FT t f gA.LY EAST 0REG0N,AN pendleton. OREOC. C&T JULY Ajce for Dress Goods at this Store Ltcnthpafchasc in the Dry Goods depart- f dCh customer VE FREE Lies' fast black, regular mado Hoso (35c lie pair OI laci- hoik uiuvud. LnieiP SaBe Prices Our entire shelf room must be cleared. Lnts Kemnants Kcmnants LRemnant week and if bargains will interest you lit the ta'ile. main aisic naci;, it's a point of interest LEXANDtR'S IEPARTMEIST STORE SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES WALLA WALLA HARVEST. J Crops Running From 20 to 30 Bushels ' Per Acr """"""8 upon the hills ami in JZ Church, South' 1 rf T , ....... U1U uie centner Is and work will he mati.i win, sslblc haste. "e ?. I"Ul !bln be soon operation i t . .. R .. -""..sun i ""rst ay at i n, . mimi, wane S'lhJwt for Bible study, ! Fn .are busy ln man-v P'necs 'vo." K. n. Jones, pastor following In the wake of the header .. I? renorts received from early first Christian Church s,,,j .,')l"?..t'lc P will he light, but "cnooi, 10 a. m., W w Hiwiov "vl K,l ch better than hail Pcrintendent; i.roachlnlr i? Jr?.'?"!' Crops of 20 to 24 and subject, "nhriat'o " h P,reacn'"S by pastor; 7 n m . SIn fcpworth League, leader, Miss P'm: t,v we Jones, subject. "Joseph it v nai i 1(,cl. a Missions '; S ? ? ' 811 Pss Pastor. OnaAoli,.1' J acllln.K '-v I Head, im riiiiir iipvi v:u. . " rrayor moo Inn- nn tv, m operation nti nmrv tm.wi From the Cow to the Table. Inspector watch the (arms and feed of the cow, 'e last a) tl a milk as Mi trout ht tj cur inc s V. -""1""'"iks ; preach, lolls " ' T o' S",!J,e1Cl'1 "Fo,,r Snlvn- Z t . !H"'llc ls rHally in. Ucd to attend. X. n. Brooks pas- H PHII.E (IF 1'JIATILLA MSf JOY A GOOD SMOKE ? Made at Home. Try Pendleton Boquet and Pride A. RHODE, Maker. Flrct Baptist Church Regular services tomorrow. Sunday "ffi at 10 o clock and preaching at 11 Evening sermon at S o'clock. All dInnvTS, n,tl,P rl,y nro mosi " '"ally invited to attend those servi-w- It. W. King, pastor. o Congregational Church Sunday services as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m subject, "Practicing the Divlno Pres ence. West End Chapel Coiner Webb and Maple btrcets. Sunday school at 3 p. m. 30 ImshelR arc not uncommon!" and ........ .-..11 r spois win run below these figures, the average will ho fair throughout the county Prices are ranging "from C3 to 70 cents at the opening 0f the season and Indications seem favorable for strong prices throughout the harvest months. The figure Is some 15 to 20 cents higher than that of last year at a similar time, and prospects for .1 steady market and fair prices are mucu oener tnan thev wore 12 months ago. ress. Under these 1 condltibnV -...... D. WnW , ,ra Economy Brand Evaporated Cream IMjaj la produced. It you trj It. you wm say It t Uie most plasinc and Take no brand unless It bears the cap label reproduced herewith We produce nineb per ci-nt ot the world s supi-ly and r-ariMw every can beartntoui cap label V llKLVEIIA MILK CONDEMSinO COMPANY, HithUnd, 111 $100 REWARD. THE WEEK'S WEATHER. Two Very Hot Days Mark the Record of This Week. - Aside from two very hot days -- -'lay and Wednesday the past T been uneventful from the st. ji of the woathor observer. I a "HIl)- degrees about 2 p. m, on jiuy r.mi a ni;c temnoraturo was recorclei.jn the 21. The nights have been inurjh warmer this week than during tho previous week, the lowest temperature reached being on the 17th, when the thermometer register ed 50 degrees. Thirty-six was the lowest temperature of the previous week. Following Is the summnrv; Is truly Its proper nnmo, for no rlllo was ever mado to equal a Savage. Simplicity in con struction nnd operation, and Krcat accuracy make tnom sel dom equalled and never sur passed The new 22-calibre Savage Is a marvel lor a small gun, We have just got a few right from the factory and would like to have you see them 1PS0IN HARDWARE Co. Kiln St. Headquarters for fishinc supplies Mln. July 17 50 July IS 55 July 1!) C3 July 20 5ti July 21 5l July 22 00 July 23 01 Max. 07 94 90 102 102 H7 88. wart! $100 Steward lentil father notice 1 will give to all Cash Purchas i:ount of 10 p r ct nt. or in other words, anv one I'cnhof goot s will pay only ?o ursuiii sell as low as 20 ner cent discount Itotn h til and Cool, stovr. will w.1l :il mnsr at cost. l pledges of Jewelry, all kinds and sorts, will be nfice IDOLLAKS REWARD will be civen to any I'Mverinc that unci s lmvn lipnn r.iiepd fni the nur- kthii discount Re-nember that I am acent for f'Mn Lin d Stc amshm Co. and can sell vou a tic - f:' of the w ,n 1 pi Eaisfler For Any Case cf Liquor, Cigarette or Chewing Tobacco Habls Trlb Falls to Cure. Itov. J. n. N. ISell, tho oldost living chaplain of the Grand I.odgo of tho Masonic order ln tho world, nnd pas tor of the Presbyterian church, nakcr City, Or., writes: "l have watched with interest the good results obtain ed by the use of your remedy for the liquor and tobacco habit, 'Trlb,' nnd feel that I can safely and heartily rec ommend it to all In need." Price, S12.50 per treatment. Tor sale by all druggists. I 1 i- Trlb euros the tobacco hnblt. Trlb cm es the liquor habit, Stock Farm for Sale. The Ogle stork farm, consisting of 3000 acres, about 250 head of cattle, plenty of water. gtasR nnd timber. Uange has never been shceped off. All tinder fenre. Will grow all hay re quired. Call on or wrlto to Bentley .i Hartman, Pendleton, Oregon. FINE PRESSED BRICK. New Departure a Pronounced Success at Weston Yard. a About 2,000 pressed brick are being j; I manufactured dally nt tho Weston I yard, says tho Weston Leader. Tlw ate perfect in every detail, and are bound to add to the fame that W & ton common brick have acquired 1'cr their consistent excellence. The brick are first carefully mold ed and are without a flaw when sub jected to the enormous pressure of the "repress." When taken out of . this machine and dried in the "haque" S thev aie burned In tho kiln with or-1 n oinary brick. The word "Weston" 1 stamped upon one side In clear-cut letters is the name of the little city j that they will fitly advertise In the building world. 1 Just now an order for 25,000 press-1 eil brick ls be'ng filled. It waB plac ed by Hon. Walter M. Pierce, state I senator, and the brick will bo used 1 lor the walls it some hnndso-no cot-1 taut' to be built at Hot Lako. tho j celebrated resort in which Mr. Pierce j Is so extensively Interested. Several 1 other orders are also in sight. People come by tho tens and doz ens to hear our evening concerts played on the Pianola, tho greatest piano player on the market today. Inland Empire Piano House. t01 Main. Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch's. SATUH0AY SPEGIALS Calico, any niece in the store . . 5r, yard Bleachtd Muslin, 6c grade, any quantity rjC) jarij Outing Flannel; So, 9c and 10c grades 7c, yard Men's bla:k striped shuts 50c grade .t(j0 mci Men's and Boys' str.iw hats 20 por cont reduction Large size comforts, good quality Ull0j Ladies' knit pants, knee length 2()o, pair Ladies undervMs, sleeveless, 25c grade, white or colored Ladies' sleeveless vests, plain 20e, each lc, each T SE FAIR Watch for our 13IG SALF next wtek tzsszasxxBzssniaasassi bsskesso 'Just tr a Parrot Cigar 5c" p and Axle Grease e a larc r-and cylnl, r oils o-vnnl.iio Tnvlor ;ii 1 ,ule Kreaso compound in fwgyour harvest buudIv. Nr, the Hardware Man Weston News Notes. H. H. Cummins and his family or 1 six children, move to Woston from Kamela. Mr. Cummins has bought 1 for $250 of C. M. Plerco, a house and , or.o lot, known as the "Ilarnos prop-1 city," near the normal school build-1 iK. S. V. McPheeters lias jnircuaseu from C. M. Pierce for ?100. the Kon Engllsh property on Washington streot consisting of a houso and two large lots. Ills family will arrive from Pendleton the latter part of this week. A brother, S. C. McPhoeters, also of Pendleton, has purchased the Proebstel woodyard property, with 100 feet frontage, on Water street, lor $400. He contemplates building a residence thereon Loader. Under New Manaermsnt I have purchased tho huslucsB ot W. 13. Oarretson, joweler nnd optic Ian, nnd have put In nn entire now line of jewelry nnd optlcnl goods. You will find nothing in my store thnt Is not up-to-date nnd llrst-clnss In every particular. My prices nro as low as Is consistent with high class goods. Having graduated from tho Ameri can Optical College, 1 am thoroughly equipped to handle nil clauses of op tical work. My Instruments aro of tho best make and embrace tho latest nnd most sclmitlflc Improvements. My guarantee Is hack of all my work. IViHih'tmi, Oivuoii ! NI.1 Miiln Mm t, iKeeky INSTITUTE FIRST AND MONTGOMERY STREETS. PORTLAND OREGON PHONE MAIN 391. The Parrot Ciar is the new 5c cigar bo much talked about. Its good qualities ar astonishing f f Main Street h. , -il- -J.M!! S O. R. & N. Cashier Caught. j "j Sheriff Harvey Brown last night re-1 turned from a long ana unra my iu Rankin's camp, 00 wiles norui i Council, Idaho, the terminus of the p I & N. R. R. He went there to bring hack to Baker City George W. Breaw who was recently cashier at tie O R & N station and who is charged with being short in his ac counts, says the Baker City Demo crat. Mr, Breaw is Interested ln the Idaho mines and says that he made no secret of his intention to ro to the " nn had intended " ' ""'"B if any discrepancy was fruni r-Ifh t'. O n. ft N Wf k'p nothing but pure natural ie. rruisen from pure, clear mountain water. It goes farther and laBts longer than artificial ice. All we ask Is an unprejudiced trial of our ko. Why not order a case of the celebrated Schllt., A. II. C. or OambrlmiH for your Sunday dinner? 'Phone your order to Main 61. ffl &ksM a- WE CURE thf Liquor, Opium, Morphine aid Tohnrco Hnblts as surely an quinine ciin-.s a cold. Our treatme-it elnrldes and builds up tho system. One of our patients recoutly said: 'I never felt so well In my life; I aui n wonder to myself!" Send to us for boolilot. f HENRY KOPITTKE At .j..,.i.;..:..j..;..).f... "Pleases the Taste59 Ask for (S(Q)kli Lfflff Brand of in his ac- 'PCS F-xmi.J T?onaffI at OnCC; - - -MHUlJUvU HUM J-- j "till, ..... . p. -j mi ' ffiinrn n tntfl 1)V .MM r,?1e.on called today, ?- nd curej W '" '. ,ra.!" . ...f ti,nt r, nts Your money back If ?e Reliable Plumber. PPosite the Golden Rule Hotel r (i 1 row r tho sllgliloM iinu mai ,,,, 1 l.r to fro. She incireu, , ,1 fr 1 Jmd she'd t,,v n ,nd Pountry be here the most dreaded and deadly of al diseases, as well as pneumonia, aid Gil Lung Troubles are rollovod eurea uy '"" 0 " ' day. 25 d I seat is Tficy re THE BEST Once Used ALWAYS USED c. nts xour mom-v led. Write for looker & Co Schmidt & Co, 00STA RICO COFFEE in one pound I'aokaps JAVA & MOCHA COFFEE in oufl pound paokagos For sale by all up-i.i d.iv i,iover. Spices, Teas, Extracts and Baking Powder n M a a .. PDIII'I.WI) -or free sample. W. H 1 POBTLAND WOFFtSi r JUfc O.y k;on ., Buffalo, N. Y. I- MW-iw .. .tttli 1 1 1 inrMiinmr-m