East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1903, Image 5

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21, 1903.
It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse
,hJve just 149 SKIRTS left that must be closed out at once
' ,er to make toom (or the large Fall and Winter stcck soon
rd ,-nnnd We do not want to carrv ovrr IK' !?.?"
. h Mil ft .i . . ... - - - jiiilic sKirr
j hsvc ini i i .- ... " mum move, whar
' . . ... noiir i?ain and if vou ari a .: i
.or loss - 7..Bm . . ' 7,. - you will
i..r pin v i;-'j ..v... nitii ati at onco
faa -"
All our Ji.voo Skirts go at.
i( 12 oo ,. .
IO.OO ,, .
9-00 '
S.OO M ,
700 -
5-oo ., .. ,,.
., 4 " v ...
., 3 50
, 3- " "
2 50-
. .. 2 00 1, 11 1, .
. 7.25
it 1 . :..- 1 ( Tk '-pi 1
rh-sSa e win j" 1 ".y inursaay, JULY 16th
1" "'b'"! UUUI 01H.
Cor. Main and Aha Streets.
ffltv Brevities
..!! for fresh fisb.
11 Iliru .
tnr nnnpr hflnirinrr.
mi Y- .. I .
j...nns fp cream, me
oaius nii"nv ...... . .
-oiers supplies at Neunian's.
,r the best bread, get Itohrrnan's.
ictbcrrics by the crate at Kem-
Fresh trults at Kemler's.
Try The Delta's Iced drinks.
Fresh fruit dally at Martin's.
Fresh ranrh eggs at Kemler's.
Dining tables $5 and up. Rader's.
New books just arrived at Tra
iler's. Wanted Machinist and moulder at
Hlgby-Clovo Foundry.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits.
II fl Jlndpr nlmnt thnt sn .-u, r
llic now game at Fra-1 furniture he Is giving away.
1 . . .i T-.tn F,ort' different styles of extension
0 extra charge for tabulator on otr., at Kader's Furniture store.
raerootf A new lot of "Infant baskets," from
-i x-reienua. me oest clear marip.
aj'Oivpn iiii. iv iican Lau aica. 111 if hoc nipar tmra n ftvmt
)iSna crawusu m u.uu.. A kIndg of Imported and domestlc
? lai- jump iniys mihiuuBK, im muches and clam chowder at Gratz's.
-roM cr month. Wade & Dry, Dou.t ,e, cRnrg get the Q yQu
get tlie best of cigars. Hanlon's.
Wn lmvo friill lorp nnl f-ittf
1 inceni , extraSi rubbers, covers, etc. R. Rohr-
hai i.ui about your paint
inier'ior n rood cunu lion, aq-
!.n an 1 iiajn r hanslng. Charles
-p .mi nin.w . r .in mar V1T Vln.
ri:jr getlu-bs richness, pow-
ilnjing quality and evenness are
At and below cost all summer, mil
linery, especially patterns. Mrs.
Those knowing themselves in debt
to P. P. Collier & Co., will please
settle up by tho first day of August
Good meat in summer must be
taken caro of. That's the kind you
cet at Houser's. Alta street, opposite
Savings Rank.
Thi Tniintlifi' Inetriiptlnn irlvpn
essentia, qualities of a perfect . absolutely free with every piano wo
Tbe Kimball piano possesses C(1ii intnri rm,,ir ninnn Tim..
ui an in .up iunti (n-gifB. nuaiiu 1,(11 jinin street
w rmuo House, yui Main street. 1 , , , .
" 1 Lost On Johnson street, near
' 'Water, or on Water slieet, last even
ing, a poeketbook. Itoiurn to East
1 Oregonlan office and receive reward.
OCimf f rive '
Charged With Horse Stealing.
The cane of the State vs. John
Tharp is before the court of Justice
of the Peace Thomas FItz Gerald this J
afternoon. In the information the de-1
mi'. That ,s the cuarantpe we I from an Indian on the resenation.i
emeni in nmuv vnrlHtlnR nm.'t nauu. uaving serteu uue icwu iu luu
vnnr onn.i i.i ..... . 11.' tipiiltpiitlarv for the larceny of a
1 jllllU nULITIl I1IIL III Lll.i 1
"VI. .1 M .JIM KH Villi .1 rP- V ...
"-""cci"! in cueap case just
S for the harvest field. If , ; , "
Ikp it . W Be Cremated.
. 'Wu" 't U1IIJ UUL H UUJJUl 1
lou can't afford to neglect , The lunerai arrangement 01 r-u-
wen w., i.e.... -1 1. i.o.-c iiopn i-nnncR 1.
.. tr ilUlt.' MllllllifWI U nKKIIK. I UlllL'tTl IMailCI . v i.- o .
Drotprtnre 1 ' . t....in ,f l.itnrtlni thi rpmaiiis
. ,4 ttuu ugiua, Uliu ineit-u.i u ........-.r,
juur watch need rona rins? at La Granile. as was siau-u
renfllr ii..u.. . ..... .. 111 1. .ran.nlpil fit Fort-
. uMiaiiuieilL In lIlUrOUEIIlV UUJ . mil . v.
and our work guaranteed, land. In accordance with his rei"8;
. .Mr. Kianer has a brother in the tail
oring business in Portland.
Marriage Licenses.
.Marriage licenses were issued this
morning to Everett E. Wlshard and
Miss Edna C. Moulton. and to Hoy
Ionian and Theresa Pagan, all of
Umatrla county.
!laPackaSu of good quality
wax, for canning
N&Ved BS Destroyer,
la 'ne 'ike it on the market.
Snvnn,. .1... 1. . . .
v.v mat nas trieu it.
Poison Fly Paper: Ten sheets
in a package. Each package
will kill a (juart of flies.
Imported Select Insect Pow
der: the kind that gives sat
isfaction. A 2-ounce package
"5 fcti.w fr,,,,, Muliihtreet towtinl the Court lion,.'
Crop In the County will Be at Least
Two-Thlrds Usual Yield Straw
Will Be Searce on Account of so
Many Combined Harvesters.
.n!he ha rven Is now well under way
am an of tho farmers are busy in the
Mcinity with their barley and wheat.
As yet not enough of the yield has
been cut to form any Idea of the gen
eral results of the harvest, but It Is
? .1? ?ay that tllere w111 I? sood
two-thirds crop all over the county
In spite of the lack of rain and the
recent hot drying weather which will
have a tendency to cause the wheat
0 shatter and lose in the harvest
ing. Of course, it Is not yet ripe enough
to cause much waste in this wav, and
where the combines are used there
is not so much loss as by the old way
of handling and rehandllng, but at
the same time when the straw is so
short that the grain has to be cut
close to the heads, a good deal is
shattered out before the aprons of the
combines can get hold of the cut and
many of the shorter straws will not
e reacneil at all and thus win be left
In the field.
For the reason that some of the
straw is so short many of the fields
have been cut for hav that have
heretofore always been harvested for
grain. Had it not been for this ar
rangement the hay crop would have
been far below the average for the
reason not only of the dry year and
the consequent shortness of the crops
but further because the use of so
many added combines reduces me
yield of straw.
As it Is, the straw crop will be a
small Item in tho list this year and
the men who have denendeil nn 1ib
straw for tho wintering of their stock
win ue forced to buy hay at the mar
ket price in order to keep their cat
tle through the winter.
As yet only one lot of wheat has
come Into the place and that was a
consignment of 1,000 bushels to the
Byers Mill. For It .Mr. Ilyers paid 3
cents, but the price is not an indica
tion of what the market will be when
the harvest is over and tho grain be
gins to come In in earnest.
The load that was received was
blue stem, and for that reason thej
price was a little high,
ihe general harvest commenced to
day over the county and it will be a
week before the grain begins to come
Into the warehouses to any great ex
tent. The farmers as a rule have no
time to haul to the warehouses or the
the mills while the machines are iu
their fields, but as soon as the grain
Is all sacked and left in the field, the
big teams will start for the city with
their annual haul for tho mills and
storage companies,
It is predicted by tho mill men and
the dealers that the prices for this
year will be higher than they were
last year and that is to be expected
fiom tho fact of the short new crop.
At the same time the farmers cannot
expect to have the market raise to
suit their misfortune for the whole
crop of this county would make no
difference in the quotations of the
general market. If the mill men
want to raise the price for local de
mand It will be as they say. but in
any case It is thought that the quo
tations will bo soveral cents higher
than at a corresponding time last
Grand Opening Tomorrow.
Owing to the fact that two shows
of the same character would not pay
iu Pendleton, Mr. Shields, through
his local manager, Mr. Nolbon, lias
purchased tho Improvements erected
by Jack Thompson and W. I). Fech
ter, on the east side of Main street,
and will there have his grand opening
instead of on tho Island as previously
announced. j
Mr. Shields has parks In several of'
the larger Oregon and Washington I
cities, but at none of them will ho
show a more complete or a higher
class of specialties than hero. Among j
the best Is Professor Montague's j
Cockatoo circus, which is one of the
greatest aggiegations or traineu ,
birds ever exhibited in tills part of,
the country.
The Kobers give some daring and .
thrilling high trapeze worn.
Irene, the child artist, wins all
hearts with her clever work.
i.viwIrii ami Wrenn. tho Incompar
able sketch artists in their sketch.
... ... J .1.,. K Mnt, " I
"Hie isew woman anu um ..i..",
are very clever.
North south and the wonderful
singing dog Dixie, Is a drawing card.
In addition to the above strong pro
gram they have beautiful illustrated
tongs and the ever popular pollscope.
It will be a treat. Don't miss it.
Roy Iiiman and Miss Thereta Fa
gun were married this afternoon at
' o'clock, by Justice of the Peace
FItz Gerald, at his office. Mr. Innian
Is the night man at tho Merchants
Cafe, and was formerly or Walla
Walla. His bride Is a former resident
or Spokane.
Short Lines of
Odds and nEds, Broken Siies and
Left, just as good as the first pair sold but the prices on
these last pairs are radically different
Men's Canvas Shoes, and
Low Shoes in Patent Colt,
Velour Colt and Vici Kid
Lames5 6
All new stylish seasonable goods. WE WILL MAKE THE I
PRICES RIGHT. Come and see t
The Peoples Warehouse
Outfitters for Hen and Women
$100 REWARD.
For Any Case of Liquor, Cigarette or
Chewing Tobacco Habls Trlb Falls
to Cure.
Itev. J. H. N. Hell, the oldest living
chaplain or the Grand Lodge or the
Masonic order in the world, and pas
tor of the Presbyterian church, linker
City, Or., writes: "I havo watched
with Interest the good lesults obtain
ed by tho use of your remedy ror the
liquor and tobacco habit, 'Trlb,' and
reel thut I can saloly and heartily rec
ommend it to all in need."
Price, $12.50 per treatment. For
sale by all druggists.
Trlb cures tho tobacco hubit.
Trlb cures the liquor haljil.
A Mistake
I In shipping our order recently
from n large Kustorn toilet paper fac
tory, an error was mado and a much
higher guide paper was sunt u fino
tissue worth lL'e a mil. Rather thou
lecall thu shipment the factory turn
ed over the entire) shipment to us at
Ihe price of a cheaper grade.
Nothing like It has over been sold
In this city.
(ISO oz. of Medicated Paper.)
Three rolls for 25c.
Pairs of New
The Columbia
Lodging House
Ringllngs' Circus Coming.
n't... fiilvnrHuInt' far flf Itini'llnH
circus Is now at Hoiso City, coming1
Do you want to see them?1 1
Glad to show them
Newly Furnished,
liar in connect!
Bet. Alta & Wulili bts
In Center of Hlock.
circus Is now at Uoisu City, coming' - fm
westward The route will include . U a gm VfAfO
Pendleton and the bill posters will DUZ)UII CJIUIC
arrive hft about next Sunday WWWli -wmwaw
F. X. Schempp
R e s t a u ran t
Dinner Twonty-llvo Cents
I'rom II V a- HI, to 7 p, ill.
Short orders a spocinllty
Quick, Courtoous Sorvloe
Opon nil Day anil Night
T. A. Oldfather, Prop.
A Nice, Jtiicy
Steak is juai tho thing
this woutlior. Tt is too
hot to roast or boil moat
lIG'nll or phono
:i(l K. Court Phone I ted 211
I couifurUUu room. Iiom ii
rciiu up. Newly (urnUlicil
throughout. IJurin Chop Home
In connection. Unit at .11
I. our.. Only whlta hl om
ployo'l. (llvo nn trul. v .