East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1903, Image 4

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rublisliprt every afternoon (except Sunday)
ct l'euilleton, Oregon, by the
'I'bone, Mnlu 11.
Dull), one year by mall $3.00
Ihilly. six months by mall ".Ml
Daily three months by mall 1.25
Dally, one month by mall no
Dally. per month by carrier Go
Weekly one yenr by mall l.r.O
Weekly. Mx month by mall 75
Weekly, funr months by mall .CO
Semi Weekly, one year by mail .Th . 2.00
Semi Weekly, six months by mall . . 1.00
Keml Weekly, three mouths by mail . . .50
The Rust Oreconlan Is on sale at IJ. B.
ltlcb's News Stands nt Hotel Portland nnil
Hotel IVrklu. Portland, Oregon.
Men,bei !t'rlppi.Mcl:ac JCcivs Associa
tion tiin Kranclsco tlureati, 40S Tourth St.
CtilcRffo Dureau, 000 Security llnlldlnj;.
Washlnctnn. V C P.nreau. 501 14th St.,
N. W
Kntered at Pendleton postoCfice ns second
class matter.
"Under our form of govern
ment all authority Is vested in
the people, and by them delegat
ed to those who represent them
in official capacity. Every pow
er possessed by an official be
longs not to him, but to the
people. He is the trustee of an
express trust to be administer
ed for the public good, not for
private gain. If all officials
were corrupt and all official acts
were for sale, then government
would soon become the debauch
ed tyranny of the few with
wealth enough to purchase offic
ial favors.
"The oflicial who would be
tray his trust would sell his
country If he could. He Is a
traitor to pence more danger
ous than the traitor of war. The
greatest enemies of the repub
lic today are the givers and
takers of bribes." John .
Polk, district attorney of St.
' suit, In which case Cardinal Oreglia,
The wit tif the note and comment j as hvati of the cardinal' college, n
column of the Oregonlan has evident- mains In temporar power as head of
ly had a funeral in the family. Ac-! t,,e church.
cept condolences.
Wyoming is just now vying with
Kentucky for a killing record. Close
ly following the Southern feud, as a
cause for llmboring up six-shooters,
the Western range war is a good
The mayor of Brockton, JIasg., who
has just been olected for the tmru
time, is a plumber by trade. As an
evidence of his popularity with the
people, no political humorist has yet
accused him of connecting
plles to the mayor's office.
hot air
,., . :,. . ' kota Unlvorolty. l'rot. Oarreti Drop-
Over In Republic. Aash.. the teIe-,,)Urs. haB fallen by the wayside ami
phone linemen are on a strike, and ' is now being tried by the regents ot
in order to keep the lines In working I tue "lvrslty for high crimes and
order the g,r, operators have climb- J 7
ed the poles and made repairs to the senator and gave him claret for his
wires. If climbing In a profession i dinner. This is the first count oi the
counts for anything those girls ' Indictment against his lame anil halt
should be at the head of the tele-1 .
pnone company. , Hhocked by the disclosure ot his trail-
Colorado irrigation
associations i
will go with a special train irom Den-1
ver to Salt Lake to attend the meet-!
Ing of the National Irrigation Asso-
ciation. at that place, on September
10. Judging from the comparative
activity of Eastern Oregon irrigation
associations this season, they will go
with a wheelbarrow. I
. ... , ,.,,... Ion the subject of Welsh rabbits. Pro-1
Pope Leo XIII has left behind him j leHlif,r Dr0p,,r wont to the party '
an intellectual legacy which will be , properly equipped, as he thought, foi 1
a perpetual joy to mankind, no mat-' ' occasion. In the Inside pocket of I
ter what the creed or cluss. Ho was I11" ove".'out he had stowed away j
... , , . ,. two bottles of ale. When he pro
a literary genius of extraordinary ,,,,,.,, them Iin(, lir0loii(.(, tllat 'Ult. I
aouiiy anu usiue irom nis oxecutive j rabbit be made In the approved style,
force, ho possessed the power of , the party almost fainted. When or
clothing his thought In touchlnc elo-1 !,or wah. "'estored the professor was
quence. He will be remembered as
un author, as well as one of the boat
of popes.
The portage railway railway com
mission will meet at Salem today.
when Chief Engineer A. E. Hammond ,
will make his report on the jirellml- i
nary examination and survey of the '
proposed road, and estimates us to 1
. , .i ,i , t
the cost of the line. Tho engineer has
already, reported estimates Indicating
that the road can be built within tho I
J1C5.000. The board, consisting of 1
.. , , . . ,
the Bpvornor. secretary of state and
statu treasurer, will Immediately,
upon the filing of the reports, push
the operations, and a permanent sur
vey will ho made, when prompt steps
will be taken to secure the right of 1
way, and Invite bids for the construe-'
tlon of the roadway. I
Ex-Governor Goer turns his wrath j
upon the Portland pugilistic world, I
I nnrt It would seom justly, too. conslil-
orlng the groat nutnbor of crimes.
I that have accompanied Uio Influx oC
"scrappers" to the city. He gently
remarks upon the subject as follows-,
TVirllnn.1 hns h.-wl n rnrnlvnl nf 1,11.
plllsm during the past few months,
which has drawn to that city the
toughest frequenters of the ringside, i
White hullle ami blacV nrutes have
, . ,
received free advertising to the H
tent of whole page? of so-called j
"sporting news." embellished with
pictures of the principal actors, ami i
, . ... ' ., , . i
reeking with the nauseating details ,
or fistic encounters The result has j
been what might have been expected. '
Free and easy Portland-the boasted I
. . . :
sporting center of the coast has at-
tracted the toughurft element that civ
llisei society tolerates-, the devotees
of pugilism."
Today the sixty-four cardinals of
the Catholic church will go Into se
cret conclave for the election of u
successor to the did none. All wis-
slble means of communication with
the building In which the election Is
to be conducted, will be cut off. Tel-!
f.Klinii.,1 i,n,- i.n M,,..i
Guards are stationed at each entrance
and the cardinals eat. sleep and vole
In the same building Even their
j food Is restricted to bread, water and
j wine and this is closely examined be
I fore being delivered to prevent any
j possible crime being committed by
the vicious. One vote Is taken each
day until a pope Is olected. and a two
thirds majority of the cardinals pros
ent. Is necessary to an election. Per
haps no other election In the annals
of human history is as strictly and
rigidly enforced as the election oi a
liope. Of the sixty-four cardinals,
thirty-nine are Italians and the other ,
twenty-five are scattered through ;
every civilized people. There Is an i
old Italian factional fight which well
nigh precludes the election of one
of that nationality, and yet they so
; greatly outnumber all others that u
! riimm,n 1.-mIc1iiHi-u ,lun,ll,.L- ,,.o,- ....
An amazing high standard oi "mor
allty" pievalls in South Dakota. It js
so alUtudinous. in fact, that toe lest,
righteous people of the older and
more civilized Eastern states may
well despair of attaining such dizzy
heights of roctltude. ThU moral ele
atlon Is almost Incomprehensible in
view of the fact that South Dakota's,
chief claim to distinction heretofore
has been the rapidity with which its
courts dissolved matrimonial U-s on
the most frivolous pretexts.
It appears, according to dispatches,
i that the president uf the South
i o . .loai miuiii iim iiimi nii-M
... T..C l.4,... 1...
and offered claret to a vlslnug states,
man. Professor Droppers, It Is nl
!u''rt - wa? "'"' of a "1Hat ""rrlfy
ing breach of morality. He was in
vited to a Welsh rabbit party by a
leader In the Women's Christian
Tomperance Union of the uoiversttj 1
town -
Having lived In other states ano.
acquired a large fund of Information 1
informed that South Dakota moisten
ed Its rabbit with milk, aud that only ,
the sons of Belial used ule or beer.
The next day all the pastors of the j
iu ii uuiieu on uie presiueui oi tne j
uiiMvinii oiiu I ujii imuiiut-fl Illlll ill!
his wickedness. I'rofesor Dropiiers '
lB not n ,m(1 malu llUt ,te hng tho' ',,
fortune of living In a town whose I
standards are too elevated for the !
HV,rase man. The board ot regents'
n "w "sitting on his case" with aw i
f, m)iomnl,y, nlul preparing to deal,
with him with merciless severity for!
proposing to mix ale with a Welsh
f,a,jblt' "'l'1 Putting a claret bottle to
the mouth of u guileless Vnlted
SlaU.s sonator Sow, ,.ay ,f tllt, ,,eo
pic o this South Dakota 'own persist
Guaranteed Pure. None So Good.
j In helnc so very pood, they -will he
translated uiihotit n moment' warn
lnp to teach ilu 'anRO'4" how to r.e
have themselves those "nnRols" who,
Icfoic they woro taken to a hotter
world, were conspicuous members ol
Unt UBKOia anorcu cumnic.- .mm
more Sun.
Kentucky's hills are full of
And a I the rills are lined with stills,
Am, 0,i tllc ,tu nl.0 fni ot gills
And all the gills are full of thrills,
And all the thrills are full of kills
.... .m.
You see. the feudists dot the hills,
Am, CIUnp ,,. tll0 me rJ,K
Convenient to the busy stills.
And thirsting for the brimming gills,
Ami when the juice UU system fills.
Each fenmst whoops around and kills,
Now If they'd only slop the stills.
They'd cure Kentucky's many ills
Men would be spared to climb the.
And operate the busy stills.
However, this would mean more gills
And thnt. of course, would mean
more thrills,
Resulting In the same old kills.
! S() lue hI1Is an, nils and stills
I And all the gills and thrills una kills
Are splendid for the coffin mills
Aim mane more uiiuci lauers mm.
W D. Nesbit In Chicago Tribune
, ,. . ,
fhe diver dies without air to I
ireathe The consumptive dies i
Hi without lungs to breathe the air.
Ill or nf lumri rtiwlfr,rl ilinituiliie nf
breatltMig ) disease. The blood
1 as it flows in and out of the Ir.ngs
1 indicates the consumptive's pro
gress. As the lungs grow weaker
' less oxygen is inhaled and the
i blood changes from scarlet to pur-
ule Oxygen is the life of the
moot! as tne mood is uie me ot
the lnxiv.
The effect of Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Iiscoery upon weak
lungs is to strengthen them, to en
able the full oxygenation of the
Wood, arrest tne progress ol ills- i
ease and heal the inflamed tis- .
sues. Lung diseases nave lieen
Band are being cured by "Golden '
llnlirnl Tlisi-nviTV ' in 1
cases where deep-seated ,
.i mivh. freiient hemor- 1
rh.ige, eitiaciatiou, weak- i
ness. and ingbl-sweats
-7 have all pointed to a fatal
termination ov con-
H " S.1IIU r.ir Qpn 1 I
was atnui a Tich, '
1 ........ ,.r ..:..
rtrcd'l chcai.e on
- jitiit:-,aiiin ' w-tile-.
Mr. Cllu FniM.
! M.. ol Sitko
White Cn.. Iml "I
was coufined t m- room for sfvcrul month :
ray friend an.l neighbors had gi-en up all hoj
o:'m TtrcoTery until on, day a friend atlvinrd
me touk? Iir ' llcrcc'1. C.uldcn MpiIu-hI I)ic,n
ery. and aftfr 1 h.ul taw.-n the conu-iu of ih
sreond ImiuU 1 I tuan to nmirme tler lakiuc
ix bottle- X MB, I lnuifitk lK-lite delivered
trom the (rae and entneky cured 1 am now a
strong aud hearty man '
Dr. Pierce's I'leasaut Pellets cleanse
.e clogge
Telephone Mulu 4
just tr i
Parrot Cigar
The Parrot Cigar is the
new 5c cigar bo much
talked about. Its good
qualities are astonishing
There is no beverage
the right kind of beer.
a food and a tonic. Only 3 12 per cent
of alcohol just enough to aid digestion.
But get the right beer, for some beer is not healthful.
Schlitz is the pure beer, the clean beer, the filtered and
sterilized beer. No bacilli in it nothing but health.
And Schlitz is the aged beer that never causes biliousness.
Call for the Brtvitrj Bottling.
Th Bar that made Mllwaukwm fammu:
rhoric M Main, II. Kopittkc, fi07 Main St.,
$50.00 GfVen Away
To the first one handing us
the nearest correct solution
oi the two following rebuses,
we will give $2..00 worth of
furniture or othor goods ot
your t hoice from our immense
stock, $15.00 worth to the
second, and $10.00 worth to
the third.
The question Is, how many
,iirr,,,,,t ,.,, n,p ,..,,r,i
....,.nfl,ro , ,.. ,,..
the word "Hader" be sixilJed
In the following squares by
spelling to the right, or down
ward, or any combination of
down and right, or right and
down, but always using con
tiguous letters but no two'
times, using exacUy the
same numerical letters, yet
all spell the words "Hader"
aud Furniture" correctly.
Tor Illustration, the word
"Hader" may be spelled by
UBlng letters numbered 1, 2.
11. 12,
1. or
hitnded In scaled, giving only
the number of combinations
that can lie made of each
word, with no name attached.
!n ordbr that the crnmlttee
awarding the prizes will no:
1, 2 31415,0, 7, bf 'J10
F i U , R , N ! I , T U R E F
"ni 12 13 , H 15 , Jti , 17 , JS , 1 , 20
21 22 23 , 24 j 25 26 , 27 , 2S , 2'J 30
31 32 33 34 35 , 30 37 38 30 40
41 ; -12 43 44 45 40 j 47 48 -lit 50
51 , 52 ; 53 I 54 55 50 G7 58 5!r 60
T j UR E F ; U R N, I ,T
1 2 03 , 1.4 05 , (it 07 , OS Oil ; 70
U , R E , F , U R N I , ' T , U
7i 72 71 74 f(, 77 78 , 7H W
rEf;u,r n i tu r
M Si sif M TT Hii h? , 88 so" iio
"01 U2 I 03 ol ol iTc" ol ol W)
F I U I R , N ' I , T j U J R E
Since sccurni-; the services of Mr J K Parker of Chicago,
th Sola Water expert, our trade :n mininer drinks has more
than douliled and the best part of it is, if you con e once joti
will come hack. We vunture to say no more .delicious summer
mK rS i''rre ' !,L'n'od ,p Pendleton than we are now serving
IlM. l'ONG which is creating such a furore in the East is
t-ne of our specialties.
Our Menu for today is:
California Orangade Walnut Frappe
English Walnut Sundai Raspberry a la Mode
Root Beer, in Steins
Corner of Main and Cmrt Streets
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Oncej
Delay will lead to serious breaks. '
F,rst'class wor, guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber. j
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel J
,t r r tt 80?ian lot a free cat-
-ijuc vi lUKtu. x iuu supply
more healthful
Barley malt and hops
i : 2 , :i 1 4 ; n ; c - 8 j it
111 11 i 12 , Kl 11 j 10 1G 17 18
A D E I R A j D E R A
11" j 20 , 21 j 22 ; 23 j 24 25 20 j 27
DE R A ; D E j R j A j D
E 2!i SO , 111 , !I2 33 j 21 ) 35 3li
E R A D E R j A D E
37 , 3o , 3K , 40 ; 11 j 42 43 44 45
R A D ; E I R A D j E R
Til -ST i! 4! , 50 51 I 52 j 53 I 54
A ; D ! E R ; A j D E R A
55 5G , 57 , 5b 5!i , UO 01 02 03
D; E : R A D E R A D
Ii4 , liu 1.0 07 j OS lilt 70 71 72
"7ii 74 , 75 , 711 , 77 7!i j 7 80 SI
13. 22, 23, 24,
solution to !
who Is In the contest.
But If requested, each winner
uust be able to write, numer
ically, each of the various
ways the number of times
they claim. In order to Ideu
tlfy all solutions we simply
uu outer each envelope con
taining an answer and keep
a memorandum of each. No
'r Mill itu uilUHtu tuun." , yi-TT-r xt t i t ,
'than one nnswer. I'rlres ' X
awarded July 25, 1903. There ,
is no sure thing that the first
bolutlous will he correct. So2
If you decide you want to !
change your solution after , T
handing It in you can do so j
ty jilacmg your second In the ! t
lumerlcal order wo receive I X
ihe latter. No one connected'?
With the establishment will J
u- allowed io contest.
Maiu aud Webb Streets
always kept in stock.
. We ave the Best
111 eal Estate
snme nice homes
bo soIl. Choice
1 ... ..
acre to 160. n
tracts from ien
rn 0 P...
in ni u
. un
10 ore, T.
, Pendleton Rai r,...
' C-room dwelling, sttbk
ral and loti-JUC4
' 6 filing and t
I -,uuu.
j 14-rooiu boarding hou
centrally locatfd-):j
6-rootti dwellini: with tr
siae ?i,250.
A number of lots socei
i uu to 1150 each.
4 IWL ULl IIUl. TUP hlv.t.
sirret auu Other laa
! i;ome and buy
, o una just wnat vos
i ngnt price, see
j u. U. UUYl). Ill
He wn, be here !l
ill aii iiinr 2'.
met'' re taken Si.
unit s i.r is tt uu::
111CL kl lldlVCal 1
.. r I . -
1 ne oni rpiinuie i-dw
Insurance at
Ot iusuranoe !i
T'l I I I I i 11 . .
Wl1VMacliin H )j
J a rheapone '
. cm t 25.00
can set anywhere but M
a lot cheaper
,-n,iP White or Stanau
N ar tne
is j?..v-Cfw;
n ,c for all
UUB l P". -