East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1903, Image 2

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I it:
July Bargains
Straw Hats at half price.
ttovs Clothing twenty per cent discount.
Mons Summer Clothing al a saving of from
$2 00 to 3.n0 per suit,
Summer Underwear 25c, 50c and 75c per
Working Shirts f0e and 7oc
Gloves 2oc to $1 SO.
Mens Working Shoes $1 50 to $3 00.
Q gyp
One Trice Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters
I I i -l-----i--JI''t'''''1'I''1'';';''I''1''1''I''I't',
A very fntnl epidemic of fever Is
iViraatatiiiK the Brazilian army.
Ex-Senator Oeorne Turner, of
Washington, sailed for Europe yes
terday. A suicide club is believed to exist
iu Hoboken, nnd the police and de
tectives are Investigating.
Mayor Low refuses to allow per
mits to .Mormon preachers to expound
their gospel on tho streets.
The widow of James G. Blaine left
nu estate of $300,000, and divided it
between her children and grand
children. Tho deal for the sale of the Danish
"West Indies Is off on account of the
noii-acnuiesccnce of the Danish gov
ernment. Tho world-famous sequoias, the
"big trees" of California, are In great
danger from fires, which ate ap
jiroachlng them.
Tho survey between Caltuntos,
Nov., and Cnjon Pass, Ariz.. 330 miles,
for the San I'edro, Los Angeles &
Salt Lake railroad, has been com
pleted. A ragpickers' union has been or
ganized in Now York with 200 mom
bora, of whom one-third tire women.
Thoy are paid 57 and ?S per week,
but will demand ?12 to $15.
The original of "Old Curiosity
Shop," immortalized by iJickenB, has
been bought by Americans who will
take It down and re-oreet It In Amer
ica probably at tho World's Fair.
Tho total amount of gold in the
United State treasury June 30, was
$K!l,fi49,G9S, an Increase of $71.-139.-S98.
It is all figured an "in circula
tion." although It Is nil reserves and
Mcuritics to sustain a vory much
larger issue or paper that is In ac
tual use.
Alex louis, tho Indian wife mur
derer, was hanged at Vancouver Fri
day. Five hold-ups occurred In Seattle
on Fritlay, resulting In three men be
ing beaten up by thugs.
Thirty-one now passenger engines
have been ordered for tho Choyenno
division of tho Union Pacific.
Edward Knos, a prominent .Montana
cattleman, wus run over nnd killed by
a band of steors, near Glasgow, Mont.,
William Patterson, a U'-year-old
boy, was drowned In tho river nt
Spokono Friday, while pluying on a
log raft.
Seven deaths and suicides in on'
week on tho coast north of Nome, aro
reported by minors just returned to
William I'oullott, a London organ
grlmlor, U before the house or com
mons with a claim to the earldom ot
Tho Western I'acifU- Hallway cor
poration has been organized at Salt
l.ake City, with a capitalization of
The vote by which Sumplor was
bonded for $15,000 for now sowers,
J be contested. The bond Issue
was carried by only 11 votes.
(!uy Hockor. a prominent school
leschor um! steam engineer, former
ly of Union, was killed by a falling
derrick pole, In John Day valley, Fri
day. V. Shlma and G. Shiba, two promi
nent Japaneso government olllclalu,
aro in Spoktino, studying the manage
ment of Amorlcan railroads for their
Union sympathizers In Spokuno
have filed n petition with tho city
council for a now tolophono fran
chise and will establish an Independ
ent line iu that city.
K. h liogardus, a well-known seed
man of Seattle, Is making arrange
iueutK lo start a seed farm at North
Yakima, for tho purpose of growing
lils own supply or seeds.
Tacoma fishermen who arc inter
ested in Alaskan canneries, arc
alarmed at tho prospects for Siberian
tanneries just across tho Bohrlng
Strnlts from Alaska, Tho Russians
ro proparlng Jjo',,iliuJjd extensively
Hotel Pendleton.
W. H. Garrett, Portland.
.Mrs. Oscar Szoutach, Portland,
Dan P. Sinythc, Arlington,
William .Mahor, Arlington.
C. M. Smith, Arlington.
A. Oltenholnior, San Francisco.
N. J. Soronsen, Sumpter.
S. P. Oleson, Fargo.
J. U. Hakor, Meachatn.
W. G. Cole, city.
F. S. Vincent, city.
Charles C. Ilrlghnni, Denver.
It. D. Fulton, Portland.
Ed D, Isaacs, Wulln Walla.
D. 11. Itlchardson. Helix.
C .C. I.umpsun, Portland.
II. T Hooth, Dakor City.
11. .1. Ulako. Spokane.
W. S. Ilerdan. Jr., San Francisco.
.Mrs, II. N. Osborne, Spokane.
W. n. Shophard.
C. K. Crouslan, city.
A. G. Hans. Spokane.
H. E. True. Walla Walla.
.1. H. Kloeckner. Spokane.
George S. Hell. Portland.
W S. Ofllcer and family. Portland.
A. Dinurd, Kansas Cltv.
T. K. Wells, city.
Charles Preston, city.
K. C. Llntor and wife, Creston.
D. Wilson, Spokane.
.M. A. Shirley. Portland.
George II. Sutherland, Walla Wain.
L. F. Gibson, Wnlla Wala.
' C. C. Simpson, Portland.
Farnlor M. Grovor. Nickorson.
Golden Rule Hotel.
.Mrs. Helen Belts and family, Pilot
W D. Davis, Pilot Hock.
Mrs. M. E. Hill. Pilot Hock.
W J. .Moore. Spokane.
!. Cunningham, Portland.
Doug Helta, Pilot Hock.
J. A. .Marston, city.
J. W. Smith, Allorton.
George Surbeck. Wnlla Walla.
W. G. Crandol. La Grande.
Jennie Carlutt. HntBVlIlo.
.Mrs. A. E. Cnrbett and family,
Mrs. John Knox and fnmlly, Hunts
vile. J.' Harrison, city.
.Mrs. H. H. Bradley, Omaha.
-Miss G. Bradley. Omaha.
A. A. Bradley, Omaha.
Miss C. M. Stovons. Denver.
Emma Taylor, St . Paul.
Don't Run Any Risk Use Ice From
oiled and Distilled Water.
"Owing to the low stago of tho
water In the city woll It has been
found necessary to pump como of tho
supply from tho channel of tho river.
For this reason It Is thought host by
Dr. Cole, tho city health ofllcer, to
call tho attention of tho public to
the advisability of boiling tho water
used for drinking purposes." E. O.,
July 22.
Bettor use pure lee, mado from
water that has been both boiled and
distilled. It Is cheaper than you can
boll the water. Hoss Ico Co., 'Phono
Main 1781.
Homo from vncation, feeling good,
strong and healthy, would ho tho case
after nn outing at tho most bcautltul
of Blue mountain resorts Ijhman
Springs. There Isn't a place In nil
tho West whoro you can find a moro
convenient and delightful spot to
spend ti fow days or a long tlmo
away from tho heat, nolso and worry
of city life. The 15 nntural hot
springs aro wonderful for their me
dicinal properties. Hotel accommo
dations tiro first-class, 'phono connec
tions, free cnmplng ground, 25 pri
vate cottages, largo swimming pool,
baths, golf, tennis, hunting and flail
ing. For further partlculors, address
C. H. Dutton, I.uhmun Springs, Or.
Working. Nlaht and Day.
Tho busiest nnd mightiest llttlo
thing that over was mado Is Dr.
King's Now Life rills. Those pills
chnugo weakness Into strength, list
lossness into cnorgy, lirnlnfug into
mental power. Thoy'ro wondorful
In building up tho health. Only 25c
for hox. Sold by Tullnmn, & Co.
Flvo members in four days have
Joined tho Piano Purchasers' Union
at Thorkelson's Plnno House,
Valuation of Pacific States Telephone
Property Fixed at $17,738 for 113
Miles Western Union Property
Valued nt $16,522 for 202 Miles
Many Improvements Made,
The assessment of tho Paclllr States
Telephone Company and tho Western
Union Telegraph Company Is now
complete and discloses some Inter
esting details.
Mr. Strain has made a systematic
assessment of this property and has
Increased tho valuation on each to
accord with the actual values and
earning capacity. He has valued nil
the telephone and telegraph lines at
$30 per mile, on each wire which
brings the total valuation up to more
than twice tho amount of ti.e assess
ment of 1902.
Tho Pacllle States Telephone Com
pany has r.7 miles of two-wire lino In
Umatilla county valued at $G,niSCi; 22
miles of four-wire lino valued at $8.
012, Including Improvements, and M
miles of oiglit-wlre line valued nt $3,
(hiO, making a totul of 11.1 miles In
tho county valued nt $17,738. The as
sessment on this property In 1902 was
$7,075. Many Improvements, exten
sions and additional lines have been
made since that time, over 120 now
'phones with their necessary Increase
of lines, have been put In uso In Pen
dleton alone, during tho past year.
Tho fixtures, 'phones nnd nppllauces
of the company In the city of Pen
dleton, exclusive of tho wires consti
tuting the lilies, is valued at $5,000,
and Iu the county $5,515. On the now
four-wire lino botweon this city and
Athena a valuation of $10 por nillo
wns fixed on account of the extra
value of the line. It having been
grently improved this season.
The Western Union hns 19 miles
of six-wire lino, valued at $3,511, in
cluding iiupiovemcuts, In tho county;
99 miles of three-wire lino valued at
$S.93S; II miles of two-wire line,
valued nt $2.U7S. and 11 miles of one
wire Hue valued at $1,395, or a tutal
of 202 miles in the county, valued at
$10,522. Including fixtures. The fix
tures in all odl cob In the county un
valued at $030. The total valuation
on the Western Union's property In
tno county in 1902. was $.S,03S.
Mr. Strain lias spared no pains to
fix those values nu an equal basis with
tho same proerty. under like condi
tions. Iu different states. He hah
searched the records of other states
for statistics, and precedents and
finds that this valuation Is as near
Just and right as it is possible to determine.
State Federation of Societies Will Be
Effected In Wisconsin.
Milwaukee, Wis., July 25. Dele
gates representing various Catholic
soeiotios of Wisconsin are arriving
In .Milwaukee for the convention to
bo hold tomorrow, when a state or
ganization will be formed as a branch
of the Aniorlcnn Federation of Cath
olic societies. District organizations
have already been formed In six
counties and It Is hoped to extend the
movement all over the state Iu the
near future.
Tomorrow's convention will open
with the celebration of pontifical high
mass in St. John's cathedral, Bishop
Mossmor or Green Bay being the o
lebront. Aside from the completion
ot tho state federation tho conven
tion will elect delegates to tho annual
meeting of the American Federation
of Catholic Societies, which is to bo
hold two weeks hence iu Atlantic
The Fatal Germ and Its Remedy Now
Facts of Science.
It Is the rarest thing In tho world
for a man to he necessarily bald. No
man whoso hair Is not dead at tho
loots, ne.-d in. bnhl ir ho will imo
Nowbro'H Herplcide, thr now sculp
antiseptic. Herplcide destroys the
gorm that cuts the hair off at tho
root; and cleans the scalp or dandruff
unit leaves it In a perlectly healthy
condition. .Mr. Mnnnutt, in the Mary
land Block, Butte. Mont., was entire
ly bald. In less than a month Herpl
cide had removed the enemies of hair
growth, and nature did Its work by
covering his head with thick hair an
inch long, and In six weeks he had u
normal suit or hair. Sold by leading
druggists. Send 10c iu stamps for
sample to Tne Horplride t." Detroit
Mich. F. W. Schmidt &. Co. special
New Yorl;, July 25.-A!though tho
season la wull advanced there are
many beautiful novelties with which
tho summer girl may replenish her
wardrobe. Less expensive designs
are selected now, because there will
he only ii short tlmo to wear them
and It Is unsafe to calculate upon
holding them over for next senBOii on
nccouut of Uie uncertainty of making
over. This season It hns been almost
next to Impossible to do over hist
year's frocks, for, although they were
pretty, they tiro little less than m
clinic now.
A fabric which will be apropos
late In the season, however, is shun
tung. This Is very desirable In natur
al colof shot with oblong dots of
deep red and green.
Quite an effective skirl of this inn
terial bus the fulness taken up iu tiny
tucks around the hips and In close
fitting to the knees, whore It Hnres
Into a graduated ruffle. Above the
hum of the lloimce medallions or
cream laeo are appliuucd anil over
these are designs or while laeo of
different variety. Where the foun
dation medallion, as it were, extends
beyond the upper one. the design Is
stitched with pale blue and navy silk
threads to gain a complicated, hut
verv elegant effect
Tho name Idea Is carried out on
the bodice which hns a round yoke be
low which It Is shirred buck and
front. The sleeves are trimmed In
the same way at the shoulders and he
low the elbow where the big puffs
hung, there are Inset the cream and
white lace appliques with the silk
Lnccs nnd Embroideries.
I.ace continues to be a favorite
trimming, but the select rnney Inclines
toward the ronulnnuiice effects. These
allow almost unlimited variety for
many of the patterns nro made from
my lady's own .designs and are neces
sarily exclusive. Linen dresses have
upplfques of the heavy braids, while
the duchess and honlton braids nro
used for organdies, mulls and inous
Hollnefl, (t Ih also noticeable that some lOrm
of embroidery Is almost invariably
combined with the lace trimming.
For Instance with the coarser braid
I medallions French knots or petit puis
are used to outline an entirely dls
, tini't design, though all Is interwoven
In the lace. There Ih not a very de
I elded contrast of coloring between
einhronlery and lace just enough
diffetence to differentiate between the
! designs of the two.
I A fabric which nets off to advantage
; the cream and white lace trimmings
j is black dotted buIso. Tho vory line
j or iilnbends are considered the inot
I chic. An elegant gown Is carried out
i in this material. The bodice has u
solid yoke of heavy lace with liberty
satin ribbon run through the meulies
half way up from neck to bust line,
though Iu tills instance they reached
only to- tho waistline. From the yoke
there fnlls a deep bertha ruffle of Su
isse cut to hang In deep points, one
over each shoulder extending down
tile arm nearly to the elbows. There
Is one deep point iu the back while
two mlorn the front. This ruffle 1b
edged with a two-Inch told joined to
the bertha proper by flue black silk
There is a shaped girdle which Is
laid In folds and slipped through nar
row Jet slides. The fulness of the
bodice is shirred on cords over the
hips ami the sleeves an- shirred on
similar cords above ami below thi
ol bows.
The skirt, which Is shirred over tho
hips, Is finished with two deep
llouncoH, eaeh starting from three
cords and each edged with a deep
fold Joined by black lagottlng to the
ruffles. Under the lower flounce Ih
another black accordion plaited uious
sollne lloimce with a full rushe at Its
edges. A tint lint of black point d'es
prlt and tulle, shirred, and trimmed
with cream lace and pink rosebuds
eunipletoH the toilette.
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
chronic Blood Poisoning and all Scrof
ulua affections. At nil times n match
loss system tonic and purifier. Money
refunded If you nio dlssatluflod Fif
ty cents and $1.00. F. W. Schmidt &
Co., druggists.
Best shoe work at Toutseh's.
Store Far Rent.
1 am planning to erect a two-story
brick block on tho corner ot Wohb
nnd Cottonwood streets, Heforo I
build I would like to securo a renter
for tho upstairs and downstairs
either separately or together, so
that Iu nulldlng I can nrrnngo the
building to suit tho router. Those
desiring to rent call or address H.
Martin, at his grocery store.
The Into P. S. Gllmoro, founder of
tho famous Gllmoro hand, says: "Tho
Kimball piano is my preference over
nil other Instruments." Wo tnko de
light iu showing thorn to tho public.
Inland Emplro Plnno Houso. 901
When tho hot days or Hum
mer como tho cook stove Is to
be avoided and well It can ho
with tho stock ot Biimiuor deli
cacies. Lots of now tilings in
convenient form ready
servo cold or wl'h
warming. Yo-.i will
prised at tho many tempting
dainties wo havo for you.
a llttlo
bo Bur-
Young married women must reme
ber that the experience of maternity
not be approached without careful
A cumblo mother must Ikj n healthy mother: the I
first child is nu csiHJumlly trying experience, and Martin.
holp it can get. Corroct and pmutiunl counsel is of the ml
piiiuuiuu w um nuiuu-iiu iiiouier. iurs. I'litkiiams adi
times, together with Lyilln 13. IMiikliuin's Vegetable Coml
guuioii many ii yuunn woman uirougu tins trying experiea
nnppiost possible results. Her advice is that of a motlierl
porionco with thousands of such cases, and given ontlrelrlJ
iy Hiwiiiiu inn-mission wo publish the following three lJ
mg uio iiDsmuio necessity oi proper care una advice at I
i, rri,.,i .p m... c. in.. ii i I
ixi.nui.iiii,. Aiuiu il .tma. ri-.niii jiiiiMtiutes uio dangers (i
That of Mrs. lltuison tho suH'erintr duriinr the
Jliisscy tho troubles that may beset a young mother after!
rum tney im iuusir.uo ino wonuertui value ol Lydlu E,l
Vegotnltk- Compound in such cases. I
firs. Lilie Sexton, Ashland, Ky., Boyd
" Ucaii Mils. I'iniciiasi : I wrote to you in Sept., 1000. Thai
two years mid liiul two miscarriages, one at six month and oni
organs wen- very weak. jou udviM-d me to use Lydia Ml
Vegotnlile Compound, and 1 bctrnu at oucu and used 13 ltil
lu lime. mm. I a "niii expected to become n mother, anil nti
baby f'Irl, two moiitli.-. old. J took the Compound nil the ticl
niinuy. J cannot. pralM- your remedies enough.
Mrs. Karianna Hanson, Box 343, Worlliinglon, Ml
"I)i:ah Mr.s. 1'iNKUASl : 1 feel It mv duty to send yon mtl
for vour kind advice and for the good liydlu K. l'illkliaiii
Compound and your letter of advice have done m. I
Vi lu-u 1 wrote vou I did not see a well day. I was to
nud had lu-iuhiehc, dizziness, poor appetite, wus nervous
cramps In alidomun nnd swollen feet. i
"After followitnr vour advice I noon hetrim tofeellictH
taken four liotl.led of Jjydiu J3. I'iiikliiiuiV Vegetable Col
real well. My baby when three months' old weighed over W
" I cannot praise your wonderful medicine eiioiipli, nnaj
Buffering women to write to you nnd use Jvydiil Ii. I'lnkluij
firs. fl. fl. flassey, Sulphur Springs, lei
"Di;au Jim. I'i.nkiiam : I will tell you what 1 think j
I'liilcliiini's Veffolitlilo (Joinpouml. i tutuic xi is a wu
1 lit-lhivi- H. KfLVid mv life-.
" When one of my ohlldrcu wus just Ave weeks old I taj
ciiiun near living. 1 was in lied two weeUH. ine uocior m
n wni.lr mill Y irnt nn I111H1.P. AT V liowi-ls would UCiirl.V Kill
eauv when under the lulliienco of ophites. It seemed at tl
knots in mv bowels lis larire us my list. I hud such pain "
bulVered us iinich us I did when my baby wns born.
ill ..... ,. l...tl....r 1 .,!!.. T.' ll,.l ImimiV W-'i-lalilc i
nvi-iiincr. and liv the next dav I wus ncarlv easy, 1 W'U aIl
Surely bucIi endorsement should dlsjiel iloulitfj
ot till hesitating women. jYllor rending nuui
is willing to reiimin Nick, we um only
Hho deserves to sutler; for tlie medlelne thot lu
. i .i .. ii. ...... ,..111 uiiriMt I
women aiHi u litmureu iiiousanu uiuuro
'"ORFEIT If wo cwmnt frtliwitliirnlai thrijjjjj
Provides an evening of rare el
UUUU, UlCdll, n nui
dull minute.
n p. & N. DePot
Admission, 20c
- - rrrrC Wfl
alogae of them. A foil l
taster oi,
.;. . .;. 4. . . 4. . .J. -1- ! "i- r
cntil fin
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