DAILY EAST 0REG0NIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1903. R l I G ID VIGIHITY "The reakers FRUIT CROP PROMISES TO BE ADOUT AVERAGE. Fine Cattle Doo Been Poisoned M. E. Fletcher Is Repairing Telephone VHHk Above the U tk. Because it's Best B jjjj ii jflllSIII b HHjjV A 5c cigar with a HIB A cigar of one price oiie quality. SOLD EVERYWHERE WS The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars m in the World. M "The "Band Is the Smoker's Protection. (SdDW Leaff Brad of Once Used They are THE BEST ALWAYS USED It Will Make You Feel Good when you gut into one of the collars laundered at this es tablishnenl if you have been having your linen done up by an inferior method Shirts, collars amd cuffs laundered here is the acme of fine work and we send them home with a color and finish that is be yond competition DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Court and Thompson Streets. , X Line Grasshoppers are Doing Some Damage Rain Is Needed Prosperous John Day Country. Ithlge, July 21. Jinnos .Mnreuiu, of (iurduuo Is said to Iiavo liad n lino cattle dog poisoned n short time ago. M K, Fletcher miulo somo changes in and repaired somo places which had been cut In Ills tolophono lino n low days ago. Thomas Ogle Is having another slight attack of rheumatism, hut not so serious as common. The first crop In this locality is going to ho nhout an average. The trees In general, aro not so heavily laden, yet the fruit Is of larger and liner quality and will malto up In re turn after all. Gardens are looking lino whilst heretofore they aro generally begin ning to ripen and wlthor about tills time or a little later. Grass has withered very much In the past week, and grasshoppers nro milking raids In some places, yet they could be thicker mid do more dam age, (1. V. Llnsnor Is home again from his large stock farm of tho John Day. He will remain here till baying 1 Is over. He reports cattle In line I condition and overythlng progress ing nicely In that part of the country I John Kline has gone over north ot I I'emlletou to take in the coming liar- vest. It was 100 above In the shade at t:."io p. 111. mid 7S at 5: SO a. m. today. The hot weather Is telling on ovory tiling We had a nice rain last Sun day right ami It Is nulto thieatenlug at times, yet we need It very bad Just now. llev. Ilotchklss. or Uklah, will preach at Ultlgo school house at 7 o'clock tonight. COSTA RICO COFFEE ill one poruid Packages JAVA & MOCHA COFFEE in one pound packages For salo by all up-to-date grocers. Spices, Teas, Extracts and Baking Powder PORTLfiKD COFFEE & SPIGE Co., iSf)" Where to Stop at North 5 The llreakors it ti .1 Is a summer MILITIA ENCAMPMENT. Keeley INSTITUTE FIRST AND MONTGOMERY STREETS. 'PHONE MAIN 391. We Can Mend It We hnve purchased the Wlthee Uleycle and Ilepolr Shop and arc prepared to make quick re pairs and guarantee our work. We repulr bicycles, sowing ma. chines and other light machin ery; do brazing and other re pairing. Wo aro agents for three makes of wheels that have mot the test and proved their worth. Thoy are THE RACYCLE, THE HILLCLIMBER, and THE CRAWFORD, If you aro going to buy a wheel, come around and look at our wheels before you pur rlinsp your wheel. Gonian & Edmisten 311 EAST COURT STREET. I Oregon National Guard to Enjoy Nine j Days Outing, An encampment of tho Oregon Na- ! tloual Guard has been authorized by (iovernor fieorgo Chamberlain, upon the recommendation of the military board. The encampment will be held between Thursday. September :id, 1 and Saturday, September 12, inclu-1 slve. These days Include the time to be spent by the companies ot tho guard j In going to nnd from tho camp. Under this arrangement tho guard will be allowed at least nine days of actual encampment. This Is a decided in crease over last year, when but six days were spent in camp, The selec- Hon of a camp has not yet been made. , General (Janlenbeln will take up this 1 work at once, and Incidentally will 1 begin today to secure favorable rail road rates from the Oregon railroads tfi.tnt la ,w. ,,,lttl...t I-. ...... . .. ...... . " U10 imst n.i.... IIIILII Lllill. 1M llllrllll I1IIHHI1M till 41.- . ' i Tho l)ullillnc lias an ocean front of 100 fonK k ?c fntif affirifiii lilrli in 7:t tnnt frmii tho I'rnntui fi.. i. . 4n 'V ' " " UI w Hie ton i ik UUWIMVIILUIY, ' " 1 1 IU1R IlIUHlKUlllUlV IlirillHIllMl rtlOIIlK nilinln rK ...t. The hotiso Is lighted by electricity with electric llnht ,,i , Hit- V..t. ppuiio II. j.l.j " Hhmtl Mill .'O It nl,. .. Tho cntlro lowor lloor Is thrown open to tho nnlilln . in-. .11-. 1 1 it. .. f it "--I m, ur, IlL'UIUllllllj Uill pviCUU, iiiu fiiiUUi "tira j UUlJIJUUIl rOOnl lllill lirtrt .1 111111H JiiwiiVH mriii iiivuiiLu kulhui jiilt i iilci'h inr irtinafa mi....... .. A .willtin Illnnnln 4t tint n..n.H....1l . ' uuiiKiiiiui ai tin iitm;o, inm iiiuniuuiH art n o:iinnt tnn... uuriiij; 1110 uniiiu nuunuw, Tti 11rtnlf nrn lirtM n menhir fimlinntrn iM..i. r..-..ii. ; .. . . .. nv lh 'win. wnn HiimtiLii. iiiLiu iiuui. inaiUH tin 1 ut-'iu 111111 1 iji ri'uiiinr iinimi n ..1 Ait n niuiiifiiiPd f 1 1 tfphii 11 11 11 Kiiir wnrnv iiuii ..imt.r. mm ot nr nv.i n ih iiiwuvh on r mo ni? nnr nnf i inlllf. Initlt'i" crunin cumen from our nwn imri r inn 111111 trv 11111 CL'irn aro m e irom t no imtn f.r. n.u,, tho Kromuls. rpl..,H.t Iwi 11ml .1.1 fmel. ..tl.l .,r,t I ,. .i.. w ... ..ii 1 vi uaim.'s in i limiRo wltli nrlvato hat ih and tolluts. Tim wiivon nf thn nnnim lit hlrli thin mil wIHiln nA Caa j . hotel, and tlio beach In front i Biiperb for uurf hathliiK. nil flirt crnilllfln nrn lwiWlltlf llllnvu fnlr llulm Innnlo nrfiniiot enru' dti thn InuOH htfir ImcK- nf tlw lmtnl Id n n, . and rowhoutH, and on Slioalwnter Hay, just eust of tlio lakes, U lirofer the warm, fttill-wntor lmthlnK to tho tnnihlliiff of tho surf. All (volim otn.. nf Vntlfil-wl ulntlnt. I.. I.n.t - 1. mill. V. llll- IIWILI Llllllllll IU1 IWI 1ITUIJ llllllt. WII! 111' nre practically landed nt tlio Hotel door. of Long Heaeli Station. in o ircnasini; iickihh seu uiai uiey reao to iircntors. was and have baggage checked through to taut point Telegraph nnd tolophono connections in the hotel. ut this Oouipon WE CURE the Liquor, Opium, Morphlno and Tobacco Habits as surely as quinine cures a cold. Our treatment clarifies and builds np tho system, Ono of our patients recently said: ' I novor felt so well In my life; I am a wonder to myself!" Send to us for booklet. Gray's Harbor s Park wt-.A. .1 ; . :,,i. .,.. 1.. t. t;. Willi, lilt lliiinv wi vn v. Hiuj m-in j vju niti tij 141 Oki.i.onian to the Hotol Brnakors, on two weeks vacation, blank space below. 1 voto for Employed at- Series A ah 1 iimwiiik 1111 nl i.inif in mill1 uri' nl "i'ries a a must lie voted ly noon haturilav. July is. uniis Coupons to tbe I'.ast Urcgoniati Ullicc S100 REWARD. 4 For Any Case of Liquor, Cigarette or Chewing Tobacco Habls Trlb Falls to Cure. Hov, .1. H. N. Hell, tho oldest living chaplain of the Orand Lodge of the Masonic order In tho world, nnd pas tor of tho Presbyterian church, linker City, Or., writes: "I hnvo watched with Interest tlio good results obtain ed by the uso of your remedy for tho liquor and tobacco habit, 'Trlb,' and feel that I can safely and heartily rec ommend it to all in need." Price, $12.50 per treatment salo by all druggists. Kor Trlb cures the tobacco bablt. Trlb euros tlio liquor haiiil. FIFTY-SIX YEARS AGO. the A HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE SHOW Commercial Co.!.. Provides an evening of rare enjoyment kfl A AI 1 I A fk M mttn I ArrM a Txi- r uuuu, uitun, n ih?icsuiiic iuii. nui. u dull minute. Wo Don't Kecji Everything Out we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, In all grades. Also all kind of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and 8hlnglos. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes Is complete, and any one In need of Lumber will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W: & C. R. Depot f t ii I MAIN STREET Near O. R. & N. Depot 1 Admission, 2.0c Children, 50c Anniversary of the Arrival of Mormons. Salt Lake City, July a l. This Is u day that always tills the minds of the people or Utah with Interest. Ing reveries as It marks tho anni versary of tho day when In 1817, tho Pioneers, after a march of great pilv ntlon across the dosert, reached tho land that was destined to bo their homo, The day was observed In Salt Lako as a general holiday, storos and olllcos being closed mid many of tho places decorated with Hags and bun ting. In tho .Mormon mooting houses as has been tho custom for years, special oxorclsos In commoiuoratlon of the arrival of the Pioneers woro hold and nihil osses delivered by speakers of prominence. ' 'ColdPre Preservative' ' PURE and PiEW Mado from water that has heon boiled and diHtilh'd. Tho only pure ico in IVntlh ton ' 4 t iwcibtb ju per cent longer luaufw- Wot Siiniree or foul tlio rnfiML'orator IH) foul odor follow-H its moltiiiL'. Tho wator docs inn lasto "had" and does not look mi kv. and is as Clear as a L-rysiai 8VC'0t lo Sawdust To Launch nig Steamship. Camden, N. J July 24. Arrange-1 nionts have been completed at tiio : yards ot tho Now York Shipbuilding Company for the launching early In 1 tho coming week of tho mammoth steamship Mnnclnirln. Tho vossol la ono of two bolng built for tho Pacific I Alnll Steamship Company. 8ho is C2n feet long, nnd Is ono of tho largoat i craft over built in this country. Iter sister ship, tlio Mongolia, bolng built at tlio samo yards, will bo ready for launching In a few months. t t t i t t Phono MAIN 1781 t to fill tho drain nm. Thero is no taste oroinell of rotting wood; no tji'hoia m othor gorniB to mingle with llt3 wlUe that vou drink. r-nnet c iar nnm g-iin 11 v 1 111 11 11 11 nmo mL aim butu oiuii; 14 lUilluw Have Yottr Water' Pipes Examined and Repaired at De-lav will lead to Ferioii I'irst-class work RUiir.in I ,C,ll s b Best shoo work at Toutsch'u. rirsi-ciass worn mi.n-.. - 4 BECK, the Reliable Vim' n im n is ttc u jh m wk -vs. - . r ir alogwe of tnem. A fall sapply always Kept