East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 24, 1903, Image 4

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I'ublUlied every afternoon (cjcciiI Sunday)
at l'emileton, Oregon, by the
Tlionc. .Mniii 11
Dally, one year by mnll $.".00
Dally, six month by mall 2.50
Dally, three months by mall 1.-5
Dally, one montli ly mnll no
Dally, per montli liy carrier I'm
Weekly, oiio year by mall 1.B0
Weekly, sis monthi by mail 7fi
Weekly, four montbs by mnll mi
Hcml-Weekly, one year by mail . . . 2.00
Semi-Weekly, six months by mall . . 1.00
Semi-Weekly, three months by mall . . ,110
The l'att Orcjronlnu Is on tale nt II. II.
Itlch's News Stands at Hotel rortland nud
Hotel l'erklus. l'ortland, Oregon.
Member Hcilpps Mcllac
News .ssoeln-
San I'ranclsco lltirean, -I0S Fourth St.
Clilcnmi llureau, UOH Security llulldlng.
Washington, D C liurenu, .MM 1 Itli St.,
Dueled at Pendleton postoflbe as second
class matter
Socially, the American woman
Is the freest in the world. If
she will, she may now cnoose
her education, her marriage, nor
career. She Is still much more
hampered than Is man In gain
ing these rights, hut she will
find public opinion with her
when she makes a stand for
them. Her first part on the pro
gressive program, therefore, is
to take advantage of and to
preserve and extend these liber
ties. Too many still cling to
the "Doll's House." never de
veloping in themselves separate
characters. These jeopardize
tho pAsltlon gained for women
by the almost superhuman ef
forts of the brave pioneers.
Gertrude Itanium. In Hoyce's
Cassius M. Clay is dead. In all its j
varied and picturesque characters the
South has produced none more er-;
ratic ami extraordinary than this
man. Able, cultured, brilliant, he
was yet handicapped by weaknesses ;
tuat well nigh spoiled the effect of all '
Ills splendid accomplishments.
As a comparison in the growth of
different sections of Eastern Oregon, !
the school population of liakor conn-1
ty has decreased 28 since 1902. Willie
that of Umatilla county has increased
3 17, and Umatilla county has no Mor
mons, either, while liakor lias a
large settlement of these school build
ers. Tlie next Investigation in the post-1
otlice department will lie directed to i
the cost of transportation of the mnll 1
ami the del-ills nf th inrnimm I
and the details of thOM. enormous
contracts. It Is estimated that tho
expense of hauling the mull by the j
rallroads is $30,000,000 n year more i
than it should be, to allow legitimate
profits on the work. If this tact is
borne out by the Investigation, it will
wither result In a cheapening of rates
or an overwhelming sentiment in ja
vor of government ownership of rail
roaiW. No wonder postage remains
at 2 cents, when such steals have to
be met.
Dr. James Wlthyconibe, of the Or
egon Agricultural College, has issued
u now bulletin on leguminous forage
plants, and one of Its most valuable
chapters Is the one dealing with al
falfa raising. He says to Insure a
gooil start of this plant on new land,
it is absolutely necessary to inocu
late the now soli with tlie alfalfa bac
teria, by sprinkling at least 100
pounds of soil Irom an old alfalfa
field upon tho newly prepared field,
before wedlng. There is a nutriment
In old airalfa soil which Is absent in
now land and which Is necessary to
the growth of tho plant. The hullo
tin Is highly Instructive and should
be road by every farmer in Oregon.
The state board of building super- j that they are brought up with the
visors has saved tho people $4,000 on 1 1 iris and under the influence of wo
a four-vear light contract, by a little j '10 of refinement, education and en-
ir'iv nnrnmti vnnnf mnn 111 nm-
i ..
ii I til ii wuaiiivnis iiiitiiiifeviMUKL. j- wi
years the Salem Light &. l'ower Com
puny has charged Its own price for
lighting tho state Institutions anil
bullilliiKB. (Jovernor Chamberlnln
this year announced that some plain
business rules would be applied to
the pui chase of llfiht, and the sealed
bid system was invoked. As a result
the cost of lighting the stato institu
tions for the next four years will
cost the people 33 per cent less than
over before for tho samo peilod. The
light company greatly desired to
close a ten-year contract at still low
er rates than those secured, but tho
board declined to sign for longer than
four yours, leaving tlio way opon for
u state electric light plant at tho oml
of that time, This discloses thu uttor
illahonesty anil grafting of former ail
ministrations In conducting tho
state's linslnoss.
Charles Hedges, sniierlntenilent of
tho free ilellvory system of tho post
olllee department, has heen sunininr
lly illsnilsseil, on the charge of falsi
fying his diary and for loaning Ills
transportation privileges to unauth
orized persons. This Is the first dis
missal from tho service since the
president returned homo from his
Western tour, and the department is
shuddering to think how near the
head of the postal system, tho rot
teness and crookedness is being ox
posed. Tho next to fall may bo one
of the highest ofllelals, according to
ovKlenco slowly collecting. The
people are amazed at the opon and
I llngrant vinlntloii of rules anil lioth
lug that happens hereafter will be
I much of a surprise. Tho only ques
i tlon now is how to guard against fu
ttnu frauds. Civil service, political
I preferment and favoritism have all
I been tried as means of securing able,
honest men. A low sovoro penalties
might check the corruption.
The Inland Empire Is waiting in
suspense for the construction of the
portage road. Tills one improvement
means almost as much to tho pro
ducers of tlie Kastem Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho, as did tho con
struction of tho rail lines to tho coast
As an evidence of the keen interest
felt in the subject outside of Oregon,
the following pertinent editorial ftom
the l.owlston Tribune, Is a lair e.v
presalon of the sentiment of Idaho
and Washington: "The announce
ment that the portage railway around
tlie only obstruction to navigation
between l.owlston and the sea, to bo
built by the Stato of Oregon, may be
completed and In Deration by Feb
ruary 1st. Is great news for this
country. With an Independent steam-1
er like the Ininaha In the l.owlston
trade, the freight rale situation would
be solved. The steamer could carry
Bml lImvn thu Hvm. am, llim.t.h.ui.
up at Its own price, regardless of
rates fixed by the railroad combina
tion, and more of such steamers
would be built If tralllc enough was
' afforded. The only obstacle now is
tho one thai the news report says
will be overcome by February 1st.
This being so, it means a vast change
in conditions in this country, and
there Is no reason why It should not
be so. It ought to mean an tho things
this country hopes for."
1!nr" Vou I'oloiw. a German court
'"gnltary. who was deputized by
wmnm tn .avoI Jn thIs t.mm.
try aml ninl-e ,.()se porsona, i,sen-a-
tlon on American manners and char-
writes as follows of his find
"The vagaries and tomfooleries of
the smart sot. so called," he writes.
"should not be regarded as typical.
Tho Newport set, which has been
criticized so much. Is not American
at all, but international, being made
up of hoard of trade men, speculators,
sportsmen, fashionable beauties and
similar characters belonging to an un
root gnlzed leisure class. Among SO
millions of people, notable for abun
datu mental and physical health, per
K.iml honor mid superior diligence,
this lia lid t n I of semi-mad men and
mad women is too Insignificant for
"There are snobs, of course, loads
of them those democratic airs every
true American delights In cannot con
ceal tho fact that an aristocracy Is
terming slowly but surely. The Sun
day newspapers In Haltlmore, St.
Louis, Washington, Chicago and
other great cities make a specialty
of printing coats of arms. Tho wo
man who can exhibit the portraits
of two grandlathers thinks herself
far bolter than the lady who Is only
sure of one. Ami those marriage
contracts between dollars ami foreign
titles, nro they not the essence of
organized snobbery?
"American young men are singular
h well bred, for tho obvious reason
'"r f r w...
pare with their American brethren.
How could they, seeing that they re-
Pure, Pale and Sparkling. Bottled
Only at tlio Brewery in St. Louts.
coivo their social education at the
beei table?
"That a people boasting of so many
grand and opocli-mniiing works In
the lino of engineering, allows Its
streets and public workB In general
to resemble those of lU-mnuaged Ori
ental communities Is no less a iIIh
grace than a- puzzle to tho foreign ob
server; most of the great Aniurlcnn
cities are nothing short of prototypes
of slovenliness and filthy habits,
Thev have splendid hospitals, tho
med'lcal profession Is of tlie highest
character In tho United States, yet
the mortality Is lar above what It
should ho."
Von I'olenz winds up his luterest
l.i,' report with a Hying volley of harpoons-
"The Americans have made more
Inventions than any other nation;
they have taught Kuropo, tho whole j
world, how to live bettor and more i
comfortable lives, bow to save time
and health, but for themselves don't
know how to live.
' They have not yet discovered the .
real lclatlou between money-getting!
anil lnoney-spondlu'?. Wholly absorb-1
oil witli the production of material!
voultlt, they have not given culture,
ii chance. i
"Ileal culture needs two things,
which 'lie American allows neither to j
hiins.'li t.or to others time and con- J
"America will probably never pro j
1 1 1 ice ii Flit unco, Geinn, Venice, Nir-
ronibeiy oi Weimar, but 1 am free to !
confess that Chicago's packing
houses, St. Paul's and .Minneapolis' ,
Hour mills, Pittsburg's steel works, j
lluffalo's Niagara Falls power house
and tho Now York stock exchange
are Institutions such as the world 1
has never seen before." ,
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There i.- a disease prouiiling iu thii 1
country most dangerous because so ileccii-
rJ,'lA t've Jliuivsuililcu 1 1
I Ti.llJUJ .I.....1... .....I
-T; by' it heart dis-1
east!, imettinolila.
s. heart failure or
apoplexy are otteu
the result of kid
ue disease If
kiilliex troubk is '
u allowed toailvatici-
,,. ed binixl will at
tack the vital organs, ciiuMiig catarrh of
the madder, or tlie kidneys tlicinselves
break down and waste away cell by coll.
Madder troubles almost always result
from a derangement of tin- kiduev.s anil
a cure is obtained quickest by a proper
treatment of the kidneys If you are feel
ing badly you can make no mistake by
taking I Jr. Kilmer's Swanip-Uoot, the
great kidney, liver ami bladder remeilv.
It corrects inability to bold urine and
scalding' pain iu Kissing it, and over
comes tb.it unpleas-mt ueceMuly of being
comH"lled to go often through the day,
and to get up many times during the
night. The mild and the extr.iordtmm
effect of Swami-Kiiot is soon realized.
It stands the highest for its wonderful 1
cures of the most distressing eases. j
Swamp-Hoot is pleasant to take and is '
sold liv .all druggists iu lifU-ceut and;
one-doilar size bottles. You may haen'
sample bottle of this wonderful new dis
covery and it book that tells all about it, '
both sent free by mail. Addiess. Dr. Kil
mer S: Co., lliiigb.uiiloii, N. Y. When 1
v. riling mention reading this generous
oiler iu this paper. Don't make an;
tmst.ik", but reiia-mbcrthe niimc.Swiiuip
Itoot. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Itoot, and the
address, llmgbaiutou, N. Y., on ccr 1
bottle ' 1
We Keep nothliiK but pure
natural lee. frozen from pure. .
clear mountain water. It koos
farther and lasts longer than
nrtlllclal Ice. All we ask Is an .
unprejudiced trial ot our Icq.
Why not older a case of the i
celebrated Schlltz. A. 11. C. or i
(lanibrlniiK for your Sunday
'I'lione your onlor
to M.tlu
When the hot days of sum
mer come the cool; stovo Is to
be avoided ami well It can bo
with tho slock of suiumor deli
cacies. Lots of new things in
convenient form ready .to
dorvo cold or with a llttlo
warming. You will bo sur
prised at the many tempting
dainties we have for you,
3 .
Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties,
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and
so prepares tlie system lor me
ordeal that she passes through
the event safely and with but
little sufferitiir. as numbers
have testified and said, "it is
worth its weight in gold." i.oo pet
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
.Since, securing the services of Mr J R. Parker of Chicago,
the Hoila Water expert, our trade :n summer drinks has more,
than doubled and the best part of it is, if you comii once you
will come back. We venture to say no more delicious summer
drinks were over served in Pendleton than we arc now serving
PING PONG which is creating such a furore in the East is
riie of our specialties
Our Menu for today is:
California Oniiigude
English Walnut Sundito
Dout full to try a
Corner of Main and (nirt Streets
$50.00 Given Away
To tlie llrst one hunilliif; us
tlie nearest correct solution
oi tlie two following rebuses,
wo will Klve $25.00 wortli or
iiirnlttirt- or otlior rooiIs ot
your rlioliv from our immense
nloi'k; $15.00 wortli to tlio
.second, and $10.00 wortli to
tin- third.
Tlie question la, how many
illltoiont ways can the word
"I'lirnlttire.'' anil how many
the word "Under" be Bpelled
iu the following squares by
spelling to the rittht. or down
ward, iir any combination of
down am! or right and
down, bin always usIiik eon
tiiiiious letters but no two
times, usiiis exactly the
("ue numerical letters, yet
all spell the words "Ilador"
and "Furniture" correctly.
For illustration, the word
"Itador" may bo spoiled by
ii.iiUK letter numbered 1, 2.
II.' 11'.
Ti ct-
1. or
handed In sealed, giving only
the number of combinations
thai can be mado of each
woni, with no namo attached,
In order that tho committee
awarding tho prizes will not
i i a , a ; -i 6 r, i 7 s , ii io
11 , J2 , Hi II 15 10 17 18 111 20
21 ! 22 23 , 21 25 20 , 27 2S , 20 30
31 ; 32 33 31 35 2C 37 38 30 j 10
II , 12 ; 13 , 41 i 15 Hi 47 48 10 50
'' i 52 53 51 , 55 j 50 57 58 j 5!l U0
01 , Ii2 iiii 01 i 05 00 07 , 0 S till , 70 !
72 73 71 , 75 70 77 7S 711 80
81 , 82 83 ; 81 85 80 87 88 , 80 00
E I F I U i R I N I T U K E ')
JTT2 02 94 95 00 07 , 08
Refrigerators at your own priue. Only a few left. We want
to i;tt the money tied up in our rofriRerators, into other tfoods
o ou can bv.-j thorn for lehs than tl ey cost us.
We are closing out our line of ranges and can beat any price in
town in tlio range line. If o want a genuine bargain come
in and see us.
la to love children, and no
home can be completely
happy without them, yet the
ordeal through which the ex
pectant i other must pass usually is
so full of suffering, danger and fear
that she looks forward to the critical
hour with atmreheusion and dread.
Walnut Fruppe
Rout Boor, in Steins
Brock Poppo
1 2 I! 4 D 0 j 7 j S 0
10 , 11 , la i Hi , 14 , J& , 10 17 lt
Hi , -M , Zl j 22 23 , 'J -'5 :(! 'J.-t
E R A D E R j A j D
2t; ; 2!) ! :io , , :i2 :;:i :it us :io
E R A D E j R A D j E
;i7 , ;!.s :io in ii 12 i;i 41 4G
Hi , 17 -It. 4U , 50 51 D2 fiS 54
55 , 5li i 57 CiS 50 liO 01 02
lil 05 ! III! j 07 US 00 70 71 72
E R A j D E R A D E
7a , 71, 75 70 77 1 7i 70 hO til
13, 22, 23, 24,
solution to be
leuow who is iu the contest.
'illut It requested, each winner
must bo able to write, numer
ically, each of the various
ways tlio number of times
they claim. In order to Idon-,
my nil solutions wo simply 1
number each envclopo con-.
tabling an answer nud keep '
i memorandum of each. No
urn will be allowed mote
than one answor, l'rlzos
-warded July 25, 1003. There
)h no suro thing that tho llrst
uilutions will bo correct. So ,
If you decldo you wnnt to
change your solution attar
linndlng It In you cun do so t-,
iy placing your second iu tho
iiuuorical order wo receive
he latter. No ono connected
villi the establishment will
io allowed to contest.
Main and Wobli Stroots
We have the Ue
in Real Estate.
Home nice liornes
bo 8ld. Choice
Lots. Alfalfa r..
- juii
npro ir 1 nn
" w iu
nauiti irom 160
imiuiii vii o
"UUIII 0 0Ver J
Hardware Store.
Pondleton Real Esta
C-rooin dwelling, stable
h-riWltfi iluinlltn.. J ,
i iMuum iioaraing Iioum
iliitnltti ...in. i-
side $1,250.
$125 to $150 each.
t w.. I,.,., hit; uiuf
""t. u"w. uuier io
Allien oiner very iles
tV lor Kll l All snl.l on
Come and liny
... ..iiii ilia, miai iu
rlciit price, rih.
U. I). ISUYI). Ill
urvi 111 1J.1V 1.1 IVll
I A-Aiw Tin
I i c wil Iip lmrp a1
tiUHIL ill tlllV llllir-d,
lML.ll.Il.' t
I v;inui oi Harvest
' Imp hue ot Indian d
iimt nlintos onlv S3.
TlKiitlil follitlile i'liii
I ..
i rinn r-'F ti'i
iii.MiMini: 1 1
Of Insurance b
naer.ntl FIRE R
J. P. WALKUtt,
- , , Semi aar
.h Mil -Morlilne.lt
11 J a clicap one.
.o nn 1 95.00.
irom lO."U " T"
mi L-et nnywliero, M'
o ir r-iii'iiiit:! iu -
. i.. tna
prniln Willie ui
w in.
MM ' t Sl
i . i n- r 1 1 r i . 1 1 u
I - II . II
.. ... j Wnrk I
"1.1 frtit oi
Cusl paiu