DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1903. 4 rice for Dress Goods at this Store j tenth purchase In the Dry Goods depart- jich customer WE GIVE FREE Ladies' fast black, regular made Hose (85c ne pair of lace lisle Gloves. miner Sale Prices reign. Our entire shelf room must be cleared. ants Remnants Remnants . Remnant week and if bargains will interest vnn at the table, main aisle back, it's a point of interest LEXANDER'S EPARTMENT STORE NEWS DF ATHENA t DAUGHTER WAS BORN TO MR. i I m OY 1 t '! Hawes is on the sick list PRIDE OF UMATILLA A GOOD SMOKE 7 Made at Home. Try Pendleton Boquet and Pride A. RHODE, Maker. -AJV-Ak-O-IE -r t f Is truly Its proper name, for no rltle was ever made to equal a Savage. Simplicity in con struction nnd operation, and great accuracy make tnem sel dom equalled and never sur passed. The new 22-calibre Savage Is a marvel for a small gun Wo have just got a few right from the factory and would like to havo you pee them, IPSON HARDWARE Co. Main St. Headquarters for fishing supplies .H"M"r'H' tH---W--MW ases the Taste" for (SdDfldl Leaff Brand of :st JS Once Used ALWAYS USED AND MRS. LOUIS BERG1VEN. Very with Dropsy and Lung Fever Some Wheat Around Havana and Warren Will Be Fine Union DIs trict School House Nearly Complet. ed Epidemic of Marriages. Athena, July 19. Mrs. .1 12 Froomc's nieces, Misses Myrtle and Bella Buan, 0f Pendleton, were guests at her home in the city last week. Mrs. J. n. at present. Dr. nnd Mrs. 1'lamondon have re turned home from the Umatilla. Thev report fishing fine. Miss Emma Wagner returned home last Saturday from Walla Walla, where she has been taking of her sis- iLi, Mrs. uamen. i S. C. Kilgore had a narrow escape I a few days ago of being hurt. His I earn ran away breaking the single tree and double tree. The traces be came unfastened. They ran three or four blocks and stopped. Mr. and Mrs.' Proudfoot, or Walla Walla, were visitors of Miss Mvra Owens nf this city last Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Her given on July 15. a daughter Hill Wells and Clayton Luna left for Elgin. Ore., last Wednesday morning. Mr and Mrs. Samuel Dooher and son. Lawson, and Mrs. Booner's fnth er. Mr. Helmlck. left Saturdav for Bingham Springs, where Mr. Helmlck and daughter will spend several weeks lor the benefit of their health. Mrs. G. W. King, on her way from Spokane to Portland, passed through Athena Tuesday. Rev Lamar was over from Weston Wednesday. Charles Marsh Is down from Or chard Valley. Wash., where he and his family have been residing for several months. Jess Lieuallen, of Weston, passed through town Tuesday wiin a band of fine horses from Morrow county. The stock is of good size and offered for sale. Livl Trowbridge has returned home to his home in fiarfield Wash. IM Hendricks, of Lafayette, Ore was in tne city Tuesday. Grandma Banks, who has been suf teriug from paralysis for some time, Is reported to be no better at present. Albert Proebstel, of Weston, has ac cepted a position as clerk In Silver City, New Mexico. W. H. Bailey, Milton's leading painter, was in Athena last Monday. Hp was after the contract for painting the M. 13. church. Several Marriages. V mnrrlntr. (Mil.lpmln linn Ktrm-k i Milton. Those llguring In having the nuptial knot tied were Albert Uuer stetti and Marguerite Mnelstretti; Ralph Edwards and Edith Busseil, and Harrv Davidson and Bertha Har ris. Harvesting Begun. Han est has commenced between Milton and Walla Walla, numerous headers and threshing outfits being at work in that vicinity. Dangerously III. DEATHS EXCEED BIRTHS. Auditor Honeycutt Makes His Quar terly Report of Vital Statistics to State Health Board. Walla Walla, July 20. According to Auditor Honeycutt's quarterly re port of vital statistics for Walla Walla county, mailed out to the stato health hoard today, the number of deaths to occur for the quarter end ing June 30. exceeded the births by one. Of the former there were 54. and of births 53. April was the ban ner month for blrlhs. 20 being re ported. Mav onme next with IS and June with 15. Of this number, 27 were males and 2fl females, The last conscious words of the pope were those of a benediction up on his attendants. t 7 7 S It Will Alakc You Feel Good j L Special Clearance Sale All Summor Goods must be closed out and CUT PRICES are the means wo are using to accomplish this end If vou want ANYTHING call on us THE FAIR when ou get into one of the collars laundered at this es tahlishmnl if you have been having your linen done up by an inferior method Shirts, collars axd cuffs laundered herein the acme of hue work and we send them home with a color and finish that is be- yond competition. I DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Court and Thompson BtreetH. SVWVVVVWVVWVVVVVVVWVVB Watch for our ad. toworrow. in the furniture line. Something doing BAKER & FOLSOM On Its Merit tins the large demand for Byers' Best Floui Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in to Hycrs Best Flour. It's perfection in Dour. Made by the PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. RICO COFFEE in one Dound Packages & MOCHA COFFEE in one pound packages ror saie ny all up-to-date grocers. Teas, Extracts and Baking Powder MB COFFEE & SPICE Co., l'OKTI.A-I ouruox f-H--K-4-H-M-,Hl 1' l"M"l-H-H-y tols and Axle Gfease UA AA A AA AAAA AA AA AA AAA A AAA A AAAAAA A A A AAAAA l t ...2.a3.J.... - -.. v.. Reward $100 Reward Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. Joe Banister 1 4. left this morning for Walla Walla1 to attend tho bedside of Mrs. Wag-! f 'ave a larct stock of castor machine, Pack and cvlindr oils. s?rauhite.Tavlor I'd caster oil, axle grease, compound in Kai.ii buckets. Get my prices. W- J'e Ullvillir vnnr linnmi't ennnlv TAYLOR, the Hardware Man 741 Main Street ELATERITF Is Mineral PvSrpvi,f .. ....r. Rubber. I'M, i-uMuirv to ltl'1'I.ACK A WoitN-Ol 1 KUiir tTERITE ROOFING V.1 MM! irs tin Irnn (nr nnd L'iae! ail Slid ... .r.llnn i.fp Wl tlitn.n. ."V" . ' c n meilt Guaran ana B'opr, surfaces gutters valleys Mr to OH prepared Kasy to lay ner'6 grandson, uuzz jtamen, wno has been sick for a year or more. He is not expected to live, having the dropsy and lung fever. Achworth-Phllllps. Monday July 5th Mr. George Phil lips and Miss Ina Ashworth. of Dry Crfek. were united In tho holy bonds of matrimony. Very Good Wheat Yield. Mr. Bon OeIc. of Athena, made a business trip to Warren last week, looking aiter his wheat farm. He re ports wheat looking fine in that vicin ity. He thinks hie farm near Warren will make about 35 bushels per acre, und his wheat near Havana will mako an average of 37 bushels per aeie. New School House. The new school house In Union dis trict, Gerklng Flat, near Athena, li nearly completed. Bids Wanted. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be recelvod at the office of the county clerk of Umatilla county, until Mondv. July 27. 1Si3. at 9 n'Mnf k . m.. for the west half of 1 block 85, and all of block !6. Hebor vation addition to Pendleton, known as the couDty hospital property. Bids for single lots, quarter, half, whole block or the entire tract (21 lots) will be entertained, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. The right will be reserved to oc cupy the buildings, on the property until about September 1st, 1908. Terms cash. W. D. CHAMBERLAIN, County Clerk. ask for prices and information, THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Portland. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiost llttlo thing that pi" made is T)r. King's New Life Ptlis. Those pills flange weakness Into strength, list ii sin s ii to eri'-rey, brainfag Into ,,.,ii I putter. Tl.fVre wonderful in b"ii!ii.g ni the health. Only 25c , , i cx i-old by Tuii'ii.m K Co. Ladies' half soles 40c. Toutsch. 1 1 t t t From now on until further notice I will give to all CASH PURCHASERS ONLY a dis count of 10 per cent, or in other words; any one buying $.10 worth of goods will pay only $9.00. LOT OF ROCKERS will sell as low as 20 per cent discount from regular prices, STEEL RANGES and Cook stoves will sell almost at. cost all kinds and sorts, will Unredeemedp (edges of JEWELRY, at a sacrifice. The following are some of the lines we are we give a discount of 10 per cent for cash: Center Tables Dining Tables Kitchen Tables Hook Cases Writing Desks Office Desks Sideboards China Closets Chairs, all kinds Diessers Folding Ueds Wardrobes Crockery (,ilasswaro Lamps Tinware Ciraniteware Stoves be sold showing ami upon which Refrigerators Carpets Matting Rugs Linoleum Sewing Machines Lied room Sets Bedding No discounts on sales under 50 cents Do not ask credit and discount at the same time because you can not get it. firing your cash with you and you will not be disappointed. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD will be given to any purchaser discovering thai prices have been raised for the purpose of giving (his discount. Remember, that 1 am the local agent for the North Ger man Lloyd Steamship Co., and am able to sell you your tickets to or from any part of the world. Kj Li7 i-i n u