East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1903, Image 6

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Pure Ice
Cold Storage
Delegates to the Grand Lodge at
Portland Gone to Wyoming on
Business Lawn Party at the Home
of Mrs. Richmond Daughter Born
to the House of Slmonton.
The new ice factory is now completed
and we are prepared to supply oar
patrons with HARD CRYSTAL ICE
made from water that has been boiled
distilled. The only ice that is
Phone MAIN 1781
514 Main Street
MAIN 391.
Helix, July 20. Mr. mid Sirs. I. N.
Ilavls, of Wnlla Wnlln, aro visiting nt
tlio homo of their, daughter, Mrs. R.
E. King.
Mr. mid Mrs. Stewart of Milton,
also a sister of Mr. Stewart, of Cali
fornia, have boon visiting in this vi
cinity. D. B. Hlchnrdson will make a busi
ness trip to Pilot Hock tins morning.
Mr. Frank Cockerllno. of Lake Che
lan, Is here on a visit to his parents.
Miss Lizzie Closson, of Portland,
Is here visiting her aunt, Sirs. Cath
erine Stanton.
Mr. Henderson, of New York, is the
new clork nt the mercantile Btoro at
this place.
Mrs. Harriott Simpson, of Athena,
is visiting with her mother, -Mrs. Rush I
of Sand Hollow.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Slmonton,
of Cold Spring, a daughter, on July
12. Mother and daughter are doing
An Ice cream socinl was hold nt
Mrs. Frank Hichmond's on Saturday
evening last and was well attended.
The lawn was beautifully decorated
with Chinese lanterns. An excellent
program was also rendered. The pro
ceeds of the evening will be used to
help buy a hell for the Baptist church.
Mrs. Den L. Leland has been on the
sick list.
I Mrs. Mary Montgomery, Mrs. Alex
Montgomery and Miss Lucy Mont
i Romory have gone to Lehman Springs
i for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mann, of Pen
dleton are visiting in Helix.
Miss Bessie Knymond did not go to
Portland last week as expected, to
the examination In the business col
lege, but expects to go in September.
Mr. Will Dale and wife and Mrs.
Ada Raymond stnrted for Portland
yesterday morning to attend the
grand lodge of the Degree of Honor.
New Residence Will Be Built.
Penny Myrlck. nn extensive farmer
near Helix, is building a fine new
Enjoy Using Herplclde on Account of
Its Distinctiveness.
The ladles who have nsod Nowbro's
Herplclde speak of it In the highest
terms, for Its quick eifcct In demising
the scalp of dandruff and nlso for Its
excellence as n general ball' dressing.
It makes the scalp feel fresh and It
allays that Itching which dandruff will
cause. Newbro'8 Herplclde effective
lv cures dandruff, ns It destroys the
germ that causes It. The same germ
causes hair to fall out. and later
baldness: In killing It. Herplclde
stops falling hn'.r and prevents bald
ness. II Is also an ideal hair dress
ing, for It lends nn aristocratic clinrm
to the hair that Is distinctive. Sold
by leading druggists. Send 10c In
stamps for sample to The Herplclde
Co., Detroit, Mich. F. W. Schmidt &
Co, special agents,
Stock Farm for Sale.
The Oglo stock fnrm. consisting of
.1000 acres, about 250 head of cattlo,
plenty of vnter, grass nnd timber.
Rmige has nover been shcoped off.
All under fence. Will grow nil hay re
quired. Call on or write to Bcntloy
& Hnrtnmn, Pondloton. Oregon.
Thnt Ih Wlmt the Cooks 6oy of
Chronic Kldnoy Dlncnsc, But
the Nov Fulton Compoundn
Hnvc 11 Record of 87' of Recov
eries Among Chronic Cnnes In
curnule by All Other Medlclncn.
j Mokl Tea positively cures Sick
j Headache. Indigestion and Constipa
tion. A delightful herb drink. Re
moves nil eruptions of the skin, nro-
duclng a perfect complexion or money
refunded. 25c and EOc. Write to us
for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo. N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
WE CURE the Liquor, Opium, Morphine and Tobacco Habits as surely as
quinine cures a cold. Our treatment clarifies and builds up the system.
One of our patients recently said: ' I never felt so well In my life- I
am a wonder to myself" Send to us for booklet
During the month of June there
were 1!2 fires in the United Stntes
and Canada the minimum destruct
ivoness of nuy one being $10,000
Druggists Itsow that Uldccj iltie me that tins
kung mi eight or ten months hns become chronlo
aud thitt It li then regarded bj phjlclun h
Ineurnblo nnd tht up to too advent oj tho
I 'uUoa Compounds that nothing on their shelves
would touch It. It Is ft proven fact that nearly
nlne-tcnthiot nil cusea are now curable, Ltd
druggists themselves nre taking the new Com
pounds. One ot the recoveries won IJr. Zclle
himself, the pioneer druggist o( (el roclflo
itreot, San 1'rancUco, and ho gave It to over a
floien others "ho recovered. Here Is another
Interesting recovery Wc cpv Irom tho tucT
ucuto News of November IG, rKj.
"After a serious Ulnoss of over a year Judge
J. K. Alienor this olty has recovered and re-
Eards himself most fortunate In Huccessfully
attllng with what Is generally regurdid us a
ratal malady, Hrlght's Disease of the kidneys,
lu speaking of his case Judge Allen auld; 'I
L-rllcva that Ihe treatment given mo by my
physician t In accordance with the bcM
methods nsed in tho regular practice of medi
cine, but tt aflurded me no relief Hearing of
the Fulton Compounds I went to Sun Krunclsco
to Investigate and as soon convinced 1 should
undergo -ho treatment It was three mouths
before 1 notici a c iangeforthe better. I used
the medfetne faithfully for r-early a year und
can now hod nn evidence of inn nic,eue aud
am satisfied it Is entlrelr eliminated. II j ap
petite is good, 1 have gained seventeen pounds
In weight and will be pleased to describe try
eiperlenco to anyone who may call or write.' " I
bacramento News, Nov. 16, 1W3.
Tho editor of the News himself was the friend I
who told Judge Allen of the Fulton Compounds. ,
Tbey are the only things known that cure ;
kidney diseases after as well an before they
becomo ohronle, which happens about the tenth
month. Kqually eOclent In dropsy gout, ,
rhflumntlimfromurlcucldand bladder troubles,
Kulion'a Henal Compound for Hrlght's ntd
Kidney ntnmsfs, etc, 81 i for Dlabntes, tlM.
John . I Fultru Co., -r8 Washington street. Kin
t rancisco, sole compounders Free anulyses I5r
p.ttli-nts. fiend for pamphlet We are the ei- I
o.u.tvo uzects for lieui toaipouula la thU cliy.
F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy.
Where to Stop at North Beach
The Brcnkors Hotel la conducted to attract Hip i.,
ami Is tt Bummer hotel thnt la unsurpassed on ti, l.?,,rM
electricity with electric Heht ..j , I
nnd these lights make' It I ? ,t
o ontlro const. 1 01 tl
north of tho famous California bench resorts aclBc Coast
Tho building hns nn ocenn front of ino feet iB -r i
four stories high, or 7.1 feet from tho ground floor tn th . de
observntory. 0 n6 toP t ttt
It hns handsomely furnlshod rooms, single or en snit
guestB, each room being carpeted. fot -i:
The houso Is lighted by electricity
trie call bells In every room
most brilllnnt beacons on tho ontlro conBt
Tho ontlro lower iioor Is thrown open to tho nubile aw u
benutlfully carpeted, tho spnclous reception room and 'lar J?5
halls always form favorlto gathering nluccs for rlmclci rr,i, ... '
nnd pool room Is also quite popular for merry gathering
An Aeollnn nnu Pianola In tho commodious pnrlor furri.i
ilollghtful music nt nil times, nnd musicals are pleasant fear,
during tho entire sensou, "Mom
Tho Breakers has n regular orchestra which fiimi.ii.
for Informal dances nnd balls, and tho largo dining room tilth ih
smooth, hard floor, makes nn ideal ball for regular dancine Mrtll
An abundance or fresh nnd salt water fUli, clams, oysters icn!
nnd other sea food Is nlwnys on our menu, our entire supply
milk, butter nnd cream comes from our own herd of Jersey coti
nnd poultry and eggs nro supplied from the hotel farm adjoiclti
tho grounds. !
There nre hot nnd cold, fresh and salt water bathes In
house, with prlvato batliB nnd toilets.
The wnves of tho ocean nt high tide roll within 200 feet ot the
hotel, and the beach In front i superb for surf bathing.
On the grounds nro bowling nlleys, golf links, tennis court sii
croquet sets; on tho Inkes, Just hack of the hotel, Is a fleet ot laH
nnd rowboats, and on Shonlwater Bay, Just cast of the lakes, h i
gasoline launch for pnrtles of fishermen, picnickers or others rtt
prefer the warm, still-wntcr bathing to the tumbling of the surf.
All trnlns stop nt the railroad station In the hotel grounds, atl
no crowding Into hotel omnibuses or walking In sand is noccssarj.
since the hotel ground Is n perfect velvety lawn, where the guestt
nre practically landed nt tho hotel door.
The Breakers Hotol is locnted at Breakers Station, a reguli;
ticket office, where nil trains stop. It Is one and a half miles son
of Long Beach Station.
In purchasing tickets see that they read to Breakers 'W'asc
and have baggugc checked through to that point
Telegraph nnd telephone connections in the hotel
ifi out this Goupcn
Write the name of the lady clerk you wish sent by the East I
Okk.oman to the Hotel Breakers, on two weeks vacation, ml
blank space be ovv.
I vote for.
Employed at . -
B. Bring Coupons to the Knst Oregonlau otlice
Wmt for tii
Rasmus & Nelson
Prof. Montague's Great Cockatoo Circus
North. Smith 'And th
7 " it uuwivii.ux 0-a.JLa JLii j-, utg
a .
IRENE, the famous Child Artist
Illustrated Songs
The POLLISCOHE, with Beautiful Moving
Pictures and Many Other Features
We have Parks in Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane
and Walla Walla, Wash.; also in Portland and
Salem, Oregon. 1'endleton will soon be a part
of this gn at circuit.
Wednesday Ening July
Main street near O.R.&N. Depot
A B 5 IL S iff c
Refined and Moial
ing except Sunday
2Ck. Children 10c.
c jjjj