AND TRADE8, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. .uVSICIANS. -AtI, oi'i'ior: IN 3VDD i V.lfnlion red .171. EeH. troubles, ca nr I "".ad impaired lienrlnir. KV",. iUfA '"r retruciiTB -TTuVdO OI'TICB OVKlt rU , itniik. Telephone etM.WS;"mi 301. Km tarn""' - I- ,m I I).. HOMEOPATHIC lF'"iD;UrKe"i .Office In Judd Opsone, office, INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS lURTMAN AnSTRAC-r COMPANY JUTs" orty. Uuy.Hnd .ell.. I k nd of f a,lX Don uonernl brokeraso tu'ln-is I'ni. e una makes Investment.. lor nonrcsUlVnu R. S. IIRVKON. ATTfinvnv .... Vulhm'uT "BUr,,uc,!- Ollleo In e! kh.TiiF.Ii U0OM 17 AHOCIA- K,i Teiep"" It if. .ipinnilHON. PHYSICIAN lr...hmm Main llll. ro- Main J. M. IIKNTI.KV KKI'HESEN'T.S TUB OI.DKW and moat rellnblo IlroBiidaccldont inSnranri companies, Olllce with Ilartman Abstract Co - rr'......ut.t.i.' rmmvin I ' rllneiisiw" nml ' disease of ff buS, corner Main and 'i-. 'nhiine umiu " Ssjj. . rTrLKS nOONB. OSTKOPATn 1 Al'LL'.V. Dtn.i.l 111. HHP Ij'W i ,,iTlce '"liouc ,,lack LTTnUlY PHYSICIAN AINU !.. 1 D Judd HUlldlllB Itooiii 15. Oil CO ? v..i,imii'e l'lioue Main 1421. W VLB"" OPTICIANS. DK. (1I.KNN WINSI.OW grauua u upiiuiiiu The only com plete optical parlor In the city. Six door Koiilli of V O., Main .,., Ore. No reo cnareea action consultation. DENTISTS, liTwiiAS, m:sTiHT. orrici: in i urns 1 "'"" Iriooe, red i71 BANKS AND BROKERS. hlTIOSAI. HANK Or ATHIINA, t'aultai, J.iu.ouo ; auriiiuii unu W.Huu .1(1 tltlll. ll 1111 IM 1 1 M. tvirw. .iiv. ". j forrtpi and domestic cicliniiRe. txi promptly nttenneii 10. iiunry ,., nrmident T J Kirk, vlcff-prcs. r S Wlrow ashler , 1 JI. Kemp, bir IriRMEKS' HANK OP WIISTON, n.An 1 ir...u n ,'o.ntrril hnilk. 1.1m CtchaiiKu hoiiRhl and aold. MMomptly attended to. It. Jam pnldtar. (icnrjjc V. I'rocbstel. hlitr J I! Mlfc'ou', cnfliucr; 1 1. I ILirtmnn. M. M .lohnn. T. tii ll irniv J 1' KIlKiire, Hob- n I'l ix'l.stot. IPENKIXTOX SAVINOS HANK, Inn Oregon OrKanlzeu .March 1, in, $iiio.uiiii Hurpiua, fiuii, mi allowed on all tlmo ilcnoHlta. L?lii;lir and xold on all principal MMiai aTieniiou Bivon in cni- J 1'iiriil Mi. tjivihiont ; J. . I'-inrpdJon T .1 Morris, .'UbIiI.t ; luiQDfy. ailstaut caHhlr Fmiioxai hank or i'iindi.d- I i'ijIui, STD. ihi) Biirnhis, Jli.'.Oim; 1j ceiKT.H tiaul;lns IiuIiicks. 1.x- Mil teiesriinhh Kohl on r. an l'ranclsco. New Yorlc and txitnu In the Northweat. DraftH Ia China, Jntmn and Ihirope .Mnkea 00 rfa.tonnlh terms I.ovl An- ImWM V ! .Mntloik. vhvpri'H- It ll Hade. . ushhT . I !' Johnsou, JOHN IIAHiKY, Jit., II, H. I,ANI) COM- n iV.rT.f .l l,,,";?,,co aml o'lcctlons. of. Ilco In Judd bidding, room 10. BOARD AND LODGING. M.'? " ""NIINl'TON HAS PUKCHASED tho UidRlUK House at da Garden Street, whory she will bo Klnrt to cc her friends and " mmJ1' m'Ta f-'0ilNnit AI.TA AND Mill streets. Honrd by the day or wcok. u..od table st Hates and l.7.r per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. V. V. HdmlHten, I'rop. vhi:n yotr o to i-ilot kock stop iu the City Hotel. Oood meal8 nnd llrst-dnRs rooms. Special nttentlon clven to eouimerclnl trnvelera. Mrs. C. II. Hlc tol, Pilot Kock, Ore. ATHENA HOTEL, I.EADINO HOTElTlN THE city l,l) to il,M) pcrday II, p MlUen, proprietor 1 W HEM YOUR HUH I NESS TAKES YOU TO Ilullx, stop at tho llotol HhIix Oood meals and good nervlc. II. II. Iilchards, proprietor FRATERNAL ORDERS. DAMON I.OIKin, NO. 4, MKI'.TS nVIIUY Monday evenlnc In Secret Society hall, I.nDow block, at Pendleton, Ore. II. V. I'letchor, K. It, S. ; V. J, Keyes. C. C. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED YOUNG MEN lo prepare for Gov ornmeut Positions Fine OpeulUK" In all De partments. Good Halarles. Ilapld Promotloni, Exainluailons soon, Particulars Free. luter-Hiate Cor. Inst., Cedar I'.aplds, la For all climates; Iibi. rnM win, gases, fumes and fire do not afTect it. Comes in roljs ready for laying. Low freight charges. Inexpen sive to apply, cheap in the first place and lasts for years. Send for bookltl. i The Paraffine Paint Co. San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Los Angtlts and Denver, Colorado. T. C. TAYLOR, Agent sals WILY EAST ORECOWM,, PENDLETON, OREQQH. ra.OAY. JULY . 1W. MALTHOID OQFENfG UGH T FOR STATE CONTRACT FOR FOUR YEARS ENTERED INTO. New Rate Effects a Saving of $4,000 Per Year Oregon Will Construct and Operate Her Own Light Plant When This Contract Expires, Probably, SEWING AND IMtKSSMAKING, MISS JESSIE Jones. 1015 Franklin St., Cor, E. Railroad. FOIt UENT-FUIINHIIEII ItOOMS FOR LIGHT hollo-keeping, al.o ono 4 room and ono ft room lioii.u for rent. Martin Compton, (09 Col. lcirc Btieet. FOR HALE-IIOILEU AND I-HOIISE PoTvEIt vertical IiIrIi roeed engine Also a lO Usht Ucncratnr lucluilini; all switch board instru incnts For mirticiitars. call on or address 1'iikii KlSK, Ilox :17'J, Pendleton, Pro i IWM. F "()IINIvA WILL PAY PROMPT AT ! tcutlon to Hp sales ntid posting bills Cor-1 lespoudcnccfcollcltuil, Comml,siou reasonablt- j ! P u. Ilox 'Jifi, Pendleton I l)Iv61ti"TAVV8-Ti'KTKR WET; ADVICE I 1 free; lees, toxno to suit ; i! years' etiierioncf. Offico603 Garden St., Peudletuu, Oregon. I , IN POUND-ONF. l-OKKEIi MAltE ABOI'T I I years old; nhltu lacu; tlireo nhllii feeti I branded 1IC ou right shoulder, with smaller 1 lit) below upper brand and connected with It. , , If s,ud animal Is not claimed by the , owner or those entitled to the posiesslou, i posts and extremes against it paid, and . then taken nuiv within ten days from the dnto hereof, then nt 2 o'clock p. m. of the second day ol August lUOi. the sad ni'lnml will be sold to the highest bidder, nt public auction tor cash, nt the clt.v pound, on the comer of Cottonwood nnd i Webb HtreotR, In the Clt.v of l'ondleton, the proceds of mich sale to be applied to the payment of such costs nnd expenses of milk- j Itnv sale j.puf.,,, cl,y M,ir(i,i , UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD Cor. West Alta and I.llllth Sts. S. A. ALLOWAY HAS CHARGE OF THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD, AND WOULD BE PLEASED TO CARE FOR YOUR HORSES. PLENTY OF STALLS, LARGE COR RALS FOR LOOSE HORSES AND CATTLE. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. CHOP MILL IN CONNEC TION. 'PHONE MAIN 1331. KILL THIS MvY)A Salem, July 24. The stnto board of building commissioners bold a meet ing yesterday afternoon and. after having opened tho bid of the Citizen's Light and Traction Co., formerly the Salem Light, Power and Traction Co., the only one submitted for the light ing of tho penitentiary, asylum, capt lol building and the blind school, and atter a long consultation with local manager .1. Yv. Springer nnd J. H. McNary, the company's attorney, do cidei that the bid submitted was at the lowest bedrock rates and that, for tho time being It would be cheap er to contract at these figures than to erect a plant fur the state and it was definitely deitded upon, although tho contract has not been drawn tip, to enter into a four-year contrnct with the company. The now rate offered by the com pany will effect a saving of about $4,000 per year over the rate of tho present contrnct nnd, although a much cheaper rate was quoted on a 10-year contract the board did not consider It good policy to tie up tho slate for that period, for there is no knowing what a change in conditions will take place In that time and tho stnto may decide to build a plant of Its own before many years, The terms upon which the board will let tho contract, also showing tho I rate offered for n 10-year contract by the company, follows: For separate buildings, are lights per mouth. $0.r0; four years. Tor gupaidtp buildings, arc lights per month, $0.25; JO yenrs Kor 'all lour institutions, arc lights per mouth, $0; tor four yean.; and $5.7i for U) years. Tor lC-catullo power incundescents, per month, or four-year contract for anv buildings, 35 cents for each lamp installed, flat rale, or SVj cents per KiOO watt hours, meter rate. On 10-year contracts. .12 cents. Hat rale, or 7'j cenia meter rate. On "contract for all buildings for in camlescents. Hat rate. 30 cents; watt rate. 7 cents lor lour buildings, nnd cents ,and C.Vi cunts for 10 years. The company put up a certified chocK lor $2,500, lor aithl'ul execution ol the contract In case it was awatd- ed That Clusters around an UNHEALTHY HAIR. .-CAUSING... DANDRUFF FALLING HAIR FINALLY BALDNESS "Dolroy the cauit. you rcmovt the tfftct." HERPICDE cradlcattj the jtrm, promote! Iht yrowth ot the hair, l or sale by all dru&jltti. Prtct $1.00. : if HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON I VAN DRAN BROS.. Props. The Best Hotel In Pendleton and as good as any. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If -ton liftfrn't ft rrtnlur liralthy tin.rinient of (hi trofm tfcr O ) t ihi if ill or -Mil lo. kt?tp jroui bowel o-H'ti, ami lo wi lt, t orcf In the ln of io tent pIiTFlrpri-llli-it ! tli. use roun. Th- tmooth r.t,i-iti-tt imR'tittrr-tmnr ( kco ine l lie bow ell learoni elw - WVi CANDY CATHARTIC FIHITECTS AND BUILDERS. !') CONTI! M'TOlt AND ItLIII.-l i kind-. 0! w.irk fp'iir.(l on. Job' Mtl.fai'to, v u'urk Lrlml-nlitei'd. I ' M 513. WAI!D. VIll'IIITIICT AND HU-, 'I'd' iiulldhi.- In the city or conn- . "a li Judd building I nil.E, CONTIt.UTOltS AND , ....iu,.,,, . i hi uiaii'ii on,,., i J work n speehilty. rrnmpt Shop on ltliirr rIi-,,,.. i,,ir Mnln. Rl.rOXTI!ACTt)lt AND IIUU.D- I Wlmates furnished on all kinds 1 Firr ,.,u.. ...nn 1 - . m nilllll- .MIII9, III... Lri at I'.n- Ori-.-ouliin orflce. UlOITTlriv iii.n i,i.ii,i, .Mi j , .,., llll Ill I 1.1 i.., iilredent lioum 7. over Huston noielou, Orr.'on Wl.i:i:, PI.ASTl'ISINU AMD OU- mlZ lUfnal,l .11. II. I u in r, IHinilllt'iMi L- '"" W. I1UX JUL 'TAND SHOE REPAIRING. At. 1 1 rl III- mi. im if. in n k-lb.. ... vy.l., it .11.1, r-ner. n. i . i.,.,,ipt,,,. .uith r.Co !"",p '" "f I'lndliiBcr ONTHAND DEALERS. ' i'l,,!' .. ""''' Is anything "yon i malt. ? 1 "(,coud hniid furniture, tlm i ani1 crockery, call and 1XD srinvi..ii . -i i.u ml ,ni i -'--' .. w'; oa ii V ,'"lwn brokerHi money tj I.,; ""1" articles, waters' L0 Cottonwood -ret. TRANSFER TRUCKING STORAGE CROWNERBROS Tli)iliciui Main 4 iCOMERGIAL STABLES G. M. FROOME, PROPRIETOR. i l 1 Carryalls for picnic parties. Good j tennis with competent drivers for commercial men. Speedy horses and , handsome rigs for evening and Sun 1 day drives. Gentle horses for family 'use. Stock boarded at reasonable, mtos llost of care given to transient , stock Opposite Hotel Pendleton, i '1'lione Main 101. I THE WAY WE DO IT Impresses most people with tho Idea that we have the Implements: and the "know how" when It comes to put ting a new tire on n carriage or wagon wheel Same thing applies to overy feat me of carriage and wagon re pairing repainting, rovarnishlng, re upholstering and generally making the vehicle look as good as new. Your orders, please. Our new hydraulic tlte setting ma chine does away with the old mothod It thickens the Iron Instead of burn ing the wood. We do not spilt the wood In getting off the tiro, aud wo do It while you wait. Last longer than the old way. Call and look at it work. Hacks, Uuggies nnd Winona Wagons. Anything that runs on wheels at prices that are right. NEAGLE BROS. We have tho Stover Gasoline Engine. STRAIN TOO GREAT. JSOrial PARLORS. HEAL ESTAT I r Piml. ".. 'AIIHIilt HIIOI' AND 4 iTr: . J,,lm atreet. weorgi. tin oo doors I rat-das l??blVXAI!Y ilAu'llint HHOl'. E!; "1 the i "tre0t 5 b,?Bt WOrk' m ini orovuineuiH . t '""en, bath rooms In con- bia JillW1iiA"'.M P1 "t. unt to Havings Hank ANDCEDSTABLES.' jJlVllHV HOAItD AND SAl.I1 klt rney. iironrlotor. for !iStren WB,on,,,lc Msr:. KCTJnCIJ. 038 MAIN C.uimi iwu-t and de lots for ?S00; $250 cash, halanco long time. One of tho Iwst slock ranches In, Kastern Otegon. t!7 acres fruit ranch under ditch. ' 2.2S0 acres fine wheat land. ' Several small orchard and garden tracts near town. I'Hces right. Improved and unimproved city 1 property at reasonable prices. ' Over 50 desirable rnuohes for sale, l.llr and (ire Insurnnce. ' See iBERKELEY I Bavliit's Hank Uiilldliig Hundreds of Pendleton Readers Find It So, The bustle nnd worry of business men , I'lie hard work and stooping or workmen. The woman's household cares. Ate too great a strain on the kid neys. Uackache. headache, sideaohe. Kidney troubles, urinary troubles follow. A l'ondleton citizen tells how to cure thont all. A Morris, retired, who lles ou I'ark avenue, and is well known io l'ondleton people. sas: "I was trou bled with my kidnnys ou aud on lot three years. In earlier days I liao worked In a shoo factory in llockford. III. standing all day at a bench and Inter on I became a motornian on an electric, car. That loo, kept me ou my feet all day nnd aggravated my complaint If It did not start it. It annoyed me through the day more twin at any other ume. I finally got a box of noun's Kidney I'ills nt the Ilrocii & McComas Co. drug stoto and used them. They cured me. I havo not had even the slightest attack o backache for five years, nor have 1 used any IIU b"' ' stopped tho treatment last October." .'or sale by all dealers, l'rice 50 cents por box. Kostor-Milburn Co., Huffalo, N. Y.. sole agents tor tho United States. ,w-,vu Homomber the name DOAN b nnd take no other. "investigate "the union and save a hundred dollars. Therkelson s rl nno House. Brutally Tortured. A tase came to light that for per sistent and unmercllul torture has perhaps never been equalled. Joe Golobiek, of Colusa, Calif., writes; "Kor 15 years 1 endured Insufferable pain from rheumatism and nothing re lieved me though I tried everything known. I came across Klectrlc Hit ters and It's the gtontest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bot tles of it completely relieved and cured me." Just as good for liver and kidney troubles and general ueblllty. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. Improvements at Fair Grounds. The state board of agriculture are making a number of needed Improve ments ut the statu fair grounds this year. A now water sybioni tumm , 15,000 Is being put In winch will add much comfort to the exhibitors aud, campers. More new stalls are being j built to better .commodnto the large number of exhibitors that are prepar ing to come to tho fair. A large am pltheater is boiug built, where visit or's can lie seated and witness the livestock judging under cover. Many minor improvements are being made on the grounds, and everything Is be Imr done to make a visit to the fall- it plcus'int event and a joy forever. Deafness Can Not Be Cured lly local applications as they can not lead. I ihe dlheaw'd portions of the ear 1 here , Is only one ny to cure deafness, and that U by constitutional leinedleH. Dcafneks U caused by an inflamul roudlt on of the j mucous lining ot the Ihistachlan tube. . When this tube Is Inllnmcd you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect bearing, and j when it i enuieiy i-iom-u, nmu iwiiilt, and unless the Inllaminnllon can lw taken out and this tube lestored to Its normal condition, hearing wll be deatrojed rmever; nine enhes out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothng but an In tlUmeil condition of the niucoua Hirfaces. We will give One lluudied Dolla a for any coms of denfnoaa teamed by atarrhl that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars fro. V. J ClIIIMiy . CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all driiKKHts. 75c. Hall's rauilly I'ills are the best. Bio Ditch Company Formed. llakor City, July 21. Incorpoiutiou articles of the, Oregon Mining and Ir ligntlon company weie filed with the county clerk yesterday allernoon The capital Is placed at t6.oou.OWi ami divided into 5,000,000 shares of tl each. The incorporators are A. W. Hahlko, M. A. Damborougli, K. W. Tnllmadge. The property owned In cludes the old Sparta mines, ditches nml Humes which will be renovated. enlaigod and improved. Libel Case Transferred. Haker City, July 21. Tho copies of all the papers and proceedings in the Hill and Llvermore criminal lluel cases were yesterday sent by County Clerk Combs to the clerk of Unlou county, whore the trials will take place next October. The record was a very volumulous one EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY IImmM, l'litM,., lvtmt T.uleOo.,d, I'oOoM Ttr stcLcn, Wi-sLpii nr Orll'f. le, SA, mut M .-rati ver ln. Writ. To. llrn B(li.l. nt In okl.'l OT nraltll. Adilrp 113 iTiiuiMi umiu immi, (inm.oi.r n toiu. KEEP YOUR J1L00D GLEAN Are You Fagged? That run-down feclinp; is caused by your over-worked digestive organs not doinp; their work properly. Set them right, re invigorate your system and restore sound and lasting health by using Beecham's Pills Sold Everylicrc In boxes 1(V ami C5c THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Hear this in mind when you S need poultry and stock supplies t nnd ask for the Intel national I Poultry and Slock Kood. Use Kow Kure for your cow troubles. The Hotel I'tndleton has just been refitted ami refurnished tiuoiitjliout Phone ami fire alarm connections with nil rooms, Baths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Men Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special tte by week or month Kxcellent Cuisine. Prompt Dlttltigroom service. Bar and billiard room In conneotloi Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Cornet Court and ,lohnou Slroclv lYmllelon, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. ff.Jlv 'WA-lM I C. F. Colcsworlhy 117-129 liast Alta bt Agent for Lee's Llco KlUer t s DYSPEPSIA TABLETS J ...I. -n.l nit Jlnn,,lllH firtu. euro oyspcpi nnu u u.dw.m.o Ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by . jhysiclaiis everywhere. Sold by all ' druggists. No cure, no pay. 23 cents. Trial package freo by writing to W. II. Hooker & Co., riuffalo, N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co. COE COMMISSION CO.' i Incorporated ' I Minneapolis, i ;lm C" out N.'a Grain and Stocks N. Il.-If iou have an ojkjii trad, 01 account ith ua, you can opera"1 UKllll It 111 Hliy OI OUT l!uuirr WHEAT CORN AND OATS Stooke, Bondu and Negotiable Collateral Wc chatife no lulereal for t.nylUK lonj Hock a, MARGINS: lc Bushel ou Grain; $2 a Share ou Stocks Itefertiien! 10 national and itale oauka I'lvato wlreatoallUadlnit ocliane and to 87leadluK towua of the uortliwcat. Oeueral ollnea, Ilank ol Commerce HuddlnK Jlluneapo Ha, illnn. PENDLliTON OPFICfi, IIRATED liY STEAM LIGHTED 15V ELECTIIICITY Ainerleiiii I'lull, i'iiiiil '.'A to '.',(MI tMll-llllV. Kiii-ik'iiii l'lon. nth', "fie. 91.111) Hpo.ditl rntt.N hy Md or moiitli. Free 'bus meets all trains1 Commercial trade solicited pine sample roomi Sjicfial Attention Given Country Tra-'c HOTEL ST. GEORGE I CORNER MAIN AND WEHB STS, (1EO. DAIIV0AU, Prop. Eleuntly Purnished Steam Hcutca P.uropcau Plan. Hlock and a hall Iroin depot. Sample room In contietllon. ROOM RATE 50c, 75o, $1.0 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON Amtrltau Mn, I pci day aud Pi. Ilcadquailcra fortoun.ti and coniuiicll !! tlcra hiifrilialu'd l" ''"" ad alul aentlriuru The mauanmant wilt he pteaatd at all tlliK to ahow touuia and Klr !'" . modern Turlub liitiilihinri.tiu th hoti. It c UOWHKS. Manaart jt l'n.nlon7Htlyf''.ry: aWfMI ,'l,'u,,';V,iiVi',ru!.'d,i illlia rTrVinu.'..i.7i.alr Curo.Loat Manhood. .., , . r i . a .u-" W.'hi'i a.m.aca San Frnnolaoo.Oal. I " SOLD BY TALLMAN' & CO.i DHUGGIST8. PENDLETON, OREGON. '"a u!' ue'V or seek employ l uone Main 1011.