East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 22, 1903, Image 1

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r .1 rour reiiaem-o
Eastern Oregon Weather
J5C A VYE.v.
Tonight nnd Thursday jirobn
lily thunder showers; cooler.
U Organs Were
Except the Lungs
Sreat Pontiff Looks as
Itjceful Sleep Had Fal-
I Him Prophecies Are
liter Harmony Between
V 22. inu liuiiiu t;ui-
tie Hetitor ngoncy,
that the result of tlio
. none Is Kent secret,
stated nn tho best mi
le died of tuberculosis,
IM3ND LKTnv Trr . mrT , .
' vliul.a COUNTY, OliEGOX, WEDXKSDAY, JULY 22, lflOH.
First Assistant Chief Youngson Will
Be Head of the Locomotive Engl,
neers, a
Cleveland. 0., July 22.-Under the
proy sions of tlio by-laws 0f he
Brotherhood of Locomotive Enghv
cow, First Assistant Grand Chief
chier p0'!5T,,w111 8,10000,1 th0 'ate
i m M- Artln,r' Owing to crlti
cal Illness, however, of Mr. Young,
son ho hus not hern advised of Mr
Arthur's death.
Mr. Youngsnn's condition Is report
od somewhat improved today and
the physicians nnw believe that ho
will recover. Second AssUtnnt
Oram, Chief T. S. Ingraham decHnes
to become first assistant, thus lie
ccssltatlng an election to fill the of-
x ). ( son.
I . . !
The Defendant, a Nephew of
Senator Cullom of Illinois,
Twenty-Nlne Laden Cars Jump the
Track and Pile Up.
Lamar. Col.. Julv 2! i..
uoiKiii iram wreck occurred on the
Santa Fo last night four miles west
of Caddoa, Col. a train composed
of 30 cars of California fruit was
running as a speed of 35 miles per
hour, when the 14th car from tlio en
ginc jumped the track.
i omers. The strange thing about lmlIetl olates marshal's ofllco was
tho accident was that the last load- lnfoncd last night that tlm United
ed car and caboose stnvpii nn thr, . States grand Jury at Present has In-
Went to Arizona for His Health and
Probably Left There for the. Same
Reason The United States Mar
shal Has a Warrant for His Im
mediate Arrest.
Phoenix, Ariz., July 22. The
Conflict Between Montana
Stockmen Narrowly Averted
by the Authorities.
Troops May Have to Fight In Wyo
ming to Sustain the Civil Authori
tiesOther Militia Under Arms
and Awaiting Orders Believed
That an Ambuscade Is Planned.
Connor Creek Robbers Probably Se
cured as Much as $500.
linker City, Or., July 22. The first
authentic statement regarding tlio
Connor creek hold-up, has Just been i
mauo puiuic by I llascho. of this
city, who has n bond on the Connor
Creek mines. Mr. llascho snys tho
monthly clean-up hnd been sent to
Huntington five dnys before, nnd tho
n mount of money and nuggets In tho
snfs at the time of the hold-up did
not oxreed $500.
Tho oftlcluls now think tho robbers
are the same parties who stole n
couple of saddles from tho barn of
W. G. Ayre near Dttikeo, and nlso two
good horses rrom stockmen of llurnt
I river.
A reward of $500 has lioen offered
by the stockmen for tho recovery of
their stolen property nnd this has
stimulated a brisk search for tho
H. C,
Prominent Citizen Passes
Away Unexpectedly in His
Ofllco in This City.
Captain Myrlck, superintendent of . There Was No Evidence of Sufferlna.
o Connor Creek mines, hud saved i , .
valuable sneclinens mid niu-i-ou fur
many years and the entire collection J
ns tnkeii. !
Helena, Mont.. July 22. A serious
dash between cattlemen aiiri Hupp,
men on the mlddb loik of th. Sun
river, n mi ps nnrti, rr lifin.ir. ?,no
track. The loss will bo very heavy, , (llcte1 Shelby Cullom, clerk of the 1 just been averted by count v ollicers.
i -,,tir, nrl i iii-igui win no nn en- -i" ."n ui iuuna mm x-coj- nuo were caneu io 1110 scone. J lie
jg tlio reception 01 tro lnss Traffic over this part of 1 k'ctor of Arizona internal revenue, 1 cattlemen, who had organized, sent
in Semi-State,
I!!. This morning tho
still lying In somi-
Isrone room, but is cx-
Ire-moved to St. Potor's
The post mortem
111 organs to bo healthy
lition of the lungs and
new of the pontiff's
kb dignitaries, tno dip-
and Roman aristocra-
Icarlly occurs in tho
Is held today In the
li accordance with the
It necessitates slight
I many of the death ccr-
. of the urn containing
the Qulrlnlal church
feented on, as it is tho
of the king's palace.
the action presages
liy between church and
the main line was delayed nm-ni-ni "nrter Mckinley. Cullom's wherea
liours. No one was Injured. ,,outs are unknown here. Tho nature
oi ine cnarges were not divulged,
but they aro said to be in connec
tion with alleged Irregularities in
connection with the Internal revenue
service. Cullom is a nephew of Sen
ator Cullom, of Illinois, and camo to
Arizona for his health. The United
warrant for
Believed the Last Battle Ends the
Last Battle
New York, July 22. A Caracas dis
nfltr'li rnpnlrn1 flila mnrl ' . ...
7n..r.. .nn ir , . 7 : ",a &taK's marsnai lias n
nearly 400 II yes were lost In the bat-, Cullom's arrest.
tlo ut Ciudad Ilollvar. The Venezue-
lan minister, Hernandez, said today
ho believed the capture of the city
practically ends tho revolution nnd
that it will be but a short time be
fore pence will he permanently restored.
Price of Cotton Throws
Out of Employment.
ftew lorit. July Ti. Cotton open-
Sugar Factory for Caldwell. j
Caldwell. Idaho. July 22. A can-,
vass among farmers of this district!
hns resulted in contracts pledging !
5,000 acres of sugar hoots and a fac
tory will lie built for next season's
ed firm at from three to seven points
lace nas assumed a
egression, aitiiougn nin mirnnrn in miiniuirirn
Ks and great ago are H h MrHhrH l.i UlU 1 i iH
tit It looks like a cen-iu,u "-"'" '-
alien upon him.
Oreglla's Chances.
".It Is uunounccd
N Ramnolla have boon
ronclled, thus adding to
rhances to be elected
Fnll Itiver, Mass., July 22. The
I Union mills closed this morning.
Thursday the Globe and Sanford
1 mills will also close. These In ad
t dltlon to thoe already shut down,
; make a total of C.OflO spindles. It
! Is expected next week's curtailment
will moro than double the number.
. No attempt will be made to resume
until cotton Is lower.
f " Party Meet
pent Roosevelt.
July 22.- President
a large number
V, Including Senators q, ,
won. Governor Yutes. ! ?.1'.,
irlA. ... ' 1 UHU U
....maiiBu lower, lien-
(uacii, of New York,
l, of Washington.
i h anu cannon con-
loier the extra session
u a cuneiicv bill, und
suaimoned on tnis nc-
' head Of tllC fningtr..
fi fellow workers, are
rerl visit is f C0I1.
I AiasKan lioundary,
- ui me committee
V, m London in Sep-
Bonds Will Be Issued to Take Up
Old Securities Is Largely a Meas
ure of Economy In Operating Expenses,
h to da;.
visit to tlio
Bishop of Baker
'ly 22 Ti, , ...
I carles J O'lmiiiv
'!aP Of thr Eastern
"h.0,, thn t-athollc
0Padmiiirn.i-. l.
I'.!".1 aIvr to arrnn
Building of $2,000,000 l.lay Be Tied
Up In Chicago.
Chicago, July 22. Unless Wells
Bros . general contractors, grant the
demands of tho Building Trades
Union and hire only union men. it Is
said stdlkos will bo called on all their
Now York, July 22.--Annouiice- jous. The first of these has been
ment of un official nature has just railed on the plant of the new Com
been made regarding the projected monwealth Electric Company nnd in-
consolidation of the Chicago & lasi-, vnlves 100 men.
Illinois Railroad Company, the i wolls I3ros. refused to employ only
ouls. Memphis & Southeastern union men on that job, and the gas
and other lines owned by the St. otters and machinery Installment
Louis & San Francisco road west of.mcn walked out. They were follow
tho Mississippi river. All those lines ,) i,v tlt. various unions affiliated
aio now In operation with the oxcep- wltli the Associated Hulldlng Trades,
tion of u branch of 150 mllos between iutui the const ruction work was stop
Thebes nnd St. Louis, which Is now , m. The new plant will cost $2,000,
untler construction. The lines are to noo.
Iio consolidated into tho Chicago. St. i
Louis, Memphis & New Orleans! NEGRO LYNCHED.
Itnllroad Company a new corporation :
which, Including the Chicago & Kast- Arkansas People Carry Out the Usu
orn Illinois, and the line now beltiK, ai Program,
constructed into St. Louis, will own a . , an
total mileage of about 1.500. ' ' X'vUtoeM.
There will be an issue of oouas. , ,.,,, or . .nwmlli mnn nnmed
sheepmen notice that It they did not
remove their herds from the range
by Sunday they would bo forced out
of tho country. The sheepmen sent
to Helena for arms and ammunition
nnd were preparing to resist, when
the county officials went Into the
threatened country nnd brought
about a truce, which they believe will
be permanent.
Still Trouble In Wyoming.
Cheyenne, Vyo July 22. A bat
tle between troops and armed cat
tlemen Is believed to he Imminent
in Pig Horn county. Sheriff Kenton
and deputies left Thermopolls for
Hasln at S o'clock this morning with
his prisoner, Jim McCloud, charged
with the murder of 11. Myrlck, a
floekmaster. Tlio party Is escorted
by the Hasln Light Dattcry of 40
men, under Captain Price. It Is re
ported that a largo force of cattle
men have fixed an ambuscade on
Cottonwood creek, 25 miles from
Thermopolls, and will endeavor to
rescue McCloud und assist htm out
of the country.
The state troops at lender. Buf
falo, Sheridan and other near-by
points have been ordereil to hold
themselves In leadlness to take the
field at a moment's notice.
English Now Claim Islands Suppos
ed to Be American.
London. July 22 At tho annual
meeting of the Hrltlsh North liorneo
Company, the question of tho recent
End Apparently Coming Peacefully
.ind Without a Struggle Has Been
in Poor Health for Some Time
I Biographical Sketch.
II. C. (luernsey was found deml in
bis olllce over the llniimiin Abstract
Company's rooms this morning nt
7:10, by Charles Dennett, tho Janitor
of the building. Mr. Cuernsoy was
nr'Mlhntlnti 1... II, n lt.tll.,.1 l-nl..n ..r
the seven M.inll Islands off tho coast I ,j l,,K 0,1 hls l,m'k 0,1 ,ho n,K ,n fronl
camo up. The chairman, llls desk, with his lint 011 tho back
glasses on.
of liorneo,
Mr. Merlon, M, P., snld tho Islands of I of his head
which Croat llrltnln had been In pos
session for 25 years, were derelict
and hnd not been referred to In any
treaty with any power. Managing
Director Cowle snld It was not 11
question of aggression. It wns sim
ply a misunderstanding and ho be
lieved tlu United States would, when
the matler wns explained, waive IIh
nnd his
Death hud evidently como peacefully,
for tho face was calm and composed
as though In peaceful sloop, and thcro
was no sign of n struggle or of any
Afflicted With Heart Disease.
For a year and moro past tho de
ceased has been In bad health und
has been troubled with his heart.
This wns worse during tho wnrm
weather, and lately, while the nlgius
Burglars at Payette.
Pnvntti. llilv llt,,.,.l,i,.u ...,t-.
ed the store of' the Payette Cash Oro-!'"1 Uim W1U'" Wl)' "H,,l" ''"y.
eery Company last night, securing .
Tho exact amount of the issue has . . Qreen. a negro, was
en from officers last nlgnt ana
Ordered That a Louisville Plant Be
Louisville, July 22. Tho United
States district attorney received in
structions from Washington this
morning to release tho proiiorty of
the White-Mills distillery on payment
of the costs of attaching. Tho plant
was bolzed by revenue ollicers oil the
charge that the government was be
ing defrauded by the system of
equalizing. Thu projmrty is valued
at $2.5011,1100. It Is understood a
large amount will bo paid to compromise.
!lla Cases.
sir rj
llrdml . u btovor
1 iiiiuu a Tm
MTV,. "aVe 1,oen
ingfuu-f. at Ch,.
1 In th. r,.
EM r"v near
Iue'acein. this
li i? 10 Newport Thn
ainiitr uoh,n(,
h, j, ut'
r tar,;,pticon tlini.n.
laV" today before
not been fully decided upon. The im-,
. . . I- Vo fill. ! ll"P
liortant point, uowevoi, ia " 1 lvnrhed
cash requlromonts In connection with j
tho transaction will be small mas-. whaer Veaa Crushed In Ice.
much as tf will consist ( ! London. Jllly 22.The whaler Ve
oxchnngo of the bonds r l wu,,.n xrdenskJold accora-
cotnpnny tor me "'.'.".t juhed th northeast passage, was
i-nnc ntlu.i- enmnanles consolluBiea. l""". , , ,,,.., t- rii
r- cruslieu in ice in ijhjo i...
It Is understood an uriangeinent j Th(, rrew mude a MO-mile Jour
has been renchod beiwo-n the MM-. ' , .. boat, roachlnir Uie
sonrl Pacific and 'Frisco by wnirn '., ..tipmeut and then lome
tho lino from Meupnu luDl" wthout cwisltlet.
Kongo will be made a joini im u
twoon tho two companies thus sav
ing for both companies an uuneces-
Fugitives Now in Canada Are
rnune for the Present.
London. July 22. Sir Edward
Clark, reiuosentlng the American
Koverniuent. appeared boforo tho
privy council toduy and obtained
leave to appeal from tho decision of
the Quobeck judgos, that warrants
lor the arrest of Gayner and Greene,
whoso extradition is wanted for Ha
vana harbor frauds, are illegal. Tho
fugitives ale roprosunted by counsel
who fought each step.
bo had been tumble to sleep well.
often not being able to lie down for
tho greater part of tho night without
1 being subjected to pain,
Several nights ago ho arose ami
I emtio to tho Hotel Pendleton about
. 2 o'clock lu thu morning and wns In
I tho cool lobby thoro for somo tlmo
! with Georgo Van Drnn. At that tlmo
I he snld that ho was umiblo to sleep
...,, ,.r 11.,. I.....I...I I .....I
Uiu ULIflLUIlllUII UIIUUHLIILUj Thls morning ho camo Into tho
uotei niioiii 1 ociock aim remained
homo time. Ho wns seen on Main
street us Into us (i o'clock, and wns
then going in tho direction of his
Discovery of the Body,
While doing the morning work In
$70 In money, $15 of tho amount be
longing to the Methodist Sunday
Whistler Burled.
London. July 22. .McNeil Whistler
the artist, was burled today In tho
presence of u large congregation.
Buffalo Man Invests In Legitimate '
Enterprises $300,000 of Other Peo. I
pie's Money at Instigation
Shrewd Business Men.
lluffalo, N. Y.. July 22.- -A defal
cation already aggregating $3u0.000
and likely to be Inciensed, has been
uncovered. The alleged defaulter Is
a trusted employe of a wealthy law
of tho olllcoH Mr. ileunctt passed tho
open door of Mr. Guernsey's olllco
1 mid noticed him stretched on too
Iloor. Ho went in and spoko to him,
and not receiving an answer ascer
tained that ho was dead und notified
tho coroner. That official, after view
ing (ho 1 emnliiB, decided thut tho
firm Shrewd business men linknow-1 "euin was uuo to natural causes, una
IiikIv aided his schemes, mm of which , 1 ", '"'"V "' removed 10 1110 noino on
llivnlvpil Ibe nnii linse ,,f 11 Inrui. Irnrt 1 West Jackson Street.
of land. It is mid tho man Is willliiir 1 I""' was found lesllng ou
sary iluplicatiou ot iwm .v.
200 mllos.
Employers' Association nd Unions
Conferring In ChleB
Chicago. July 28--Conferenc are
In session betwoen tue jwmp6.
Assoclntlon and the unions .today,
hoping to settle the 1WIW
Ponco prospects are remote un ess
tho Issues are amicably dccld.nl thU
nftomoon. The labor unlors will
moot to consider the ,","""u;;ilIn10t
quest for a general "tV"1
overy concern ossiFttmr i" Kt
Schwab Will Resign.
Pittsburg. July 22. Schwab
.oai th,. mebldency of the
Corporation. He is now preparing
his resignation, which will probably
be handed to the directors noxt
meeting. August -J.
Vesuvius In Eruption.
Home, July 22 Vesuvius Is In vi
olent emntfon. The guide's hut near
the crater has been destroyed by
New York Building Strikes Ended.
. n TV,- Aral
New York, JUiy zz. rui n'o iii.
n rmy
IlK tin
111 nlmiisr iui- u.i-
f 40,01m shillf'U woraraen in
Id ng tra'lf - arc at worn.
J. I, Case Plant Burned,
Itaelue, Wis., July 22. Tho Imple
ment and carriage manufacturing
plant of the famous J. I. Case com
pany, Is burning this afternoon. Tlio
loss Is already $76,000, with a pos
sibility of Its reaching $125,000.
German Steel Trust.
Paris, July 22. A Kapjxil, Ilerlln,
dispatch, says a Gorman steol trust
similar to tho American trust, has
been formed with u oupllul of $100,
000,000. The Krupps a 10 Interested
in it.
Neck Broken In Runaway.
Lowiston, July 22. fioorgo A.
Keickor, a prominent furiuor of Aim
tone, had Ills nock broken in a runa
way accidont yesterday.
Cholera In China.
Washington. July 22. State de
partment advices aro that cholera
hus broken out In Ainoy, China.
to make restitution and was not 111
None of tho firm's money was
squuudouxl. It was Invented In legit
imate business enterprises, mid thoro
Is no evidence that tlio accused miiilo
any bucket shop speculations, or
that ho dipped Into 'chnngo in this or
any other city in this part of tlio
Star Pitcher Succumbs at Spokane
to Heart Failure.
Spokano, July 22. Ernest Nichols,
the star pitcher of the Pacific Na
tional Iague, died suddenly at Nntn
toiium Park last owuilng of heart
Nichols, apparently In good health,
had been talking nnd laughing with
other Spokane bull players, while
taking a plunge in tho Natatorlum
poo). lAter, while waiting fur a car,
First iiasemnn rvoriiyiio saw Mcnors
head fulling forward as If fainting.
His comrades placed bl 111 on a bench
but could not revive Mm.
Nichols was from San Francisco,
22 years of age, and during this, his
first season ns u professional, had
won 21 out of 25 gumos ho hud pitch
ed for Spokuuo. There will be no
game here today.
Lst Ctsgs in Career of 2 Talented
Sun Francisco, July 22. Marlon
Wulls, a once notod sculptor, died
early this morning In tho workhouse,
aged 55. He was born In Louisiana,
and it is reported that ho onco had n
fortune made at art.
tho back in front of tho dusk, with
the hat on tho back of and under thu
head, mid the glasses habitually
worn on the noxo wmo In place. Onu
leg was bent and tho kueo was lean
ing against tho front of tho desk, as
though the mini hud simply lain down
for a nap mid had passed Into slum-
Biographical Sketch,
Mr. Giiurnsoy was bora lu Hath,
Now York, July 2, 1803, and wns con
sequently 10 years of ngo at his last
birthday. Ho canto to Oregon about
20 years ago, mid worked for somo
time in a bank at Portland, coining to
Pendleton about 15 years ago to ac
cept a position lu thu National Panic
hero, wlilch place he occupied con
tinually until ubuut a year ago, when
he was (impelled to give up his posi
tion 011 account of ill health. Ho
then took a trip to the East and to
Euiope, hoping to benefit his condi
tion, ami returned some mouths ago
somo butter, but not recovered.
Tho deceased was a member of tho
Masons and of tho Elks, and was
prominently Identified with both or
ders at the time of his duutli.
Mr, and Mrs. II. W. Guernsey, tho
parents of the demised, are living
and rcsldo at Ituchoutor, N. Y. A sis.
ter, Mrs. William Tlce, Is living In
Mr. Guernsey was innrrlod to Miss
Dortba lloan, a daughter of Stock In
spector John lluun, of this city, on
June 8. 180.1. unit from tho union two
children we're born, Curtis aged 9,
and Klinou, aged 7.
Funeral Tomorrow Evening.
Thu funeral sorvlies will be held
tomorrow afternoon nt 0:30 o'clock,
Irom the homo, under the auspices
of tho Masons and L'llts.