I
have cut tho price fiom 25 to CO par cent on those
hats. You will find n such bargains in millinery
and at the pric-T I am s lling them they wont lai?t
long so come at once ai d examine them. If you want
a good bargain here is jour opportunity.
Court Street, near Main
Since securing the services of Mr. J II. Parker of Cii-a
ths hotla Water expert, our trade in summer drinks liar more
than (iiiulilntl and thn lu-st nart nf it is. if VOU COII't orit
will come back. We venture to say no more delicioir s ,rrn -r
. rl .rd
drinks were ever served in Pendleton than we are nm
PING PONG which ig creating such a furore in tU
one of our specialties.
L . i
Our Menu for today is:
California Orangado
English Walnut Sundao
Dont fail to try a Brock Poppo
Walnut Frappe
Root Boor, In Steins
Corner of Main and C url Stncts
On Its Mesit
Has the large demand for
Byei's' Best Flo
tit. r "v
Been built up. Only the choicust wheat that Proy ,
to Byers Bent Flour. It's purfuction in Flour. 1
W. S. Bycrs, Proprietor.