DAILY EAST ORECONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 20, 1903. eat July Skirt Sale ..... i4Q SKIRTS left that must be drr.,t -to mane iuu... .w. 6 ,i aim vinierstcck soon Eupped. Weao noiwani io carry over a single skirt W't' . ..oc nn tnnm that will mit tU. .... . nai pi"-" - "iciii move, what '' . .,,,r rain and it vou are a umc v..... Pf-n.. pvctv item below and then act at nr. ijeiunj READ ON hllouri3 h" ol $10.00 '2 ' " 9.50 ioo n i. 3,00 9-00 " " ' 7.25 oo " " ' 6.40 7 5.50 6 00 4.75 5 0 " 3.90 4 00 " " ' 2.95 ijo " 2.75 3-o 2.10 2 50 1.90 2 00 .. .. , 1,45 U will last just 10 Days from Thursday, JULY 16th. to oaiuruay iiit;m, dum ZOID, DC DT1 nDDADfriWDXTm omnrm 0 DIM UM AlUiUDlU OiUnH Cor. Main and Alta Streets. jjllEF NEWS NOTES. new game at Fra- books just arrived at Fra- wanted at the Domestic CRIP NOTES fcnOP IN MOST RTS OF THE COUNTY. i:e Undetermined and Un. brat Yields This liclated and Exceptional little More Raised Than Supply the Local De les! Is on and the barley to come into the ware- the mills, but as yet there Castled for fresh flslt. Fresh fruits at Kemler's. $50 given away. See page 4. Try The Delta's Iced drinks. See Sharp for paper hanging. Fresh fruit dally at Martin's. Delicious Ice cream. The Delta. Fresh ranch egss at Kemler's. Smokers' supplies at Neuman's. See Sharp's artistic wall paper. Dining tables ta and up. Rader's. For the best bread, get Hohrman's, Hlaekberries by the crato at Ken ler s. "Flinch," the tier's. Now tier's. Ironers Laundry. N'o extra charge for tabulator on me underwood. Raspberries, fresh, firm and dell clous at Oliver's. Wanted Machinist and moulder at Rigby-Clove Foundry. Ciirrants from the Palouse, best In tne market, at Oliver's. Don't fail to read the Underwood typewriter ad hi this issue. Look up the offer In the St Joe btores ad. It will pay you. " 1 Try the Palm, 221 Court street, places, and will be the except'on and I for mlts' candlcs and fnllts not the rule. " I U C Hader about that ?50 worth of The local brewery will use on an j furnlture he 8 siWug away, average about 2,500 sacks of malt I Received dally, fresh tamales, barley, and there' are other breweries I rrabs and crawfish at Gratz's. in the county that will use nearly as i Forty different styles of extension much, but the whole crop of this I '.ibles from 5 to $30. Rader's. Best stock ranches In Camas Pra irie. l0 to 1,000 acres. Wade. Tents, camp stoves, camp stools, etc.. at Rader's Furniture store. New patterns, new styles, new hammocks, 30c to $3.05. Nolf's. MI Preferlda, the best cigar made, at Rees' cigar store. Court street. The concert at Thcrkelsen's piano house tonight will be a great treat. The St. Joe Store is making u spe cial offer. See their advertisement. All kinds of Imported and domestic ainclies and clam chowder at Gratz's. Don't let cigars get the best of you Hanlon's. $130 Dry year will not much more than simnK- the local demand. But as a matter of I fact, the county does not much more 1 than raise enough of the grain to sup- Year i 1 ' uuiue ueiuanu, tor in tne best ..cm mcic i ueter more man -iu.vtiu J or 43,000 bushels shipped out of the I county for foreign consumption. Out ! side of the brewing barley used all the rest Is used for feed, and there is not much more thau to last through the year. The barley crop Is a new thing, comparatively In this county, or at , nrie made for this sea-1 least it Is only In late years that It in the market renorts. and has assumed a place among the Im- . - . ... - 1IUI 1 ire spring 011 iae imuru 1 i"""-.n ui it- muuij. n . ,ilp w, nf -i,,,., I -ji .1. . ll.la .wn i-rmvti In smnll .,at.V,ne f. 1 "el llle UeSl 01 Cigars. and the grain dealers, i '"any yeais. uut me culture is grow- 7 Ir, ,1 , scale from "0 to SO lns. ana more is raiseu today than "" .- - inn is not fixed and It IB ueiuie, mm in me years io come lnhat 'lit- exact figure will more still will be sown on the lands wnere tne wneat yieiu is iignt, lor at Tii cnts it will be the I was las' .ar, for the fig a; from C3 to 70 cents. kike a g.iod margin, even pat low ef' of the yield.. I tils year will be light In I the county ranging from I'.stit.f in most of the lo- rrgh n some of the bar- it may run near to the ne patch of eight acres f is reported to have raised tnd this is mentioned as a I II for the year though In ! d fields the harvest re show r'.ose to 05 and 70 hs w,M be In a few much of the land that will not yield heavily In wheat will go from 50 to 00 bushels to the acre In bailey. The barley this year is of good quality, but the straw Is short, as Is the case with the wheat, but it Is in most cases long enough to cut, and that is more than can be said of the wheat In the county. Altogether it Is a good ciop and a paying one to those who have raided It. esters' Supplies M' Oacl. if It (Inn't wnl-P that is the cuarantpe arc, I ji our alarm clocks. We Im many varieties, Don't "od gold watch out Jn the We ran bell you a re- peeper In chean case lust I or the harvest Held. If fou are only out a dollar lint can't afford to neglect e have smoked classes. r aaa goggles, We hae fruit jars and fruit jar extras, rubbers, covers, etc. R. Rohr man. See Charles Lane about your paint ing and paper hanging; S07 Vincent street. At and below cost all summer, mil liuery, especially patterns. Mrs. Campbell j Remember the concert at Theikel-1 i-en's Piano House tonight, begins at & o'clock. A very pleasant evening can be i spent at Therkelsen's Piano lloiife. I First Grain Report. j likening to the Apollo. I I. A. Christopher, one of the pro-1 Tnos,e nownK themselves In debt! gressive farmers of Adams, was in t0 p p. collier & Co., will please the city Saturday afternoon transact- sette un y,y tjle frsX uay 0f August 1 ing business in connection with the promptly harvesting of his crop This year Mr.; Kstlnj'a-tt.s glvPI1 011 Bll0rt notlce on Chrlstonher towed eight acres of , . 0 ,,0.,in rii,nrin grounii wiiueisni bucks oiuaw.auu,, Uie ponPBr ,)atcr g07 Vlu the other day he harvested 32j sacks,.,,, ,., ! of good grain fiom the field. There has leen auout j,u"u ouHiit-ib ui uui-, uuuu ii.cc ... .uuhuv. lev thteshed In the vicinity of Adams taken care of. That's tbu kind you so" far this year, and It has averaged get at Houser's, Alta street, opposite from K3 to 7 bushels to the acre. I Savings Bank. Three months instruction given It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse t Short Lines Mini mm k1 Odds and Ends, Broken Sites and THE LAST PAIR Left, just as good as the first pair sold but the prices on these last pairs are radically different Lc t t ; i t 4....4.... ........... -.... ................ xffirdl Ties Men's Canvas Shoes, and Low Shoes in Patent Colt, Velour Colt and Vici Kid All new stylish seasonable goods. WE WILL MAKE THE PRICES RIGHT. Come and see The Peoples Warehouse Outfitters for Hen and Women MANGE NEAR MILTON. Band of Rams All Saved. . absolutely free with every piano we ... if it.., .1,., I .nuilnn ei in auu r.nipiiK nuiiu UUUM-, The big band of bloo leu:neilno Band of Diseased Horses Running at Large in the Lanes. Hudson Ray Farm. July 13. l'J03. (To the Editor) In your dally of July 12 I notice an urtlclo saying lie, ..,,, . rlir.,rt ... Ti,,ii. mange Is u thing of the past, as that , , .,. .. toiilulit. by tho where sound horses nro kept on tho Inside1, mid in time arc likely to cause great damago. They should bo look ed nflor. RtsHpeclfully, W. S. (lOOD.MAN. rams that were taken to the .Montana , i.,i. i l.ost un joaiibuii Biivei, ue.ii range by Charles Cunningham In tb or (i )HSt ( I priv nnri oi the summer, were an,, . T..-. 1 early pari oi u e nuuimei - : ,.. a I)0cketbook. Reurn to Ka saved by the neroers anu mi 0reBOnJau offlte alu, ri;reive reward, j weathered the heavy storm about , a j Jur sweetn06S. richness, pow er, flnging quality and evenness are the egsentlal cpjalitles of a perfect tone. The Kimball piano possesses , them all In the fullest degioe. Inland Kmpiie Piano Houhh, 101 Main street. mnnii. iien that swent over the Mon tana country and did so much dam age to the stock of that section. It i ii,o intention of the owner to sell from the range to those iIiartment is thoroughly who are seeking the host blood that our work guaranteed, can be found for tne impra i , Arm Cut wlth Gass. their llocks. As ,,ral)K Fllgit- 0I)(. , ,he Kast Ore head o rams and as they are B0I1 (,(rI.lf,r V,-,, was ,JllUe severely blooded mer uo . a small fortune , reaMuK represented In the tlocK. , window pane. Sun day. A gash one ami a half Inchon in length was made just above the right elbow, and while It is very painful, H ' Ik not necessarily dangerous. 1 disease bus been stamped out In this county except cm the reservation. Knowing the above statement to be a mistake. I take this opportunity ol setting you light. Along tne coun ty road in the lanes between this place and Milton, Or., there Is and has been since early spring, ii num ber of scabby or mangy horses being in what I consider Its worst stages. They feed along In the lanes and rub themselves on pasture fences, Introducing Chicago Mandolin Club, NZIKER THE LER and OPTICIAN The Chicago .Mandolin Club will en tertain vou this evening ai sen's Piano House, tend. Re sure to at- r W of I'ftin Soap y "Morttt-ity iPr!Jtee'i of pane, 50c r"! iHUtern. 25c "se. per pouud 5C lit .-,,,. . . .. i iw."." balk or "J'ttmoflng dirt 5c Sewing Machine Oil tKrm olt for Root Beer Viti dellcio-.i, f '" t n . Mllh Nut UrenliiK Ice Cream o,,'r ice cre.D. n superior r'lcle tor 10c 5c 10c Brown's Tree Soap ZSSVT'4 11 klodi from lour roie tMh 1 cake tnouitli for n on liira OEPPEN'S DRUG STORE ""troiiiMBliihtreet towurd the Court "" 25c Furnish Warehouse Empty, The Furnish warehouse handled about a inilllon and a half pounds of wool this season. Of that amount 1.250,'iiK) pounds have been baled for shipment and the other 250,000 pounds have been used by the Pen dleton mills. The footings woie made this afternoon and at this time all of the wool In tlm warehouse baH been disposed of and the place made ready for the grain crop that will begin to come into the town In tho next week or so. Most of tho wool that was sold was sent to the Kastern mills. Pairs of New Dr. Kirby's New Office, j Ur K. (. Klrby has nuned his oftlce into room 15. of tho Juan building, one of the rooms formerly occupied by Mr. Judd. He has fitted up ele gant quarters and would be pleased , to have his friends remember the change You are invited to attend tho con cert at Therkelseu's Piano House tonight Douglas Sloes A Mistake In shipping our older recently from a large Kastern toilet paper fac tory, an error was mado and a much higher grade pupcr wuh sent a (lno tissue worth l'JK-c-' a roll. Rather then tecall the shipment tho factory turn ed over tho entire shipment to us nt I the pilco of u cheaper grade. Nothing llko It has ever been sold l In this city. (i!0 .. of Medicated Paper ) Three rolls for 25c. THE NOLF STORE : SCHOOL AND OFFICE 8UPPLIE8, , I Insurance at Cost I Do you want to see them? Glad to show them Boston Store $13,450,900.00 Of Insurance In force OREGON FIRE RELIEF A8- 60CIATION. M. H. RICE, Froowator, I Agent for Umatilla County. J. P. WALKER, city agent for J i'enuieton. St. GEORGE Restaurant Dinner Twonty-llvu Cunts Prom II 30 11. 111, to 7 p. 111. Short orduru u spuciality Quick, (iOtirtoouH Service Open all Day and Night T. A. Oldfather, Prop. I A Nice, Jtticy Steak iu hint llio thing tliia woatlior. It iu too liol to rouHt or boil meat IfOull or phone MIESCKE K. Court Phone Red 21 1 nIIKIlUKKN HOT HI. Clu I iiiinlortublo riHinii iiom 1 ' cettlt ut. Newlr luriilalmd throughout, ilurvu Chop lluuie In uouiKictloii. li:l ll liuiira. Only wlilts licl. m. ployed, (live ui it trial i ; t t i t