East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1903, Image 1

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. .. i at vnur rottltlenctt
Jfei-n -asOTBSSSS -A S5fe -iI5S- Jy I l., , , .... ill
I in u.
ol the Pope Are No
i ... Prncnnrahln anr!
pwing nas duuii oiuuueu.
the Dead Pontiff Will Take
, r...Hl,. ulth Vprv Im.
ssive Ceremonies and Witness-
ly70O invited Guests First In-
(rent Will Be Temporary.
Mv 25. Todny Is the lust
rite public will li permitted to
. 1 -I- ...-I.... t'lin ,l,nvu
lUepOpiiH lUllllMlin. i.u uuu..
lit 6 as In tho last two days,
losal at noon to permit propar
i or Interment Although tho
! Is smaller than yesterday, It
i continuous stream. Tho re-
ireseuted anything hut a
liiHPcarnnco, as they are now
lit recocnlzablo. It is eonsld-
Itentahio that tho exhibition
uittcd to continue today. Tho
thad barely fleeting glances, ub
liere not allowed to pass as
ecatafalnuo as before.
reception of tho diplomatic
Into the vacation by tho collogo
i Ms licit! at 11 In tho hall
I consistory Autaus of Portu-
In of tho corps, niado a short
convoying the condolence of
Iters ami the whole civilized
Cut Out Politics.
p, in an eulogy of tho late
I ("veil for inspiration In tho
J a successor Tho reception
Tithout the presentation of any
a subject or temporal power,
Inentlon of any political sub-
Funeral Services.
' July 25. Funeral sorvlces
I" remains of Pour Len will ho
ISt. Peter's at 7 this ovcnlng,
1 lad prelates conducting.
he very Impressive, and
by only 700 Invited per-
I'ill come the moults of St.
I tainting tho Misorarc. Car-
Fa tie monks nnd raised the
their slionldors, Tho pro-
I Mi advanced, all chanting,
"rough the church and pass-
t" oi retcr s tomli and
liere OCCIirs n mnninnt'H cl.
I'ken tho chant suddenly
l In Imnradlslum. A few
wter sprinkled on tho ro
fJ the last absolution wns
f ornaments, all medals
.PW also a scroll tolling
W events of his pontlfl-
'Paced In the collln. Tho
I Will lio rovnrnil wltli
teflon, tho colTln will
'ininnne nf lend nnl nnnl.
f major
I Inscribed' and tho wholo
11 within an outer box of
'cn will also bo sealod
l ami cnveloiii 'fl In nnnr.
r win tt. .
tver lh( (l0()r Th,s
5 placo fr n year, when
?.mo!el to fH linn tomb
P or St John l.n.nin.
AY, ,11 LY So, 1 )(),. V(). .(SO.'t.
' - : ;
Claimed That Mrs. Drlggs and Earl
Lucas Tried to Corrupt a Jury
I-os Angeles, July 25,-Earl Lucas
a young artist from San Franc sco
was arrested hero on suspicion or &
Ing an accomplice of Mrs. Gertrude
Drlggs, charged with corrupting the
ry In the Hill will case. Itls aiieg.
cd he mado a spirit photozranh nf
Charles Hill, which Mrs. Mggs ll
charged with handing to a juror a few
ays previous to verdict being ro.
(lorcd against her. Lucas was sml t
on with iittlo Grace Drlggs, the dan"
ng girl who claimed to ho a Hill
holr In the will which was declared
to bo a forgery. Lucas followed Mrs
Drlggs to Los Angeles from 'Frisco
Ho went to the county jail with Grace
this morning, to try to get Mrs.
Drlggs a bond, and was arrested.
After the Tobacco Trust.
London, July 25. Tho lord chief
Justice today granted awards for dam
ages against the tobacco trust for
unpaid bonuses promised during tlio
tobacco war. It Is expected the de
cision will leud to hundreds of simi
lar suits.
No Longer Denied That-Bui-garia
is on the Eve of a
Trades Union Victory.
London, July 25. Tho hv-nlenllnne
nt Ilarnard today resulted in a big
Approaching Election Will Result In
a Crisis The King is Badly Scared
and Is Begging for Outside Inter
cessionUnless He Secures it He
Will Abdicate.
Paris, July 25. A Sofia corres
pondent of the Patrie wires an inter-
New Organizations Formed
for the Control of the Coast
Vast Speculations In Government
Timber Lands A Merger Has Been
Effected of All the Larger Coal
Mining and Shipping Companies
Advances Made to Smaller Firms.
San Francisco, July 25. Frederick
w cyerhauscr, K. 11. Harrlman. T. 11.
'Three Grains of Corn
But $5,000 for the Poo
thtb'ln. July 25. King Edward be
fore leaving for North Ireland this
morning, gave $5,000 for tho poor of
utuiiin. in tits larewell address he
said. "May the Inhabitants of this il
lustrious city look forwnrd under
God 'a providence to blessings com
mensurate with their Keenness of In
telect and warmness of heart."
American Team Leaves England for
the United States.
Hlsley, July 25. The American
rllle team, which recently won tho
great l'alnin trophy in the interna
tional shooting tournament, left this
morning. A largo crowd or English
men escorted them to the train. They
were cheered to tlte echo, while tho
bands played "Yankee Doodle."
Cannibals on Tiburon Island
in Gulf of California Feast
on Prospectors.
War Ship for Turkey,
l'hllndelphla, July 25. The cruiser
Medjidla, the first warship built In
this country for Turkey, was success
fully launched at Cramp's this afternoon.
Eloped With a Dancer,
Geneva, July 25. M. Wolfing, for-
Collision at Cleveland,
One Killed.
But Only
victory for tradoK nnlnnlam tio.i.. ' view with the president of tho llul-, Wnlk-cr an.i io,.,'.i. iii,i..u i..'... i..!
son. tho lahor cnniiMntn .'no i,.,.t.i I garlan chamber In which he Is ouot 1 ed fn-(. -ki, in,,,.. inn 1 merly Archduke Leopold, today luur
hv 11 hli? ninlm-ltv ii v i od as sayinc that owlntr to the iren-' ilirnnM, ti.ie ,t,i.i m ..' I lied .Mile. Adnmultch, the dancer with
atlve was elected by n small margin! ! eral l1lsn'nt of tho country the tieally control tho production of coast I hm", llc. 'J0'1 ,wlle" 1,ls sl8,,T. ''
" crown in in Imminent danger. lumber. I cIpcd with Glron.
Alter 1110 next election a revolution 1 K. w. Eberlin, their agent, took at
will ho proclaimed unless tho liberals 1 government figures timber now stand
are victorious. Ferdinand's depart- ing. bougnt through agents, until now
lire is read as a sign of the times. , these Ave, with minor associates,
He was badly frightened by numerous hold the Western lumber market in
anonymous threats, although no ac- their hands.
tual plot exists. Weyerhauscr wus tho menus of got-
Looklng for a Bracer. ting aarrimau and Hill together on
Both Were Electric Road Accident-! the combine w,,h p revision To p
Score of Passengers Injured In a says Ferdinand of llulgaria is trying ',c1 llis company's nertltons. which
to gain additional aid from tho pow- ii-kci oouincrn i-acmc crcuii-
ers to hold his throne. Unless It is
Stole Mexican Women for Wive and
Killed Off Native Women Islands
Are Desolate But Supposed to Be
Fabulously Rich No Successful At
tempt to Explore Them.
Tucson. Arix., July 25. Six Indian
prisoners have been brought to (luny
mas from Tiburon Island, to bu tried
for murder nnd cannibalism. A party
of Mexican prospectors wiipli land
ed on Tiburon several weeks ago,
wore attacked, killed and partially
eaten by the natives.
The governor of Sonorn sent n pu
nitive expedition anil a severe right
resulted, many Indians lining killed.
The prisoners nre splendid idiyslciil
Tiburon Island is a lockv leef ' On-
AND DREADFUL SUFFERING ' tnlnttiR about ISO square lnlles Of
AINU DKLADFUL buFFLHInu. ,, ,.,cU vok.,. soil, lyillg
Mi miles
St. Louis, July 23. Two electric
cniB loaded with working people col
lided at tno crossing of Lafayette and
Nebraska streotB this morning, injur
ing 21, of whom six wore seriously
and it is believed fatal.
forthcoming he will abdicate.
Cleveland, July 25. A passenger
train on the Cleveland & Akron Elec
tric railway collided with a Norfolk
& Western switch engine this morn
ing. Conductor Hunt was seriously
and perhaps fatally hurt. A score of
pussengers were more or less injured.
Hutchinson, Kan., July 25, Missou
ri Pacific and Santa I'o passenger
trains collided In the Junction City
limits todny. It. Lonnecker, of Bart
lott, Kan.; M. Corrlnglon, of Spring
field. Mo., were fatally hurt, and 15
others more or less seriously injured.
Reliance, Already Ahead,
Race In Two Hours,
Newport, July 25. Start follows:
Reliance, 1J :4U:20; Columbia,
11:41:50; Constitution, 11:42, Course
is a ao-mlie triangle. Ideal racing
" v Coal Merger.
San Francisco, July 25. Another
step in the formation of a trust to
control tho coal supply on this coast,
Won the : was taken yesterday when the West-Fifty-Nine
1 eru Fuel Company was appointed
wnoiesale distributor for the Ueaver
HI11 Coal Company.
The Western Fuel Company now Is
a merger of lour different companies.
It was formed six months ago, when
three local companies nooleu their in-
1 icrosis ana issued stock.
Constitution haying M e . lead. . At the yegt , h t j,eavci:.m )n
second maik the Columbia In l.mg ,s coalr1,oU ,,y his company,
los her topmast. Men were immc Wp wholesale dlstrlbu Ing
atcly sent alolt to clear the wreck- j .,, .. snU, "Yes, that practl-a'?e-
. . . .. callv menus Ihnl wr cnntrnl tlm nut.
put 01 tue mine. Tne IJeaver-HIll
Coal Company has not been absorb-
The Constitution at that time was
half a minute ahead of Columbia. The
nellance finished the course, the un
olllclal time being 2:39.
Three Cans of Powder Ignited by the
Coffin Nails.
West Newton. Mass., July 25. Five i
boys nnd threo men were seriously
injured by the explosion of three cans
of powder tills morning. The men
put tho ponder in a wagon and the
boys climbed in to steal a ride. Two
weie smoking cigarettes, sparks fiom
which are believed to have ignited
tho powder The three boys are not
expected to recover. Their names aio
Dels, Nelbei t and Shearer.
With Placer
Baker City Underlaid
Uaker City, July 25. Gold has been
discovered ill tho streets. A man dig
ging a watermain ditch struck ricu
jmy gravel. A few feet turther he
struck a stream of water. It is be
lieved placer deposits lie in a subter
ranean stream under the city.
s; Next Monday.
IM5' Thi- crisis
m '""" "i mco has
Monday, when
I b) fake no raillrnl
iSu Contrary to
u'l6r n.innnt-.wl
H b?I"".1,; nn" n
n I'la.'e as as-
'"o't 1; yet no dls-
Roosevelt May Visit England.
London, July 25. The St. James
Gazette today announced that Presi
dent Koosovelt inuy visit England
next year If he Is re-eloctod. Says It
tloos not believe serious objeutlon
would be made In Ainurlcn, although
It Is tho unwritten law that no presi
dent can leave the boundaries of his
New Federal Building,
linker City. July 25. Tho govern-
1 ment agents of tho Treasury depart
ment have f-oleeted a sito lor me nuw
federal building to bo orectod here,
and work on the foundation will bo
gin soon.
ed by the Western Fuel Company,
"Ih It the Intention of the Western
I Fuel Company to pool all tho coal In
iteiests on the IMrlfle Coast In order
to control the local market? was
asked of Norcrofs.
"Such a report Is unfounded and
Is only the imaginings of peoplo who
talk much and know little," was the
Dosplte the denial of an Intention
to form a trust, there is a porslstent
rumor abroad that a numiier of coal
companies on tho water front have
been askod to Join their Interests
with those of tho Western Fuel Com
pany. Tho Independent wholosalo
coal distributors aro reticent when
questioned concerning the formation
of a trust.
Nineteen Men Dropped Dead and
Forty More Are In the Hospital Out
of a Total of 450 Soldiers Com
mandant Was Drunk.
1 1 TM..... .
te!5'A' trait.
' c . - 'u un aav nni.
lie I.rr.,1 nilBSOl.
I Jul. , '""I Fight.
ttll'.'A0 lannr u.,l..
h i 5000 as k h
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company G. R. Coekley, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Chicago. Julv 25 Wheat advanced
0110 cent today and closed almost
at top. Corn advanced almost 8 cent
from low point, i being a weather
market and fear of damage over Sun
day cnusod n strong grain market all
around. OatB were strong also,
while pork sold off and closed at low
point of day, 1380 a barrel for Sep
tember. Wheat Opening. Close.
Sopt TO 77
Doc 'o iAZ
May T8V4 7
Corn .
Sopt M gw
May bom. m
aept'8".: 38 38
Doc. 38 3
May 35j -o
Jllni.eaiiolih. July 25
Wheat OpenWK .'0h'
Sopt 'd s
Dec 74
Favorites for the East Oregonlan
Free Vacation Are Named.
At uoon today the votes of faeries
-A" in the coupon contest for thoKast
Oregonlan free1 vacation to Tho
Breakers, were counted and tho fol
lowing candidates were named:
ISffle Frazier, Peoples Warehouso,
Uussle Hulse, The Kalr Store, HI.
Dora My rick, St. Joe Store, 32.
Rubv Wbittemore. The Delta, 11,
Anna Kennedy, Ixie Teutsch Ue
partment Store. 10.
Julia Haller, The Boston Store, 0.
Flora Walker, The Owl Tea House,
b-Mlss Newqulst. The Fair Store, C.
Killed a Moonshiner.
Stonega. W. Va.. July 25. While
resisting arrest this moinlng Thomas
Daniels, ;i moonshlnor, fatally shot
Chief of Police King, and another of
ficer then killed Daniels. After a
long fight two oilier moonshiners
were captured.
Married a Lord.
London, July 25. Lillian May,
daughter of Honry May of Haltlmoro,
today married Lord Dagot. Tne bride
received 400 presents, Including many
valuable gems.
Vienna, July 25. A force of 150 in
fantrymen who were yesterday drill
ing on the open campus at Treblnjo,
in Ilosnla, adjacent to their barracks,
suffered dreadfully, and the commnnil
was almost dissolved, Hi dying with
in n fow hours, while 40 are In hos
pitals. The entire command, on account of
the fault of a few. were In disgrace.
There had been some bleaches of
discipline In tho way of pranks being
played upon prominent citizens and
the commandant, mid no member of
the command could bo found who
would either acknowledge tho fault
or give testimony Incriminating
others. The entile command hud
been deprived of food 21 bonis and
were marched upon tho campus In
the morning nnd quizzed. Nothing
In relation to the breaches of disci
pline could be UHCcrtaliu'U, and the
lommandnnl proceeded lo put the
entire command through the quick
step. This wus followed In quick
succession by the manual of nrms and
Tho men wore given no opportunity
to slako their thirst, and as tho day
was extremely hot, their sufferlngB
became Intolerable..
A sergeant who Interposed u re
quest that the men be allowed water
and to doff their heavy winter uni
forms, was knocked down with the
flat of a sabre and put In Irons.
Shortly nfler the noon hour pros
trations began and the men weie
falling In tho ranks. Mvory case of
collapse wus first examined, roughly,
but thoroughly, to ascertain If ihero
was any possibility of shamming,
and the urlll went on. Moat of thoso
who sunk In the ranks were cases of
apoplexy pur- ami simple, superin
duced by the extreme heat mid vio
lent and protruded exorclso.
Not until tho entire command was
exhausted and a dozen deaths wore
ratwirtml t. tlm r-fimtiimtilnnt wnu the
! affair brought to a close. It Is bo-
lloved the commandant was drunk.
Consul-General Dead.
Urussels. July 21 O. Llllicon, con-sul-generu)
for the United States nt
Antwerp, died today. He was born
at Hartford. Conn., In 1850.
New Vork. July 25. -The stock
market opened foM-nshly and fell
away from last night's eh-in prices.
The tirtnrtiM !"i 111 Ml" 1,8 ait! ul"
redly connected with yesterdays
(alluies For the first time in his long
,uid checkered eaKer. James It.
Keeiie today showd the effects of
The market again became wild
near the close and there were many
violent changes. Disorder continued
until tho oud. Tho closing was ner
vous and Irregular. Staudard Oil
stock foil from ?G to ?5.S0 op 0 curb
just boforo the close, making a
Iosb of 50 points in two days.
He Is Accused of Attempting to Rob
La Rose Night Before Last.
Fred Long was arrested last night
by the sheriff and a deputy at a point
near the railroad bridge west of town
as the party who attempted to rob A.
La llosi night before last. Yester
day afternoon La Rose swore out a
complaint charging Long with the of
fense, and his arrest followed.
ixing maintains that there wus mi
robbery Intended, and Hint ho Is
theietore being held under the wrong
charge. He claims that he and 1-a
rto.ie, who had been drinking, had
some trouble and that ho knocked
him down I. a Hose called for the
pollci., and In older to escape arrest
Lorn; ran from the offlcor when he
pursued lilm. He had not attempted
to rob the lomplaliiing witness nnd
had no such Intention.
Long was taken before the Justice
court this morning and his case was
set for this afternoon, when ho will
have his preliminary examination.
in the (lu r of Ca morula.
northwest of (luaymas. The Inhabi
tants 1110 natives of tho rocky Islets
of the gulf, anil have nairasMid tho
Spanish and Mexicans ever since tho
western coast of Mexico lu- been
peopled by the whites,
The Islands are reputed to bo rich
In gold, and every attempt 01 white
men lo explore then, has been mot
with the most baibarous and cruel
lepulses. The natives are tin- most
expert oarsmen In the world, as tho
gulf Is rough nnd tempestuous, and
their lives aro mostly spent in fishing
on tho reefs nnd small Ishtlids
There Is an old Spanish leg. inl re
garding those people, which acnimts
for their splendid physical bei.uly. It
Is told that a large body of these na
tives fell upon a Spanish settlement,
oil the Sonorn coast, about loo years
ago, killed all tho men anil taking
the women pilsoners. The natives
weie so struck with the beauty of
the Spanish women they bad takoi.
captive that they killed off nmj na
llo woman on the Island and look
the prisoners for wives and tne pres
ent Kcnernllon or Islanders owe men
splendid carriage and physbpi' to
their Spanish mothers.
The Islands lu tho gulf ate th must
desolate portions of the North Amer
ican continent and repeated altemptB
have been inade by both Americans
and Mexicans to exploit) and prospect
the region.
Tho Islanders uro known to be can
nibals nnd the Mexlcuns haw hor
ror of their very name.
The Sand Banks of the Columbia
Subject to Contest.
Land along the Columbia rivei be
tween Hunt's Junction and old Alns
worlh at the mouth of tho Hnftki wns
very much In evidence at 'a'"'
office yesterday, six contests being
filed by residents of Ibis city, saju tho
Hlntonmnii. The laud Hon In the
sandy section near the Northern I a
ciflc railway, and until the movement
tif desert hind a lew weeks ium was
considered worthless In X'ui.s past,
when booms were in urdcr. H.plti
rushed to HI" homesteads upon the
river banks, and much of the poorest
laud was thus taken from tetib-iu-nt.
As might be expected, nothing "n
of the filings, the parties ev. 1. tail
ing to relinquisn anur
proved no goon vtwn
desert flllng" began near !''
lnnk..( about for evcrj pit
available land, and a iium'..;; nt iiiniga
have been made in
couuly- lti order to dearth,
ords In case of pr-vlons nllm
contests tad to be lirmixb' an .
Is little doubt that uuy of the
onitiura will he l"ird from
lniid will be tak " "b ''"''' 1
the contests prove sue
WmI la
1 et
i, ul
Will Build an Island.
Preliminary work for tb '
structlou or an island in N. w
York Hay. bet wen ' llierty and
mils Islands by the goVMiimeui has
been completed and the ork of fl)l
ing In the site marked out will bo be
gun lmmwlUtely. The Island will bo
800 feet long and 300 feet wide. On It
will bo bull! a reception hospitsl for
contagious, diseases.