DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, 0RE8QN. MONDAY, JULY 20, 1903. Illness Cards and Societies fS0FESSlONS AND TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. Ulef PHYSICIANS. INSURANCE AND LAND BUS.NESS rotx. ornci: ix judd hartma.v abstkipt nwt,,.,. . Telephone red 3T1. , till c.mnty Loans on , cl ? in .7a?.V im X'd .irrfct. eye trouble., catar-1 "d males Investment, t i0'rVAx' ditfou. ' fnPlrl faring. , Re,'nf Hnvb.nV in iVnJl0'?otnnonrM''' 101'"" ..,i refractler rr. 1 A. HARTMAV. p. , .-' - . ' " O.i.iniiTu v', " iit.i.i.sec ? mam utfi i jf.. wee rres. ind edition , eairecf IflepHoo' & nisoo. orncr. ovf.k 1 ' A nrtYsoN, ArrortNr.Y at hw'. ,n Snvngs nans, teiepnone v. "."" J usurance. OfP i p telephone main 301. "'""img. - Rr.nrlFII M U., HOMKOl'ATniC ! J '-.nEN7L1? REI'RKSKNTS THFOttiNr IMS iSS' 'surgeon' Office In Judd coVnC' W?pUr office, "black 78: companle. oftcc liun-! k '. .TnilV ItltTnv MV',.""""''' '- u. s. I.An cnu. TxliKUM.. KOOM 17 ASOCIA- i pw,1,r ie of land Hllnra J 1 Telephone main 931; re... j STKm Dlicl IM a HF.Nnr.nsoN Bt:on. physician" b . . .i-if-e In Savings ltank build-. """nu -c.u LODGING. phone Main res. Main j Mjj- HrIS0WN nTTroMiuSB T- t"T CK..r.n rnnnvio ! " -he win be BUd to ee heVtS?5 '.'S!.- V I ,.... - . . . - w ,,,, . . . n Vrrwna diseases and diseases of jiid.l building, corner Main and i norr.l. u.TA t Office 'phone main .21 ; res-1 jilll streetR red ITS. week Good ts 0011X11! ii.ti .v.. itreets. Hoard bj the 'dii m I JL"b1' "1. Rt ar?d . in trvi ALUS 1IOOXB. OSTEOPATH ronnectlnn u -"?.aV",??rfS.n nei and office 'phone Illack Wiin.V YOt' GO TO IMLOT IiOCK STOP noiei. uooa meals and ftlren me- ABC SO MEM IAN ofAul bottled ' BEERxS! SOLD EVER.YWIIERE. King The Colombia Lodging House Newly Furnished. Bar in connect! KIKRY rllYStelA.s AND S"R. eo1amercra1.m?r.TeSPer1,a, mWu ' it: OPTICIANS. ATHE.VA 110TfcL.LEADI.ST, HOTEL IN THE prop'rletoV ' ,erar " 1 Mulin- Bet. Alta & Webb Sts. In Center of Block. F. X. Schempp Proprietor i WHEN YOUR BL'5INF. Tivri vnn . iiK.GI.G.N'N WIXSI.OH- Helix, stop st the Hotel Helix Hood neals ' Rrsdns e optician I ""d Kowl scrvlc. B. B. Richards, proprietor The only com- I - - ffi?'clS,t,C"sffr dooS ' FRATERNAL ORDERS. K,e,on, Pe'" 'jee -'char lAa PtmlMtlon and consultation, j l.Dow block, at PendWon. Ore. 1l w TH0U5ANDS0F ELKS GRAND LODGE WILL MEET TOMORROW AT BALTIMORE Convention Promises to Be the Great est In the History of the Order Twenty-Fve Elks' Bands Will Com pete for Cash Prizes Excursions on the Side. Fletiber. K K. 8.: W. 1 Keyes."c C. DENTISTS. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. A' HAN M..MIM. ill 1 111. vr.l! ramnmnv, ' if illtu- l'lione. lea i 1 Vi. .. i i ."""-'i w" '"i i 1UW DLNTIST. OKI CH IN AS- IjiiuD Wick, iver Schmidt's new drag I'lionc red -.1 street aient cal It you need help or seek employ II on us. Thone Main 1011 MISCELLANEOUS. BANKS AND BROKERS. . rEWIXO AND DRF.SSMAKIN'0, MI33 JE5S1E ! Jones, 1015 Franklin St., Cor, E. Railroad iit.ivii. mvv rip atiipvs I FOR RltST FrJK.N'lSHF.n nnnv rne i.irsHT a laiil'nl J5li,mi(l; kurplus and! housekeeping, alo one 1 room and one l cooii 1 .... . .,.,. t ,. rOOm home far rPMt. M.flin rnMMAn rnafni , wwr,Kii ia ' r-u and domestic exchange. - rapf y nttenoeu to. Henry ksei p " ion- r J Kira, vice-prea- room houe ior rent. Marlin Common. .'.09 f a. i lege Street. THE WAY WE DO IT FOR .-ale-boiler axii i-HoiiSEPOWER ! Jjnprssc-s most people with tho Idea , ertical high si.ed engine Also a 40-llght n ti , CI til -l U1KI1 FIX tuiiin , i .u eip, -.t,.i, .ti V. . :"'! " ments For psrticulari, call on or address FAi.SII.IiS HANK OP TYK5TOX. i K,SE- Bo1 !7il' I'''"''''''-''- Or H j I)of n general bank-' u v f vnnvri triu piv mrnw it. Is !:xbant-e U.u.ht and sold., tentmntn.i oIki , a i,nu rp' y attended to. It. Jam- ' refImdentc solicited, Commi-slon reonable ic ''eorge l'roebstel, p. 0, i!OX ;t, . i-nuitton It Kilgi'rc. cashier. ' - , 'hr man. M M. Johns. T. I DIVORCE IAvgpTKR WEST: ADVICE i -.nv J 1 Ullcore, Hob- iree. Iee, ten to suit i 26 years" experience. i I'n-ebstel. OffeefKiS'iardeii St., I'tndleton, Oregon. . ' s-ji r ton i' j.-on Organized .March 1, i r A XTRTD TC T.Tr.T SAVINGS rtAXK, Organized .March 1. J'uti oiio . surplus. $100,- I Ml ' -il on nil time deposits. ' c "iTTJ C A W A V aid sold on all principal LjOiiNLr AWAI He will be here ail summer so come in anv time and have vour picture taken. Stamp Photos i Wagons only 25 cents a dozen. A large wheels at prices that are right variety of harvest views, also a 1 NEAGLE BROS. "entlou given to col 1 ' nlsli, president : J N. T J Morris, cashier: slant 'ashler. U HANK 01 I'HNHLU "o KM) Hurplii!.. ?!i,,0i)0; f i ts a gent-a banking business. Hx- aiirt eii-raphlc truusfers s-old on Mic Francisco, New Y'ork and " '1 in 'he Xortliweot. Drafts wL 110 J. ,itn and I'unine Makes 'naoie terius. j.eri An if W I' Mntb'tk. vlce-nrea 11 1 I- ashler , II I. Johnson, pCWTECTS AND BUILDERS. that we have the Implements and the "know how" when It comes to put ting a new tire on a carriage or wagon wheel. Same thing applies to every reature of carriage ami wagon re pairing repainting, revarnishing, re upholstering and generally making the vehicle look as good as new. Your I orders, please. Our new hydraulic tire setting ma chine does away with tlie old method It thickens the Iron instead of burn ing the wood. We do not split tho wood in getting off tho the. and we do it while you wait. Last longer than the old way. Call and look at it work. Hacks. Buggies and Winona Anything that runs on big line of Indian photos. 'Cab inet photos only $3.50 a dozen. We have the Stover Gasoline Engine Ilaltlmoro. Md.. Julv 2ti. -Uiiltlmoiu Is overrun with Klks, who luivo come acre to attend the annual convention of the grand lodge of tho Heuovulcnt and l'roteetlvo Order of HIks, which will open tomorrow. The convention promises to be the greatest In the his tory of the order. The Western dele gations have all arrived, the last reaching here Ibis afternoon. Among the visitors are large numbers from Chicago, Detroit. New Orleans. Mln neapolls, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco. The delegntes from Xcw York, Philadelphia, Washington and the South are expected to put In an appearance this evening ami to morrow morning before the sessions begin. All of the prominent hotels are decorated beautifully with Hags and bunting, and the Klks1 hall, Ford's opera house, where the ses sions are to be held, and the Carroll- ton Hotel, which has been chosen as headquarters of the grand lodge, will be ablaze tonight with the richest and most elaborate kind of electrical decorations. The grand lodge will convene at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, Joseph T Fanning, of Indianapolis, Is an avowed candidate for I he olllce of grand exalted ruler, and It seems to be the general opinion that he will be chosen without opposition to succeed the present grand exalted ruler, George 1'. Cronk, of Omaha. The greater pari of tho business of the convention will be transacted tomor row, so as to leave the remainder of the week tree for the festivities, of which an elaborate program has lieen ai ranged. Great Band Contest, It is expected that the band con test will be one of the leading feat ures of the convention. It will bo held Wednesday In Kleclrlc l'nrk, and the participants will include Klks' bands from more thnu L'fi cities of the country. To the winners of the contest $2,000 will be distributed In prizes. Another great feature will be the street parade Thursday. An other great occasion will be the day at Tolchester lleach, or more appro priately termed Crab Hay. A con tract lias been signed with an Ann apolis linn to have fio.uoo live crabs landed on the beach the evening pre ceding the feast. The entire beach and a number of bonis have been chartered for the day and no one ex cept those wealing the IJIk badge will be permitted on the shore Friday will be given to excursions to Gettys burg and Pen-Mar. and Saturday will be termed Washington day, when It Is expected that thousands of too vis itors will visit the capital city. O SPICES, o COFFEE.TEA, BAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS AsHtlultPttrify, Finest Flavor, Ortaltjl' Sf renj. h, foMo.Yo.bk Prices. CLOSSET ft DEVERS DnoTi anin. nornnM. V- j HOTELS- HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pend.eto nd as Rood as any. LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money DOORS WINDOWS B t: i Id i 11 g paper lime cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House rr tttji NTIIU'TOH AND HL'IL v oi k figured on Job i y work guaranteed i MH IIITHCT ANI SC i. ikes 'omplete and rell lugs hi the ilty or coun . .dd building 'l'lif-ulil rcllulile J'holoumtrijcr e ' duor to the t"st Oregoulun ortk-e COMMERCIAL STABLES G. M. FR00ME. PROPRIETOR. the most dreaded and deadly of all diseases, as well as pneumonia, and all Lung Troubles aro relieved at innrp nnrt nnrorl hv AnVor'a T-"ni,ltah jltemedy "the king of all Cough Cures.'-1 Cures cougbs and colds In a day, 25 , cents, xour money oacic II aissaus fled. Write for free sample. W. H. ' looker & Co., DufXalo, N. Y. F. W, i ichmldt & Co. f'airvnlls tor nicnlc nartles. Good if.K k ('111 I'iVPlf wrm.; tvn I ...llv. nnmnatatit rlrlverK for i. j .... u. --- , icamr ,,,ni w..m'v-.m 111 - 1 Inulri ftiMtlultufl i,n r.hnrt ,, n....!.. l..cf.c onrl i iv a- , 17 T... I,;..; commercial ineu. apvcuj b Vnenr' Main' I handsome rigs for evening and Sun- H ..NTijAf-roi!-Avn-mtir.n. ! ua u,nes .ue""e i '.rnl.iiV i n .it kinrT. I use. Stock Uoaraeo at reasuuauie M3-r ruonr u-niL- ,,ii ramc nost nr carp ziven to transient I.asr Oreirimlnn nfflpp. . i. r,nnncltn Ttnlol Ppnillptnn IbLUtlv uvoi w Phone Main 101. t .iiniu AHC'IinTCT AND. ' entk- Uooui 7. over llostou 1 ''-ft ie jii Oregon , .1 w 11 I'T lTi-i,ivr- vi, r-i-. Ft Ifi- T.t-nt u-fltL-u a B,.,.lall r fa. :iwl frua IV, .1. .n,nHun,a. T.auiey & Zehner's O. box 104. uar Conrad Platzoeder 30T AND SHOE REPAIRING. ' ' Till OLD Itr.LIAliLI k I lutx repairing with p ID rear of Dlndlnger SECOND HAND DEALERS. i t t t All kinds of Freili Meats always on hand Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. I'll si'.-d ''I AI.LI! IN SH D ' 'here Is anything you J Prices as low as the lowest t I- Van , tua "ond baud furniture. ! I It ., . r?r Ra,i cockery. call and ' ' LLl - I l v ' " v -1- Court street. i . GRAIN WILL BURN j Wc Can Mend It We have purchased the Wlthee liicycle and Repair Shop and are prepared to make quick re pairs and guarantee our work. We repair bicycles, sewing ma. chines and other light machin ery; do brazing and other re pairing. Wo am agents for three makes of wheels that have met the test and proved their worth. They are THE RACYCLE, THE HILLCLIMBER, and THE CRAWFORD. If you aro going to buy a wheel, come around and look at our wheels before you pur base your wheel. and Si;C0N'I HAND GOODS " e ' kinds nt ,hm.. 'uiri 'f'l'! Cottonwood -u-eet. J0NSORIAL PARLORS. h nm5S',J.. !'AHIli:it SHOP AND jeorge. rirst-ciaes ., .Man ' Heel st s-r - tiy SAN IT ' bluk IJAlllir.ll B11U1-. HI!- Olirt afreet ; lwr work. ..'..'he mrdern ImnrnrementH ! t. w'"ed, bath rooms In con- (inrrian & Edmisten Iusnrt witli u. Hbnfi.jjjii 311 east court street. Life is Uncertain He is Agent ior me Penn Mutual t f t -cbs"an D CARRIAGES. See his list of bargains in Keal t Estate, exi to oaviuso f.1.,-."-'NE. KliWIV nit-en imnii trett ''l Office and waitlu, next to Savings Han Farmers Custom Mill "-? Fred Walters, Proprietor AND FEED STABLES. " Canacltv 150 barrels a day fi uvi L5?- frvSZto.tS ! Flour, Mill Fwd, .o?Pe.l THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Hear this In mind when you need noubry atid stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry and Stock tood. Use Kuw Kurc for your cow trou bles. C. F. Colesworthy j 127. i2Q East Alta St. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer Winnipeg's Exposition. Winnipeg, Man., July 20.- Wltini ptg'.s thirteenth Industrial exposition opened today and will continue through the week. The general edi tions that are being held today throughout the province militated somewhat against the atleudance. at the opening, but It expected thut this will be more than compensated for by unusually large crowdH through the rest of the week. In many re spects tho exposition eclipses all pre vious a II a I is of the kind held here, the display of agricultural ami dairy products being particularly large anil representullve of the funning Indus try of .Manitoba. COE COMMISSION CO. Incorporated. Minticupoh-,, ChUu;i and Now oik ! Grain and Stocks j N. H.-H you lmo tu ojhju trnitp 01 account 1th tu, jou can opuratt Hg n tn M It lu any of our ltOolllcoi j WHEAT CORN AND OATS ! Stocks, Bonds and Negotiable Collateral We charge no Interest lor carrying lonj stocks. MARGINS: lo Bushel on Grain; $2 a Share on Stocks Itelrrtiices: lus national and stale hank, I'rlvnto wires to alll calling cichangei and to 87 leading towns ol tho northwest, (leneral olllres, llsnk ol Commerce llulldlng Mliiueni'O II,, Minn. PENDLETON OFFICE, 20 COURT HTnOT The Hold Pendleton has just been refit led and refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with nil rooms. Uaths in suites and single rocms. Headquarters for Traveling Met Gommodions Samplo Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Hpeelnl rates by week or mouth Kxcellent Cuisine. Prompt Dlulngrooiu service, liar and billiard room lnconnootloa Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL t'ornir Court and Johnson Streets, lVndlelon, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. 'Mi Eastern Chess Tourney. Oneida Lake, ,N. Y., July o. - Lead ing chess expel Is of the Middle and New Knglaud stales are gathered at Sylvan lleach lor their midsummer tournament, which was formally opened today and will continue until Saturday. Intcicsl this year centers principally In the competition in be held for Ihn first time for the Isaac I.. Itlce, silver trophy. The trophy shall become the property of the or ganization whose icprc scnlntlvcH shall win it three tluu-s Mokl Tea positively cures Sick Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion. A delightful herb drink. He moves all eruptions of tho skin, pro ducing a perfect complexion or money refunded. 25c and COc. Write to us for free sample. XV. II. Ilookor & Co., Iluffalo, N. Y. I W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. Secretary Pierce's Trip. Washington. I). (' , July i II Is denied In olllclal elides that the trip of Third Assistant Secretary of Slate Pierce, who lemon today for Ktissia, Is fur the purpose of piKHoiitiug the Klshlncff petition to the (v.ar. Mr. Plerco was formerly llrst secretary "f the United Stales embassy at St Pe tersburg, and while II Is admitted that he Is eminently qualified to per ioi in even so delicate u diplomat!! task as the presentation of the ninth talked of petition. It Is authoritative ly stated that the only object of Ills trip abroad Is to take a much needed vacation. He will renew old acquaint ances at St Pelersburg. and Hidden tally make an Inspection of some of the I'nlttd States legations lu Ku rope ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure dyspopsln and all disorders aris ing from Indigestion. Kndorsod by ihyslclans everywhere Sold by all druggists. No cure, no pay. 25 eonts. Trial package frco by writing to W. II. Ilookor & Co., Huffnlo, N. Y. V. XV. Schmidt & Co. ALL TIRED OUT. TO HEATED II Y STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTI1ICITY Tiled all Hie lime. Woai y ami worn out night and day Hack aches; side aches All on account of the kidneys. Must help them nl ihelr woik A Pendleton woman shows you how Mrs. Kred Noble, who lives ut 111!) Cosble stieel, says: "I was troubled for thteo or four years with my back and kidneys, and was oppiessed with a Hied leellng (he whole lime My back commenced to ache whenever I did I he least amount of work mound llio house that compelled me lo lift anything or stoop over. The kidneys were It regular and annoyed me espc dally If I caught cold. I Telt sleepy or diowsy all the time I used many dlffeieiit medicines, noiir- of which helped my, and some of which did not. 1 saw Doan's Kidney Pills so highly recommended that I went lo the lliock & McCoiiiiih Co. drug store and got a box. They helped me from the first and did me more good than unylhliig of Hie kind 1 had ever used. I am feeling heller since the treat ment Ihau I had In a long, long time heroic, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills." Kor sale by all dealers Price 60 cents per box. l-'osler-MIHinrn Co., Iluffalo, N. Y-, solo agents for tho United Slates Hemoiuber the name DOAN'S ami take no other American Plan, i-iitex ?l ,'Jf( to SM.OO pei'iliir, I'lii'iipeiui nun, iIOii. 7fto, 9I.1MI. Special niti-H hy week or mouth Free 'bus meets all tralnsl Commercial trade solicited I'lue sample rooms Special Attention (liven Country TratJ MOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBH STS, I . (7E0. DAHVEAU. Prop. j Elegantly Furnished Steam Hen ted liuropcan Plan. Illock and a hall from depot; .Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75c, $1,09 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON Amnion flsu, ti per day and upwti. HcaiUjuailets for touilsts and couimcrclsl Irs, clcrs. h,clat rates madr to families aud stogU Kcntlriiirii The iiianaucmcut will be pirated at all times lo show rooms and girt prices. A modern Turkish hathestablMiuicutlu the hotel. II C HOWI(KH,Manaer. , j. . islr i lie in ' SOLD Mnrmon Blahon tltur I, s lit! ll.wr I It,,', rl . t'llla I'kVt, Urn 111 una uverW.cais tiy lltw lrulttut IIim U.r,.is I ll,,Tl,7 .VIM ... JVHM . , v- Impotoncy, Loat Power, Hluht-l-osses. BpermHtorrnooii Tns In Buck, Evil Dealros, Seminal Emissions, Lama Bonk, Nor Headacha, Unfitness to Murr,Loaof Somen, aswasj Varloi Lollda, l.i'-i iwii.iii . lii.; Ii i. IJ. ltfqtilr4iouilnt,arurl.slliai,'l.ll ,fc?i?i obtiitr tiiti r, ., tm,M iM 'iitlon.tfieuaMsbrrliirciuv'uokliitt'. Curat) Lost i-lunh aumniiit r noui Deb rlnnnnrA. nr Cnn s, Stops Nrv Irf If out Twitching of t aim in ( irciiiar ir. AaareftSi Biftnop Memeay vo.i aim rrnnaisoo, vm BY TAULMAN A CO., DRU QQI8T8, PENDLETON, OREGON.