DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1903. - --------"---- J-f.,f,,f,.f.fti.Ti July Bargains Straw Hats at half price. Hovs Clothing twonty per emit discount Mens Summer Clothing at a saving of from S2 00 to $8.60 per suit, Summer Underwear 25c, oOe and 75c per i t garment. Working Shirts 50c and Gloves 25c to 1 50. Mens Working Shoes $1 EAR & t I One Price Clothiers, GENERAL NEWS. The largest battleship In the world, tho Edward VII. lias boon launched at I Devonport, England. She Is 425 foot long and of 18.000 horse power 1 An eight-page morning paper to rot l cent per copy, is soon to he i Issued In Now York, owned, managed and edited exclusively by women. I The Irish land bill, which made a j final passage of the bouse of com- I mons last week, made its llrsl pas-1 aage of tho house of lords yesterday. It is a fact that although there is a telegraph lino direct from Home to j London, that the news of the pope's . death reached London from Now I York. j A public meeting was held on Stat en Island to debate ways and means or ridding the island of mosquitoes. It was broken up by an onslaught of the insects. l'rofessor Hitter, of the University of California. Is finding some ex tremely rare and some hitherto un known forms of marine animal life in San Diego Hay. Southwestern and South-central Kansas is suffering from a ncxtromc , drouth and great heat. A magnificent crop of wheat was harvested, but corn I and forage crops are an almost total , toss I Througli a receivership appointed by the New York supreme court that I state lias ronducted a brewery tor the past year and realized a profit or $500,000. of which amount the recoiv-' sr will got $150,000. i The possibility that the Macedon ian troubles are fed with Itussian and German funds in order to create an excuse for Intervention and a protectorate, is greatly alarming the sultan. The Turkish treasury is so near bankrupt that the sultan can- not counter. A canvass of the pharmacists and manufacturing chemists of tho United States is said to disclose that a large majority favor an absolute standard of purity for all products which they reputation of indiv dunl firms should J0 sufilcient guaranty NORTHWEST NEWS. , . . . water that has been both boiled and Tha school population of llakor distilled. II is cheaper than you can county is 20 lass in ISO!! than It was J(,n tlle watm.. Hosli If.fi Co -illmw in m-- Main 1781. A now discovery of gold hag been mado on Also); river, 120 mllos from Homo from vacation, feeling good. Hliito Horse. Alaska. , Htrong and healthy, would ho the caso Tho Northern Pacific will increase after an outing nt tho most beautiful tlio wages of machinists and holler- of Him; mountain resorts Iehman omkors 20 er cent on July 25. Springs. There isn't a placo in all Luther Campbell, of Ilucoda, Wash., West whero you can find a more is under arrest tor shooting a valim-1 'onvonieiit nnd delightful spot to He horse belonging to a neighbor. -si,on,J fow days or n long time C C. Wil.on. or St. Helens, kicked S' Tho S'rnaT TJ SVTo arwZrorfuNo'ur me aad was lined 80 for his exorcise. (Ii(.jnal I)r(,I)ei.tlo8. HotoI nccommo. The Knights oi Pythias lor the , Nations are first-class, 'phone connoc 3lxth Oregon UUtrlct. will hold a tions. frof r-nmplng ground 25 prl couventlon at Astoria. August 20 and 1 vnto cottages, largo swimming pool, 21 , baths, golf, tennis, hunting and fish- J. U SUiddurd, the iiloneer lumber lug. Kor further particulars, address man of Sumptor, has sold his mill and , '. H. Outton, lx-hmnu Springs, Or. timber at MeRwon, to H. Hewitt. Jr., of Tucomu, for $10,000. , James Murdoch, a farmer residing near Clear l,ako, In Marlon county has been absent from home for four days and fui.l play 3 anspected. Tholtna Phyllis Stanley, or Kugene, aged 4 months. Is u freak. She can wall; and talk ns well as a child 1 years old, and seoms perfectly healthy In every way The Lebanon llourlng mills is pay- mg a premium or 2 cents per busnoi ou wheat stored In the mill ware-! houses. In order to got a supply for . next year. They shut down this sea- son for want of wheat. Tho water supply of Olympla Is be- ing investigated by the city auiuorl-, ties nnd it Is nulto likely tho entire ' iiipply will be condemned on account of tho dead timber, leavos and unfit substances found In the course of the main stream supplying the city. As an Inducement to the prosecut ing attorney to stop disbarment pro ceedings against him, A. .1. Shores, an attornoy of Helena, Mont., prom ises to leavo tho city permanently. Shores offered a bribe of $250,000 to Judgo B. W. Harnoy in a copper mining caso beforo the court. f,,f,.T. I 7oc. 50 to $3 00. DALEY i Furnishers and Ha'ters $ HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. W H Hoknrroll, Jr., Portland. Charles Oerklng, Athena. L ii. llurke, Portland. E. H. Clarke, city. W. H. Boyd, Echo. R E. Oreen, San Francisco. T. Ilrook White, .lames Lester, Seattle. A. Y. Cameron, Calgary, H. W. Cameron, Cpokaue. Cllbert Joyce, Spokane. (Jeorgo E. Mossor, Spokane. (Jeorge I. Chirk, Lincoln. J. A. Cooku, San Francisco. A. Nylander, Portland. It. A. Seeds, Spokane. Frank Gutter, Heppner. C. E. Dickey. Portland. John Palmer. Portland. Golden Rule Hotel. Mrs. T. J. Warner. Long Creek. .Mrs. Klnert. Everett. H. S. Savage. Wardner. F. M. Ilell and wife. Spokane. W. W. Evans. St. Joseph. William .McGinn. I.a Grande. Charles McGinn. I.a Grande. .Mrs. J. C. Downing and family, Val- joy. g. A. Fiaiis, Spokane. Mrs. 12. K. Anderson.' Snohomish. c. Anderson. Snohomish. T. Moore. I'alouse City. Mr. M. J. Wilcox and daughter Spokane. M. A. l'rultt, Spokane. W. Hnunad. I'alouso CUy. W. H. Kmhrew, Tacoma. J. A. Marston. city. II. liontho and wlfo, Kclio. A. Hnllowny. Kclio. USE PURE ICE INSTEAD. Don't Run Any Risk Use Ice From BoHed and C3tstllleci Water, uwjug to tne low slago of tlio U'lltltl- it. Mlu ilK. u-rill If ltiu Imntl found necessary to pump some of the " ,V V, w . . . f"r " r",H ' m"'Bl!,n Y ' , ,l , i i . , i n. ', . " .,a' '8n 'J ' . , ,', ' , used for drinltlng purposes." K. O., July 22. Hotter use pure Ice. made from Working Might and Day, The busiest nnd mightiest little thing that over was mado Is Dr. "'b "uw. "e -xnoso p us iuWieL " ' ill' lessiiesH into mental powor. Thoy'ro wonderful In building up the health. Only 25c er l-ox. Sold by Tallmaa Co. Store For Rent. I am nlnmiintr tn frect n twn-atnrv ljr.u block on the comer of Wobb and Cottonwood streets. Ilororo I hulid i would like to spcuro a renter for the upstairs and dowiistairs either separately or togethor, so that In oulldlng I can arrange tho building to suit the renter. Thoso desiring to runt call or uddross It. Martin, at his grocery storo, Stock Farm for Sale. The Ogle stock farm, consisting of 3000 acres, about 230 head of cattle, plenty or valor, grass and tlmbor. Itango has novcr boon slieopcd off. All under fence. Will grow all hay re quired. Call on or wrlto to llcntloy & Hartman, Pendleton, Orogon. Ladles' half Boles 10c. Teutsch'a. WANT HEAVY HORSES I Wlllliun Moollor, who wan ucol- am jircDTA mivcD ic Ac-rro 'dontnlly shot, mid who was reported AN ALBERTA BUYER IS AFTER (() ,k y(g mfU n,K,lti ,H tlltlo)l ,ul. UMATILLA COUNTY HORSES, tor tills morning nhd no hi till rosulta un expected. Tin.1 accident happened on n limit Regular nnd Capacious Market fori Ing trip yesterday afternoon. Mr. Certain Descriptions of Horses In StolnolllT. of tliu Maker Cafe, loft In m.u company with Mr. Mueller yesterday .. ' In Shipping Cattle on Account of the ' Freights. A. Y. Canioron, of Cnlgury, Alberta, Cmiaila, was In tho city today tho guest of his cousin, Conductor Cnni eron, of tho O. K. & N. Mr. Cameron Is In this country looking for horses for tho trado In his homo province, lie says that the stock market there Is as wen stocked with light stock Mr. Slclncllft' did not see Mr Moellor ns the market In this country, but and had peppered him with shot uliout that there Is a great deninnd for h;r yarils illstunce before lie realized heavy horses, and on those u good hlw "companion was In the line 01 tho margin can lie made. However, If sight. tho stock that Is shipped in there Is . not heavy enough it will not sell.! E A E MINE SOLD. or If It does It will he sold for figures j ' that will cut the profit In the ship- Famoug Gold Producer Is Bought hy meat. Thousands of people are coming Into the country and they all want stock, for It Is a stock country; but so much of tho light stuff from the northern border of tho United States has been shipped In that there is no demand for anything that is i. ........ .....i i........ i. ...... nut; .111(1 llllftl- Ul uuiiu, i Cattle cannot be shipped there from j this country at a prollt, for tho freight j Is tuo high and the margin so small that the shipper will make nothing by tho time he has fed his cattle nnd held them for sale. ' Mr. Cameron left this morning fori Spokane, from which place he will ! gradually work hack this wny, pick-1 lug the best of the stock from the . bands that he finds until he has made up a shipment or a hundred head or so, when ho will put them on the train for the Alberta country. HALF A MILLION DOLLARS. , clerks in connection with the robbing Defaulter Made Dig Money for the i r freight curs. Six dorks wore ar Firm He Victimized ' '',Hti'd some time ago on the same charges, and live pleaded guilty. They Hilffalo July 2.! Mrs. trunk La , ..,. supposed to have given Infonua 1 (luutie, the wire ot the couildentlal t()ll uwllng i the Ishiic of aildltloiial clerk and bookkeeper for the new law warrants firm of Wilson i: Smith, who. II Is alleged, used hundreds of thousands of dollars of his employers' money to carry on his extensive real estate deals, made a statement today In be or 1 1 1 1 a I n n il S 1 1 o b 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 a t 1 I,l,m8 eruptions or the skin, pro Uensive scale than tin.. f,.r r"timdo.J. SSc and HOc. Write to US Half of her litis! more extensive scale than thus far has been admitted. The llgurca now tiro approaching the fiiOO.Ouo mark, and the investigation Is not nearly finished. "My husband," said she, "has turn ed over to the llrm property valued at $100,000. When all is over Wilson & Smith will be able to realize a profit of at least $100,000 from ti operations of a man who wa. Insiim on the subject or real estate spent lations and whose mental derangi ment Is due entirely to being over worked." I.a Hountlo's salary from Wilson & Smltl' waK $c--no a in'iiith. STADBING AFFRAY Two Baker City Men Engage in a Fight In the Dark. llakor City, July 24. .1 P Ilcrrh 1 and W. J. Conway engngod lu n knife fight in a dark room, at the homo oi the former last evening. As a result, Conway Is In the hop pilal with a deep and ugly gash aeros his lace and throat. Horrlck Is a broom-maker by trade and used a stiort-bladed knife which he trims brooms with, to inlllct tin Injuries upon Conway. Horrlck Is in jail awaiting the result of Comw Injuries. New Houses Completed. Tho now houses belonging to John K. lionuett and L. Ii. Tarhett on Thompson strtet, are Hearing comple tion. They urn being built by L. O Sheek and udd greatly to tho appear unco of that portion of the city Mr Tarbott's house Is nearly ready for occupancy as tho papering and other Inside work Is about dono. but Mr Heiinett's will not bo completed for several days yet. Mr. Sheek will build u residence for himself on a lot adjoining Mr. Dennett's house, and overlooking lllnff street, from tho point or the hill on Thompson it is one of tne beautiful sites for n resl deuce in the ell. Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures chronic Iilood l'olsonliu; and all Scrof ulna nffcctlons, At all times a match less system tonic and purifier. Money refunded If you are dlssatlsdcd Kit ty cents and $1.00. K, V. Schmidt & Co., druggists. Goes to West Point. Walla Walla, July 23. John K I'axton, of this city, won the endot ship at West Point yesterday after noon over sovon competitors taking tho examination. 1'axton Is a native of this city and Is 17 years of age Will Study Great 8hakes. llerlln, July 21. At the Invitation of tho Gorman government n confer ence with tho object of forming an, International Seismic Association opened nt Htrashurg today and will continue until noxt Wednesday. Del ogates aro In attendance from nearly all tho countries In Europe. I ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. Baker City Citizen Meets With Serl ous Accident While Hunting. j afternoon fur ii hunting trip of hov IllVH. it,fitli. Tin- iiiTlikmt happened near Kent- lug, which Is 20 miles from lliikur City. Tho two hlintors liml scarcely iinlved at tlio camping spot before Mr Stolncllrt' In his eagerness to bug somo game, began shouting Ho was noon followed hy Mr Moollor Tho Injury was Indicted after tho usual niniiiuir or snooting ucciueniK, the Bourne People. linker City. July 21. The famous IC. & H. mine, located at Cracker crook, or Iloiirne, eight miles west of Stimptor. was hid lu yesterday even ing for $25,000 by the Uourno Gold Mining Company, on a foreclosure sale. The mine has been closed down for the past live days on account of liti gation. The entire bonded Indebted ness of tho mine was $il lO.Oiili. The mine is one of the richest In Eastern Oregon, and Is accredited with pro ducing $1,000.0111) for lessees the past three years. WHOLESALE ARRESTS. i New York Central Clerks Accused of Robbing Freight Cars, N y ,,, .,, Wr rants have been Issued for tho arrest or l!0 Now York Central railroad Mokl Tea positively cures Sick Headache. Indigestion and Constlpa I tiou. A delightful herb drink. HO for irep snnitde. W II Tlooker ft Co., liurralo. N. Y. b V. Schmiui .a Co., druggists. Sumptcr's Output, -" i' ' Or luh L'l -( ( ordliig to ii mi.' couiiiili-d the uolcl out nut for tin month oi Jinn- amounted to $:ir0,000. the largest In the history of this camp. I Can anyone suppose that we would double the necessary cost of our brewing without a vital reason? Would wc spend so much on cleanliness? Would wc cool the I beer in plate glass rooms ? Would ' we filter all the air that touches it ? Would we age it for months ? Would we sterilize every 1 bottle ? We do it to attain absolute purity to avoid the remotest possibility of germs to make bchhti liocr healthful. ttti . VVliy accept a COm- m i ., i i ... mon beer, brewed With- rmf nmr nf flwc- OUI any OI lliese pre- cautions, when Schlitz Beer costs no more ? , i Your dealer may prefer to fur nish a beer that n.ivs n lliiln mnrA (profit ; but does it pay you to per mit it? Isn't pure beer Schliti lliccr worth asking for ? Alkftr the Hrvwiry tit tiling. Phono St Main, H. Kopittke, 507 Main St., Peudletoo Heavenly Drinks Our Iced DrlnkB are good enough for the Angels and we feci certain they will refresh nnd please all ordinary human bolngs. On these very warm days and evenings, there are no more popular beverages than our Phosphates IceCreamSoda Picfc-mc-tips Ptiaches Egg Drmks Root Beer Rassle Dazzle Pecan Sundae F. W. Schmidt's Tho Reliable Druggist riMtoIKe lllnct. Phone Mnln 8ji LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER Wc can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and sa v e you money DOORS WINDOWS H u i Iclin f; paper lime cumi.'ut hrick and sand Wood putters for hams and dwellings a specialty. iOrepon Lumber yardip1-1- Alta St., Opp. Court House I NT. I dfTiara liofoiv deciding where chnol examine a to go to Pendieton Academy i-aialogiic for the coming year. Now I building and equipment. Now mail ugoment. and a faculty of experienc ed teachers. Special arrungoment for nitiHlo students and for the care- j fill oversight of all studoiits from out , ' or town. All grades of public school I work thoroughly done. Our collego ' preparatory work Is accepted by the i j best colleges Bast and West. Moral I and social advantages the very best. Term begins September M, 1903. i I REV. W. H. BLEAKNEY, PRINCIPAL OREGON. PORTLAND. St. Helen's Hal! I Ma.- a Normal Kindergarten Training I Class in connection with its Acndo-, inlc Department. Separate residence, j Two-year course. Model Klndergnr-j ten 1'rovldos practice work. Kor ' details address 1 ELEANOR TEDBETTS, Prln. HOITT'S SCHOOL. Menlo Park, San Mateo Co., California 'l borough mental, moral nnd pliysi- cal training for hoys, Homo inllu- onces: beautiful surroundings; excel- lent climate: careful auporvlBlon; Huiltod uuiiibnrs; prepares for any uulvurslty or for business. Kail term .'KniSr 1U So"" for 1""atr"t' IRA G- H0ITT- ph- D- Pre8,dent- .h.n-.MJ...j- Conrad Platzoeder All ktnds of Fresh Muats always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. t Prices as low as the lowest j T 1 Anv Time Is a Good 1 pcred. a ii,.T:" WW there ul . u" 0 P""!! fUllvT T ,'tl loo wall paper will H - ""y room, our .tJ P'"ern ,n ev"y one new and '1 color deslnn n..Va "P-l 't us show th "! you Whnf l ... w J0! Whole . " t ur one i E. J. MiuJ "I Court Street Just call up Aiain , ton's Candy store, w our wagnn nround quantity of lcu cream What dessert can you satisfactory and this hot weather, tta and Ico cream. Our pure, cold and dellJ you are down town iri try our hot weather Try our candles, thry lresli every day ICE GRd recuiveil Willi I Wli buy poor col ; can Ret the best for I price? aatz m Telephone Mai THERE is a N DEMAND for finn noil frnits audi tlmt tusto like Bottl Iihk all tho fresh rid tlio fruit or vegetal ing but tlie most si cnos into a MONOll Evory bit is wfl swoot ana ueiwj 0 painstaking careaa not find an equal M0N0P0LE. Standard Gj Moin ediiiwr' LOSSES AL IB MET PROiViP By the Fire Ins reprl panics c om panies. world. standi Alliance rt7"";.hW Loudon & 11 1"1" IiiRiinuiw North ritW & J'frt , ItoyaUn3ur.iiH'eC' PRANK B. Afll 800 MAIN