East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1903, Image 2

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July Bargains
Straw Hats at half price.
Boys Clothing twenty per cent discount
Mons Summer Clothing at a saving of from
$2 00 to $3.o0 per suit, i
Summer Underwear 25c, 50c and 7oc per
Workinc Shirts 50c and 75c.
Gloves 2nc to Si. SO.
Mens Working Shoes $1 50 to $3.00.
One Frice Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters
-H I i I M 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I M ' I
Jlnthlas Zimmerman, of blusher.
Ark., shot and killed Ills wife and
then killed himself with the same
District Attorney Ourley. of New
Orleans, was shot and killed in his
office by C. H. Lyons, who then shot
and killed himself.
Mrs. Helen M. Rockwell died a few
davy ago ut Chicago, aced 101 years.
She claimed to have seen every pres
ident except Washington.
James A. Ulce was fatally shot, at
l.amar. Mo., by Hcrt Cochran. They
quarreled and fought ovor a widow,
Sirs. C I). Mitrtln. Both are promi
nent men.
James Vutton. a 14-year-old boy at
Oakland. Cal., has hanged himself, j
It was a successful attempt at sut
clde. He first attempted suicide when I
3 years old.
1'hll Daly's famous club house an .
aristocratic gambling place at Long !
Branch, will be sold under the ham-
mer August 3. Its furnishings aione
coat $250,000
An electric car iu Kansas City,
while running at full speed, struck
broadside a wagon containing eight
people, none of whom were seriously
Injured. The wagon was completely
A deer hound belonging to Ilman
Burdick, of Kelso, Wash., has return
ed to his master after an absence of
six years. Nothing whatever is
known of the animal's whereabouts
during that time.
The last jtortralt painted by James
McNeill Whistler, was of a profes
sional gambler named Canfield, who
personated a minister, the title of the
painting being "His ltoverence."
Whistler said of Cantleld that "He
looks more like a minister than any
other man 1 ever saw, 'and then
lome ' "
J. S. Smith., of Astoria, has been
found guilty of porjury.
The price of 2o-uoiind salmon drop
ped from T to 6 cents at Astoria.
John Dexter, of Waituburg. was
drowned while swimming Monday
morning, near that city.
Slvin Nicholson, of North Yakima,
committed suicide Monday, on ac
count of iiisuppolntnient In love.
Edna I. Warner. Miss Nina Solo
mon and T. V. Foster, of Everett.
Wush.. were drowned in nelllnsham
Day. Mnndn).
A Portland Chinaman has brought
suit agaiust Chief of Police Hunt, of
that city, tor $280 damages, for false
Horse poitMiners have made their
appearance in Portland. Sevoral val
uable animals have been killed in this
manner in that city recently.
A movement Is now on foot to eon
jiruct a large iower plant at Sparta,
Raker county, for the transmission of
power to Baker. Union and interme
diate points
MUwuukie. Or , has passed an or
dinance against storing explosives in
the city limits, and the California
Powder Works are preparing to move
the large storage cellars elsewhere.
Miss Bertha Calllgan, of Scappoose,
was burned to death at Mt. Tabor
Sanitarium. Monda. She was par
tially insane and ignited her bed
clothing with suicidal Intent.
Tho fireworks which should have
been used at Spangle, Wash., on the
Fourth of July, but wore not on ac
count of the rain, wero usod ln nn
exhibition on the streets Monday
night, July 20.
Harry Boldon. a Sumptor miner,
fell 150 ft-ot down a shaft in the Bo
nanza. Monday. His fall was check
d b his catching some logging on
the side of the shaft, and he oscapd
with a dislocated Hhoultler and sever
al bruises.
John Huhuhaban, of Sumptor, In
drilling for a blast In the Oold Bug
mine. Monday, struck an old charge
of powder which had not exploded.
Ills drill exploded the charge and H
maimed him horribly, shooting tho
drill through his hand and crushing
his shoulders and chest severely.
EI 'I1'!' !(( 'J'
Hotel Pendleton.
William Henry. Portland.
W. H. 1-nwdon, San Francisco.
K. T. Johnson. Portland.
Andrew McQueen, Sprngue.
A. It. Orant. Sprngue.
Charles M. Davis. San Francisco.
W. T. Potors. St. Paul.
S. V. Knox. Weston.
George A. Crux, San Francisco.
Ed Hendricks, Carlton.
Henry lllnckninn, Heppnor.
Corn Huddliston, Los Angeles.
E. H. Lauorer and wife, Portland.
J. W. Ilrock. Qlusco.
K. H. Burke. Portland.
J. 11. Pomney, Spokane.
C D. Rinkor, Spokane
(!. W. Biggs, Arlington.
Charles Preston. Lcwiston.
T. Shea. Boise.
A I). McLain. Boise.
L. W. Fnhl. Payette.
A. Nlebergall. Walla Wala.
William Goodsarted. Weiser.
! Deafness Can Not Be Cured
. By lociil applications as ttioy can not teach
, Hi dlmnised portions of the ear. There
' Is only one way to cure deafuoM. and that
la br i'ontltutlonHl remedies !fnes U
latuetl In an Inflamed roudltlon of the
mucous lining of tlie Eustachian tube.
When tills tube Is iutlanied you have a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It 1 entirely i-Io-hhI. deeftiest l the
I reult. and unless the Inflammation can be
tniten out anil tnis tube rentoml to Its
normal condition, hearing wll be destroyed
forever . nine canes out of ten are caused
by Catarrh, which If uothne but an In
flamed condition of the mucuiu surface.
We will cive One Hundred Dollars for
any cae of deafne icutued bv catarrh)
that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure Send for circulars free.
V. J. CIIE.i:V & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all driunrits, 7.1c
Halt's Family 11 lis ore the best.
Musicale at Therkelsen's Last Night
Was an Event,
Last evening the Therkelsen Piano
House was crowded to the doors witli
a crowd of the music-lovers of the
city who had gathered to listen to
a concert by the Chicago Mandolin
Club, which is making a tour of the
country and hnd been engaged by 1
.Mr. Therkelsen for the pleasure of !
his patrons and the general public.
young men from Chicngo. AV. J. Smol
zer, William Hnglethaler and Oscnr
Ellefuon. who left their homo May IS
and have made their way with their
sweet music at the towns they have
visited. They will leave In a few
days fur a place noar Shanlko, where
Mr. Ellefson has a brother living,
and where they will visit for a time,
returning here in tho fall.
During the concert last night the
hit of tho ovoning was made with
the piece entitled. "I'd Be Satisfied
With Life." All of tho pieces were
new ones, and only popular muludlos
wore played. A couple of selections
were rendered on the Apollo, with
the club accompanying the instru
ment. It is the intention of the proprie
tor to make those concerts a special
ty during the coming mouths, and he
is negotiating with the mandolin club
to remain with him during the win
ter. Gallery Will Be Open.
During my absence the gallery will
be In charge of Mr. Vaugn a photog
rapher of 15 years experience. Mr.
Vaughn Is thoroughly competent to
do all kinds of photographic work.
Amateurs wanting developing or
printing done will find Mr. Vaughn
expert In this class of work.
Homo from vacation, feeling good,
strong and healthy, would bo the case
after an outing at the most beautiful
of Blue mountain resorts Lehman
Springs. There Isn't a place ln all
the West where you can find a more
convenient and delightful spot to
spond a few days or a long time
away from the heat, noise and worry
of city life. Tho 1C natural hot
springs aro wonderful for thoir mo
dlclnal properties. Hotel accommo
dations aro first-class, 'phono connec
tions, free camping ground, 2! pri
vate cuttages, largo swimming pool,
baths, golf, tennis, hunting and fish
ing. For further particulars, address
C. It. Dutton, Lehman Springs, Or.
Have your shoos repaired at
-M' l-M-H
I louce Is up, but the 5.1.000 yoi oui-
' ' standing Is needed to erect the stalls,
Been Taking Treatment for Rheuma;fr ,nK and grand stnnd. and
tlsm at the Springs Prospecting I ni this Is collected these buildings
for Geld in This . VIclnlty-Sale of IM ren-rln .greeted
Beef Cattle to the Seattle. Market
-Hill Crops are Best This Year,
Itldge. July IS. The residence of
James Davis or Alba, is reported to
have burned July 5. Ho valued the
property at about M.O00. It was In
sured M. L. Peterson mnile n trip to the
cities of Athena. Pomllotnn and Helix
this week He proudly speaks of re
ceiving a pension of $S n month tor
services rendered the government
during the Kogue Hlver Indian war
und the Bannock and Snake Indian
wars During the latlor war he re
ceived a very serious, wound In .hi
hip und was forced back while eui
rylug a dispatch from Pendleton 10
the Willow Springs, where a fierce
battle was being fought between
about 45 white men and about I.01111
James Klnny is said to have seen ln (),m,r wtmlB whvn li,n union is All
an old bear and two cubs nt what Is (,d (V(,rv ,mm,U(,r B,.t his Instru
known us the Fox eunip, out ln the ',, jjo,, 0 than regular price,
mountains near Alba, a few days ago. . ,.. ,,xnm,,ip tl regular SIWO.OO ln-
Frank Koim has rammed from a
trip to the Bingham Springs, where
he lias been taking treatment for
rheumatism. He Is Improving quite
J. C. Louergnn Is reported to have
been out In the vicinity or Uklah and
Alba a few days ago In scareli of
Mrs. James Davis and her slstur
and their families are living on her
homestead in Wobb Slue.
John Kopp saw two or three head
of cattle dead on tho range lately.
Whose cattle they were and the cause
of thoir death Is not known.
J. A. Owines and sons, nml S. J
Carney sold 1j head of beef cattle to,
Nate Range lust week. They wore lieved me though 1 tried everything
purchased for J C I.onergan, of Seat-' known 1 cunie across niectrlc Illt
tle. tere and It's the greatest medicine
James Mareuni, Curdane's post- j on earth for that trouble. A few not
master, is reported to have sent In ; ties of .1 completely lelleved nnd
his resignation papers. ' cured me." Just us good for liver and
Our schoql is undor vacation nnd ' Kiiluey troubles and general uebillty
will bo so for two or tine more weeks, i Only 3uc Satlstuction guaranleed by
Mr. nnu Mrs. James L. .'Hall and
; Mrs. James Mun-uin are rejMirted to
I he seeking recreation at Lehman
' Springs.
I H 11 Mcltr-niim fii f!nrdiitL ri-iMrts
one of his little girls on the sick list
Hay Harvest Has Begun.
Some people are already beginning
to cut thoir barley hay. wnlcli is turn
lng out fairly well under the condi
tions. The hill crops seem belter than
those of the bottoms which is gener
ally vice versa. But I think this is
due to a breeze on the hills most 01
the time, whilst In the canyons a good
share of the time there is no wind,
except from the north or south, and
,t got very warm at all times.
Prospecting for Gold.
Messrs. Hurt and McFoe. of Nye.
are prospecting for gold In the moun
tains neur here. They tire said to have
staked out two claims and gone to
work In earnest. There has been
muny prospectors around In those
places for years, hut heretofore noth
ing of value has been discovered.
Connor Creek Hold-Up, Near Hunt
ington. Surrounded With Mystery. '
Huntington. July 21 An air of i
secrecy und mystery surrounds the j
reported hold-up of the Conner Creek 1
mine oillce near here last Saturday
The fact that the mine is located but '
IS miles from this place on Snake
river, in Baker county, und tliut the
matter was not reported to the ollli- '
ers until 3C hours luter. adds a mys-'
torinus air to tho affair.
The statements of the nmouut I
taken differ so much nnd the various ,
reports of the matter conflict so much 1
that the gem-nil sentiment prevails
here that the entire story muy lie
unfounded. '
Constable John Httnium. of this city
Is now in pursuit or the robbers, who
are reported to have headed for the
Seven Devils country.
One report or the affair says the '
nmouut of money in the safe at the '
time of the robber' was $10,000, an-'
other that the elean-np amounted to
Sheriff Brown wns absent from tho j
county seat ut the time, but Is now
investigating tho crime.
The country surrounding Connor 1
Creek is very rough nnd difficult of,
ncccsB and tho roblwrs aro probably
beyond nil possibility of capture.
The Conner Creek mine Is one of,
the oldest camps in Eastern Oregon !
and belong to Portland capitalists.
Walla Walla Association Finds Itself
Out of Funds.
"Unless subscribers who have
pledged themselves to take $3.00i
worth or stock in the AVallu Walla
County fair Association show a read- j
iness to take up the stock very short-
ly, the directors will be forced to i
placo tho collodions in tho hands of
an attorney," said a director of tho
association this morning In nnswor to
a question of how things were moving
wiin mo association, says the Wnlla
Walla Statesman. "Until this money
I is collected everything Is practically
t , n standstill." hf continued,
The reluctance several stockhold
ers are showing In Inking up their
i stock is proving very embarrassing
i i the directors who realize that every
' dav s delny In fitting the grounds
for a rail race meet and fnlr Is a day
lost The track Is finished and tho
, wnteV to
the track from toe singleton imu,
i,,,t u xmctcd to arrive short-
lv and will be put down Immediately.
As soon as water Is conveyed to tho
track It will be put In shape for use
How to Join and Get Quick Result
at Small Cost.
Why not Join our union of plnno
purchasers and save a hundred dol
lnrs" You can do It und we enn help
von This Is how It Ib done. Wo can
well afford to nell ten or more pianos
cheaper than one so huve organized
n uiilon of ten members Vim join
n. 1 i.av Slrt.OO down and $10.00 a
! month, the plane Is yours Now hero
is the best nnrt or II. 12 very
tune n
j new member joins, the price of your
I liiurriimnnl .lem-.X-lfltOS ill lll'ICO $10:
Htruuient enn be bail for $200.00 by
Joining the union Don't deluy'tnk
Ing advantage 01 this great opportu
nity, us It will only last a few weeks
of the dull Benson. This combined
with our eusy payment plan and ex
change contract makes It possible
toi everyone 10 have an Instrument
Therkelsen's Piano House. ::iu K
Court street Kverythlng musical
I Brutally Tortured.
A cuse came to light thai lor per
sistent and unmerciful torture has
I perhaps never been equalled Joe
; Cioloblck. of Colusa, Calif., writes:
"For ID vears I endured Insufferable
inin from rheumatism and nothing re
Tallman k Co. druggists
lice work at Teu'' ti
The World's Greatest ;;
Skin Soap,
The World's Sweetest
Toilet Soap.
Sale Greater Thai the World's Proanct
of Oilier Sltiu Soaps.
Sold Wherever Civilization Has
Millions of the world's best people
use Cutlcuru So.ip, assisted by Cutlcura
Ointment, the grcul sklu cure, for pre
serving, purifying and beautifying the
skin, for cleansing tho scalp of crusts,
scales and daudruir.tiud the stopping of
falling hair, for softening, whitening
and soothing red, rough and sor- hands,
fur baby rashes, Itoldngs and eludings,
Tor nuuoyliig Irritations, or too free or
oll'uu-ilvo perspiration, for ulcerative
weaknesses, and many sanative, anti
septic purposes which readily suggest
tln-inSuUeS to wium-ii, especially moth
ers, as well ua for ull the purpoies of
the toilet, bath and nursery.
Cutlcura Soap combines delicate
emollient properties derived from Cutl
cura, the greut skin cure, with the pur
est of demising Ingredient and thu
most refreshing of doner odours. No
other medicated soap ever compounded
Is to lie compared with It for prescrv- !
ing. purifying and beautifying the sklu,
sculp, hair nnd hands. No other for- I
clgn or domestic toilet soap, however I
expensive, is 10 uc compared wltti It for
all tho purposes of the toilet, bath and
nursery. Thus It combines In onu simp
at one price the most ctlcctlvc skin and
complexion soup, and the purest and
sweetest toilet, bath and nursery soap
ever couipotiuueu.
SoWl ttirourto'.t tU work! Cnticur, lUictwit.
(lu (onn at ChoccUM (.MU4 IliU. A per vial of u.j,
pmlin.nl, flic , Sp lM(nti , lx,i,an. 17 UliilUr-
IjoumK.i rrU,iKtiflflarftlx i IliMfen.l.J Columbia
Mt. f oiur Uiui: f lm Corp.. sol I'ropi
OnTStut U A'l Alwl tlx skin. Klip tu4 llilr "
the most dreaded and deadly of all
diseases, as well as pneumonia and
nil Lung Troubles are relieved at
once and cured by Acker's Rngllsh
llemedy "the king of all Cough Cures'"
Cures coughs and colds In a (lay. 25
cents. Your money back If dlssatls-
led. Write for free samnle. W. II,
filter & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F. W.
Jvnmltlt & Co.
Our Iced Drinks are good
enough for the Angels and we
feel certain they will refresh
and please all ordinary human
beings. On these very warm
days and evenings, there are no
more popular beverages than
Egg Drinks
Root Beer
Rassle Dassle
Pecan Sundae
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
IV-tofi'icr HIiicV. I'lionr Main ji
H-M"l"l"l"l H -M- 'H-M-H-H-H-
f TT
Dr J. W Hill. Principal.
:Mth Marshall Sts.. Portland
New buildings, modern and
1 iiinplote. ,
Mttnunl training. military
Boys successfully titled for
till colleges or fur business life
Principal of L'G yenrs' experi
ence In Portland.
Boys of any age admitted a'
any time.
Wille for eatnlogue
Fall term opens ScptenilxT
j-"l--l--i4H--M--l-l--l"l--H--H-l-f Price
I Farmers Custom Mill LaatZ
1 Fred Walters, Proprietor
j Cupitcity 150 barrels it day
j I'lour exchanged for wheat
j Flour, Mill Feed, 'lni.it.ed Fd et
I tlw-ays on liuud
Belore deciding ulieie to g to
si hunt examlm a
catalogue for the coming year. New
building and equipment. New mat)
ugenient. nnd u faculty r uxperlem
od teachers. . Spoclul arrangement
lor music students and for the can
ful oerslghl of ull students from out
of town All grades of public school
work thoroughly done. Our college
preparatory work Is accepted by the
best colleges Rnst nnd West. Moral
and social advantages the very best
Term lieglns September 11, 1803
St. Helen's Hall
UCst. 1KCU by Rt. llev. B. W. Morrl.- '
Will enter Its Slth year September
14. liiOIi. Number of resident uuuHs
limited to sixty. Book of Information
sent on npplicntlon.
Menlo Park, San Mateo Co., California
Thorough mental, moral and ph)'8 '
cal training for hoys. Home lnnt
unces, beautiful surroundings;
lent climate; careful supervision.
Ilmltod numbers; prepares for aw
university or for business. Fa dl terra
begins August 11. Scud for Illustrai
etl cntalogue.
IRA G. HOITT, Ph. D., President.
v n-
. Nw U b,. ,
flSUa ...
fully "5 "''PIU
Color H..U. "
whl. u! .
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Credit Rating
Special Credit
Ofllcc in Deapab t-i
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TT4PRF k 2
nmined fruiti :
that taste lilt
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Tnr.tT hit 13
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nainsiaMiis -;
501 BBU ',u
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