East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 24, 1903, Image 8

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Ladies, misses' men's, boys'
ami llttlo gents' oxfords. Orcnt
values nt bnrguin prices.
Men's canvas shoes, the shoe
for hot summer weather, $1.25,
$1.50 anil a Goodyear welt nt
$2.50. Keep yonr foot cool ami
Big Odd uud End Sale still in
Dmdinger, Wil
son & Company
Phone, Main i iSi
out, niul would bo good for 20 years
travol. , '
' Now Is the host tlmo for tho work
to bo done, for nil of tho machinery
i haB been hauled to tho nobis and tho
wheat has not yot begun to bo limited
to the mills. In a fow weeks this
1 condition will be changed, and tho
road will bo lined with wagons and
I teams coming from all over the conn-
, , ,. . 1 try to the mills and warehouses.
Ordinance Against Throwing Trash Th0M t wou(1 ))0 t()H lnto f(. tll0
on the Streets Will De Enforced bridge to bo closed without n grout
Main Street Bridge Needs a New deal of loss to tho fnrmors, and might
Deck and Needs It at Once, But It Jyort them to the warehouses In
OIIU'I pilllM ill uiu ruuuij. jiiil ii in"
I work Is not done, there will bo trouble
when the hauling does commence,
for the deck Is worn nut now and It
will not tako ninny heavy loads to
Should Be Done Differently,
James Means, the commissioner of
stroots for tho city, has finished the
repairs on tho Leo street bridge and cm t,m)11(,h th(1 (lec). , fnr ,)uIow tho
tho overhauling that It 1ms received ; "n,"'cl 'KHIU
In the last week or two tho bridge
is In better shape than It has been
for some tlmo, and in tho cstlmnuou
of tho street commissioner It Is as
strong, If not stronger now thnn It
was when built.
Better Bridge Than When New,
R. & N, Employe at Baker City
Goe6 Wrong and Disappears.
About a week ago the traveling au
ditor of the O. K. & N. came to linker
City and checked up the accounts of
the station, says the Ilakor City Dem
ocrat. It was known at the start that
Cashier George W. Hreaw was short,
and ho was dismissed from the serv
ice of the company, although he as
sisted tho auditor In checking tho
Two or three days ago Mr. llreaw
left the city, and yet there Is nothing
to show that lie went away on ac
count of his shortage. The exact
nmount of the shortage is not known,
but Is understood to be les sthan $200,
although Agent Hallock does not care
to talk about tho matter until the re
turn of Sheriff Brown, who went in
search of tho young man. Dreaw was
bonded by the Guaranty company.
Large Crowds Enjoy the Clean and
Wholesome Entertainment.
A large nnd appreciative audlouco
nttmiilni! Qlitnliln' Pnrlr Inst evnnltlir.
Ilorore the remodeling tho bridge in spite of the threatening wenthor.
was a two-span structure, and from The Cockatoo circus was tho star
the result of age and heavy traffic, feature, followed closely by the Ko
had Bagged and was unsaie; hut tho hers, who arc certainly nrtists.
workmen hnvo cut each span in two . Little Irene made n great hit and
and mado four spans in the place of is sure to become very popular dur
tho two. In this way the structure is lug her stay In Pendleton. Lyndon
much stronger than with tho old, long and Wronn excited tho luullcuco to
spans, for the braces of tho super- considerable applause with their very
structure are only half as long, and laughable Hketch, "The New Wo
there is on that account not so much mnn and tho New Man."
swing and play to tho body of the "North, South and Dixie" made a
bridge as formerly. j splendid Impression as did Mr. Josoph
Yesterday 12 mules niul a conibin-1 Leo in his Illustrated song, "Wearing
ml imsspd over the. structure, nnd My Heart Away for You." Tho mov-
there was not the slightest swing or '"R pictures wore excellent.
sway in tne whole length from bank I Ttilus It as a whole, Pendleton has
I mu wiiiiuaoeu u Know lu eiiuui 11, nun
it certainly will bo well patronized
Pendleton can well feel proud of such
n clean entertainment.
W. II. Iloyd, of Kclui, is In tho city
on a Hhort hiisineiH trip.
a iinllownv of Helm, was In the
city today transacting business.
Mrs. V. .1. Warner, of Long Creek,
Is Ibo aiiost of I'oiiiiintou menus.
W. L. Knight, of Helix, Is In the
cltv today on a short business trip.
Mr nil, I Airs. . II. IlCrttllC. Of HcllO,
cie In the city for u short visit witli
I. At. Harrington, who lives four
miles east of Pilot llock, was In tho
city yesterday on business.
N. V. Wear, of Adams, was the
guest of tho Hotel Ht. ueorgo ycsiei
lie he transacted business In
the city.
Mrs. Will lucrum nnd children left
this morning for Meacham, whore
they will visit lolntlves during the
heated term.
II. II. Trowbridge returned to his
home at Ijico tilts morning litter
tlmo spent lu tho city attending to
business matters. Mr. Trowbridge Is
a stockman of Grant county, and has
been In Pendleton looking after the
Interests of his business.
Will Study Law In Pendleton.
Ban Smythe. a son of A. Smythe, of
Arlington, Is In the city and will en
ter the law office of Halloy & Lowell
where he will practice his profession.
Mr. Smythe is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Minneapolis, and is well
versed In tho law.
Dickson and Boyle to Portland.
A. A. Roberts, the deputy United
States marshal, left this morning for
Portland, having in his custody
Archie Dickson and John Uoyle. held
to the federal grand jury for selling
liquor to tho Indians
to bank',
The approach has been overhauled
and new decking put in whore it was
needed, and the sng taken out from
the middle so that It is now straight
and In good condition for the heavy
work of tho harvest season.
Will Enforce Trash Ordinance.
After a long and hard pull tho iti
havo got the streets cleaned up from
one end of tho town to the other.
Some Unknown Attempts to Hold Up
A. LaRose, and Escapes.
Last night an unknown man al
tacked A. I-altoso on the comer of
even now. with all of tho work Cottonwood and Alta streets, and nt
that has been done. It keeps one mnn tempted to rob hlni. He knocked his
busy all of his time to keep the main Intended victim down and started to
streets of the city free from piles of go through him, but Laltoso sot up a
paper ami other refuse from the , nowi anil ran line lie was pursued
stores and the front doors of tho va
rious shops over the city. As a gen
eral rule all of the trash, or at least
a large part of what accumulates in
by (lends
The would-be robber gave chase,
out as lie readied Main street he was
in turn chased, and only mado his
the bouses during the day is swept escape by bolting up the stairway of
out into the sidewalks and on Into the the (iratz lodging house and down tho
streets, thus compelling the commls- back way into the dark alley, from
sionor to keen a man at the work on ! where he made his way unnoticed in-
those streets from day to day. to the back street and out of sight.
As there Is an ordinance against ! TIl0rS ,s 110 c1"" tn tho nml1' aml no
such practices, It is the intention of description of him can bo given, so
the commissioner to warn the bust- I'"'"-" "' " "
ness men niul nil nf Hie iipnuli. nss , "UL uie iiiuuui.
far as that is concerned, to desist
........ ..j
i r ..... t .'t
from the practice, and if they do not
heed tho warning, hut continue the J
nuisance in defiance of the law, they
will hnvo to answer to the law lor
their defiance.
Main Street Bridge Needs New Deck. '
Former Pendletonlans.
Tho linker City Democrat makes
the following complimentary mention
of H. H. Hallock and son, formerly
oi this city: H. H. Hallock Is making
a record with business men, ns agent
of tho O. It. & N for his thorough
rrl,n ,l..nl.f 41. it i . .
!,H,i" n i, n h,,i , i I I organization and business methods,
bridge Is In a bad shape, and it is I , , t , cnnnratulated nnrm lmv
the wish nf the rnmrntsalnnnr tn'rnm. ' . 1 13 l" "C COn(,raiUiaie(l Upon lla-
ey the defect as soon as possible, I W Zr?Z?UM?La m$l
and tho matter should he auemled to
Howto Prevent i
The spread of infection and T
rtnnlnnln.m .1 ! f .- . V
luiilUriiuua uiatuai-a jb u mill U
ter in which all nro interested, t
In order that nnr rimtmnnra T
may have th most modern
method of disinfection, as well
as tho safest, simplest and
most reliable, we have added
to our already completo drug
stock a fine lino of
before tho farmers begin to haul their
grain to tho warehouses of the city.
lor then It will bo too Into and would
entail a great deal of hardship and
inconvenience and oven loss on them
to have the bridge closed to traffic
In his office, niaino Hnllock hi
son, has been given tho Important
position of ticket and billing clerk in
the office.
Resisted an Officer.
Abo lawronco was arrested tills
The decking of the bridge is mado ! morning at an onrly hour for being
Besides being an Ideal sick
room disinfectant, it is un
equalled In fleas, Insects of all
kinds, etc. Seo thorn In our
window and come In and let
us tell you more about it.
of 4xC timbers sot on edge, and this ! drunk and disorderly on tho streets
arrangement was a mistake on tho 1 When placed under arrest by Police,
part of the architects of the bridgo I nian Armstrong the fellow became
Lending DhiukIMs
for tho reason that when tho roadway
becomes as badly worn as It is tho
present time It cannot lie repaired,
for a now timber put in place would
be at least three inches abovo tho
rest of the floor, and when a heavy
wagon rose over It and dropped onto
the old timbers again the probability
would be that the wholo thing would
not stop, hut would keep on into tho
lied of the river.
Tho best way to repair tho lirigdo
would bo to lay the floor or the main
decking, with 4x0 placed flat as it
was intended It should go. and over
this to lay a super dock of 2x0 reach
ing from tho side of the driveway
to the middle. This would make tho
deck as heavy as before, and would
allow of repairs without closing tho
bride to travel, for one side could
be blocked whllo tho worn top deck
in,; could bo replaced with now ami
j. the other side then remodolod in the
T i same way. In this way the sub-dec k
nbuslvc and resisted tho arrest, but
was ovorcomo by tho officer after a
struggle and taken to tho Jail. This
morning ho was tried by tho record
er's court and sentenced to fivo days
In jail for tho resistance and live
more for being drunk on tho streets.
W4W--M"K'-K"X-H"I- or the main floor would nover wear
After Blooded Sheep.
Charles Cunningham and W. Pedro
left this morning for San Francisco,
whero .Mr. Cunningham will purchase
100 head or tho best Morlnn rams to
ho found In the market for his herds
In this county. It is tho intention oi
tho buyer to get tho best Merino
stock to bo found, nnd mix with the
Itamboulllet stock that ho has on tho
ranges, making a cross bettor than
tho pure bred stock that he now
Cencentrates for Tacoma Smelter.
Tho Iladger Alining Company have
lately shipped out over the W. & C.
1!. to the Taeonm smelter, two car
loads of cencentrates for reduction at
that place. For some tlmo the teams
of the mining men luivo been hauling
tho ore to this point for shipment, it
Is necessary for them to conic hero
for their supplies, and since that is
so thov save half of the trp by bring
Ing their wagons loaded with tho ore
for tills place. At this time there is
almost another car of the conceit
trntes at the depot and more Is on
tho road. As soon as Hiilllcient Is tic
cumulated the car will be shipped to
the smelter.
To Portland and the Coast.
Luke linwley will leave In the
morning for Portland, whero he will
visit relatives and many friends for
several days, going from there to tho
coast points. Seaside, Nowport and
Long lieach. After some tlmo spent
nt the seaside, Mr. Hawley will visit
with ids parents at Independence for
n time before his return to his post
of duty In this city.
Rates From San Francisco Are Made
New York, July 21. Announcement
is made today that the Commercial
Pacific cable will open for business
wltii the Philippines, China, Japan
ami Corca tomorrow. The rates from
San Francisco to .Manila are to be
$1.05, to Hong Kong, $1.10, to Japan
$1.41 nnd to Honolulu, .15 cents per
Beats the Old Boat.
Highlands, July 21. niiumrock III
finished at 2:2(1:22. beating the old
boat 14 minutes and 20 seconds over
tho 20-nillo course.
Five members In four days have
joined tho Piano Purchasers' Union
nt Thorkelsen's Piano House
No Dessert
More Attractive
Funeral and Burial Services Over Re
mains of H. C. Guernsey.
The funeral services over tho re
mains of H. C. Guornsoy wore con
ducted from tho house yestorday
nftemooii ul. 0:30. Tho sorvicos tit
tlio house were conducted by Itov.
John Warren, of tho Kplscapat
church, at tlio conclusion of which
the Masons took chnrgo of tho cas
ket, conducting over It tho ritual of
tlio order. As tho casket was loworod
Into the grave tho Elks assisted In j
tho ceremony, nnu uio Allisons con
cluded tho ceremony according to the
beautiful nnd lmprosslvo service of
tho lodge.
Merchants' Lunch.
During tho hot wenthor you can
save your wlfo tho misery of cook
ing over tho hot Btovo by going to
tlio Merchants' Cnfo (formorly tlio
Mnzoppa) and getting a hot lunch for
15c, betweon 11:30 nnd 2 p. m.
Will V
Wo can sell ten or twenty plnnos
cheaper than one. That Is why wo
hnvo formed tho union, Thorkolson's
Piano House.
Visit tilt; WnrUi.T, .
--.u a.rairat St
liWe will sell vo ,..,
Ul Willi LI
' '"-'-"'nmodat .
room nn v ...
,.a yollllke
jl Hotel ,sat the gates ,,,,
lMJllltlCS W m... .
IfPrivate entrance tn ,u..
IfPaymcnt-i )n all r..
due at the rate of , .
n rwl r vc
... in ,ci cent Mn.iLi
ii ...incnce nniu
months (May lsti H,.wc
Fa r nnen ' "'" c
July J8th
July 20th
V j.
July 2h
t CATTlDTlAV.-J MAMriAV :n . ... i.
-r ' ..in ui vl- an ui
patrons UU lbs. Uiiiiiulated bugar for $1.00.
"&iTt rvl TT(PlTTKTm
Z3 u0 msuuiN 1
On 3 Coat Enamaled Ware. 5 Year
Guarantee. See our Granite Ware
Window Display.
w n n H ui m. wt m.t f n - t rii.i-T mit
Whv u-o lii Li'.iiiD nnd
spend hours b iking, Oa dEL.VrQi
sweetening, II ivurnig S -caes&S!
ii nc !-r.-r;vlml
fcv v n 11 wr.. .. -
produce bvtt.,r result- in two minutes?
Evurytliin in the p iel, Simply add hot
wiiturumlf ttoim l. liVperfectinn. Asur
prlM; to the hoir u Ni It'ill'ilii, le-w el-jiuiiM-.
Try it tn. ! i . In Fnur Fruit Fla
vors: Lemon, Or.m'.;e, Strawberry, ltiisp
burrv. Af iff i.r. Klu.
Fresfin Every Day
LEMON8, t,
"Not CioiMl-Not ihtro"
Real Estate Transfers.
W. V. Mntlock and Ann .Matlock,
his wife, have sold to Peter Shorldan
for ?l,noo, a tract of land nonr Uma
tilla, containing 120 ncios.
Tlio same parties have sold (o llur
nard Sheridan for J1.BU0. 80 acres
near Umatilla.
Kredorlek Weber has sold to James
Hnrkett for $7,000. about l.filo acres
of land near Grant.
.1. 13. Hackott lias sold to C. 11.
Wade for $1,000, about 1,010 acres of
land near Yoakum.
New Residence Bulldinn.
Mrs. Eliza Teal, of Ucho, Is build
ing n cottago on Alta street, just
across from tho Kplscopal church.
Tlio cotlngo will bo two stories In
height nnd will bo modern in ovory
particular. It is (fastened by C. K.
Troiitnmn of this city, nnd Is being
"instructed ns an Invostmont by tho
ownor, nho Intending to rent tho
Lots In Block I Sold.
Through tho ngonoy of tho firm of
Hdiorn & Swaggart, Miss Ida Iloyd
has sold to Josoph nil tho west half
of lots U ond 10, lu block I, for tho
sum of $2,R00.
'Just tr ,i
Parrot Cigar
Tho Parrot Olgav is tho
now So oigdr an muoh
talked about. Its- good
qualitlos aro astonishing
If you want yot i houses rented or
your property hold.
J. C. Si'OONr.Mom., 220 11 Court
V-T.ir.TT.TT.T.T .'r.f t.Tf T'T'T'T'VT-l 1
; m. - ..,f r..4.Y.ii. .n
j i ins aaie is io citutu up un oui""
waists and all Cotton uoods
)D Wafettg Sale Pce -
S Wc&felS, Sale Price
?5(2 WafeflSo Sale price
U5C MCJ $to&9 Sale price -
Pillow Cases, large ske, 3 for
i ii
25c Curtaining to White, Sale ptice
It . L