East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 23, 1903, Image 4

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    l'ubllsheii every afternoon (excent Suuday)
nt l'emllctou, Oregon, by tlio
Tlionr, Main 11.
suuscitirxioN uati:h.
Dully, om )onr by mall J.". 00
Dally, six nioiillia by ran 1 1 -.no
Dalljr three motitlia by mall 1.23
Dally, mie month by mull no
IMIly, per month by carrier )."
Weekly, one yenr by mull l.no
Weekly, tlx months by null 7"i
Weekly, four months by mall fit)
Hrml-werkly, one yenr by mall .... 2.00
Serai-Weekly, six months by mull . . 1.00
Semi-Weekly, three months by mall .. .50
The 1 last Oresonlan Is on sale nt II. II.
KlchVi News Stands at Hotel l'ortlnml and
Hotel 1'orklus. l'ortlnml. Oregon.
Member Scrlpps ilcllae Xas Associa
tlon. San Francisco Ilureiiu, 40S Fourth St.
Chicago llurenu, 009 Security lluildlug.
Washington, 1) C. llure.m, ."01 11th St.,
K. W.
Kntpreil at Pendleton postolTlce as second
class matter.
Methlnks 1 see In my mlml n
noble ami puissant niition rous
ing herself like a strong man af
ter a sleep, and shaking her In
vincible loelts: methlnks I seo
her rising, like an unfettered
eagle toward the midday sun of
human prosperity and glory,
leaving the other nations, like a
Hock or heavy-winged birds, be
low. .Milton.
Water Is going to bo a precious
liquid in Pendleton before the dry
weather yields to Jupiter l'luvlus,
from present indications.
In view of this fact, it would he
well for the city to make arrange
ments with the Hoss Ice plant and
Cohl Storage people to utilize tho
overflow water lrom the plant for
street sprinkling purposes, anil thus
save the city water for household
The overflow lrom the Ice plant
amounts to about 10.000 gallons per
day and is running to waste in tho
sewers. This water is pure as tho
filtering and purifying processes of
science can make it, and contains no
refuse matter whatever and could be
economically applied to street sprink
ling. Get after it. save it, turn It to use.
There art- streets in town that have
not been sprinkled all summer, and
the dust is, ankle-deep in some of
tliem. Hecauso they are on the hill
side, out of the sprinkling zone is no
good excuse for causing the resi
dents upon these streets to suffer the
intolerable curse of dust all season.
Th property on Thompson, High
ami Tustin streets near the school
bouse pays taxes Into tho treasury
and. Is entitled to the same protection
as other property.
Water may be scarce In the river
and in the municipal well, hut here Is
10,000 gallons of available water go
ing to waste overy day In the week.
This water can be had at small
cost and the streets of tho city need
It. The use of It will save water In
the reservoir for home use and fire
protection and some arrangement
Jhould be made lo save It and utilize
The cost of connecting pipes to tho
overflow pipes from the plant would
bo small, the location Is central and
would he convenient for loading and
it is the most economical water prop
osition over presented to the city.
It now dawns upon tho trainers of
the bill by which tho prlco of school
land was to have been raised from
$1.2fi per acre to $2.50, that the j
words school land, wore omitted
from the title of the act, nnd that tho
law as applied to school land Is in
operative. The bill Included school and In
demnity land In Its provisions, hut
through some inexcusable bungling,
the tltlo was worded wrong and tho
law does not ralno the prlco of school
land, us Intended.
Attornoy-Oeneral Crawford has re
dered un opinion on the hill which
discloses its utter weakness and emp
tiness. IIo says tho state hind hoard
cannot enforco tho provisions of the
would-be bill, and thu price of Oro
gou school laud remains at $1.2.1 per
However, tho board has charged
fiJiO for all school laud sold since
the bill went Into offect, and each
member has expressed tho willing
ness to follow the Intention of tho
legislature and soil all school land at
$2.50 per aero.
Of course, the land grabbers uro
kicking at this and claim the right
to secure valuable school lands nt
$1.25 per ncro. H Is the opportunity
of the grafter to get In some hard
licks before another legislature
meets to change the meaning and
title of the act.
The people of Oregon are In hopes
the land hoard finds legal grounds
for following the Intention of the law.
The cream of the school land area
of the state has been skimmed off
at a shamefully low price. The leg
islature, after 10 years of lethargy
on the subject only nwnkos lrom Its
Inactivity to make a mistake and a
bungle. So far as the people are
concerned It might have allowed the
matter to stand as it was, ami it
would have been much more compli
mentary to the business qualifica
tions of the legislature.
This is not the only bungle made , even with persons in whose cms,
by the Oregon leg.s.ature In the past. JJTVZ
On account of Its coarse and heed-1 ,..,. ii,,!., .iiillv tasks how history
less work, the initiative and refer
omlum will probably be declared In
operative and that entire campaign
will have to be fought over again
Whats the matter with the Oregon
legislature, anyway? Out of 90,000
voters, Isn't It possible to select 90
men who will make laws that will
stand the test?
There's nothing the matter with
Kansas. She Is pouring into the lap
of Industry an S'-'.OOO.OOO-bushel wheat
crop this year despite her chastise-
I meat by Hoods and cyclones,
A Huston critic, .Mr. Frederick
Lawrence knowles, has complied a ,
it-. ..i- ........ i... n ..... .i i...... '
list oi wiiiii lie cuiih me an ueai
American poems. Need It be said
thnt his list is made of for tho most
part by bards who frolicked with
the muse In and aiouud Iloston7 We
ilnd that the 50 poems which the lJos-
tonlan selects. .10 were written by
Longfellow, Emerson. Holmes, Whit-
tier. Lowell, Mrs. Howe, and T H. j
Aldrlch lirynnt comes In for two and
I'oe Is credited with eight, probably
because the latter Is regarded by
Kngllsh critics as the foremost Amer
ican poet. What the Kngllsh think
well of Is not lightly passed over in
.Mere Is the list n lull: "Thanatop
sis" and "To a Water Fowl.' Ilryant:
"Israfel," "To Helen," "The City in
the Sea." "The Haunted Palace," "To
One In Paradise." "The Sleeper."
"Annabel Lee." and "The Haven,"
Poe; "Divlna Comniedla." "Nature.'
"The Skeleton In Armor." and "The
Discoverer of the North Cape," Long
fellow: "The Problem," "Days." "The
Hhodorn." "Concord Hymn " "The
Humble Hee," and "Each and All,"
Kmerson: "Skipper Ireson's Hide."
"Telling the Dees." "In School Days,"
"Ichabod," "The Eternal Ooddoss."
and "Playmates." Whlttler; "Hebe."
"She Came and Went," "To the Dan
delion," "Anspex. Die Courtln' "
and "Peace." Lowell: "The Cham
bered Nautilus." "The Last Leaf."
"The Living Temple," and "Old Iron
sides." Holmes. "When Lilacs Last
in the Dooryard llloomed" and "Out
of the Cradle Endlessly Hocking,"
Whitman: "The Marshes of Oiynn,"
Lanier; "Hedoulu Song." Haynrd Tay
lor; "Abraham Lincoln." It. II. Stod
dard; "Uattle Hymn of the Republic,'
Juki Ward Howe; "On a Host of Dan-
to." T. W. Parsons; "The Venus do
Mllo," E. It Sill: "Columbus," .loa
quln .Miller: "Echo Song." "Sleep."
and "Unguarded Oates." T. H. Al
drlch: "Sesostris." Lloyd Mifflin; "An
Ode In Time or Hesitation." William
Vaughan Moody.
The last named In the list Is that
of a Chicago poet, hence this city has
one representative against Itostou's
30 odd. Perhaps we ought to he
grateful to the Hoston critic for let
ting Chicago in at all, In view of the
fact that he has shut out Indlnna
with her wealth of poets und doesn't' t
give the Sweet Singer of Michigan
or Ella Wheeler Wilcox even honor
able mention.
We do not believe the list will glvo
much satisfaction outside of a certain
When thu hot days of sum
mer como the cook stove Is to
he avoided and well it can ho
witlt tho slock ot summer deli
cacies. Lots of now things lu
convenient form ready to
servo cold or with a Httlo
warming. You will bo sur
prised at tho many tempting
dainties wo have for you.
circle In Iloston. U doesn't contain
'Maud Mullor." "Tho Vlllngo Mack
smith." or "Casey nt the Hat," and
without theso the masses will rofuso
to bo satisfied. Chicago Itecord-Herald.
Jinny eminent men have given to
thu world their respective Impres
sions of Leo's temperninunt and per
sonality. P. Marlon Crawford, tho
novelist, thus described him:
"As ,n man, he possesses the sim
plicity of character which almost al
ways accompanies greatness, together
with a Healthy sobriety of temper,
habit and Individual taste rarely
found In those beings whom we might
cull 'motors' among men. It Is com
monly said that the pope has not
changed his manner of life since he
was a simple bishop. He Is, Indeed,
a man who could not easily change
either his habits or bis opinions; for
he Is of that enduring, melancholic,
slow-speaking, hard-thinking tempera
ment which makes hard workers,
and In which everything tends direct
ly to hard work as a prime object,
out of humanity In the rough state
For he Is a great pope.' There has
not been his canal Intellectually for
;i long time, nor shall we presently
, am uu matc',1 ,,!
V Fantastic
stories have
liecn written of
magic mirrors in
which the future
was ravealed, If
Mich a thing were
possible many a bright - faced bride
...... 1.1 ol.riot- ft-..,,, tlx, rv.-l-ltintl flf llpr.
striped r all her loveliness. If
Ul(.;c is (',nt. thim, which woul(i lllaUc
womau si,riu from marriage it is to see
tilu ral);d physical deterioration which
COmes to so ltianv wives. The cuum- is
cciiemllv due to womanly diseases.
Lost health and lost comeliness are
restored by the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa- !
vorite Prescription. It cures irregular-)
ity and dries weakening drains. it
heals inflammation and ulceration, ami '
cures female weakness.
"It i with tli- greatest plcavarc tint I lei' .
you what IJr. riercr h favorite rrraripuoii mm 1
r.flUii MnllHl li-nvrrv liavc ikmc for mc " I
wtitn Mrs. Hnima 1.. lunke ol" tn North 7U1
.Street, HarrHburg. va " 1 ney nave none iik n
world of soil 1 lia.l female weakness for fix
ve.irj; sometimes would feel i bjilly I diil nol
kaow what to 1I0. hut I found relief at las
thanki to IJr Pierce for liu kind advice I liav,
this mcdioue till in my house anil will aliva
keep it."
If you are led to the purchase of
"Favorite Prescription" because of its
remarkable cures of other women, do
not accept a substitute which has none
of these cures to its credit.
Free. Dr Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser, p.iier covers, is sent
free 011 receipt of 21 one-cent stamp:,
to pay expense of mailing only. Or
for clotli-lxmml volume send 31 sUmjis.
Address Dr. U. V. Pierce, Hulfalo, X. Y
We keep nothing hut pure
natural Ice frozen from pure,
clear mountain water. It goes
farther and lasts longer than
artificial Ice All we ask Is an
unprejudiced trial of our ice.
Why not order a cabe of tho
celebrated Schlltz, A. 11. C. or
Cambrinus for your Sunday
4 1
Phone your order to Mutti
'Just try a
Parrot Cigar
The Parrot Cigar is the
now 5o cigar so muoli
talked about. Its good
qualities are astonishing
i W r T, OvWv
un i n
Since securing the services of Mr J R. Parker of Chicago,
the Soda Water expert, our trade :n summer drinks has more
than doubled and the best part of it is, if yon come once you
will come back. We venture to say no more delicious summer
drinks were ever served u- Pendleton than we are now serving.
PING PONG which is creating such a furore in the East is
one of our specialties.
Our Menu for today is:
California Onuigudi)
English Walnut Suiuluo
Dont lull to try u
Corner of Main
Under New Management
I have purchased tho 1ubIiiohh of
W. G. (iarretson, jeweler and optic
ian, and have put in tin entire
new lino of Jewelry and optical
You will find nothing in my Bloro
that is not up-to-dato and Unit-class
In every particular. My prices nro
as low as is consistent with high
class goods.
Having graduated from the Amorl
can Optical College, I am thoroughly
equipped to handle all classes of op
tical work.
.My Instruments are of the liest
make and embrace the latest and
most sclunttlle Improvements.
.My guarantee Is back of all my
SI." .M i 1 1 1 .street.
S50.00 Given Away
n. ,i. .., . i,n,li,ir iiu
. lu 1110 "lhl 0,10 lianumg US
the nearest correct solution
ot tho two following rebuses,
we will give $25.00 worth of
furniture or other goods ot
your choice from our Immonso
stock; $16.00 worth to thu
socond, and $10.00 worth to
tho third.
Tho question Is, how many
different ways can the word
"Furniture," and how many
the word "Hader" ho spelled
In tho following squares by
spelling to tho right, or down
ward, or any combination of
down and right, or right and
1 down, but always using con
tiguous letters but no two
times, using exactly the
same numerical letters, yet
all spell tho words "Hader"
and "Furniture" correctly.
For Illustration, tho word
"Hader" may be spoiled by
using letters numbered I, 2,
11. 12,
;;:!. etc.
M. or Kl,
handed in sealed, giving only
tho number of combinations
that can be mado ot each
word, with no mimo attached,
lu order that tho committee
awarding tho prizes will not
I i 2 I " I I r I ' I " I s 9 1 10
" , 12 , HI I 14 I 15 I Hi I 17 1 18 I 19 I 20
U j I N j I j T j U I R j E j F I U
21 I 22 23 I 21 j 20 20 27 28 29 ":i0"
n 1 :i2 1 :i:i ;ti an a :i7 :is au j 10 '
N I , T I U j R j E I F I U I R I N
II I '2 I la ,41 , ID I 10 17 I 48 I 49 j GO"
l 52 ' 5a I 51 I 55 I 50 57 58 59 00
T 1 U j R j E j F I U I R I N , I , T
01 02 , oa ; 01 1 oo uo 07 , 08 ( oil 7u '
u 1 R I E j F j U j R I N I I I T I U
71 72 72 74 1 75 I 70 I 77 I 78 I 79 I 80 '
81 , 82 , sa j 81 j 85 j 8U"j 87 88 89 !I0"
91 l 92 j 93 91 95 90 97 , 98 99 "j
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks. '
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Pltimfeer.
Court slreet, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel I
LEGAL BLANKS Wiethe East Ore-
w gonlan for a free cat
alogae of them. A foil supply always kept in stock.
Walnut Frappe
Root Boor, In Stoins
Brock Poppo
and Court Striets
I'ciullclim. Oregon
1 1 2 1 :: , A j G 1 1; I 7 I 8 1 u
H A O E I R 1 A ; D I E I R
111 , 11 , 12 Kl I 14 j 15 1 Hi 1 17 I IS
A 1 D j Ej R j A I D I E j R A
11) , 20 1 21 I 22 I 2.-1 I 21 j 20 1 2U , 27
28 ; 29 I liu j .11 1 112 IS I! :i-l :!5 !IU
E Rj A I D E I R A D E
7 1 Ho , 119 I -111 J -II J 12 I -13 I -II I -15
R J A D I Ej Rj A I D 1 E R
-Hi 1 17 1 lb ( 19 I 50 I 51 j 02 Oil 54
A D Ej R I A I D I Ej RA
55 , 50 ! 57 I 58 j 59 (ill I iil 02 j Oil
Dj E RA D E Fl I A I D
01 1 05 I lit; t 07 I 08 ) (i!) I 7U j 71 j 72
7 , 71 75 , 70 I 77 j 78 I 79 80 81
1 .1.
solution to be
who Is In tho contest
Hut If requested, each winner
must bo ublc to write, numer
ically, each of tho various
ways the number of times
hoy claim. In ordor to Iden
tify all solutions wo simply
number each envolopo con
taining an answer and keep
u memorandum of each. No
Duo will ho allowed more
than one answer. Prizes
awarded July 25, 1903. There
Is no euro thing that tho first
'solutions will bo correct. So
If you dccldo you want to
chango your solution aftor
handing it In you can do so
y placing your second in tlio
nuiuorlcnl ordor wo rccelvo
tho Inttor. No ono connected
A'lth tho establishment will
o allowed to contest.
Main and Webb Streets
We have the
1,1 Real Estate,
some mem iw...
' W1IH
o sold. ni,:.
LotB. Alfnlr t
ucro to 160.
trnnto f-... .
Rihorn I
"oom 10 over
Hardware Sto
PfiTllllntnn D.l r,
(.!(, ,,,,, .I...-!,!
. "tiiuiK, sia
4 litis j
C-rooru dwelling and
rill nni ,1 Ui.
fulily Bhaileil law
14-rnntii lif-ior.iin- i.
O-room dwelling win
side $1,250.
A lltimiini n(
$125 to $160 each.
1 lot un Mat, live b!
street, $500, Other
.Much other very
ty for sale. All sold
Come nnd buy.
To nnd just what
rignt price, sec
C. I). BOYD. Ill
ih v vnrr 1 ni
1 tt :n i. 1
I ilU Will UU lltJIIj
conic in an time
inctiiR taken
. 1
' Iiil' line of I inlian
, inet photos only
Thfitlil rt'lliihU'F
Nuxr door lo tne im
i Insurance
, $13,456,91
t. Of Insurance
t M. H. RICE.
1 Agent for Umat
T Pendleton
AMn0 !
' vv 1 1 v "",v": r
mJ It LHV' -
S18.00 to V-
. . Ml
lean got anyw'Y- r"
i i,nntrr In lfle
it.1i r Wliuu u'
Near the
. . r
KirrmMi u
I I icu t -
- i-e fflf
sf ri" ivr
(Jas'i paid ror