East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
tt"j7.?nV.i by crrler M
I Tonight nnd Wednesday, show
f org; cooler.
land Descriptions by
Familiar With His
and Daily Life,
Iable man from
I King. With No Temporal
Ictpt That Voluntarily Ac-
But With Influence
LoOO.000 Subjects First
Be Interviewed.
iv ;m -i;ic carumais as-
NO. I7ni).
!,(,pn,''"'l "cure Is )Mnt l,v rtnrlv '
anil the weight of years. , ... ,
cry movement ho Is astonishingly
quick and energetic. His head Is ai
most remarkable one, once seen 1
never to be forgotten, with Its every i
feature In strict proportion, vet wltn f
lie harmony of the whole. The small. '
bright, rapid eyes set close together '
denote the man who Is ever on the '
search; the larcclv dovnlrmrrl qn..n '
Ine nose, a oanacltv for iinnLoi.
The mouth, when under a pleasing In
fluence, forms Into an cxeeedinelv
wide, sweet smile: Its
presslon brightening the whole face '
and supplying the bcnicnltv whiM, i I
less observable In the eyes. The cars 1
I like the hands and feet, are excep-1
tlonaliy large and long. The skin Is 1
so thin a rare thine wllb Ttniinnc
and much admired by them as a sign I
ui iiitiii urcoumg mat a perfect net- !
work of blue veins (the 'hlno hWriM 1
Is visible all over the white, ascetic I
wire. his noimess Is gifted with the ,
flro and Impulse of youth, without its '
accompanying physical strength." Believed That the Sheriff Will Be In
-uu .iu was mo nrsi nr in um.
tiffs to recognize the great Import-'
i ance of the press as an auxiliary to ,
me i-uuri-ii. no was the nrst to grant
an interview to a journalist for jour
nalistic purposes. One of the first
! acts of his reign was to give an in
terview tf M Ijllllo Wlllltnf Affni.
I Ac -onsistory enapei mis that he granted a private audience s' I-iRht Ilattcry of state troons. or-
i' look the customary oatn . t0 various eminent journalists dered out from the county seat of Hie
Among the Items of bus-; Horn county, to assist Sheriff Kenton
'ansacieu lociay is uie , . r.vu..ltu. . ln transferr no- .Tim Mr-ninml rhnri
a secretary of the con-! Home. July 21. The Dally Tribune with the murder of Ben '.Minnick
lit-d Volplnl who died a j ima mints an interview with Car- from Thcrmopolls to llasln. reached
, dlnal Svampo In which he says pre-. Tliermonolls at 7 nVlnpk this ninrn.
Im todav s assembling the vlous political enmities amoncr the Inc.
sited the remains of the
Authorities Are Re-enforced in
Montana With Militia and
Picked Deputies.
terceptcd in the Hills With His
Prisoner and Have to Fight His
Way Through Cattlemen Led by
Tom O'Day.
Cheyenne. Wyo.. .luly 21. The Ba-
Enormous Damage in and
Around Chicago to Trees,
Poultry and Fruit.
Roosevelt Would Be Pleased to En-
j terrain Nobility.
I Oyster Hay, July 21. President
Roosevelt was surprised to see In a
morning paper the report that tho
Prince and Princess of Wales hail ac
cepted his Invitation to pay America
a visit. He says no Invitation has
been extended, although ho would bo
pleased to entertain the British heir
amour the i Imr. nftrr nn nll.nlnhr .Irln
cardinals no longer exist; therefore ! Peonle are lenvlni for tlintr linmna
concord In the selection of a pope I and it is now believed that no at
can be easily obtained, and the con- tempt will be made to Intercept Sher
clave will be short. Iff Fenton while he Is
The new pope will introduce some-! t0 Basin.
I thing new nnd original In his policy I Quiet prevails nt Basin, the scene
toward the question of temporal pow-l('f the double lynching of yesterday.
er. which will differ from the pro- lpp people are arranging to bury
L, uith rnmnllr-tlnni: gram ot ins prcuecessor. l ne inter-1 "ant-is mm i.urman, me mumerers.
ilia wun oompnciions. ,t,i., , . . in n, ,,..,. ni,i .. i ... r
" ,,' ncauce as Indicating tar-reaching I'epmy rrice. wno was Killed uy the
I today with the mayor of , chances" In the nollrv nf the link-. mob. will he sent away for burial.
pjpiion gives the cause, ' ' . .
atlons with pneu-! ' , "
Delval Chosen Secretary. Cheyenne, July 21. Sheriff Fenton
III liody wl'l be embalm-' Home. Julv 21. The congregation '.tu iermopoiis tnis morning wltn
h afternoon under I.appo-of cardinals at the session today, '1"?1 -tuoud. the alleged murderer.
..'ion The remains W ! nlecfMrt Mnnnpr Mnn- flPlvnl t.errp. "uo "K Iveu in juii ai uasiu.
; In state in the Chapel of tary of the conclave. ThU is sunnos-
Iicranient tonight. ! ed to be a victory for Oreglla.
(or Funeral Services.
the official notice of the
scene was Impressive.
tries ac constantly
requiem Soldiers are
Irte face has greatly sunk-
ksteida!. Oreglla viewed
r.d signed the final death
They are escorted by a company of
I militia cavalrymen and 40 plckeu
deputies, as it Is reported they will be
I waylaid In the hills and have to
j fight their way through. The cattle
men are said to he under the leader-
ship of the notorious Tom O'Day.
i numnmn Tinrr rnnniiT nnnnr
arwas posted on all the HUH II ri r mil rill if
it churches of Borne, with i
he funeral services at St.
.e corpse will be placed,;
o tietom second, tonight ,nm' "ivilah-ulu ,
ill toll between S and 9: ! TERROR OF CLEVELAND. I New Jersey and Ohio Postoffices Rob-
and solemn prayers will 1 hed Last Nlaht
II 'he churches when the ' With a Home-made Sling Shot She I u '
H Id St Peter's; fourth ' Beat Off Two Policemen and Es-! Passiac, N. J., July- 21. Burglars
. . . , ,, last mgnt blew the canton mil post-
capeo KODDeo racignoors nou.es once Ear curing $800. There is
ot 5600 worth of uiamonas now
in Hiding.
shall pray for the repose
H'n repr'tltlon of the
tontlSe' el gie ndo until the
eio ' a
htslde Mir Vatican, few
purnlng are visible.
wop Ireland's Tribute.
IJolv 31 T ,i0n he recelnt
of Hie death of the none.
Ireland paid this tribute
I prelate
no other post of honor
yet no clew to the robbers.
West .Melton, O., July 21. The
)ostolflce at this place was robbed
last night, the perpetrators securing
$300. The safe was dynamited. Tho
Cleveland, 0.. July 21. Thirteen-year-old
Annie Bromley last night
robbed neichbors' houses of SGOO
worth of diamonds and $30 in money ; noise of tho explosion awakened but
while the people were out. i a few people, the office not being cen-
The thelts were easily tiaced to trally located. The robbers were seen
her. mid wlie nsho was accused of saving the scene but were not mo-
ui inspirations, the world-i " " . .. "
in the contusion lonowing me i-
she made uer
lested, none of those who saw them
ral authority ruling direct-
o every trlbo and
a. ruhnt lndliectly by tho
" r vt power, bv tho
ia) for'c or its lifo and
rWre humanltv into thnt
he entered and. as only
praooc have done.
carter ol a eeuturv. leav.
fy to sav as he closes the
o h.s record that hi him
HlllCr-i) lias lmil nnn nf
F0Ddrou! of i,,.r wnndrons
JI"' h m.amtv onf. nf its
HHv Or,, j,ivpn duty.
Ih .rj. ...
r uuigen Jubilee.
1 lsv .a t it. r.im, i' ioo
' Vr, ' ,.,,.1, ... ,
i 'inp and cero-
Q1IU r
P 'hi ') ,
Ock set!
t is tne
-u - of French pll
1 '-" Rome for the
m -peaking- of the
' tf r of thlH unl.
."Ti. t-n 01(1 ma doth'
17 lr
P'-W II.
frwi f
' f'.ani;-
I "! man
' ho
I tt,
neither soldier
'rybody may
r with any
old man who
m'sido of his
' r lnm Into a
h'j i.as not under
1 "r. who lives
1' lrl'ls the front.
f ''an.
'If 01 n,i
tope t
' i the human
'"'h from tho
t'r is tho vicar
ot Poter tho
2(1 nomnu
J Xll
hatth. . ... --
iT.:. 1aId?u8. has
,r"lcai Portrayal;
temnt to arrest her,
ohcape and Is now In hiding.
She Is a typical street urchin of the
toughest type and actually rained
blows upon the heads of two burly
policemen who came to arrest her,
until they hacked out of tho house,
leaving their caps and clubs on the
After the girl had ceased her at
tack upon the policemen, they wrest
ed her mother, Mr.. H. T. Bromley,
on . r.hore nf recelvinz stolen prop
erty the diamonds being found in her
possession, on n search of the prem
ises. , , . .
The girl has a host of friends in
il,.. aliimc anrl Her CRIHUrv i uuuui.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Comnany-G. R. Cockley, Losal
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Chicago. July 21.-Wheat was very
strong today, advancing a rent and
one-eighth from low point ami clos
ing c higher than yesterday: looKi
like shorts were scared and we may
see better prices on wheat yet tnn
I.-- i.un n Rorn strong, also ad-
vrlnfl ; one cent, and oats cent.
Sept n
Sept I lor
Minneapolis. July ci
Sept H
Supposed Corpse Sits Up and Swears
at the Undertakers.
Rochester, X. Y., July 21 Ueorge
Wilson, an old resident who was pro
nounced dead by his attendants Sat
urday night, has come to life. When
the undertaker arrived WiUon's body
was stiff and cold. Preparations
were being made for embalming,
when the supposed corpse suddenly
jumped up and swore at the under
taker for handling him so roughly.
The coroner has Issued an order for
bidding embalming under 12 hours
after certified death.
Entire Telephone Service of the City
Is Discontinued Horses Crazed by
Pain Run In Every Direction and
Do Great Damage Many Live
Trolley Wires Down.
Chicago. July 21. A phenomenal
hailstorm broke over this city nt
noon today, being a reactionary
storm following the excessive heat
that has prevailed for days nnd that
was very oppressive this forenoon,
following a night that was suffocat
ing. The volume of hall broke nil rec
ords in the history of Northern Illi
nois. Not onl ydid nn linmenso quan
tity fall, but many were of uncom
mon size nnd all were driven by a
strong wind. In the city untold
thousands of panes of glass were
broken skylights, nnd the windows
in upper stories of th houses In the
business section suffering most.
In the parks and residence dis
tricts immense damage was dono to
trees and shrubbery, which wero cut
and riddled Indescribably. In most
cases the trees and shrubs wero not
only completely denuded of their
leaes, but all of this year's growth
was cut and broken off. Besides, the
wind broke oft thousands of largo
and small branches of older growth.
The few reports from the suburbs
that are blowly coming In. assert vast
Injury to the ninrKet gardens and or
cliaids. Many of both are completely
ruined for this year. Poultrlcrs lose
thousands of fowls uy drowning nnd
being beaten to death.
The hailstones were from the size
of a pea to three ounces in weight,
their Impact hurt people and unl
malB badly. Several people were
caught In the parks ami severely
beaten by the hall. Horses, crazed
by fright and pain, ran away In great
numbers, and in many instances
plunged through store windows and
'nto basement areas.
The entire telephone service of tho
city has been discontinued, but owing
to the abruptness of the coming of
the storm there were many cases of
electrical shock before the condi
tions wero fully realized nnd tho ser
vice shut off. Hundreds of Instru
ments wem burned out, and consid
erable damage dono In central ollices.
In many parts cf tho city llvo trol
ley wares are down, endangering the
lives of pedestrians and almost com
pletely stopping travel.
Throughout tho storm there was a
heavy downpour of rain and a high
wind, and constant lightning.
Captain Ewen Dares Not Travel
Openly In Kentucky.
Jackson, Ky , July 21. Captain
Hwen arrived early this morning by
train, concealed In nn Ico chest and
remained In an express enr un
til tho small crowd left. Uo then
went home unaccompanied and sent
word to the guard, which speedily
formed around bis house. Ho will
testify before the grand jury today
and leave on the afternoon train.
IS .
Harriman System Has Decided
on a Puget Sound Terminal
Via Spokane.
Four Lives Lost and Two Crews
Dumped Into River.
Onlt, Ontario, July 21. A rear end
collision on the Canadian Pacific took
place early this morning. Two
freights collided on tho west end of
the long bridge over drain! ilvei.
Two cars were thrown Into tho rlvor
below. Four bodies have been re
covered. Another is believed to be in
the wreckage at tne bottom of the
Eighteen Bushels Per Acre.
Walla Walla, July 21. Yestorday
harvesting became general over tho
entire Kureka l'lnt, from tho Junction
to Plensnnt View. Eighteen bushols
per acre Is the nverngo agreed upon
by conservative expert opinion. There
nre said to be parts of somo Holds
that will go as high as 25 or 30 bush
els, while thero are others whero
eight or 10 bushels to tho aero la the
estimate made by the majority ot tho
fnrmers of the Hat.
Will Go to Jury.
Union, .Mo., July 21. The Collins
bank robber nnd murder case will bo
put in the hnnds of the jury tills evening.
The Rebels Were Badly Beaten and
the Fight Will Probably End the
Rebellion Insurgents Resisted
Stubbornly But Hopelessly.
Mother of the Dead Woman Refuses
to Answer Questions.
Scuttle, July 21. This morning at
the coroner's inquest of Mrs. Mull
ami Infant daughter, who are sup
posed to have beon iiolsoneil a week
ago. Mrs. Crlppen, tho mother of the.
dead woman, refused to answer ques
tions as to what medicines had been
administered and by whom, on the
iriouiid that hor answers might In
criminal.' herself. The autopsy
Favorable Crop Reports.
VVanhtnirtnn Julv 21'.- The cron re
ports of the past week show all con- shows d.-ath was caused by corrosive
ditions on tho Pacific Coast favora- sublimate The jury brought in a
ble Minnesota spring wheat condl- verdict of poisoned by personh un
Uons are unfavorable. known. More arrests are expe'ted.
Baker City, July 21. As a result of ; The postmaster, David Moomaw,
investigation. In regard to the d.s-; .'""hV' . turn
appearance of two teglstored packa
ge! containing ?-)00, from tho post
offlce here, on March 17, 1003, George
II. Tracey, assistant postraastor, has
been dismissed.
The d" nun nt decided that the
packages weie lost through tho ni p
Hgewe of Mr. Tracey, honce the of
ficial o-p ft''1-
Tht two registered letters causing
the trouble were sont by tho First
Nattoral Bank of this city to Brown
& Plene. at Cornucopia, but never
reached their destination.
levied upon thu etnploHS for the to
tal sum lost, as it was through their
carelessness that tho parcels disap
peared. Investigations by Inspector Thomas
J. Clark, of Walla Walla, followed,
and as a result Tracey lias been or
dered dismissed from the service.
George 11. Tracoy Is an ox-postmaster
of thin city and is one of tho most
capable jiostal men on tho coast. An
effort is being mado by Influential
friends to have the dismissal order
Soledad, Venezuela, July 21 At r
o'clock this morning the engagement
between the government forces ami
the revolutionists occupying Cluilad
Bolivar, began In two different direc
tions. The revolutionists opened tho
battle. At 7 o'clock the government
troops, after a lerilblo fight, In which
they lost more than 10(1 men. enptur
cii the cemetery. At S o'clock tho
Venezuelan squadron, consisting of
llvo men-of-wnr, shelled the govern
ment building nt Ciudad, Bolivar.
At 10 o'clock the revolutionists'
ting hud disappeared from the gov
ernment building; at 11 a. in., tho
streets near that building wero cap
tured by tlic government fortes nnd a
charge of nil tho government troops
in the city wns ordeied.
At 2 o'clock In the afternoon n
block of house opposlto tho govern
ment building wns enptutod by sloim
Tin' revolutionists seemed to be re
sisting ilesiMirately.
The press conoHiiondents will fol
low the advance with Onnornl Itlvas.
The latter Is walling for a signal
from General (lomez, the Venezuelan
cominnnder-ln-chlef, who conducted
the atlael; from Mlra Flores, to oriler
Cludnd Ilollvnr with all Ills reserves
and It guns. The spectacle In tho
streets of Cludad llollvur when tho
smoke cleared away wiih bonrt-rniul-lug.
There wero over 200 dead revo
lutionists In thu streets mid many
Claimed That the Projection Will
Make the Distance Between Spo
kane and the Sound Less Than By
Either the Northern Pacific Rail
way or the Great Northern.
Tnconia, Wash., July 21. D. O.
Mills, a director of the Harriman
railroad system, and controlling; own
er of the Bclllngbam Bay &. British
Columbia Ballroad, has formally or
dered un extension of tho Bellliigham
Bay road across tho Cascade moun
tains to Spokane. It will there con
nect with tho Oregon Ballroad &
Navigation line, now running from
the main lino nt Huntington to Spo
kane. The lliirrlmaii system will thus bo
given n direct entrance to Puget
Sound nt a point directly opposlto to
the Straits of Kuca, Tho ttlstnnco
from Spoknno to tidewater will bo SOS
miles, 10 miles shorter than tho Great
Northern nnd r0 miles shorter than
tlie Northern Pacific. Tho terminals
on Bellliigham Bay will bo 100 miles
nearer the Pacllle ocean tuan tho
Northern Pacilu and Great Northern
terminals at Tnconm nnd Seattle
The Inevitable result ot this exten
sion will bo to divert immcuso quan
tities of freight and p:Bscnger Unf
ile as well, toward tho Northwest
rrom Pendleton, which now gooa
westward rrom that point. With tho
completion of the extension freight
and passengers nllko, can roach tho
Sound ami British Columbia as well,
without transferring to nnothor sys
tem as Is now tho case. TIiIh would
ultimately mean running through
trains from the eastern terminals of
tho system directly through to tho
extreme nortliweut without cliungo at
Freight nnd passenger tralllc over
the Harrlnmn system destined for tho
far northwest will bo greatly stimu
lated, the Harriman linos being very
much more then than now, effective
competitors of tho Northern Pacific
nnd Great Northern, for this lino ot
Eviction Orders From Nov York's
Watershed Commissioners,
Kuw York .Inlv 21. Follnwlnir II li
on the orders Issued by the court nt
White Plains, tor tne ovicnon oi
squatters on watershed property own-
a, I I. w th., Fitv lit Kitui V.irl In ttm
northern section of Westchester
county, conies mu announcement uuu
the village of Armonk, In the town of
North fundi, Ik lo Iih wlncd out.
About 200 villagers liav ncelvetl no
tice from tne waiorsiicu commission
era to move.
The HpunlBli cablnot has been torn
pb'tely reorganized.
Another Trial Race 8hows the Chal
lenger's Superiority.
Highlands, July 21. Donso fog
prevails this morning. It was Sir Up
ton's Intention, owing to tho popo's
death, to keep his yachts nucltorod
several days, but bis American
friends advised him this was uncall
ed for considering tho short time loft
In which to try out tho challenger,
Tho wind freshened to 11 knots.
Hhumroek I was over ut 11:40:10.
The challenger followed at 11:41:20.
In tho run to tho outer mark sho
easily caught and passed the old boat.
Course, 10 miles.
Bruised and Crushed Across tho Ab
domen, and Injuries Probably Fatal.
Ulnrencu, tho lOyonrold son of
William Bowers of Cold Springs, Is
ut the hospital ns tho result of uu nc
eidoiit which happened at the ranch
yesterday afternoon about 0 o'clock.
Mr. Bowers was hauling water, us
ing for tho purpose a wagon having
on It nine barrels, which wore tilled
at the well nnd tukun to the placo
whore It was needed. Tho llttlo boy
whs on the wugtm and In some way
foil from the front of the hoavlly
loaded waon anil under tho wheels,
both of whtch passed across lila ab
domen, badly crushing him and In
juring him Internally.
The boy was picked up In an un
conscious condition and brought to
the hospital In this city, where Dr.
C, J. Smith wus called to attend tho
(Me. It was found thnt tho child
hud sustained Injuries to his ubdomeit
which aro of a serious naturo, und
from which It II not likely that ho cau
Tho suffuror was mauo as comfort
able us possible, and was resting as
well as could bo oxpectud at the lust
reports, though It Is not thought that
ho will llvo for a great length of
medium height. I Doc