East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1903, Image 7

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It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse all the time
One More Week
;Ve havt: had splendid success in disposing of our skirts the
! 2St ten aayb "uUKiveuie nig reduction just
! ?oae more week. Out of 149 sk.rts at the becinning of the sale
' " vr. iust 40 left that means we have sold m n 1. .1
n,eans that you will have to hurry if you want to be one of the
ijFoHowing arc the prices that make them go at the rate of 10
tit Skirts at $10.00
j12 skirts nt
110 Skirts nt
J9 HKiriH -
jg SklrtB lit
t; SlilrtH nt
j6 SklrtB nt
soo bun Bonnets, women's and children's sizes, worth 20c and
jjC Monday morning July 27, children's sizes yc; Ladies'
sizes 1, 31
Think of it, less thau half price
Cor Main and
City Brevities
ustle lor fresh llsli.
M gltou uway. Seo page 4.
iee Sharp for pnpor hanging.
Delicious Ice cream, The Delta.
Smokers' supplies ut Neumau's.
For the best bread, get Itohrranu's.
Dining tables $5 and up. Ilader's.
Blackberries by the crntc at Kcm-
Fountain pens nt linlf price. Fra
tier's Ironers wanted at the Domestic
Have your shoes repaired at
Ko extra ebargo for tabulator on
He Underwood.
Don't fall to rend the Underwood
typewriter ad In this issue.
Received daily, fresli tamales,
-aus ami crawfish at Gratz's.
Spprlal- $850 buys buslnossj $150
profit pci month. Wado & Ilry-
M'. rluirle.- Lane about your paint
ing ane paper haiiBlug; 807 Vincent
At nnn below cost all summer, mil
linery 'specially patterns. Mrs.
The l'iano Purchase Union Is a
part saving unit makes It possible
(or evcrvum 10 havo nn Instrument.
Good meat in summer must lie
taken cure of That's the kind you
in at Ilouser's Altu street, opposite
Savings Hank.
Wc can sntisfy the demunds of the
most fastidious artists with our
si!enill(l array of superb pianos. In
mo Km pi re Piano House, HOI .Main.
uui moiit j, iiacl; if It don't wake
u up That is tbo guarantee we
Ji Rive with our alarm clocks. We
nave them In many varieties. Don't
taw your good gold wntch out In the
arvcat Held We can sell you u re
"able timekeeper In cheap ense just
" Uiing lor tho harvest rtold. If
you lose n you are only out n dollar
or two Yon can't afford to neglort
our eyt 'e have smoked glasses,
We protectors and goggles.
Doch ymir watch need ropnlring?
Jur repair dopartmnnt is thoroughly
quipMMi niid our work guaranteed.
ForuDaokrure of sood duality I
sealing wry: lor nnnninir
Koeppeu's Bed Bug Destroyer,
Nothing l.ke it on the market.
Ask at,one that has tried it-
$5 Skirts nt $3 on
$4 Skirts at ' 295
13.50 Skirts at ' 275
$3 Skirts nt ' 2i0
$2.50 Skirts nt ' i'90
$2 Skirts nt i'45
Alta Streets.
Fresli fruits at Kemlcr's,
Try The Delta's Iced drinks.
Fresh fruit dally at Martin's.
Fresh ranch eggs at Kemler's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Stationery and office supplies. Frn
zior's. Wanted .Machinist and moulder at
Hlgby-Clove Foundry.
Just received a largo shipment of
I musk melons nt Oliver's.
J Try the I'alm, 221 Court street,
tor nuts, candles and fruits
U C Ilader about that $50 worth of
furniture he is giving away.
Forty different styles of extension
tables from $5 to $30. Ilader's.
Tents, camp stoves, camp stools,
1 etc., ut Hader's Furniture store. !
I Full line "Ople Head's" books in 1
! paper and cloth bindings. Nnlf's.
I Cullfornla watermelons just recelv-'
I ed, cents a pound, nt Oliver's. j
J MI Preferida, the best cigar made,
j nt Itees' cigar Elore, Court street. I
I Don't let cigars get the best of you 1
get the best of cigars. Hanlons.
All kinds of Imported and domestic j
lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's. 1
We hne fruit jars and fruit jar
extras, rubbers, covers, etc. It. Hour-1
Five pianos In four dajs proves
thnt the union Is a success. Thor
kelsen's Piano House.
Why not save a hundred dollars ,
and Join the Piano Purchasers' Union j
ut Therkclsen's Piano House? I
We cunrantoe the best piano value,
I for the money to be found anywhere.
I Inland Kmplro Piano House, 901
Main. I.
Despaln Clark will have a car of I
1 luney California watermelons in next
I week Oo to your groceryman for
j them.
Hstimnios given on short notice on
( painting and paper hanging. Charles
I.ane. the pioneer painter, 807 Vin
cent street.
Transferred to New Mexico. I
Miss Lou Goonawein left this mom- j
, lug for Present!. Ariz., on business ,
I connected with the government ,
I schools there. For some time Miss,
(loenawelu has lieen connecien wim
the Indian school nt this placo as one
of the teachers, but at tho completion
of her mission to ito"
reed to Jacrarlllu. N. M.. where she
I has been transferred to the school
I servlr e
Two Ranches Sold. ;
.lames E. llackett has sold two,
t reels of land to W'"lu 1110 .
sums of $2,700 and wpcrtlvj
lv There aie 920 acres In the sinal
U.r act. and considerably over 1,000
the lnwr. The land Is Iu the vi-,
"inUj of Grant and Yoan.n mid is
stock land.
F.lghtce.r'burglnries are jei'o'tedj
, fiave been committed In Portland ,
Tuesday night
Poison Fly Paper: Ten sheets
n a package, i;--
11 kill a quart of Ilies.
Imported Select Insect Pow
der: the kind that gives sat
isfaction. A 2 ounce package
Demand Weak and Prlc. 1
Sheep Pelts Find a Coast Market,
nue Horse and Cattle Hides Go
East Eastern Market Is Glutted
and Dull Good Demand for Rare
Pelts That are Out of Market.
U Shank of Portland. Is in the rllv
on a short visit in the interest of his
business here. Mr. shank Is a hide
ami wool huyer 0r Portland, and has
been out over the Inland country buy
ing stock for his store In that city.
The hide market Is dead nnw ninti ,f
the pelts being In tho hands of the
ueniers and no new ones coming into
the market to speak of. It Is in the
spring that tho market Is alive, for
men me stock and sheep men suffer
their heaviest. lnKsu.s
At lambing time and up to May the
111 Ki'cep pons is good, for
then is the time that tho sheep death
rate Is tho highest, The cold rains
and the hard winters kill them off in
great numbers at that time, and the
hide buyers reap the benefit of tbo
growers' losses, It is the same way
with the cattle and tbo horses, though
in a much less degree, as they aro
better able tn wlthsi nml tlw rlirrtro rf
the climate than the sheep.
me prices In the market aro very
lOW find lllO rlmiinml Ic nrtl nrnnf ..1.
though there are practically 110 pelts
iu ne nun. iur. snnnu win pick up a
carload from hero and thero and will
send it to his Portland house.
Owilltr tn Hip Itnrntiip- nf iho mllto
at Oregon City, and another largo one
III Cnllfnrnln Hippo Ic nnl n .runt
mand for the sheep pelts in this mar-
. iue wuuiun muis tnse most or
tho slienn imllc nn.l clnnn 4lti
principal mills to which the consign
ments are made nre out of business
for a time, there Is no place to which
the hides can lie sold.
The horse and cattle hides on tho
other hand, go to tho East, principal
ly to Huston, where they are bought
llV till, lusiftim- tniitilncr fnnlrrlit. nn.l
converted Into finished leather. Hut
the market seems to be stocked In
the East, and tho factories are not
calling for a great amount of material
so that the dealers are having a hard
time to get ild of the largo stores
that they have accumulated.
For the raier pelts there Is a good
demand, but as nearly all of those
varieties are out of season it Is only
the stored pells that can lie found in
the corners of the country that are on
the market, so that the sale of them
does not tench to any great figures.
It will be several months before
there will lie much doing In the pelt
Seating Capacity About All Taken
Last Night by a Refined Audience.
The park has been greatly improv
ed In the mechanical features. The
program Is as good as could possibly
be gotten together. The Cockatoo
circus alone Is well worth the price
of admission.
Tile Kobors, arlel artists, and little
Iiene will by seen tonight for the
Inst lime, as llielr engagement closes
this evening. Change of program
Monday evening.
There will be no Sunday perform
ance given. These entertalnmeets
are strictly refined and moral, as
everyone who has seen them will tes
tify. The same show that Is given
in Portlimd und elsewhere on the
circuit will be given In Pendleton.
The audience last night was com
posed of some of Pendleton's best
people and every one went uway per
fectly satisfied and the growing in
teicsl bespeaks for Mr. Shields en
terprise n liberal patiouuge as It
richly deserves.
Women of Woodcraft Memorial.
The July number of the Pacific
Eclio. the olficlal organ of the Women
of Woodcrart. contains a touching
memorial or the lo meiuuers of the
order who lost their lives iu the Hepp
ner disaster. The memorial Is In tho
form of a great rugged monument,
signifying endurance and strength,
upon which Is placed u scroll, bearing
tho following names: Leonora Estes
Hhea. l.ouella Gurdane, Mary A. Ker
nan Mary King. Mlna A. Long. Han
nah H. Mcllride. Mary E. Mullock.
Martha Snllng. Ava Thornton and
Florence Fiencb
Dry Around Meacham.
j li linker, a stockman and well
Known resident or the Meacham
country Is iu town today visiting
with his many ft lends. Mr. Hakor
jeports that the water Is fast sinking
out of sight In the sti earns of that
seel ion. Even nftor the recent rains
the streams aro low and aro gradual
ly going dry. Otherwise tho country
i's In good shape, the stock being all
In good condition and the crops mod
erately heavy
Leave for an Outing.
I) li. Wnfflo and wife leave Monday
tor the Polls country, near flurdaue.
for a month's outing on their home
stead. Mr. Waffle has boon confined
lo his room for three months with ty
phoid fever und is yet very weak,
but holies to recuperate 011 mountain
scenery and huckleberries
To trade at this store during
the balance of this month
Our JULY CLEARING SALE ends next Saturday night
and until that time we shall offer additional bargains all
over the store
10c Lawns and Summor Dross Good at 5c
15c and V2o Lawn and Summer Dress Goods at 8c and 7c
25c and 20c Lawns and summer dress goods at . I2i and JOc
10c and 30c Lawns and summer dros goods at . . 20c and i5c
50c Lawns and summer dress goods at . 25c
75c Lawns and summer dress goods at 38c
oc embroideries at
7c embroideries at
9c embroideries at
12ic embroideries at
15c embroideries at
20c bolt of 12 yards for
25c bolt of 12 yards for
30c bolt of 12 yards for
Or same price by tbo single yard.
The Peoples Warehouse
Horses to Calgary.
i i,- Mniwm uIiImiiimI his horses out
li... n ii N' todav for Cal
gary, where they will be sold to set
tlers. Some or llio cavalrymen mch
U'nllii Walla yesterday
alternoon and looked over a few of
Hit horses, but as tney scemeu to on
bard to pleaso In tho matter and were
not loth to show their displeasure to
tl.e 'nen in cuiirgo 01 mutn,
si.,i,,.m ..ii'nsi.ii in show nil of tho
band ho hail picked out. nnd tho sale
was culled off. All or me iiaiiu 01 iuu
bead will lie shipped to the northern
Mr Mnltliew Vance, aged 7.1. died
at Lebanon. Thursday of heait fail
irs of New
D you want to see them?
Glad to show iliem
Boston Store
4 l-2c
8 t-2c
Vaiciennes Laces
Has Equally Attractive Bargains For
The Next Six Days
Outfitters for Hen and Women
Fine Toilet Soaps
From 2l to 2.)c a liar, consisting
' of Oatmeal, Cjlycorine, Tar, lilder
llicif) and many in r styles.
Bicycles, $18.50 to $35
; Wo equip any wheel with best
I coaster brake lor fi 50 extra.
A Nice, Juicy
is ills! lIlH tllilll!
WJiCMIk -J J " " '
this wcathor. H is "
to roast or boil moat , SpooNEMORE
'('all or phone
ipi V.. t'our: J'hoile Itl till
20c embroideries at J4c
25c embroideries at J7c
;?0c embroideries at 20c
50c embroideries at 33 J-3c
75c ombroidoricB at 50c
2 I-2c
DI11 iter Twonty-tlvi) GenU ft
iTOIII II )() II III. to 7 l. Ill,
Short ordoi-H 11 apiiolallty
Quick, Courteous Sorvlop
(Jpuu all Day arid Night
T. A. Oldfather, Prop.
The Columbia
Lodging House
Newly Furnished.
V- Har in connecti
Hot. Alta & Webb Sts,
In Center of Mod
F. X. Schempp
If on want your houses rent
your property sold
1 1 r. si-ooM Mniu . 220 li C