East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1903, Image 8

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For 30 days we will sell
all our short lines of shoes
at greatly reduced prices. If
you want high grade shoes
at very low cost, now Is your
This Includes all of this sea
son's Oxfords for ladles, gen
tlemen, misses, I .s and
For stocks and prices see
hand bills.
Dindioger, Wil
son & Company
Phone Main ii&i
Natural Increase in Population in
This Vicinity.
President Iloosovelt Is mistaken ns
to his race suicide theory, Inasmuch
nB the doctrine applies to Pendleton
nt any rnte. On the ICtU a boy wns
horn to the wife of Carl Swanson on
West Webb street; on the evening
01 the 17th the stork visited the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Richardson
at Cold Springs, and left as a memen
to of his visit a bouncing baby boy;
and on the evening of tno 10th, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Haney were made
glad by the advent of a little girl nt
their home on Stonewall Jnckson
All of the children and all of the
mothers are doing well, and the fath
ers are buying the cigars nnd other
things in keeping with the state of
the weather which are demanded by
the friends of the families.
To Seaside.
Itev. W. E. Potwlne, accompanied
by his father. N'. W. Potwlne, his
Bister, Miss Ida E. Potwlne, and by
Miss Edith Johnson, left this morn
ing for Seaside, whore they will spend
the summer. Itev. Potwlne, however,
will return In a few days to be at his
post here.
t Merchants' Lunch.
During the hot weather you can
save your wife the misery of cook
ing over the hot stove by going to
the Merchants' Cafe (formerly the
Mazeppa) and getting a hot lunch for
15c, between 11:30 and 2 p. m.
....... j. . ...... ...... ....
1 I 1 I I r . r T T ...... 1114 II I 111
a. ju
I How to Prevent
The spread of infection and
contagious diseases is a mat
ter in which all are interested.
In order that our customers
may have thv. most modern
method of disinfection, as well
as the safest, simplest and
most reliable, we have added
to our already complete drug
stock a fine lino of
Besides being nn ideal sick
room disinfectant, it is un
equalled in fleas, Insects of nil
kinds, etc. Sec them in our
window and come in and lot
us tell you more about it
T. I.fllllillK J)!'IIKfiKtK
mi mm
Still cliinbing up. The onormously increas
ing d lniiiKi is jolting deoidediy interesting.
Gold Medat Butter is, beyond all question,
the Best and Purest over placed upon tho
Tastes Good-hecauBO it is good. Once used,
ahva3s used.
'N'ot Good -Not Hero"
Reservoir to Supply Water to Farm
and Buildings About Done Cot
tages and Quarters for Inmates
Are Conveniently Arranged.
In this utilitarian ago Umatilla
county Is as businesslike ns the next
one and In evidence of tbut fact cnu
bo brought to mind the new venture
at the poor farm where tho workmen
are now comnlotliiK tho buildings for
n new departure In the problem of .
cnrlng for the poor of the comity.
About two miles south of west of
the city Is a tract of IfiO acres which
tho county hns bought for n poor
farm. It Is part In the valley nnd
nnrt. Iii the rlvnr bed so that when It
I is brought under the care of tho man
agement and Is given the advantages
of Irrigation it will be made a gar
den nnd an ornament to tho county
The entire tract will be Irrigated
from a reservoir which Is now half
completed nnd will soon be ready for
the water. Tills reservoir Is sltunt-
n.l ir tin nf n 1-1 1 1 1 linnr flln rnf-
tages and from it the water will be
' piped over the houses and trenched
I out over the land. The water will
he pumped Into the reservoir from a
' well on the place and Is a sgood
' water as there Is In the country. It
! will bo pumped up by a gasoline en
gine and there Is siimclcnt or It to
supply all of the demands of the
Two Cottages Under Way.
There are two cottages under con
struction at present nnd they are sit
uated near the road on the front of
the county's holdings. The one near
est done is the cottage to he occupied
by the suiierintendont and his family
as a dwelling.
From the front door you enter a
long hall from which tho stalrwny
to tho upper floor takes its start. At
the"rlght of the hall as you go In Is
the large dining room whore the in
mates of the farm will take their
meals. It is a room 13 feet and 3
inches wide by 31 feet 3 Inches long
and will be capable of seating all
of the people the county will have to
feed for some time to come.
The tloor will be oiled, as will all nt i
the floors in the building.
Passing through the dining room
you come into the kitchen which Is
large and convenient as can be made
It Is well lighted and well ventilated
and will lie a model in every way
On the opposite side of the kitchen,
from the large dining room, Is the
pantry, which Is well supplied with
shelves nnd drawers for the conven
ience of the cooks. A large sink will
lie placed in it so thut the Jhhes can
be handled ns close as possible to the
placo where they are used.
Opening out of the pantry Is the
family dining room to be used by
the superintendent nnd his family.
It is a pleasant room, well lighted
nnd finished in tho natural wood.
Officers Quarters.
Up stairs there aro four rooms for
tho use of the officers of the place, ,
as sleening rooms. At the present
timo all of them will not be required ,
' by tho superintendent's family and
' It is possible that some of the in- j
mates of tho farm may bo placed
there. The rooms aro largo and well
placed as regards ventilation nnd
light and will ho cool and pleasant.
All of tho plastering used in tho
finishing of both of the cottages Is
tho acme plaster, a compound im
ported from Texas, and which is al
most as hard as cement. It is put
on with great care by the contractors
and especial precautions have been
taken to prevent Its cracking on tho
walls. Wire lathing has been used
in most of the construction and nil
of the woodwork has been so made
as to overcome tho tendency to draw
at tho corners, thereby reducing tho
danger of shrinkage nnd subsequent
wreck of tho plaster.
Inmates' Quarters.
Tho second cottago and the larger,
is to be tho home of tho Inmates of
the farm and there all of tho work
pe:-a'fiing to tho household with the
exception of the cooking will he per
formed. In it will contain 15 rooms
of which about 10 will bo for tho
sleeping apartments of the Inmates.
Heating Plant.
In the basement, which extends
over the whnlo ground nrcn of the
house will bo located tho hentlng
plant nnd tho laundry. The r'noo
will be hented by hot nlr and the
plant Is ns perfect as ro'lirt ho de
vised. No cold air will be admitted
direct from tho outside, hut it. will
nil be tempered heforo It Is put in the
ventilators. Tho air coming Into the
ventilating pipes Is first taken to tho
attic' and then forced down ngnln
through the air space In the big chim
ney anil from there carried to the
rooms to furnish fresh nlr to the peo
ple. The central chimney Is large nnd
through Its center the Iron pipe or
stack carrying oft the smoko trom
the heater Is run. As all of thu nir
used for the ventilation of tho house
has to pass the length of the ehlni
nev around this pipe, It will bo seen
that there will be no cold air admit
ted to the rooms.
The laundry Is also in the base
ment and covers 20x30 feet of the
floor space. It will be equipped with
three cement tubs nnd several wash
ing machines and a wringer. In fact,
it will be n complete little lnundry
plant nnd will have all of the conven
iences of tho larger places. In it will
he done the wnshlng of all the people
connected with the plnco. The dry
room will Iki close to the fiinmce and
will be heated by It.
On the first floor will be found the
sitting rooms. One of tho rooms will
he on the right of tho hall as you go
In nnd the other on the left. Tho
rooms will both he nbout 12x14 feet.
The surgery will be on the first
floor nnd will be In the southwest
comer of the building. It Is a room
15x13 feet In dimensions and will be
well lighted. It Is plastered with the
acme smooth plaster and will bo
painted with sovornl coats of white
enamel paint. There will be no wood
In the room except the floor and the
window sashes nnd the doors. The
casings are all of galvanized Iron,
and the floors will be oiled and pol
ished. Adjoining tills room Is the
drug room, a smnller room 10x12 feet,
well supplied with shelves and
On the second floor there are four
rooms each 12x22 feet. These are
to he used by the men as sleeping
apartments nnd will each contain
five or six beds. All of the men nre
to be Kept on the second floor and
the women on tho first.
The bath rooms will he found on
both iloors nnd will be fitted with the
host porcelain tubs. Adjoining the
bath rooms on both Iloors arc the
closets, fitted with modem plumbing
and ns sanitary as can be made.
The plumbing in the buildings is
the most complote In the county, for
It has been put In piece by piece nnd
every precaution taken to make it
lasting and effective. It Is trapped
In several places, and has a fresh air
vent pipe that takes away the least
chance for the gas from tin cesspool
getting Into the houses.
The total cost of the place will be
In the neighborhood of $10,000, which
will Include not only the buildings,
but the sowerago and plumbing as
well. When the place Is ready for
the inmates to be moved from their
present location It will be a model
farm and ns soon ns It can bo
straightened out in the details it will
be a self-paying proposition ana the
enro of tho poor of the county will
ho no added expense to the govern
ment. Dennis Nichols is the architect in
charge of the work, and has been tho
overseer of all of the labor done. He
has planned tho buildings from the
ground up nnd has been nt the spot
continually since the work was be
gun. All of tho work with tho exception
of tho carpenter work was done by
contract, and the latter was done by
the day.
New Methodist Church of Athena Pro
gressing Nicely.
C. E. Troutmnn, nrchltect, who de
signed the new Motiiouist church at
Athonn, visited that city thlB fore
noon for the purpose of inspecting tho
Tho stonowork for tho foundation
and basement is progressing very sat
isfactorily and tho cornerstone will
be formally laid on Wednesday. July
29. attended with appropriate cere
monies. The church building will be an im
posing and beautiful structure and
will be equipped with a hot air plant
for heating purposes and nil other
modorn Improvements
The now Christian church at Athe
na Is one of the finest buildings In
Eastern Oregon, nnd with the com
pletion of this edifice for the Metho
dists, tho llttlo city will take front
rank In the Inland Empire as the
builder of churehos. . The two build
ings will roproeont an oximtidlture of
nearly $25,000.
; Will Ship to Canada.
1 K. K. Wlllard, a stock buyer of La
Grando, Is In tho oltv for a few days,
having arrived yoterday from a visit
through tho Yakima country. Mr.
Willnrd expects to make a shipment
of horses to Albertn. Canada, In tho
near future. He loaves tonight for
Wallowa county.
Drunk nnd Disorderly,
In the pollco court this nftornoon
Dan llurkp wns given two days for
holiiu drunk, and William Davis was
sentenced to 10 days In tho city Jail
for disorderly conduct. Hoth of tho
men are transients and wero unable
to pay a cash fine
O W lllggs, of Arlington, Is In tho
city on n short business trip.
Mrs. A. D. Stlllmnn Is quite sick
at her home on Water street.
A Vinson, of Walla Walla, was a
business visitor In the city yesterday.
A I). Slovens, of Umntllln. was n
visitor In the city todny on business.
O H. Iteeder, of Athena, wns n
guest or the Hotel St. Oeovge yester
day. It H. Stnulleld, the Echo sheepman,
Is lii the city today nn n short busi
ness trip.
A. Nlebergall .of Walla Walla, Is
transacting business In Pendleton for
a few days.
Neva Hodder Is visiting a few dnyB
In the country, nt tho home of her
friend. Ilernlce Itoyce.
F. L. Hammond, agent for tho Now
York Mutual Life InBuraneo Compa
ny, visited Ailnms todny.
Frank Hammond went to AdnniH
this morning for n short visit In the
Interests of his business,
S. V. Knox, the attorney of Weston,
Is registered at the Pendleton and is
in the city on legal business.
J. V Clomnior, of Dixie, Is the guest
oi his cousin, A. C. Funk, of the
shiTift's ofllco, for n short time.
llert Hlnir, of Menchnm creek, wns
in the city yesterday transacting bus
iness and meeting his friends.
Henry lllnckmnn, of Hoppner, one
of the Important stockmen of that
section, is in the city on business.
Mr. and .Mrs. Leon Cohen, of Pen
dleton, nre at the Hotel Portland, on
route to the seaside. Oregon Dnlly
Charles Gerking, of Athena, Is at
the Hotel St. George for a short
time, having come to the city for the
transaction of some business.
Mr. and Mrs T. J. Cheney loft tills
morning for Seaside, where they will
spend the summer. They wero nc
compnnled by their little child.
C. H. Illngham and W. J. Homer, of
the Indiana State Insurance Compa
ny, went to Milton tills morning in
the interest of their company.
.Mrs. G. A Hobblns. nccoinponled
by Miss Hazel Hambllu, bus gono to
Lehman Springs, where they will
spend the hot months of the sum
mo r.
x'-" 'i lis
In ccimp;i':i:e;Or.iin-Onild coffee
reniem'ier tli.it whili- thu taste is
the -.111110 Gr.un-O gives health and
strength wlu.e coftee shatters the
llcviiu-. system and breeds disease
of tho di'i tiv- organs. Thinking
ji'.-oplo prvfjr (iriiin-O and its ben
efits. TRY IT TO-DAY.
fctrooerb merjrwlirr.-; I and Wc, ict package,
Hear this in mind when you
need poultry and stock supplies
nnd ask for the International
Poultry and Stock Food. Use
Kow Kure for your cow trou
C. F. Coiesworthy
127-129 East Alta St.
Agent for Lee's Lice Killer
i Conrad Platzoeder I
t t
All kinds of Fresh
Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
'rices as low ns the lowest
1 V 4.
J ,H-"I"W,,.H,!"!
When the hot days of aum
mor come the cook stove Is to
be avoided and well It can bo
with the stock ot sumtnor doll
carles. Lots of now things in
convenient form ready to
serve cold or with a llttlo
warming. Yon will bo sur.
prised at the mnny tempting
dainties we havo for yon.
n k
Mrs. Amy Loo loft Inst ovonlng over
tho W. & C. It. for Soattlo, whoro alio
will bo tho guost of hor daughter,
Mrs. B. D. McLaughlin, for nn oxtond
rd visit.
J. L. Mcrlton hns returned to his
homo In Orovo City, Pa., nftor nn ox
tended visit nt tho homo of his
daughter, Mrs, Itobort J. Dlvon, or
this city.
Mrs. J. P. Wnlkor Is tho guest or
her daughter, Mrs. I. F. Honloy, of
Portlnnd, nnd will, during hor stay
from homo, visit nt Scnsldo, spoiidlng
tho heated senson thoro.
Air. nnd Mrs. II. H. Hall and little
child left this morning for Portland,
Olympln. Senttlo nnd Tncomn, whoro
they will spend two weokB of tho hot
weather In visiting friends.
C. E. Troutnian, the nrchltoct, wont
to Athonn this morning to look nftor
the construction of tho church thoro,
which ho has deslgtiod and which Is
now In course ot construction.
Charles Dnlgluh loft this morning
for Lohmnn Springs, whoro ho gooB
to take a much needed rest nnd vncn
tlon and recuperate during tho hot
season In tho cool of tho mountains.
Ho will bo gone for sovoral wooltB. i
Big Special Sale
, t wvjwav
July J 8th July 20th July 21st
C A TTTTDn A V t TUIOKTn A V ill .. n
I A AfAWAlJUTA. A M V I I L dll (j j'
patrons liU lbs. Unm mated bugar for $1.00.
- IT f . l,J,tftU w
X&BL ami V ! '
1 nis bale is to clean up an uu..--.
Waists and all Cotton Goods
Ilc Fancy IDlIiL Sale ptice - -
Pillow Cases, large she, 3 for 2D
ibz usraiiig in wmic, sale pn "
.4 r m r r fin
Ka&u &na see me p-e" -
Will If
vi3it the World's P
r,ii mi .. -"ist
room only as you ij10ns
I Hotel is at the
Private entrance to rht...
V aymcnt, ln all
i vi Li t: it i i n rit. . -i
anil in n . . "mi
mnnrhe ,t... ... '.,u
".""- "" ISl will t.
I "
On 3 Coat Enamaled Ware. 5 Year
Guarantee. See oar Granite Ware
Window Display.
. . . -v 1 R
WfifistfSL Sale Price -
. . . . .. , ... vi