DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 2C, 1903. j ,777 1 PLANS FORJIEPPNER . . . i,-J.-a..jj..-4- -,r-r'r--t4....a.., . t'Tr-T'T'T i 1 tt VALUABLE SUGGESTIONS BY PUBLIC SPIRITED MAN. ERATORS Brea J. W. Morrow Advocates Making a Public Park of the Flood-Swept Ground, Inducing the O. R. & N. to Build a Depot Up Town, nnd Offers to Donate Twenty Lots to Needy Persons Who Will Build Thereon. iRefrmerators at your own price. Only a w , .J W Y W I lie KLr rills kers Where to Stop at North Beach. Tin s Breakers Hotel is conducted to attract tlio boat nntronnKe. anu Is a summer hotel that Is unsurpassed on the 1'aclllc Coast north of the famous California lieach resorts. T ho building has un ocean front of 100 foot. Is 70 feet wide and four 1 jtorles high, or 73 feet from the ground floor to the top of the ohsis vutory. J t has handsomely furnished rooms, single or on suite, for I'M1 ku ts, each room being enrpoted. The house is lighted by electricity with electric lights and elec tric call bells in every room, and these lights maUe It one of the ntcr n brilliant beacons on tlio entire coast. The entire lower floor is thrown open to the public, and, being V autlfully carpeted, the spacious reception room and large airy frl lis always form favorite gathering places for guests. The billiard 41 id pool room is also quite popular tor merry gatherings. Au Aeolian nnu Pianola in the commodious parlor furnishes delightful music at all times, and musicals are pleasant features during the entire season. The Breakers has a regular orchestra which furnishes music for Informal dances and balls, and the large dining room, with its .smooth, hard floor, makes an ideal hall for regular dancing parties Au abundance of fresh and salt water flsh, clams, oysters, crabu and other sea food is always on our menu; our entire supply of milk, butter and cream comes from our own hord of Jersey cows, and poultry and eggs are supplied from the hotel fnrm adjoining the grounds. There are hot nnd cold, fresh and salt water bathes in the house, with private baths and toilets. Tlio wnves of the ocean at high tide roll within 200 feet of the hotel, nnd the beach in front h superb for surf liathlug. On the grounds are bowling alleys, golf links, tennis courts and croquet sots; on the lakes, just bark nf the hotel, Is n fleet of sail and rowboats, and on Shoalwaler lln; . Just east of the lakes. Is 11 gasoline launch for parties of fishermen, picnickers or others who prefer the warm, still-wator bathing to the Uiin'iling of the surf. All trains stop at the railroad station in the hotel grounds, and 110 crowding into hotel omnibuses or walking in sand is nocessnry. since the hotel ground is a perfect velvety law:', where the guests are practically landed at the hotel door. The Breakers Hotel is located at Breaker- Station, a regular ticket ofllce, where nil trains ston It is one at 1 a half miles north of Long Beach Station In purchasing tickets see tliat tiu-j read to Breakers, Wash. nnd have baggage checKed thvnugh tt that point Telegraph and telephone nniii '-tmi,- In the hotel. in . .t t .i. i,i. -i.,,i. . ,:Bt, .,.. 1.. v, t" , IVY lilt, lilt Ilillliu L'l Hie 1 nu 1.11.11 juu ian at.ni I in ' Orkuonun to the Hotel Breakers, on two wicks vacation, blank space below. I vote for Employed at Series A All Coupons published n date an of must Ik; voted 1 noon hattirda . Jtih Coupon- to tin f-.nt On j.''n).iii tiffin 'Sen. - A ' .ii.d lini.i- the Klsowhere In this lssuo, says tho Hoppner Times, appears a proposition and suggestions from J. W. Morrow which are worthy of tho earnest con sideration of Iluppner citizens. His suggestions In regard to a park and the necessity of a sowor system are timely and will doubtless meet with hearty approval. As ho Bays, no more opportune time for thus beauti fying and buttering the sanitary con ditions of our town will over present itsulf. All will admit that a sewer system Is needed badly as 11 sanitary measure, while a park will not only afford a great convenience, but will greatly beautify our town it located as suggested. Another very important matter is the proposition to induce the O. Tt. fc N to extend their line to the center ot town and there build n depot. Tho convenience afforded by such n move is apparent to all. and while tho pmposltion curries with It a very generous donation on the part of pioperty owners in tho district where it is proposed to locate the depot. It is a fitting recognition of the valua ble and timely service rendered uy the O. It. & N. to Heppner during hor time nl distress from the recent ills aKtei Mr. Morrow's offer, not only to do nate his lots along the hanks of Wil low creek to the O. It. & N. for trm liage ami depot purposes, hut to givi free gratis 20 lots on tlio hill between the court house nnd school house, one each to 20 families who lost their homes In 'the recent flood, 1- u very generous one. The Times believes plans mapped out by Mr. Morrow. If carried into ef fect, will be one of the greatest in dm nieiits possible to encourage the 1.111I1I building of homes in our city. The iree lots offered , by him. to families who lost their homes In the flood affords an opportunity for them to build on higher and safer grounds without additional expense for a lot. lleppnor has not been injured in a business way and It is only a matter of time until the number ot now homes will exceed those washed away. The otily question is how quickly this will bo done. STORY OP LEO XII. Visit- "Cold Pure Preservative" PURE and HEW t "The Prisoner in the Vatican ed His Dying Brother, ltomt). July lit. Interesting per sonal stories about Leo XIII continue to fill the press and form a staple of conversation among all classes. Here I is one that, whether or not It be true, ib none the less interesting. As has been frequently stated, he is suppos ed never t hnvu left the Vatican since the conclave made him pope; but from a very good authority there enmnateH a story to the effect that once by night, In the disguise or an ordinary priest, he drove In a com mon call through the capital of "tho iwuriwr" to a palace whore a brother of his. who wus a cardinal, lay dy ing. A woman who noticed the priest get out of the cab, swore that It was the pope she biiw. Next day the cardinal, bis brother, lay dead. Made from water that has bet-n boiled and diBtillfd. The only pure ice in Pendleton Lasts 50 per cent longer than pond ice Does f&of Slime or foul the refrigerator no foul odor follows its melting. The water doos not taste ''had" and does not look milky. It is sweet and is as Clear as a Crystal IRS Sawdust to fill the drain pipe. There in no taste or smell of rotting wood; no typhoid or other germs to mingle with the wator that you drink. ROSS ICE and GOLD STORAGE Do, Phono MAIN 1781 514 Main Street --- --- 4- 4 --4 4-- -t---t- 4-- --- -t -!- -t- TLATERITE Is Mineral Rubber. VOI MAY IN I'l'Nl) lit II Iil.Nd orllnl It iiecehhury to KI5IM.ACH A WtlltN-OPT ItOOf ELATER1TE ROOFING Takes the place of shingles, tin, iron, tar and gravel, nnd all proparod roofings, For flat and steep surfaces gutters, valleys, etc. Ea3y to lay Tempore for nil climates, Reasonable In cost. Bold on merit. Guaran teed, It will pay to ask for prlcoaand Information. THE ELATERIT E ROOFING CO. Worcester Building. Portland. WILL RETAIN PROF. COOK. Olympia School Board Turns Down Petition for His Dismissal. Olympia, Wash.. July 24. Tho Olympia school board this week, dis missed the petition of 20 or H0 school patrons of the West Side protesting against the re-election of 1'rofessor Frank I). Cook, principal of Garlleld school. The board refused to tako any action against Professor Cook 011 the ground that the petition did not state sufficient facts upon which to base n dismissal. The patrons al loged that the principal was incompe tent and whipped a boy to make him cry Inst winter. SOUFFRIERE THREATENS. West Indian Volcano Shows Signs of Eruption. Kingstown, islo of St. Vincent, July 24. The Souffrlere volcano has been slightly agitated since July 10, omit ting puffs iuturmlttuijtly. which caus ed clouds and low rumblings. A severe earthquake shock was felt at 1 : in a in.. Tuesday, accompanied by a subterranean sound of clinking, which shook the buildings here and threw the people into u stnto of con sternation, fonrlng that a destructive phenomenon would follow tho earth quake, similar to that of July 17. 1902, which preceded the eruption of Sep tember .1, 1002. Fighting Over at La Guyara. I.u Guyara, .Inly 2i. All fighting has now ceased. Castro ofllcially ad vises that 1,500 were killed and wounded in the rceont battlo. Gene ral Udanlte was killed. Twonty-flvo revolutionary gcnorals nro prisoners, and all officers of low rank have boon paroled. General Gomez captured 3,000 Mausers and six connon. We want to get the money tied up in our refria ators into other goods so you can buy them less than they cost us. We are closing out our line of ranges and p a A .J-"!- . neat any price in rown m me range line, if y want a genuine bargain see us. NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE The Underwood Typewrite '- -vi' ,l i M-T.- -fl -I is the most prac- r.r w' tor SCHOOL or BUSINESS purposes QAUSE i lis writing is always VISIBLE, the work is right "before the eyes" from the first letter struck until the communiaition is finished. No heavy carriage to lift or slam. Its marginal stops are in FRONT. It has a tabulator which is a Part of the Machine. Others charge $25-00 extra for tabulator. Its type are cleaned in an instant WITHOUT SOILING THE HANDS . -w.u., ,,.,, ,w mtivifc in cm IIIMUUl WlLllUUtU UUUauillfe " Its light action, ease of adjustment and simplicity, make it the easiest to learn. It has two color ribbons which makes it very handy for ruling and legal work of all kinds. See sample work hanging in Post Office. Put on trial against any machine. Any one in the market for a type writer can have free use of my sample for trial before buying. I can furnish the best of references from people in Pendleton who use the UNDERWOOD. Call and see machine and get terms. JOHN S. KEES, Agent PEL1$