- mmmm I r-. r- MftM I JnMIhed every afternoon (except Sunday) ut Pendleton, Drcjjou, by the 5 A ST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Thone, Mnlii 11. SUIISCKUTION KATH8 ftailv. onu your tv mall Iwlly, sis; niontlis by mall Imlly, three months by mnll IfaUj, one month by mall lllv, per month by carrier Wrrtlv. one yenr by mall tvil, sl.v months by mall Wcvklv, four months by mall . . . Semi-weekly, mio year by mnll . . Stall-Weekly, si months by mall Serai-Weekly, three months by mall .00 .no ,ru ,n."i ,7i l .mi 2.00 1.00 .50 The Knit Oregonlan In on sale nt H. I' Rich's News Stands nt Hotel Portland anil Hotel' 1'erklus, Portland, Oregon. Meu.iKT Scrlii Meltae N'ens Associa tion. Van i'rantlsio llnreau, 40S l-'ourtli St. Chipain. limvMii. woo Security Hulkllng. Washington, l. V llurenu, SOI llth St., I H. W. Xnttml a: Pendleton iosto(tlee a Keeond-1 class matter I It Is mi awful thing to bo rich. Isn't It? Pray you, uvoiu it. Lot us be poor but virtuous, pity the victims ot opulouco ami purr softly at our privileged state of mediocrity. Sour grapes? Not a bit of it. Perhaps you will believe a rich man who warns you ugainst tills rascal of a Mammon. .Mr. David It. Kurgan, vice-president of the First Na tional Hank of Chicago, tola a fashionable audience in tiie First Presbyterian church nt Evan ston the other night, that "the rich man is not to be envied. The poor man Is hnpptcr than the rich." Comtortuble doctrine. Mr. Forgan has been poor and Is rich. He must know what ho is talking about Everybody's Magazine. Cardinal Ciutti Is being condemned out boycotted by his opponents be cause lie has a brother in jail in Italy for robbery. If the records of all the Italian cardinals were chased aiwn for a generation or two, there Bifght be still less candidates among Uiom for the papal throne. The tallure of two of the great I Wall street concerns yesterday and me announcement that Jamas It. i KwjiU! lias been wrecked by stock j manipulations, discloses somotuiiig of j tire hidden struggle going on in that teething arona. It is not the survival 'if Uie Attest there, hut the survival I of thu strongest. The announcement by President Roosevelt that ho will supplant hand Ailjor with machines in the govern-' tient printing oltlce, comes as a final i knell of the old composition. Hun-; J reds of men are employed there, vliu never hold a Job elsewhere, can lo iiotlntig eli-o to earn a living and lll 1h! helpless as children when the eae" Is supplanted by the linotype. Iti a land of rugged, honest, fear !os pioneers, such as Eastern Ore ,5oii U, there should be no need lor an appeal from the governor for yreace mi tho stock ranges. While tlin conditions on the ranges and in Uie range districts do not warrant tiie attempted sensation making of voriland newspapers, there is need of tool judgment and conservative thinking. In Seattle last week a school elec tion wab held, involving the issue of SWl')i)0 in school bonds, for the im provement of school facilities. Out of 17.000 taxpayers having a vote on liii wibjecl, 470 men and 55 women cast tlioir ballots. This is an evidence o! the interest taken In such matters i in the "fastest city on the coast." tf the vote had been upon the clos ing or the Hromorton dlvos. prubably .17,00(1 taxpayers would Iiavn protest-1 The aniiouiiceniunl that lleppuer ill provide a beautiful public park In the heart or the now lloppnor. Is Tofronhlng. Public parks aro the last and leant consideration in too many Western cities. Tho cost of preparing a park, little by llttlo, Is .to small that It duos not stand in thu way; It Is more u matter of neg lect than cost that Is responsible for tliB absence of parks in the West. Vumlluloii has suitable grounds, ruioh, with some preparation could U converted Into tho most bonutlful pleasure resort In the state, but there fa absolutely no public place at pros uit where the citizens may spend tho Mtnimer evenings. Tho need or such t public place Is being felt more keen ly each year. WHAT ARE SCHOOLS FOR? Tho schools ruports of Hnkor, Union and Umntllla counties disclose some Interesting facts. While statistics are prosaic, they aro the only true expression of con ditions, and in order for one-half tho world to know whnt tho other lmlt Is doing and accomplishing In the world. It Is necessary lo study statistics. Ilaker county Is accredited with 5, Ilir, children of school ago, and out of this number lust year. l,:i!)S failed to attend any school. Union county has a school population of Ml!), "d 1,21(1 of this number wore not enroll ed In school. Umatilla county has C 333 scholars and S81 failed lo got their names on tho school registers. This condition Is unfortunate in tho extreme. The state owes caclt schol ar a public school education. There are laws on the statute books provid ing that all children of school ago must attend some school during the year, and yet here aro 3,520 scholars in three of thu most progressive counties in Oregon, absolutely falling to nttcud school. Where are tho parentB, the schoul directors and the superintendents? How does this great number of schol ars run tiie gauntlet of all the watch ful and protective forces of the public school system? Is there not a rom cdy for this growing evil? Will pa tents wantonly penult children to grow up to become box car tourists and brake beam artists? Will they refuse to aceepl the proffered gift of the Malt ? Tine. Iti many districts the number of scholars Is small and the school house far removed from isolated homes there are many excusable cases, In this sparsely settled West ern country. Hut there seems to be no reasona ble excuse for one-sixth of tho school population of Eastern Oregon being absent from the public schools. There seems to be no good excuse for such utter failure of the public school sys tem to reach the very class for which it Is Intended. The common people undervalue the benellts of an education, whore such conditions exist. And one of the first causes of this undervaluation Is the false Idea growing among tins people that a good education can only be obtained away from homo. This is a mistaken idea. As now conducted, the public school system can furnish an education equal to nny of the great demands of busi ness, and until this school is thor oughly mastered, the scholar Is not ready for the special school. Eastern Oregon must look to her public schools. Tills record should not be repented. The superior court of Walla Walla has prepared a unique list of names from tile citizens of tho "Garden i City." This list consists of 27 com-1 mon drunks to whom uquor dealers of the state are lorhlddcu to sell "booze." Tile law regulating the con duct of the drunkard Is severe ill Washington. The penalty for viola tion of this antl-"topor" provision Is $50 for the first and $300 for subse quent offenses. The poor men thus publicly proclaimed to the world as having "whlskoy lips." may visit the saloons, gloat on the amber liquid in tiie glasses, breath in tho life-giving fumes and lean on the bar If thoy wish, but hero their privileges stop. Not a drop of the tantalizing stuff is allowed to wet these 27 dry throats, nor prepaie subjects for tho police court. If this lnw is rigidly enforced, it will put tile Keely cure people out of business. An advertisement for ::0i) men at 'i per day and board, to work on tho Solomon City railroad, appears In the Nome Nugget of July S, which bus Just been received. The usual sum mer rush to the north seems to have failed to materialize tills year. Worklngmcii have come to realize that It is better to stay In touch with the civilized world. It is ii long way between stations In Alaska. DIET OF DIFFERENT PEOPLE. It Is interesting to note the diet of people In different parts ot tho world. Among savages and uncivilized peo ple, mostly raw foodB nre used. Lit tle, If any cooking, Is done. Thoy son orally subsist upon fruits, nuts, raw meats and fish. The Ksqulmnux live almost en tirely upon meat. Tho most import ant part of their diet Is fat and oil. Sometimes thoy cat lichens, whHh they obtain from tho stomach of the loindeor. The llowor of tho Arrtle poppy Is sometimes used ns food, liu' very rarely. Thoy have no regular DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1903 time for eating, but cat whenever thoy can procure tho food. w Tho Indians of the tomporate and tropic zones havo n largor variety of foods. Fruits, nuts, wild vegotnbles, fish, wild fowl, and other game are used by them ns food. Tho negroes of tho Southern slates have n very scant diet. It consists principally of fat, salt pork, cornmoal and molasses. Their cooking Is done In the crudest sort of way. The comment Is mixed with water and baked on tho Mat surface of a hoe or griddle. The pork is Bllced thin and fried. Molasses Is sometimes milled to the fat with tho cornbread. The favorite bovorago consists of hot wa ter Bweetencd with molasses. This is gonornlly tho diet three times a day during the year. Sometimes, how ever, turnips aro boiled with the ba con for n change. It Is a great treat when they have tin opossum. Tills is genuorally baked with sweet potatoes and seasoned with red popper. Near ly alt meats aro fried. It is notice able among these people mat many of them surfer from indigestion, which is perhnps duo to their form ot diet. The Mexicans subsist almost entire-1 ly upon vegetables, which they raise . themselves. Those who can afford It use Hour and corn. Generally more j corn Is used than Hour, uno oi uie most linportntit nrtlcles of their diet Is the native bean, together with peas and lentils. Another favorite article of food with the Mexicans Is red poi per or "chill." This is probably used more lor Its stimulating effect upon tho digestive orgnus than for any nu trition which it contains. I.ard Is sometimes, purchased and used In considerable quantities with vecotable foods: also, beef tallow. The cooking Is generally done In an i open llre-iilaco. Tho bonus are cook-1 ed In earthen-ware pots with a largo amount of "chill" and lard added. Tho i poor families in .Mexico serve the meals on the Moor In tho middle of tiie room. They havo neither knives, forks nor spoons. The family sit on the ground around the food ami out from their bands. Medical Talk for July. THINGS YOU LEAVE UNDONE. It isn't tho thing you do, dear; it's the tiling you leave undone. Which gives you a bit of heartache At the setting of tho sun. The tender word forgotten. The letter you did not write. The flower you might havo sent, dear, Aro your haunting ghosts tonight. The stone you might have lifted Out of a brothel's way. The bit of heartsomo counsel You were hurried too much to suv . The loving touch of the hand, dear. Tho gentle and winsome tone, That you had no time nor thought tor With troubles enough of your own. i Tho little acts of kindness. So easily out of mind: , Those chances to bo angels ! Which every one may llnd They come In night and silence Each chill, reproachful wraith When hope Is faint and (lagging And a blight lias dropped on faith. For life is all too short, dear. And sorrow Is all too groat; I So suffer our great compassion That tnrrles until too Into; ; And It's not the tiling you do, dear. It's tho thing you leave undone. ! Which gives you the bit of heartache, j At the setting or the sun. i .Margaret Sangstor. j Positive, liet. comparative, better; superlative better not Detroit Free. Press. Why can't wc come over to your house and play any more? Uecausc papa f;ets so mad when we make a little bit of noise. What makes him that way ? Mamma says it's dys pepsia makes htm act so craw. That's nlsmt the way it sttikes the small boy. The dyseptic has no idea ot his own unrea sonableness or harsh ness, Little things are magnified and seem to justify his quick .inner. There's health for the dyspeptic and happiness for the family by the use of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. It cures diseases of the stom. acli and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and restores perfect health and strength, by enabling the perfect digestion and assitnlla. tloii of food. I have taken one Iwttleof l)r lierce's Golden Mcilicnt DUrovcry fur indigestion ui. I liver complaint," writes Mr C. II. Wilwu.of VoilLin College, Datluson Co,. N. C "Have hail no bail kkU Muce I commenced Ukinfr your medicine in licl have not felt like the Mine- man be fore I took the 'Ooldeu Medknl Diwuv try ' I could not eat anything without nw futdistres. but now leun cat anything I iruli without having unpleasant fvcliugs." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse and regulate the bowels. ri . 'My son 1 don't know lr your youth- ful conception, Has breadth In the scope or Its ne bulous plan; To wield comprehension of that one exception To workaday mortals, the uewttpa. per mini. . Hut If you'll agree to a teoble de scription From ouo of their number. Ill do what I can. To blond In tho way or a little de scription, .. The mixture that's known as the newspaper man! "Take a brain that Is steeped in so lution of knowledge, Most varied and picturesque under tho sun; Then add just a pinch ot the salt or the college, A llavor of wit and a soupcon of fun. , .. For a relish, ISohonihm sauce Is tho caper. And a mind that will stretch rrom Heorshoba to Dan: In fancy or fact, when It comes to the paper'. Or touches the heart of the news paper man! "To a memory that clutches the veri est trlle, And a hand that is tireless when work's to bo done; Add an eye that Is tlulcU as tho Hash of a rifle, And keen as the eagle that Hies to1 the sun. Take strength and endurance, and loyal devotion, And add all the grit and courage you can To tho heart that's s big and as deep as the or n A hundred to one vspa per man! "With a brew of ideas i ,JK nml hnllliiL'. i),,,, ,,,,, int.. ihmiiIiIk tli ' .nod- els for men; Add a ceaseless eiicuiiiuei, tef, ft plan ning and 'Oiling. For the world oftodny ..ot Is ruled by the pen. Add the honey of friemlsll'iitlie dew of affection. And the esprit de corps that gets down to hard pan; And paste in your hat the whole mor tal collection. As the regular slock of the news paier man' John .1 (iormley in New York Sun Dr.A I. r j KtW ZT IP fl &9 (S sMii W UlChcsi Vrlcsd hut the 'Best iluallty. SOLD BVERYWHERC. $50.00 Given Away To the tlrst one handing us the nearest correct solution of the two tollott'ng rebuses, we will give t25i'' worth ot furniture or oluei -.muIs oi your choice trom our uiniioii.-,r stock; $10.00 wortli to utt second, and $10.00 wortli tho third. Tiie question Is. how many different ways can the word rurnituro," und how many the word "Uadur" bo spelled in tho followlug squares by spelling to tho right, or down ward, or any combination of dowu anil right, or right and down, but always using con tUtious letters but no two times, using exactly the same numerical letters, yet nil spell the words "Uadur" and i-'urnituru" correctly. Tor Illustration, tho word "Under" may be spoiled by using letters numbered 1, 2, tl,' 12, or is etc. The I 1 3 4 5 j ti 7 8 !l 10 FUR.NITUREF II 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 HI j 20 URNITUREFU 21 22 23 24 25 2C 27 28 20 30 R N i I I T U j R E j r ; U i R 31 32 Xi 34 35 3(1 37 38 30 40 NITUREFURN 11 , 42 43 -II 45 40 47 48 40 50 lTUREFURNl 51 j 52 j 53 51 55 50 57 58 51) (id TUREFURN,IT oi , 02 , o;i j t;i i on j tin , 07 ( os on 70 U I I E j F I U 1 , N I I J T I U 71 I 72 1 73 j 74 1 75 70 77 78 , 70 j 80 REFURNITUR 81 1 82 ! 83 I 81 I 85 I S(i 87 88 80 1)1) EFURNI'tUHE 01 I 02 j 03 I 04 j "05 ; OC 07 , 08 00 FUnNlTU I R I E I R A RRIT HI RT A I ljMt DADDl 1 JVlC I AL Into .0. Cast Oregonlan ottlce. KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED. Gcnoral Health Greatly Improved by Po-ru-nai MIlS. M. J. DANLKY. IMrs. M. J. Pauley, Treasurer of tho Kobeecu Ledge, I. O. O. 3?., writes from 121 First street, K., Minneapolis, Minn.: "I was nlllloted for several years with kidney trouble which liecntno quite ser ious and caused mo considerable nnxloty. I spent hundreds ot dollars tiylng to be cured, but nothing gave me any permanent relief until I tried Peruna. It took less than three months and only ten bottles to effect a permanent cure, but they wore worth moro than ns many hundred dollurs lo me. I nm fully restored to health, know neither nchu nor Jiild enjoy life." Sirs. M. J. PiuiMy. T) ih uxporlunoo has been repented III ' times. We bear of such cases ui iriy every day. Mrs. Pauley bad catarrh of the kid nf'yx. As sunn as she took the rlghl remedy she made a quick recovery, A rriiiiilniit Southern .ailyn I,ttrr. Miss Laura Hopkins, ot Washington, P. 0., nleeo of Hon. K. O. Hopkins, one of the largest Iron manufacturers of Hlniilngbaiu, Ala., writes the following letter commending Peruna. She says: "lean cheerfully recommend Peru na for Indigestion and stomach trouble and us a good tonic. ' 'Laura Hopkins. Peru mi cures catarrh wherever located. reriiliu Is a specific for the catarrhal dcriingi'inunts of women. Address Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio, for free book on catarrh written by Pi; b. it. llartliiuu. JLJ9 J6L0 . 1,2 It j 4 fi t; 7 , b ! ! R i A i D i E R j A D E R 10 , II 12 , IK 11 15 j Hi 17 lb A I D Ej R A ) D E R A Ui I .U Li 22 I 23 24 25 2li ' 27 C E, A D F. R A D l' , , 7z T n , :'.o :i E R ' E , I-. D E :j" , :if :ttl ; -H. . 41 i2 t 43 ; 44 i 4f R A D Ej R A D E R Hi , 47 Hti in j no 51 j r2 r;i &4 ADERADERA nr, , nii , r,T os ri co in 2 , t;a DE'RADERAD , til I tifi ; tlli , U7 i lib I li'J I 70 71 72 li ft I A i D E R j A D E 7:i 71 75 70 77 78 7U SO 81 RADERADER . .i m solution to be lianded In settled, giving only the number of combinations that can be made of each wiiiii. with no name attached. In order that the committee awarding tho prizes will not know who is In the contest Hut If requested, each winner must bo ablo to write, iiuiuui- Icnlly, each of tho various wuys the number of times ,i ..1..1.- n n. f,. limn- iiiey ciunii, in iiiwu j. tify all solutions wo simi'v number ench envelope con- talnlug an answer anil hoop momoranuum 01 eacii, j)(n()eton. " . a 1. Vn T f. ' V ono win no uimwcu " thun one answer, rrizes 'awnrded July 25. 1003. Thoro is no suro thing that tuo m w- soltitions will ho correct, bo If you decide you wain w clmngo your solution niter i,ntwii,i,r 11 in vnu can do so. iiy placing your second In the liumorlcal order wo recolyo 1 be latter. No ono connu"" vltb the establishment " o nllowfMl to conipav. t , M. A RADERj Main and Webb Streets the wor,tl- mni,c ,r0,n Tfi'nt'th) pound bar, price $1.00 per bar, at FOR We have the in l).l t. . estate some ni p. ' U1II btl H()1(l PI..; Lots. Alfalfa T nmi, In 1 nr tractB from 12,000. Ronm i ft At iu oi hr ..,... P III! I m n luui H ?1 .1 1 1 ui (linn tinrmimn . ll.Ninni ilmnlll. fit i. a,AA 1. $2,500. Jl-room hoarding rnntrnllv BW0 ? 1,350, i miuiufi ui 1013 oi.u in par 1 lot on Hat, five cacti, .Much other ic ty for sale. All o Conio and buy, u mill uai hu right price, see G. D. BOYD. ii! n i i Hi w .'l"n rneh lmlanw Kustern Oregon. i t acres mi t 2.2S0 acres fine Several smau tracts near toa Improved and f lr, nml ll rp lr See ER Saving B n T TTTTi T II A n n HK I. GOING A nt win " . tn tnv t t iL-eP uny 25 cei' . nf nar big line of !o .1,1 i Insuranc M, H. Agent (or 1 1 -i-c Ii jrouuuw . Cas1! W pen T til I OREGON F1 I