DA'LY EAST P00"'AN, PENDLETON ORrr.nM JULY ffice for Dress Goods at this More Lv tenth purchase in the Dry Goods depart- Lih customer WE GIVE FREE radios' fast black, regular made .Hose (35c lono pair oi lace nsie uiovoa. mme Sale Prices -.. i.i .. i , ilreiRrii um iu; mimi iuuhi iniibi ne cleared. bants Kemnants Kcmnants be Remnant week and if bargains will interest you jkattlus table, main aisle back, it's a point oi interest ALEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE 1 t t i fit1.:' 5 OF MILTON &f I'lllIlEOFI'MATIUA IWPiS' A GOOD SMOKE ? Made at Home. ':!H.wUli.,, Try Pendleton Boquet and Pride A. RHODE, Maker. Is truly Its propor name, for no rlflo was ever mado to equal n Savage Simplicity In con struction and oporatlon, and groat accuracy make mom sel dom equalled und never sur passed. The new 22-calIbre Savage Is a marvel for a small pun, Wo have just got a few right from tho factory and would like to have you see them. HARDWARE Co. 4 1(21 Main St. Headquarters for fishing supplies t REV. ADAMS HAS BEEN SUPPLY AT SUMPTER. Thermometer Registered 105 Degrees Tuesday Last - W. S. Mayberry Will Engngc In Carpentering at Heppner Work Has Begun on the Mlller-Nlehols Building, Milton, July 22.-Charlcs 1) VVI1- amson came over from Weston Sat urday night and spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. J. i,, Williamson. Waster Truman Rogers arrived hcio Saturday morning from his homo at Pendleton and will spend tho summer with his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Dickey. J. M. P. Snyder, of Walla Walla, passed through town yesterday en route to his farm on tho Umatilla reservation, .Mrs. v. h. Chnstain was in Weston Sunday and Monday visiting her mother Mrs. U. B. Nelson. Miss Winifred Chesney, of Tacoma, arrived hero Monday and fnr a month "in lie uie guest of .Mrs. u I,. Horry, i lusieruay was tho hottest day of the year. The thermometer at 3 o clock was 105 degrees. Mrs. C. W. Steen and Mrs. Cora McArthnr left this morning for an uuuiig at j.enman springs. .uaster j A. 0. U. W. ELECTS OFFICERS. I Grand Lodge of Oregon Names Offic ials for Another Year. Pon land July 24,-Tho second das session of the Oregon Grand Lo,iKe. Ancient Order United Work- I nmtk w18 ,'?'0,e'1 to an election of I officers for the ensuing year and dls- cussion of the proposed Increase. In !; inn- oi assessment. Oeorge h. Durham, who was elect ed grand master, presided at yester day s sessions. His election was a foregone conclusion, and there was contest tor the other irninil 1 littl uinces. win the exception of the election no business was trans acted the day being devoted to a consideration of the plans for a change, of policy. The following grand officers were elected: Oram Mnster Workman George II. Durham, or Portland Grand Foreman K. lierohtolds, of Corvnllls. Grand Overseer-V, j. Clarke, of Gervias. Grand RecorderNewton Clark, of Portland. Grand Heeelver H. I,. Durham, of Portland. Grand Guide Philip Gevurtz. of Portland. Grand Inside Watchman W. II. Warner, of Albany. Grand Outside Watchman S. A. rtoako, of Orogon City. Grand Trustee V. I,. Cown, of Grant's Pass. Representatives to tho Supreme Lodge D. Soils Cohen, lialph lYenoy Dpllinrl MnRliiiils nl.-n.l here from his home at Elgin Sunday 1 nml Wlllm, Smith. mm is visiting nis aunt and uncle. Mi. ami Mrs. William Talbert. Mrs. Kato Stewart and daughter. Miss Achsa Parsell took their dc paituro for their home at Tahoe, Idaho, yesterday, after several weeks' visit with relatives and friends nere J. N. Stone left yesterday for a visit on the Sound. Mr. Stone will combine business with pleasure and on his trip will purchase a large sup ply of luinlture for his store. Mrs. U j. Pierce received the sad Washington Crop Good. Walla Walla, July 21. Harvesting has become general this week in Walla Wnlla and Palouso wheat dis tricts. So far indications point to a larger yield than was first expected. Fourteen bushels p(r acre will be the average yield of the Eureka Hat sec tion. Some fields will go 2G bushels and others 12 to 15. In the foothills southeast ol Walla Walla tho yield will renrli 10 ImcVinlc Tl,n '.....lilt.. news this morning of tho deatli of price was on cents a bushel, 20 cents lier brother-in-law, Mr, J. M. Hill, nbnve the mienln i,h net In viinr of Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Jjoott have gone for an outing at Woodward's. MALARIA Germ Infected Air. Malaria is not confined exclusively to ths swamps and marshy regions of the country, hut wheievcr tl.iie is bad air tins insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous vapors and gases from sewers, and the musty nir of itamp cellars nic laden with the germs of this miserable disease which arc litcalhed into the lungs and taken tip bv the Wood and tiansmittcd to every part of the bodv Then you begin to feel out of sotts without ever suk cling the cause. Xo energy or appetite, dull headaches, sliepy and tired and completely fagged out from the slightest 'exer tion, ate some of the deplorable effects of this enfeebling malady. As the disease progresscsand the blood becomes more deeply poisoned, boils and abscesses and dark or ycuow spots appear upon the skin, when the poison is left to ferment and the microbes and genus to multiply in mc oioou, ver nnu Kidney troubles ami other serious complications often arise. As Malaria begins and develops in the blood, the treatment to be cttective must begin thete too. 8. s. 8. destroys the genus ami poisons and purifies the polluted blood, and under its tonic effect the debilitated constitution rapidly recuperates and the sstvm is soon clear of all sk'iis of this ih fe. S. S. is a guaranteed purely vegetable icmedy, mild, pleasant mid harmless. Write us if you want nudical advice or any special informa tion about your case. This will cost you nothing. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA , ill . 5c, yurii 5c, yard Reward $100 Reward now until fiither notice 1 will give to all CaBh Purclias I discount of to iter cent, or in other words, anv one lioivortli of goods will pay only U) 'Rockers will sell at. low as 20 per cent discount from 'puces. Ranges and Cook stoves will sell almost at cost tamed pledgps of Juwelry, all kinds and sorts, will be sacrifice HUNDRED DOIiI.AHT: RtfWARTl will be (liven to anv r discovering that prices have been raised for the pui iSivinc this discount, n, tnpinlier that I am auunt for kpGerman Llovd Stamshin Co. and can sell ou a tic - IDy part of the world. Mrs, Henry Frazler anil son, Thom as, left Tuesday for the coast. Ueforo returning home they will visit in Seattle and Portland. j Hubert E. Frazler. proprietor of the Iieo Hive store, is In Portland on business connected with his store. h. G. Uarron, a real estato dealer of Walla Walla, Is In town todny. Rev. Adams Returned From Sumpter Itev. A. J. Adams returned from j Sumpter yesterday where for tho l past five weeks he supplied the pulpit for the Presbyteilan minister there, while the latter was on his wedding tour. Will Carpenter at Heppner. W. S. Mnyhorry has gone to Hepp-, ner to engage In tho carpenter bus!-, ness during his vacation from school. 1 Miller-Nichols Building Begun. The excavating for the Miller Nichols building has been completed , and the masons nre now busy laying 1 Ink K. Lodging House for Sale. Pest In the city; 20 complete furn ished rooms. A Inaso for eight years ar.d nine months. It Is subject to mortgage and can bo bought for cash only. Enquire at this olllco. The Salem band has been engaged lo play at the Oregon State Fair SATURDAY SPECIALS Calico, any piece in the store Bleached Muslin, be grade, ,mv quantity Out'iig Flnnnel; Sc, i)c and 10c grades 7o, yard Men's bla-.k striped shiit--, 50c grade , , 4l)c, t'lltlll Men's and Hoys' straw hats 20 per cent reduction Large size comforts, good quality $1, t)aoll Ladies' knit pants, knee length 20o, pair Ladies undcrvc-ts, lceveh's-i, 25c grade, white or .colored " 2Uu, l-lioll Ladies' sleeveless vests, plain . . . .... 4c, each THE FAIR Watih forour BIG SALK next wiek MIGRATION OF TOADS. lUAAUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAj. IkU'fl ! ln..,., .,.,., 1, f in. inlii 1111 11 " ""SI' OIUUK Ul UillUl iiiiii;ii"- ,Wack and i-ylinder oils, graphite, Taylor Jnd caster oil, axle grease, compound in I -..iiu utii'KUMj. uui my iJi";co rte ouyinjr y0Ur harvest supply. f TAYLOR, the Hardware Man f 741 Main Street Millions on Their Way to the Upper Klamath Lake. The annual migration of toads lrom Lake Ewaiina to Upper Klamath 1 lake began last week, according to : the Klamath Falls Express. There I are millions of them. They cover the walks and streets in the vicinity ; of tho river and It is not easy to 1 avoid stepping on them. Their natur al home Is Upper Klamath lake nml they are instinctively drawn thither. This is the explanation: The spawn h, deposited in tho upper lake anil iloats down the river and lodges among the tuleb In the lower lake. The moment they nro hatched they note the strange surrounding and their Utile pericnrdlums flap and llut ter for the hallowed precincts of home Thus, simultaneously inspired all start for the upper lako as fast us their diminutive logs will carry them. These millions of toads ure hlirhlv bonollelol in destroying ntom- U- Impurities and so contribute to the health of the cllmnte. The World's Greatest Skin Soap. The World's Sweetest Toilet Soap. Sale Greater Than the Worlds Product of diner SMn Soaps. Sold Wherever Civilization Has Penetrated. Under New Management I have purchased tho business of W. K. (inrretson, Jeweler nml optic ian, and have put In nil entire now lino of jewelry and optical goods, Vou will II nil nothing In my store that Is not up-to-dato nml llrst-class In eery particular. My prices are as low ns Is consistent with high class goods. Having graduated from the Ameri can Optical College, I am thoroughly equipped to handle all classes of op tical woik. My Instruments are of tho lest make and embrace tho latest and most Kcientlllc Improvements. My guarantee Is back of all my work. Glenn WinsEow M. M11I11 Mi-i et, rendit ion, llrrumi i lie Normal- Fanners Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 160 barrels 11 day ' Flour exchanged for wheat I Kloiir. Mill Feed, Chopped K'ed. itf C0OL Bids Wanted. Notice is hcroliy glvon that sealed bids will be received nt the olllco of the county clerk of Umatilla county, until Monday, July 27, 1M3. at 9 o'clock a. iu., for the west half of block 8K. and all of block 8C, Reser vation addition to Pendleton, known as the county hospital property. Hlds for single lots, quarter, half, whole block or the entlro tract (21 lots) will be entertained, reserving the riitht to reject any und all bids. The right will lie reserved to oc cupy the buildings, on the property until about September 1st, 1903. Terms cash. W. D. CHAMBERLAIN. County Clork. Qallery Will Be Open. During my absence the gallerv will be lu charge of Mr. Vaugn a photog rapher of 15 years experience. Mr. Vaughn 1b thoroughly competent to do all kinds of photographic work. Amateurs wanting developing or prim In flore will fi'1" Mr. Vaughn evni'i-t In tlii.-. fhu-. of work ' M w S. BOWMAN. ' OREGON MEMBER j,t tl-iul, c. You ran ri t a $""' piano for $:5 b:. i'' the union nt Tliprkelscu'B I'l&no House Millions of tho world's best pcoplo use Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cutleura Ointment, tho Rreat skin cure, for pre serving, purifying and beautifying tho ' skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales flud dandrull'.and the stopping of . falling hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for baby rashes, Hclilngs and dialings, for annoying Irritations, or too free or otl'enflvo perspiration, for ulcerative weaknesses, aud many sanative, anti septic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially moth ers, as well as for all tho purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Cutlcura Soap combines delicate cmolllcut properties derived from Cutl cura, tho great skin cure, with the pur est of cleansing Ingredients and tho most refreshing of Hotter odours. No nilier ni(!iltcttteil sonn ever compounded Is to bo compared with It for prescrv- I Sng. purifying nml lieuutliying inu emu, scalp, hair and hands. No other for eign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, Is to be compared with It for oil tho purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Thus It combines In 0110 toap ut 0110 price tho most thVctlvc skin and complexlou soap, and the pureit and sweetest toilet, bath aud nursery soap ever compounded. Sold Mirouliiultlio world. Cullciir. lU.ulT.pl. If, nnimm ut ChoroUw Cotd l-ilk. ; x l" r UI ol V. KIT KolUr l)iu I'h.m. Corp . soll'n.l ir Stud t" - All Ai" ii" ""'p the most dreaded and deadly of all diseases, as well as pneumonia, aud H Lung Troubles aro relieved at ei ee and cirod by Acker's English I omedy "tl.p king .of all Cough Cures.' Cures cruu'hs and colds In n day. 2G cent-. Your money back If dNsatls .el Write for free sample W. II J .M-er & Co. Duffalo, N. Y. P W Sennildt & Co. CRESCENT TO THE KNIFE H"S7 '01' think jou'ro Hliarp, b 1 could cut Crescent Pantry lint anv old Ktick "01 A Iitlh short and crusty am I?" '.Wi ll I 111 not so tough as that last pie you fiKiired in Took an hour to nirfke and an hour to hake, did it? Folks had to die; tin innt out with a pakaxe, I'm told." B it 111 ver at;.iin since now they use CRESCENT BAKING POWDER The World's M'"1 Sold Everywhere With a CoupoH I Pound 25c ELATEBITE Is Mineral Rubber. l MA'HWli.V.,..il:!.N n. KH!M. K A WOIIN.UUT HOOK ELATER1TE ROOFING I'al.e Tempen md li th plac . ol ililie-'les tin iron, anil kiiivhi, mm un i..e... Hat and steep Hiirfaees iuiters valleys, etc Easy to lay for all climates Jti asona'.b in t oid on ineru. uuurwi wM i" iisK for ),rl'-srid information THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO, i Worcester Budding. 16th always ou hand.